she gkosuwtown hkkauv wednesday evsnlnft march 26 ragk rautrnm v am lets talk it over would you u able to replace your home if ire ruined it hove you really enough fire insur ance to cover its present value as well as all the contents if you have any doubts ask our ad- vice theres flo charge or obligation whatever elmer c thompson insurance service john k babhea v tltrmrj b c thompson will stajm phone 118 halton angus grand champ ast toronto bswtoltw ol kawen 13th brad by dr wm p jsrjies of maiden farm naax hornby itau flrat in his clsak and grand chmnptan of th anfitf classes at the sacent beef bull anew aale in toronto- fated and by jam mckay manajer maiden famn this youns herd broucht u000 at the sale fol- lowinje the abow being vurchaaed byliarvry blarkbum of uxbrldfev bandolier of maiden id a grandson i bandolier of maple grove uth former noted herd aire owned by lavyll mark this taja bul aired live wrand champion yngus steeds at swlous koyals of whteh champion steers ovcy all brrttfel we extend rumrtieut con gratulations to both dr jurma ami- his manager james mrkuy on uislr ouftjuktiiik aenlevement 1 fa km sklvvk the driven are svtellf the noxl time i go to see 1 unc ed tm ie03i g0ng o e0 on the bus last week grandma and i had a long bus tup and the drivers wcro really swell when wo changed buses the driver helped grandma and me to pick out our new bus and he told her not to worry about anything the new driver was swell too and he told mo he had a little girl hko me at home i qfl sure like going jj on the bus fares are low round trip boston mt8 angeles 0710 st ixuis 19 ji wasmngto j800 surcharge included corner cupboard restaurant phone n i asmi- wrw york amazing growth of maple breeding unit the mil pie cuttle llreedcut elation organied in hma to the holtr in breeder tii county at llie uuttrt had it mem bers at the close of ittm 1u mem bership had ifrown to 4267 ami pro vides service for the counties of dufterln grey halton ontario ivel pesterborougti hbiicoe vk- torla and yot in addition to dis tricts in northi rn ontario in 1145 its stud of hohdcln bulls arllfually bred 7118 cows at the close of 1951 there were 36 bulb in the stud 16 be i n holxtelns 4 jerseys 4 aynhlres 3 guernseys 4 here- fords and 5 shorthorns the total number of rows inseminated during the twelve months ending decern brr 31st 10a i was 10 w4 this was the amazing story revealed by o w keller manager of tiie maple unit at the well attended annual meeting of the ifilton i j rant h held in the court house milton lust friday despite the inflationary trend in the pat sewn years thi service fee ktlll remains at a 00 ikt cow hu h c t n in 1015 wat cons liferctl a low figure tills his only been made posilblc by iik n a- ed olume of hummft coupled with efficient management hie hal ton branch w as organled in im ami here the mcmberlup ha roii from kit to 1j4 in llalton jofill cow s w ere inseminated in lti i an inrrease of 13 mr cent o er ll0 the maple uiit it now an id t largest artlflrial unit thai it hit made a trt me ndoti i ont nbut ion to the tinprot emeiit of tin liv e slot k in the hi rn of ts members i nmplv iitstkntiatfd h tin nthuslasm nf thi nn iiiimts in prat tit illy ewrv herd art if it la ln d helfiis tic now in prod tut ion and with fi w txetitions art primlut inn moit milk and fat than th ir nw during tin hilton met tine fit tinj and wtll desr tribute uis chatting continue d from pitfe toronto and kinsion and know of gcoruetoiwi incidentally wt mitht add 1 little note heie to si the ion stamis are unusually attrittle we were eoinj to attt nipt to describe them to ou but hajjhiicd to read saturday nights stamp column in the tely where they hod a very tiood description of the two nbimps on the airmail u tier frtnu mrs nix on they are the newest stamps issued in ceylon and loth are un usual in treatment desiitn nnd printing uslnj phototfravure the eitei t is very smooth and pleasing particu larly on the 35c star orchid stamp in reen nnd orange the starsha ped flower native to ceylon is pomd ajiaitat the iiiknine moun tain hock the rnly place in ceylon where uiis beautiful species wlill mirvlves the larger stamp 5c green and light groen commemorates ceylons progremi in many spheres agricul ture li indicated by methods of cul tivation and the galoyn dam ma jor irrigation scheme now npproach- mng completion education is hon ored with one of the buildings of the new university at perodmlyo kandy and cornmerce by work in progress on the colombo harbour development scheme r r had a phone call from a lady last monday afternoon who wanted to know how she could pass a little bouquet along a little bltof a thank you which wouldnt quite fit in to the card of thanks cate gory well passing along- a bou quet is always a pleasant act and we assured her we tvfculd be only loo glad to mention it in our col umn seems that iqst sunday morning the 0 oclock mass was cancelled in holy cross church due to the very bad driving condition which prevented fr v j morgan from driving from acton tills nec essitated a lot of phone cells in very short epece of time 4 every catholic home in goongetown the lady whovceucd told us the lone operator on duty wu moat helttful and cooperative and it is to this operator ahe would like to peas al ong her little i tlrifjuil increased costs mean mow insurance protection neew malt sure you are fudy insured walter t evans a co insurance real estate travel its the service that counts laundry call zenith 13600 no toll laundry services kur ley granger and kuth roman afaper menaced by ilobert walker in strangers on a train the suspense drams directed by alfred hitchcock for warner jiroa ieo g carroll and iutrlcla tlltrhcurk are featured n the urn due monday at the itoxy ttieatre paid to llalton l popular inseittlna- tor jack hamilton jack hamil ton stated otic of the maple offi cials is the mott conscientious in- emlnator on our staff krank g stark and rdwln ifar- rop llalton representatives at the maple unit itourd of dirtilora were unanimously reehctetl uiij4 annual the annual meeting of llalton a three dairy herd inprovifnent groups u held in conjunction with the above meeting dr ii i- pat terson dire tor of tlu j- arm kcono- inlch ii ranch of tie ontario de partment of agriculture w as the special sjeaker in this mi lion aa usual dr patterson preseotetl a iutxj of information whirh any lalrman whether in d ii i a work or nut could ill afford to mis in reviewing and interpreting the fig ures of two of halton s three groups dr li tier wn stilted the averuge production und efllrit ncy in the fa i on herds is somewhat higher tlmn the provincial average g w kefycr manager of the map unit uim commented as follows on tho tjuallty of halton herds the av- t rage quality of the dairy herd in this county is better ttuiti in most counties i hue visited otifrs wlio skke on tills excel- l nl prtgram wire as follows dr d c matkoy marble ciutx techni cian utxi dealt with sterility dr wm mitchell of the halton health unit on halton s mastitis control programme james darling ton retiring prcid nl of the maple urn and a k snider secretary- trt asurt r it maph subsidy on farm ponds the halton county council in cooperation with the ontario department of agriculture wjl pay subsidy equal to one half of the cost of construction of approved farm ponds or dug outs up to a maximum of 100 00 on any one pond constructed in 1d32 in order to be eligible for such a grant or subsidy those interested must first apply in tpcrson at the milton office of the ontario dept of agriculture and complete a request for farm pond survey a maximum of twenty applications will be approved in 1052 such applications will be filed in the order received for further details contact the milton office of the ontario department of agriculture halton conservation committee george currie chairman j e whitelock secrets ry r juci licfis d sutulcnt minurnc scjltop from tli cool watrri of cjih1 i ly of irw wonjcilulljr tlciniastr 5eogrmi tells the world jweadtz v tutors to canada uilwayi rtmtmher btr ptcturnqut ihobt lints the tang ofbtt ztstful nortitnt air btr rich rotting farmlands drtnchtd with sun- and lit uvndtrfiilfy than toot 0 so many of jbt good things from this fdfourtd land theabove illustration and text trecroman sdvertisement aow being published by the hpuie of seagram through out the world in latin america asia europe and africa tins is one of a series of advertisements featuring canadian scen and canadian food specialties they are designed to male canada better known throughout the world ami to help our balance of trade by assisting our governments efforts to attract tourists to this great land the house of seagram feels that the boriioa ofjndustry does not terminate at the boundary of its plantsr it hssi broader horiion a farther view a- view dedicated to the development of canadas stature in every land of the globe thejiouse of sedamm taiaiii