1jj- tot wokgnowm wednesday evening may ath uu pao t the a adlet page where buyer an seller meet for sale amicus pob sale sand oravcl top anil end oil bob- mcdonald georgetown 41 r 11 v4 simmons mattress print 5t- led toratngla bed reasonable j jennings brill apt main st mcclahy ranornz fcurner in food working condition c ken jensen new public school the ibm chevrolet in running or der good tires and battery quick ul mrs a hancock glen wil liam rtx3tstoux english aprlnger spsnlel puppies tram champion ttoclc bractcenwood kennels glen koad phone 1isj sewing machines electric vlck- or and new williams ealee and service repairs to all makes at ernies radio rosy theatre bldg- phone us tl hearing aid battertee are avail able at ernie a radio rosy theatre building phone 4cs u hardy mum plants all colofs 25c a pot at roaedale ploral phone mm veniptxx plastic venetian blind awnlncc made to order phone georgetown i j1sw 18 1047 dodge spaaaenger coupe excellent condition beet offer phone brampton 1m3j or george town iso between 5 p m and 8 p m notice negative flic of pho to taken by the former albert slmaon and noele photo studios will be destroyed after thia week end anyone wishing to obtain these negatives for their own use should apply at once price 50c for com plete set small quantities of pho tographic material for sale also h p gjl electric motor reynolds phone 670j cress corn salve for sun relief your druggist sails crass callous sax too relieves quleky icx box ell whits 0 lb capacity mrs sandy mcdonald phone mr krrctan soma white porce- jila enamel steel sl right or left hand dralnboerd s4300 always popular lx single 1170 also ladga type double bowl and double dralnboerd sinks and onepiece combination laun dry tray and sink with installation diagrams r bathtubs 18000 8se or write s v johnson plumb ing supplies 8treetavtlle ont su motorcycxjesiutist davidson used- all modsls overhauled pain ted chromed run and look like new lota of acceeaorlas our prices cannot be beaten european makea traded in checked end recordltloed thoroughly to be sold st sacrifice prices come in and aee this larg est dlsplsy of used motorcycles and bear them run strand cycle and sports ltd 737 king east hamil ton open evenings till nine closed wednesdsy 04 18 noel new holland engine drive for age harvester with hay snd corn attachment in excellent condition skyline blower and wagon boxes silver creek rarms csledon phone 52 r 33 8lltf surge milkers snd filter cool ers new and us machines con stantly backed by genuine surg service horace tomllnaon 1 chapel street brampton phone t7w 4s3tt cbenille bedspread bargain fbom factory to tod tm lowest price in canada this bed spread is fully covered with baby chenille no sheeting showing pint quality it comes in all colors sin gle or double bed size with either multl coloured or solid raised center patterns at only 3 23 each sent cod plus postage immediate money back guarantee order one you will order mora town a country mto box 1406 place darmes montreal pq 518 recessed batwtub8 u smart martha washington and rlchladge stainless three piece bath room sets whits lo0 to in col oured 9274 complete with besu- tlful chromed fittings air condi tioning furnaces 203 seversl offers to plumbers and builders loo ssv many valuable dollsrs buy with confidence snd have a nicer home satlsfsctlon gunrsnteed extra dis counts off catalogue plicee if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or besting lnstsl- lallon catalogue includes utho photos of msln fixtures prices and installation dlsgrsms select style of sinks cabinet laundry tubs showers stoves refrigerators prea- aura water ay ste oil burners sep tic and on tanks etc visit or write johnson mall order division streetsvule ont phone 201 auction sale klkct8ic bakokttb steel ice box wiili enamel so lb capacity j davidson academy road phone ss3w special to farmers fanes batteries try general sac 1470 no tsm jemles radio rosy thea tldg phajfco w liao international dump truck new ims chev gton dump truck 1mb ford 1ton state truck ims cmc half ton panel 1030 chev ton pickup 1040 dodge half ton pickup 1040 ford 114 ion stake truck 1063 hudson hornet sedan jtrnw 1033 cbav aadan new 10s2 plodebaker aadan new 1ds1 chev deluxe aadan fully quipped 1031 meteor aadan 1031 meteor coach 1030 austin sedan 1040 meteor se dan mrcormlck daertng farmal m- tractor haw 14 post hols dig ger tor ford or ferguson tractor 0 post hols digger for ford or rrgu- son tractor bushier wagons iron ags duster used only 1 season no 42 international combine td 0 crawler tractor with 10 ft angle dour blade dltoher for ford or ferguson tractor seversl low pric ed used cars tom iirvvson phone 332w mill st important notice auction sale chance of time commencing june 5th milton livestock market will operate en evening sale start 4ng at 7 30 pm dst until further notice special prlxea awarded one rand prize for a lucky draw open to all consignor one grand prixe awarded to the largest consignor in value of do urs sold so bring in any kind of healthy livestock furniture tools etc for you may be the lucky winner dont forget the date next thurs day and every thursday evening 25 highway just half mile est of milton plenty of waiting cash buy er to pay you top cash prices good inside accommodation need 100 more calves any age cows stock ers fat cattle aheep hogs and poultry of all kinds heres hoping to see you all nest thursday night unn m dance auctioneers atzbatdehclbd dtoch teatt half ftwusfal s or vhon frank hit- ktma lt un wal brraptotl sttfs real estate halton county home for ttte aged applications wul be received by the undersigned up to tuesday june 3rd for the position of physician far the naltsa haas far the aged salary moo per annum duties to he set out in the regula tion for the homes for the aged act wll deans uox jib milton ontario eecretarytrejunirer halton county home for the aged applications will be received by the undersigned up to tuesday june 3rd for the position of registered nurse for the halt llama far the aged slating experience salary expected and references duties to commence june 23 1053 wm deans box 210 milton ontario secretarytreasurer halton county home for the aged appucations will be received by the undersigned up to tuesday june id for the position of cook and wife as assistant far the flsltea heme for the aged at milton ontario new members join verdun rebekahs two new members jolnsd ver dun rebekab lodge last tuesday whan the local degree team exem plified the bebekah degree mrs george ttxzard and mrs harold schenk are the two new lodge members visitors attended the meeting from hamilton milton and hagersvule services decoeatuo going ftshin get your bait from peter pomeroy nonral georgetown 90 r thurstons piano sales and service of hamilton new and used piano tuning repairs r r phon5 georgetown 89 farnwerth memorials monuments at moderate price cxxteeyitexbt rmm tiawmry olmhjrjjlftjmtiy of iiousuiold puslniture the property of the misses tompsuns estate msple avenue east saturday june 7th prank fetch auctioneer cleasuno auction sale of farm etock and implements including heavy fsrm equipment the property of russell pawlet lot 20 2nd lint west chlnguacousy saturdat june 14th sale list next week prank petcii a r chevnk auctioneers auction sale of furniture the undersigned has been instructed by mrs pearl lsiixico church st georgetown to sell by auction on saturday may 31st at 1 30 dst the following extra good amherst piano piano bench 3 piece cheeterfleld suite mohair in green and wine living room rug 0x11 2 walnut chester field tables walnut occasional ohalr walnut hnll tabic and matching mir ror 2 trlllght lamps 2 junior floor lamps 8 piece modern walnut din ing room suite rug 6x0 2 table u mps walnut dressing tabic cro- ry radio walnut chiffonier mah ogany drcuer painted 2metal beds and nprlng 2 spring mattresses wicker rockers wicker arm chair general electric 4 plate hot point tatbletop electric stove westing- house 5 ft refrigerator easy elec tric washer 3 kitchen chairs kit chen stool hot point electric igon toaster old corner oupboird cheat small table 2 trunks 3 painted wooden lawn chairs 2 electric light shades gaqhn thermos jug num ber of pictures 3 earthen crocks quantity of fruit sealers 2 wash lube metal christmas tree stand dishes china ijlaasware etc 30 ti extension udder 0 ft ttep lad der ash sifter nails and screws rtwn mower garden tools ahov- el small quantity of lumber about 85 cement blocks if not previously sold other small articles is acres with flowing water 3 tthmns insul brick house with cem ent foundation hardwood floors good cellar hen house 21x24 gar age 15wumw g2l00 about 150 feet off highway price 3 acres with flowing water 2 storey 8 room frame house with stone foun dation furnace and bathroom new ly painted hot and cold water on tap built in refrigerator terms make offer duties to commence june 0th state saliry expected 1052 5500 100 acre farm about 5 miles west of acton 80 acres workable 4 acres orchard sandy loam good bank barn 80x70 tieup 30 head cattle water in barn lnsul brick house hi storeys with water pressure 3 piece bath driving shed 23x30 700 00 cash 10000 contact james h hewson phone brsmpton ibm andv kino phone georgetown 318 rl2 price wanted wanted goslings and ducklings c f patterson locust lane farm phone 135 r 3 dead or crippled farm animals wanted we pay market prices phone collect brampton obw or lyndhurst 8237 toronto 416tf wanted pair of bicycle wheels 26x1 s also tires and tubes we can sell your bicycle for your lome johnson lot 0 5th line erin twp phono acton 41j12 evenings tenders wanted for installation of hydro in st stephens church hornby for information contact john busscll or richard course hornby tenders to be in by juno 20lh tenders for coal tendehs will be received up to 5 pm juno 11th 1052 for supplying nnd delivering to georgetown pub lic school 75 tons omar lump cook delivery to be made in month of july james f evans secretary georgetown 04 real estate wanted farms wanted and small holdings we have the buyers w f hunter realtor 101 main st n phone 1to2j brampton i juxf wanted maintenance provided wm deans dos 218 milton ontario secretarytreasurer roultbt wanted live poultry hlfbest prlceatst sll times or sli kinds of poultry alive a barnatt son huttoo- vllle poultry killing limited cos- torn work dons phone bramp ton s4s r 14 tf dead animals highest prices in ontsrlo for desd disabled horses snd cows positively guaranteed call collect the ontario rendering co georgetown 672 acton 83 or toronto howard 8381 dead animals 800 1800 each for dead or disabled cows and horses this is higher then sny price being psld todsy by any other company phone col lect delwood 23 r 11 george gib son 430tt decoratojo to expraj indivi duality artistic interior and exter ior craftsman in ths trade c a grant r r 3 georgetown phone writ padjtino it decorating floor mt and raflnlshlng rug clean ing and mothproofing free wil ms tea reasonable rates mcnlven it carney phone 27w ask to see our samples of paper 317tf suntested and sunworthy wall- psper aample books interior snd exterior pslntlng estimates free don herrlnglon msln st phone 4011v tf bet aisji saws machine filed and sat past accurate service harr lee t normandy blvd phone 30sw washino machine repair at em- ise rsolo rosy theatre bldg phone 483 t resurface your own floors new dustless electric ssndlng machines edgers floor polishers for rent ted dludd pslntlng snd decorating phone 880 tf uniotstejuno you can have your chesterfield suite upholstered and completely re built aa low as 90 w sre also experts in raflnlshlng and slip cover work one waek aervlce kitch ener upholstery phone geor 843 tl piano tuntno eepate8 c w twin m john st brampton phone 157bw sm dressmaking curtslns drapes mending and alterations phone 4s8w tf venetian blinds awnings metal canvas combustion storm snd screen windows bin brown po box til brampton phone 343rss lost and found lost change purse blue con taining approximately 13 mrs r williams john street lost three sections of truck rack pslnled red between glen wlutame and thiatletown saturdsy after noon reward norman o cook phone weston cherry 18423 stttttftf early mr said mrs robert o early of terra cotu the birth of daughter cather ine jsnar lea tuesday kay itth 1031 at the private patients pav ilion toronto general hnapltal henderson mr a george henderson sre nappy to announce the birth of a daugh ter janet elisabeth at quelph gsnaral hospital on tuesday may 20th 1051 ingles mr and mr kenneth ingle jean mossop of acton announce the birth of a dauisi- tar lynda jean or saturday may 24 10s1 at the actdo wtire- ing home tost mr and mra harold tost are happy to announce the blrtlt of a daughter a sister for greta- vllle on friday may 23rd 103 at peel memorial hospltsl bramp ton deaths cuiuiy margaret clark on sat urfuy uy 24th 1032 at van couver denerst hospital van- eouver dc uargaret clark cur- ry widow of j u traey curry and lormcrly of reglna bask the funeral service was held on tuesday st simmons mcdrldes run- rral home vancouver at 11 oclock irterment in the family plot in greenwood cemetery georfetown er win fred j suddenly in georgetown on tuesday may 27 1p32 rred j erwln son of the late mr and mrs robert erwln and brother of itobert of george town charles itoohcster n y and lome of toronto in his 73rd year healing at his late residence main street georgetown for ser vice on thursday may 20th st 3 oclock interment in greenwood cemetery georgetown memouams edmunds in loving memory of cpt hon edmunds royal cana dian regiment killed in action in korea may 30th 1051 it was a bitter grief a shock sever to part with one we loved so dear to think we could not say goodbye before you closed your loving eyas what would we give to clasp his hand his happy face to see to hear his voice and see bis smile that meant so much to us o happy hours we once enjoyed how sweet their memory still but death has left a loneliness the world can never fill mum dad brothers and slsssrs caauds of thanks clarke mr and mrs barry clarke thank their georgetown friends who with so many other friends in the dlscrftrt assisted them with gifts and donations after their barn was destroyed by fire standish mrs jack stand uh stewarttown wishes to thank her friends for flowers and cards sent to her while she was a patient in guelph general hospital -t- for rent kor rent two rooms kitchen builtin cupboards bedroom with large closet hot water write box 7 herald electric floor polisher and elec- trlc vacuum cleaner for rent by the day at ernies radio roxy theatre bldg phone 465 tf floor sanding machine with edger floor polisher paint tprayer don hcrrlngton paints wallpap ers main st phone 401w tf wanted to rent wanted to rent farm in vicln- ity of georgetown from 3 to 5 years with option of buying write box 2q herald 521 apartment wanted by young married couple by midjuno wal ler sorgont phone 374 anew singer sewing machine as low as ga5o used and reconditioned machines at all prices cliff nichol phone 385 bbampton llttw bentals ufaiks vn relief hoipitid in tae korea wz a wi personal- free beautiful 48 cup stainless electric coffee maker can your church or club use onst if so write s j bowman 605 woolwich street guelph 84 j stop smoking without swallow ing anything or using any will pow er for secret send 4 cent sddressed envelope to pierre 0442 blrksbulld- ina edmonton alberta 11aitf caretaauutf this is bood clean furniture and howard wrlttleworth public has been exceptionally well cared school georgetown requires maje tor must be sold ai ut ulllco caretaker tlutles to commence aug bsi soldher house and to leaving uat 1st loo fuu details of re- skinny oiblsi obt lovely town ulrlwtirlaytbtecelvdft terms cash utr board salary 9300000 per an- pep try famous health ahd weight vamfllat pbicn hum apply to v builder oatrex tonic tablets in- vjjassw aralofenrrwallsrswihrtart trodtiatorygtra slse 4 euiyooei from the bettnhlnir jdeuiguullta ttlstlon in tsejtu tor instance bebste eltheeorduet in keteatlwl lliwnat iattalsilalif the liaalui f hc w t as many wihinpatieniav 1 atabushed by thtonlud jnattss bu jvt svaert beiunai ulktorjt5kibaa wnuejty