khk obokoetown hekald wednesday evenlnc march 12 1i2 pav tie bruce harding rftsite mmtm 8l ttomlk lirull if mis margaret bradley harding pianist teacher ta4w msja 8u 8qui phonk 4s martt la omrfatawn ulaalvaly t silvers farm news us hog embargo serious situation the brief announcement mode by the hon j g gardiner early last week with rjipct to thl burned bite change in hog marketing reg illation hat tho general public pretty badly confused afr the out act the whole act up look stnwy however we know from our year at experience lhit no totrmmnt would make uih a change unless their hands were forced by cmcr sen condition this has been con firmed by a brief teli phone con vernation v e had with a senior livestock official of the canada de portment of agriculture in brief the sudden change of klicy ls ncc- eultated by the fact tint our stor ages ocrons cur adi arc just about filled to capacity the hog market ings since last fill hac ixcn ab normally heavy ranging up to 130 000 hogs per wetk notnith standing increased domestic con sumption as a result of lower pork prices a surplus of pork products has built up with no rxjort to the unhunl klnrdom and slightly less than 22 million jwmnds e xior ted to united states in 1051 and then to have an embargo vlamped down by united states as a result of the outbreak of root and mouth dsease in western canada it does present a critical condtlon it was the opinion of the official contacted that the situation would rectify it self within a few weeks apparent ly by raising the weight range of grade a hogs 10 lbs and in the case of ii hogs the old range was 135 to 175 lbs now 11 hogs m ty weigh 150 lbs dressed weight ond up it is the hope and exyxvtation that hog marketings will bo tem porarily reducexi thus proiding time to get some of the product moved out of storage wt also learned that normally the amount of fat on a hog carnss averages around 10 lbs in recent months it alas risen to an avenge of 25 lbs per carcass with prictic- ally nil of the fat joing into i ml it has resulted in an accumulation of lard which nil jwickt rs nre find ing it difficult to market it is our understanding that ono pound of fat witl make fourfifths of a pound of lard due to the lack of storage space packers are roported to be offering lard to the trade at prices ranging fromhr to be per lb in iew of the fact that the floor rec ently established is 26c per lb dressed weight for bogs in toronto one docs not need to be much of a mathematician to realize that iflut which costs 200 iper lb and then is converted into inrdwhlch whole sales at 8c per lb is not a profitable business all of this reacts on the hog industry and frankly the pic ture and immediate future is not ery bright it is our opinion that grain and feed prices must bo brought into line just how soon that can- be done wo do notknow 7 but in the meantime- it looks like a eotehohtteriulhtjrn hu fceltand hamslnfle jouronly purpose in presenting some ofjbese facts is to indicate that the change in welflht ramies for crude a and b hofl would not ancear to bo a chongejn dcaninlon3 temporary move necessitated bynn l situation shows florida trip pictures to night school the rqguw monthly meeting of the georgetown womens institute was held in the basement of the presbyterian church on wedneeday evening march 5th alrvlgta oclock with the president mrs seward wilson in the cneir the meeting opened with the singing of the inetiuiie code followed by the mary stewart collect the foil roll a handicraft which may add to our income wu well responded to most of the mem bers mentioning knlttiegor croch eting as a possible means com munications were read and dealt with h was decided to send v 00 to the hal tun mifiacal festival and 15 00 to tllgti school prize for contfninoement also received invi tation from silverwood institute to attend birthday euchre at stewart t own on ma rch 281 h an appeal wtu tnude tfur used clothing jor crippled civilians articles to be left us usual at mrs snyder or mrs ilallaiitine us per ad to be found in another column of tills paper mrs john meclure dt lighted the audience with two solo when irish ryts are smiling and kwji if oping accompanied by mrs it i paul mrs if c ilailey read some e ur rent ev ents which proved v ry interesting she also brought more the meeting th eontemplated re- mod tiling of the library and asked for wi interest and support in tills worthy project the topic for the month wai can adian industrlen and agriculture with mrs w t sinclair and mrs herb cleave a- conveners the motto ajiropriately enough was motht r nature and the worm mrs w t sinclair rtud parts of the ur tide a garden in your mailbox found in the currt nt issue of mc ia in magazine ltaling with do minion seed and its rare seeds she then introduced mr kred ilelson who khowini pictures of a horida trip and pictures he uai able to scout news plana are already being laid for the scout and cub camps this sum mer it u suggested that every cub and scout endeavour to oaro- ilte his uniform before camp time if you start now you can earn your own by doing odd jobs try it regular cub rack meetings are being held weekly under the able leadership of the following leap ing wolves pack don hutchinson and jim beck eagles fred master- man and bill hordman little uea- vers doif livingston and paul prux tho senior scouts me at the st john parsonage for a perfod of badge study slarrnrni badges were awarded to cora id scott and doug tucket who hjd pawed their teat under mr a llaxter supervision curpentcr budge wore awarded to ion uvtjigitoiu- and ion sexidon for work done the regular sequt troop now has a wultlng list of boys v ito wujl to enter scouting there ure some of tiie leaping wolves reudy for pro motion to scouts the m will be n exjvcel uj toon as sm j teg llruum ht ad feels that the troop can ji eomrnodate hit mi annual regurtrullon tunc it again here it la required dial nry i ut aiml scout rtklattr with lit adiuar tt n tlie rtglstration fee is 2c fur c ubi ai h 50c for scouts scout i uiui cuos sliould give thilr rtgiilra obtain of the hoyai tour tliesc were accompanied by an interritlng commtntary given by mr lit ison during the ihowing of tle tileiurea which was enjoyed etjually ai ninth as the beautiful pktures mrs george campbell moved a vote of thank j to mrs meclure mr llttson and the committee for making the tv6ning so tiijoyublt the meeting closed with the ringing of gsjd save the qui n af tt r w hit h a dainty hint h uj se r- ved tion fees to their leaders as soon as possible a number of senior scouts spent a period of study and testing at the home of frank wjiitmee these were scouts interested in passing their electrician s badge some have completed the worst and oth ers will aoon do ao fakm news milton night school ends good season tuesday of jast week brought to a close tht seroiid annual com munity night schoor season the ctuilripan a t woodiry reports an average atlrndancv of 77 5 mt ctnt or in other words out of the enrolment of 54v the average attendance per night duriiyt the aeasun was j5fi we also irrneu uiat 68 per tent of the enrolment t was from uie rural parts of the county while sz ier cent was urban while milton ladles mude up the major jkirtton of tiie urbanltes oeorgtrlown liurllngton jiroite and aeton were also rtnreentexl on tuesday evening wht n we vlsltel the mvcn dllterent bulldlngi acut tertxi orr tlie county town in which the various tlusst wire hou ed t veryone ctntacted setvned blglijy eiellghtei with th lr rtifc- llve course and were ulrtady talk ing of plans fur the 1u52 season prevtmt md eliminate mastitis vfrobln par wkatow lye af mitaii bsmm hv4 vtuu waayea mmi b ouatajmid k nrty bougies uon rtunii nui ws balunafad mrs d j sinclair visited lait week with mr win mckay in toronto mrs y pe tt ri of jeorgt town who li recovtrlng from a major op eration spent inst week with mrs j klrkwcod s llallinafud wt re dt fratti in txijh games of their two garm writs wltli c annlngton last wet k tlie last game wni playrt under irttelt as cannlngton had reorg inliti th lr livim for tht pliyolts recruiting ex- nleiued play rs from other uuns witfi only three of the original j pltylng tanta to mutt twik a wva n4t ruiit toi0iit la milk ysiy s itt mo waiti mti la k aat 04v m aaly was tjraa mvalas the yp p- fltrlrf by vatarl- iisrism tsiatmints por all mastitis infections viouh wmkhiih souoio aviuw u sewfjnm mm 1000 m toooo ut ims 1a otmattah govaut rru pwiuuii a 4 triala ip vou mm an ointmint fmlry vuoto akuite m ffl ii into o laiiti i l mmf atatfc toam mikc iis rout ahimal hi allh mlttt ms mdn h m mft w inp to m4m fnv- to ttmm kentners drug store phone 72w main street i c a i vm pkmmmiimttutt salsajg ew maid siisj vuk aor vmtmhmmy lapaiy oaartssaaf adopt the purina plan- n ft- pays off un profitable production you 11 be more than plcied with the results that you get from purina poul try chowsand it is the remits that count the wide variety of purim c how enables you to adopt a feeding plan baed on your grain supply or the market situ ation if you have plenty of grain on hand purina concrntraies will give that neccsiry balance to your ration for those extra profit t ggs if you re short of gnih or prefer a reidymixcd ration purina s complete feeds will give the kind of results that you want too the right start is mighty important for those chitks of yours for tile influence of the suirt lasts long past the st trt- ing period it takes only 2 lbs of chick btartena per thick to get them nwiiy to n flying start that a real feed economy no doubt you know many people who follow the purina plan for profitable production with their live stock and poultry one of he big reasons for the successful results they obtain from purina chows is the 55 years of prac tical experience behind them another big reason is 26 years of practical research tor instance this cars chick startena is based on the results of no less than 1028 practical feeding teats for your convenience n complete line of purina chows and sanitation products will be handled from now on by milton district cooperative no programme of rood breeding sound management and good feeding will ever be sue ccssful unless careful sanitation practice accompanies it your purina dealer has the answer to many common live stock and poultiy problems right on his shelf and these products are all purina proven are you interested in turkeys well as you probably know tho purjnq illiic includes turkcv rations too built to give the right start fast meaty growth and just thojright amount of finish whether you favor a mashondsrafn plan or a com plete feed plan for your flock pur ina has a plan to fit your neeflj como in and talk it ovof tho purina turkey programme be gins with turkey srtcna jsk any turkey raiser who has fed it about the results it gives xl turlna sou and pig chou with jour ground mixed grain makes a real mllkmakc r unci pikbuilder it s recommended for iows fiom breeding through to u tailing for pigs right up to 100125 lbs aftor that purina i lor chou with you grain speeds up growth and haves grain geli hogs away to market sooner or cheaper help jour herd produce more milk over n longer milking life on tho puflna dairy program sne time oik and moiu raise better calves on purina cnlf startena rebuild the milker and condition the spring ing heifer with purina dry and r reshening chow balance your grain keep up the milk flow and the cow with purina cow chow talk tho programme over with your purina dealer today here are some of tho purina sani tation pioducts which will help ou to cut down losses step up profits purina checkrtwbi 1 tab to eachquart of drinking wu tor- helps prevent spread of disease among chicks purina roost faint r pain ted on roosts before roosting timo kills lice on poultry purtna disin fectant all purpose disinfectant for farm and homo highly effec tive for making up a rinse for milk utensils a wash for udders a du- i nice tan l solution for brooder houses 1 see your m1b1ua mai mfttoidistrkt cflop purina pealtr phone 86 georgetown vrflsl txstyfev noljtocrllw to your load