Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 11, 1952, p. 3

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christmas seal donations increase almost 100 skit hakton tuberculosis and health association is felting food support is seen in the recent report of fhslrmarrtxmsia stevens of oalc- vtlle vhich points out an almost 0 increase in buying of christ mas seals last december major activity tills year for the association will be a mass x ray survey which will be held tfarouch- out the county this fall the assoc istion will be a mass xray survey which will be held throughout the county this fall the association fort you gbt the ground fitsfot with a mccormick w6 tackle a field with a new mccormiclt w 6 at our expense prw to yomrtelj you can work more acres a day at less cost with this big nimble mccornndk call us now fur that free proretoyomriff demonstration get the feci of the wheel and the sufffc of power which make the mccorraiik w 6 the aumlard 3 plow favorite ken mcmillan phone 40 georgetown which has only 1m in tnce through the county uua cau tb bsaoclsuon which has only been in existent- o year also takes cnre of such important items as twabu- itation of pauenu and thoae dts- chanzed from tonplul and monthly cheat clinics mr steven full report appears below it la indeed a very pleasant duty to be able to report a moat success- ul yeoivof activity on behalf of the- aasoclation for the purpose of the record it is possibly expedient that this report be pointed up by a few blstoricil moves whieh hove taken place dur ing the past year the events re ferred to may be noted as follow 1 prior to the formation of tbc county aasoriatlon the annual christmas seal campaign was axn- sored by the lions club of oakvluir as a mfular activity in conju with the clubs overall community service program 2 atlhouxh the annual campaigns w re buccessf ul to the d grer of unit raising the related activities were rtstrtctrtl from the todsliit that they were not and could not be county wldt in up ration 3 on the rtrommeiutallon of the ontario tuberculosis association the rlub in a cooperative effort witb the ontario association undertook to tt tip and organize a rjpresentj lic county wide organization to further the work of tuberculosia i re vt iitlon in the county 4 accordingly the new aociatiui was formed during the printf of 1um ttie executive committee ap point d for the usortatioit wsis corn prised of residents rcirrf nting th mur county thl count liter hrwr 1u formation has functioned under tlic guidance of the ontario tuber culosis association sharing the common objectixe of rlim mating til from our county committee lunctlsna durliur tht yar tlu committee- held xviii r kuijt imetiiij and at a result orkantred a tin mom auuculul chritm is s il camaln ivit coriducud in lu county which resulted in tlu ruking of an amount in excess of u 0o0 00 or a d2 per cent iiuhum or the prc ions y ir to eti phaslr the iiiaifpiitudc of the ainiwiln it l of inti rest to nott thit i uua apim il 1 mi rs wir unl to tin r sliltttbi of lftltii county ju lcttir tai r sent to sjic 1 il names and industry b a donation of 1000 was made by the association to the building fund of the mountain sanitorium to assist with the equipping of the new wing as a matter of information twen ty six residents of ifahon county are at present in sanitaria 14 are in the mountain sanitorium 2 are in the weston sanitorium 2 are in preeport sanitorium kitchener 1 is in th bock mimfrnl ranitnr orlum london 5 are in the iode preventorium toronto 1 is in sun ny brook toronto i is in the on- lesrfeas old cariosity sfctp a famous dlclteas haunt which has changed very little in appear ance since dickens time la the old curiosity shop in lincoln ft inn fields london where it is claimed according to the story by that name little nell lived with her granfa ther here are to be seen pictures by hogarth which dickens hung in his own rooms a pen tray used by him first editions of his novels and a variety of original etchings of london aa in dickens lifetime the old curiosity shop is still an antique shop it as a favorite port of call for oil on leave to lon- tuk gleosusevown hekald wednesday evening june 11th 1052 raqe s qw bctrua i tta tifc you will likely do tome boating round trip fare too during your vacation but wasaga reach qn remember the safety rules that vttlf 65 will make your holiday a happy tnetang 720 one for added enjoyment travel burks falls 1135 by bus to your favorite resort subject to chini1 ask you iocai amnt about high wav roues to mi ats or- mi u sjl corner cupboard phone 89 tickets and information at gray coach lines oderaticm is but another name for wisdom socrates a the house of seagram men who think of tomonnow practise moderation today tarlo ifosplul woodstock c a preliminary educational pro- aoic during the war sram on tb prevent loo and control was tnstlcatrd this was done by uuvinxtoth technical and prota siortal people currently in this specialized fuld address variutu groups and c 1 ubs throuxhout uc county duriiu t yjr talks on the sub jicl wert itiv n to n- iumui club ot oukvtuir tle itotsry club of acton ttie holary club of 9 way canned frails spoil some of oie things which may contribute to the spoilage of home canned foods are loor products or ed prtylucts badly handled use of upptrftct jars or rubbtrs processmx too siiort a time or at too low a trniperuture tu ku the uruunismi tkat cause spoilage water wtilch stops boiling whilt ujor xikviu 1 in sddltlon to assuminic uie tut uf tllnlral c hct s myi for res idtnti of llailtun county the hjbo clatiofi spoiuvured aiul estahlishod s monthly chest clinic at the oatkvluo traf ulnar memorial hospmal auo the uasoclatlon has substan t tully backed the practice of admu kton x rays in local and urban turn itltali by auuniliifi uic cost of uch x rayi for all hospltallxrd rcildt nti of tlu ounty whuk tuispitauxa turn la nut prijuiul by a couimc rclal currier or the worknuni couihii suitlon ijurmn tlu year the aorljtlon iaid for a total of 078 x rays a prokrain r latrd to rtluibll ttation aiul ronal aid and htucc wai nit into tfttct for residents of the county mho were i ith r in san horia or rect nlly liaciuiriel ajllkoujih oils program is funr tlonliik in only a binall way at pti cent lit w rtlu li m it ia ultt tin faurlant and will dtvitop rapidly in tin futurt this mrtkular aitlvlty prov idwl 1 cluistiaa k f rttd nta in sanltorla j it raunal ntitls as reuitttl by patltnts from the counlj 3 1 itilni for tlimrluirkd imlluite 4 simhlal ntdlcinfs for ll harkt litlent during initial tuk f hat lilt itl n 192 plan alth ukti ii li uj iin nt th it lh m iiij jr uill ulri that prt lit dtittus bt xpanlhl and mv i tal new om s added the major i tlvlly mill of nc salty be the 1 roijoxi mast sun i y it 1j ult otvlou that this un drrtaklng is jolnn to be an nor in on i uivk as iijiu c ill fur tht iiinry to be scheduled for rural a real as well es the towns and vtl- 1 ik ll is rtmcelv iblc tiat the or kai itit ion of this surey will result in ikk itbkknu of llatton county being x r in1 n i edicts to fcay the asvociation ill rciuir and will have to ask for tht ttm t ratlun and voluntary help ol maii public spirited citui n l rtiuj i j mi ttrcc otganizatlons to tu ir tnlet tht suet ss of this trein f in his job tlu sunty lias bt t n ttntitlvtty sthixluud for november onrluslon i would like to t xpres on n hilf of the com mi lit t our dtt p sorrow and gnat loss sufft rtd by tht aso nation through the death of mr s ij olton tht association s trci urc hih unselfkh dun it ion of tunc inil profound i nit rest in tills work w is a major factor in the juecexsrut oit urn itlon of the association i would like also to eteclally thnnk miss jean crosble frr so cap ibly liking over the duties of lit isuitr the commlttet was most ortun itt i n i otd to ictjulrx the ser victs of suih i will qu 7 1 if ted per on in i mofct dire t nu rjency to the mcmlkts of pit ctmnmittee it s htatht rlnglon gordon g cowland mrs miry pitlit w ltt r t hit hn amos mison mlss jem ctosbli ur j imes miuitr dr w mtcutchcoii w ii tdwards my most sintt thinks for our v iluibll sb 1st nice nnd coopt rattve citort ovtr a most dilticult inltl il period ol orj inizition and activity on txhalf of uic ilalton county tuberculosis ant i hmlui association 1 am also exceedingly pleased to lecord a very grottful vote of appreciation in this report for the outstanding work done by mrs jcs uic lunau secretary of the associa tion the manner in which shx has car ried out lier duties and assignments has been most uratiflying to tho committee and worthy of only the highest praise respectfully donald t evens prcaldcni halton county tuberculosis and ilcalui assoc fslr an ancient idea fsirs arc as old us mankind i- or centuries men have held fair to exhibit and sell the tilings they make in the old testament the hook of rxrkifl refers to the fairs of tyre where merchants show d their jewels animals and spues jerusalem had a famous fair 1 id during the passover season nine vah uabylonla auiens and home held fairs and as civilization spread across continents fairs were established as trading centeni t aropean viewpoint a visitor from europe had taken his flrbt trip across the united states on the national highway which la u s 40 running from the atlantic lo the pacific ho ai aktd how he liked the trip and how the roads were me replied that it was fine that the fellow named national head of the national con st ruction company was certainly a great highway engineer but that the r renchman da tour oi no road builder st all long distance vision a person can sec about 220 000 000 000 000000 miles with the n iked eye tins is the distance of a hazy spot of light which can be seen on a dark nikht in the constellation of andromeda actually it is a great galnxy tf stars like the whole milky way system of which our sun is a part its light takes about s70 000 years to reach us so astron men usually give its distance as 870 000 light years rocky newfoundland newfoundland a rocky cod rich north atlantic island has about 318 000 inhabitants and covers 152 734 square miles the latter figure includes the 110 000 square miles of labrador newfoundland a dreary coastal dependency that stretches northwest along the north amerl can mainland to hudson strait study blood smears more than 0 000 blood smears from wild birds were obtained by scientists from the california di vision of fish and pprne and the hooper foundation of the university of california in on effort to cct in formation helpful in their studies of encephalitis oil rtpsd flectrleslly it takes only a nickel s worth of electricity to move ir barrel of crude oil 1 400 miles through pipelines by tho end of 1051 the world s pipe- lino facilities for distribution of oil and natural gas will be increased by 20 000 miles wrought farm miracle from the prchistorlc forked stick to the modern tractor plow on rub ber from the mall to the combine modern farm machinery has trans formed a world of scarcity into one of plenty soggy pie crust if the lower pie crust is brushed with egg white before flllinfi the crust will not become soggy during the baking of fruit and custard pies revtnoble hatton will move to city a brotherin law or ll it jones of town rev noble hatton of nap- eneo has been called to sherboumo streel united church in toronto he will begin his ministry there in vanilla cookies e holary club or tlun wi winui iun uumiuk wj- vlllr tlie anuria ilruix cluutrf procrsslnj prfwurt nunc ol iln nr nuc uturutir inverting jurs while ury are stilt wurtn atonng jars whilr warm and n too hut u plarr and faijurr to aw rtllzc lara that have held spoiled tooda hovb can i start an investment programme a by planned savitg through life insurance the basis of sj fcnwtlrarnl plan m most r thoum b lit lassatrsarr ii mecs in mmimi and rrguur way the real olr9 invrstnwnt savlnc for h future a retirement inromt and money for your family hoold anylhinf luppen lo yo tlhsl u more life in tunnrc afliievrs llirsmr end eeonomlrslly and without worry or rlk uuruu with mulusl life or nal re prrsrnlsll lif nauranrc invevtmrtst ptsn for your fat ore utual ife jack t armstrong district hepresentatlve georaetown ontario uranch office dominion bank llldg li ram peon onl j r racing branch manager hartt la gearcetawn eselnslvely at silvers eavestroughing heating plumbing don houston phone s47w income prom beef cows on many farms beef cows offer the most practical means of getting an incomo from untillable perma nent pasture and unsalable rough ages enropes first elephant roma is the first elephant born fn europe in 10 years it wfcighed 224 pounds and was born in the rome zoo in august 1048 mineral salts earliest record of tho use of min eral salts for increasing crop yields appeared in 1660 at gresham col lege england protein leaders almost a- third of the total pro tein in the food eaten in the unit ed states la furnished by cereal august a mixture ot orange rind and mr noble u married to mr jonm mokes a delicious topping sister and mr jones mother mokes j ploln vanlua cookies her homo with them byes ol pish a fish has no eyelids and cannot therefore close its eyes no tire is blowout prool but oiiv the goodyear lifcgunrd safety tube gives you wjiim ptottctton atatnst blowout dangfrsl and lileguards arc re usable good for 100 000 miles or more of blowout safe driving out last 3 sets of tires tikurc the savings yourself sec us today foi goodvear lifeguard safety tubes big tradein allowance for your old tubas saxe motors herald adlets grtrtpulte mra street rnnk mw

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