the geqegetown hhlald wednesday eveg july 30th 1052 page 6 the georgetown herald serving th pnmmnnlhas of geobgetown glen wtltjuuk nobval uhejioc8e boenbt 8tewaettown bajjjnafai ashgeovx tee1a ootta subscription kale 13 00 year single copies 8c each advertising itata quoted od application walter c biern publisher and editor s t a t t garfield u uccuvrs leslie m clark coary herri nglnn jr r ug oroombead tha herald li printed each wednesday in the office onmalo street georgetown authorized a second claaa mall poet office dept ottawa f member of the canadian weekly newspaper aaaoclatlon and the ontarioquebec dlvulon of the cjvjia hard to draw the line soi1ctiinc9 we winh vr didnt lir in audi a muddled world wlirre cmnunisn and mitt commuiiihm serin to tlttali on rvrry side if onr could only rrtonir t c oinm umat it would be so mucli earner if the wore j or stalin moustache or talked with a russian accent 01 wore a marx button in their lapel vvr could shun thrm oitrat ie them or ha e efiec tl r irtal mranurt a taken taintt them lint mite td of thtfi thrr are o many shade t of reformer who vary frtim out and out communists lik i tin buck d n the line of socialist ccf em lilieran and c on servativra that no one can draw the hn it in easy to spot a dr induott or a red dr in of canterbury whose public utterances brand them us communist sympathizers hut it t impossible for the layman to say when com munist sympathizing ends and social r form iiir begins 1 akr a letter which came in today a mail from the winnipeg brunch of the c ana dtan ant icom munist league it was copy of a letter vhich has gone to the prime mini ster protesting a speech made by a mr max treednian to the x omen s canadian c lub of i oronto who is reported as telling th ladi n that on a recent trip to luropc he found what amounted almost to a passion to get away from the old doctrine of nit lonal so creignty and to try something new hie innipcg organization takes tins to ik insidious communist propaganda iind 4sks the prime minister to use his influence to encourage the use of speakers who are how presidents are elected perhaps some of our readers like us hn e been vague on the way an american election is conducted in the light of the re cent presidential nominations winch have fo cussed the spotlight on our neighbours this article which appeared in the oakville re cordstar will be of interest the oakville editor an american by birth puts us straight on how american politics work 3f every four years leap years inci denttlly enfranchised u s voters eect a president a vicepresident representatives corresponding to our tcdcral members of parliament and onethird of the total of ninetysix senators the ballots or voting machines show each partys nominees for president and vicepresident and for the house representatives and senate the vo ters mark their ballots according to their pre ferences or if they so wish may indicate write in votes article xii of the amended bui of rights specifies that the actual official election shall be determined by the electoral college each state appoints electors equal to the number of representatives and senators to which it is entitled the number of repre sentatives is based oh the decennial census of population there is approximately one rep resentative for every 30000 persons each state regardless of its size has two senators the electors are bound to cast their vqtes in the electoral college for those can didates who received the greatest popular vote at the polls therefore if any candidate receives a majority of the total popular vote n any given state all of that states electoral votes will be cast for him however it is ppt potfinri deeply loyal to our country and opposed to thr abrogation of our national sovereignty w c don t know mr i rrrdrnan hac not heard hi in prak nor read anything hr hits writtrn but actordnig lo thr anli m limnist 1 ragur he has spokr li ami written m fa our of wond government and the ahrog alion of our national sovereignty we don t agr with him that world ovrrnmrnt will t r i ohm but w don t agrr i with his op position titltr that ins partisanship mak s li 1 in automata allv a iuiinnihl i he l nite nations has let n i n atrd w tth thr aha of a forn of world go rnmt nt tht id al that no nation can do t a tly as it pirates but must submit lo a i omhinc d fore r whit h protrc is olh rs from in tions whit h will 1j tht m harm t should t finite t b opposi d to any t xlt naion of world government as inter pretrd by ommuniit russia a govt mux nt of ft ir ti id hatrt tl suppression of t iv il hlwr ti s and sla r if that is what mr i r c d man espouses tht n hr should c taken to task but if he proposes a theory hv winch nations will submit to some combined force like the cnitrd nat ion s to solv e tht ir differ t nt s and not let their national sovert igtltv nil an a lust for kwer and tht imposing of tli ir wa of life on nt ighbours who do not want it then perhaps he is mil as anti om munist as the me miners of the i ague we imiht as a nation be careful that w dtt not embark on witch hunts and become over suspicious of reformers if there had not ijeen reformers in the pa t we would still have child labour unjust prison laws feudal barons and roy al oppression possible for a candidate to rectivr a majority of he total united slates popular voir and still lose the presidency this is so because all of each states uectora votes will bctast for the candidate who lias a majority in that state whether it be one half of one percent or a clean sweep a candidate might win nar row majorities in a number of states having enough electoral votes to elect him to the pre sidenev and be snowed under m the remain ing states he would have won the total popular vote but would hav c lost the prcsi dency there is another possibility by which the leading popular candidate may find him self out in the cold if after the electoral college meets it turns out that no single can didate hrrs a majority of the total electoral vote the election is then thrown into the i louse of representatives the house theji votes to sec which of the three candidates having the largest number of electoral col lege votes shall become president the gim mick is that each state under these circum stances has just one vote regardless of its population this const itvi tea a veto power for the small population states against any candidate who cannot corral a majority it is the thing which has kept democratic politi cians in mortal fear of the solid south for eightyseven years representatives ore elected every two years and it is possible under this system for the president in office to find himself trying to get legislation through an opposition house senators are elected every six years so only thirtytwo of the ninetysix senators are up for election every even numbered year ilallmafad minuter is st johns guest speaker contlued from pace 3 and finally broljjcr and sister were brought together on their knees beside the mother deathtod te brother thought hi mother had not known of his ill deed and so had continued to show her sove to him but he knew he should con fess now before it wit too late and soek forgiveness so he did and his mother replied yes j knew son but i forgave you from the hurt and put it out of my head nd she fut her hand on his head dud bjrfeied leni thai was too much for his sister she got up from hrr knes ran from ue tocii vtriijilig and made hrr way to her lillle church where her minuter found ht r nomellm- later kneeling 4i t he iilui hht told film r htory untl utldtd that u h love u fuigiw ncsh hud vfmjui hel ill lilr ftfjm lur htuil inn u tl only huir uml lm and warint vn hl h ttilnk w woyld lm htm most miv s jthtn n d an in liiliop mm i f ill in ii y lit a v at on un 1 il tin t h 11 mk nit up mi wliii i th y in case anyone thinks bermudu is still devoid of vnotor cars joe hou who returned this week from a visit there tells us it is quite the contrary until 1j4u motors were banned on this island tourist met en but since the kuv was relaxed almost ten thousand motors are regis tared over half ot these are vnotor bikes of various sorts it has made quite o traffic hazard as the narrow twisting bermuda roads were not designed for modern treruporntlon and m hu soys there are numerous accidents a letter from a friend in bolivia to bill leslie roxy theatre manager tells pf the coming nationalization of the mines therol he apekki of how cheap it li to live in tho south american country steak 6c ojb beer lac a quart rum 150 o bottle monthly cost of ltvjng he estimates ot 20 this is the only time of year when we enyy school tettcheri snd ministers yet it is surprising how many of these do not take their full vacations most of the ministers lor iniunce are working for the stay-et- hocjtmu one for a couple of summers spent his tjlu rtppiy minister on another charge taciaa ajifadavaiu muny school teachers spend a good purt of their sum mer going to school themselves some of the high hchool si it obtuln three or four weeks employment marking papertt in toronto some teachers becom6 furmers for tiw summer months tome work as coun sellor ut summer cumps perhaps this long vacation business iv only an- illusionlooks good from u dis tance but isnt so good wjiun you have it a tele gram from bill bradley provided some amusement for huth norton end jimmy valnntine nt thclrjweddlng reception on saturday bills knack for vers to suit the occasion resulted in the following the siren growls its loudest blast t lifes conflagration comes at lost poor charlie hns capitulated the thin lee breaks on which he skated this stubborn boy ot last surrenders re joins the ranks of reckless spenders sweet ruth knows how to handle jim konceforthach boy becomes more rim it ik 1 mi cil i iii wmi 1 t awu mil it 1 it i uwi 111 i- hlm t i hi tl ii 1 i 1 urn- auni k 1 f 1 i wi i 1 ii li s j i i i i t r f i lu i i f i i n in r n u il u hi h hi han i ii h v it m 1 ill lllllll llllll ll h 1 l ittn i i i i i 1 fui il i n j il i nii i t n i tin ftoitt i tin li 11 ul i i u in i i t l ml mi ii i it i us ii i s n u i l1 i l i i hi lis li t it it lx k i i hkim i in m i ran luxury lrit lui tin in it u i uulti in i lliii la tin hiv to k t i i llppll 1 l mill 111 tl li ju1 hi h i1 im ushi i m iilon willi mi ii liosil uiiiiix miili un 1 l iii imj till m tki il hit kill i stiili ml ml i in mn llii n um im miii mist kf miiiii vvhiit ind skid jujhtilv f tie in ot dm 1 m n 1 ht i n t x limm itltn ht pnltiklxl tti ult in oil v il u us ij i 1 shv n tht in inui wiiii t its uu n s v t 1 1 nun 11 fuitlur luik ijuitkl tht to in i ms llu tht r lx ju1 at in i im up tht n hi lonkin un n tht juimj 1 ithik in hi situ it kin with ii ii 1 r tons in huh r uul i li irmiiijj miiiii sin snl o uu st t wi here uu hi vn v 111 t ikt oiir at its ihoiikh th lil ml ht r son vwsh d tt iitlini tut 11 n luus uiti r nk nisistid slulis un iiliini 1 mil thi urlun tti miuiik k nth man t tcmlltl his priluss to th ii mils uithir link th nporlir sihl it lift i tr ph is nit tistt in thr immlh for ill uf ihini uouml dun hr 1st l in lo i prulutii iil is ilois now is thh tim i- to pi an cluk i- all vmm txhinits hiiuihtmn taut this mah on shthmllklt 12 iiiui it for expert eye care l consult i o t walker optometiufat 3 main st north brampton over abcll a drug store phone- oltlcc 509 he b30 hour oam to 6 p m daily evenings by appointment directory wm brought0n maucut dally 10 am to s pjn eicapt wedneaday phoo 387 murdock st d w coombe aeeraajud rablla awuluti uttuuna udaatrlal bubunotok sos brant st phone s1 c f macroatio member of institute ok aocitlolltkb puiiljc accountants bbaupton s3 qurrt st w plione 43 conkult j a willoughby son lor coututk bkal estate hbkvick head oh- ice tohonto im yoiikc st al 0605 cllr and country llorar lama and small acreage lndotrl1 and llualncai rrapertle tom hewson 1 your local rrprrarnlauvo phone 332w -v- monuments pollock campbell 82 water st north g a lt design on requeat phone 2048 liupecl our uork in greenwood cemetery frank petch licensed auctioneeh prompt service phone 301 georgetown po box 13 a j crandell chartered accountant main street georgetown tilcphone 654 on speedvate at eaat at northern city ilmlu 1 tonite a tiiubsdav ughtwing strikes twice ituth llomnn hujinrd totld c s kiiihavjj saturdav top o the morning ibink crosby ann blyth radio repairing we specialize in this work 20 yeor experience j san ford son phone georgetown 34w nielsen the chiropractor draxua tkarasbt salh year ct lady auaodant mon tual pvl j 5 p wad at 13 and b pxo orar daaalblaa star oaaruw fbaoa 1mw dr clifford reid ijds djs dkntust telephone 410 main street georgetown dr j burns milne xilay dental sungeon georgetown phone us dr john kerby intactlce ok dentistiiy xiiay telephone 202 main street georgetown c w sayers dvm vctehinaman guelph street oppoalte arnironir craga phone 11 s m faibish ro optometrist sirfimon jewellers georgetown phone 53d uroy dmle qc m sybil bennett qc barruter and solicitor mill street georgetown phone 10 james f mcnab bajuusteil sollcttoil notary public norton bldg main street telephone 656 kenneth m langdon babrister and 80ucitok notary public first mortgage money to loan roxy theatre building mill street phone glw lever hoskin chartered accountants succcsora- to jenkins and hardy 1003 metropolitan bldg vfctorle street toronto el 0131 18521952 0 uotb 1st btatttb ttvjrt id em tenlmuiil pilp ttnnt an tte ebpcburcb an btcauie it tanii continue irrtatttp toilbotrt ttbp a tour pttetdt tt tbctmote bp kb btlpanb aoobntss tbtongb 3t cbrisl out uotb slmtn mon tues aug 4 fancy pants r color bob hope lucille 9 ball wed tiiuns avo a 7 angel on my shoulder paul muni anno baxter 2 shows nightly dancing every wednesday hutt0nville park jim print and his musiqakers modeiw andqjljoi ti tl 4 ii