net dmmtanown ttmttjr wednaaday kvmlac fib 10 1054 cacui 1 14 authorised aget adams furniture television b best known- malua and appliances frank king mjohn st tr 73200 f tilloakmurre pclys do mot wmnt orsletacwili- i wwem we slwmrr a plumbing sill 1 billgarbutt sarah street wiri angle 11638 1 for expert eye care h consult o t walker optometrist 1 mala st north brampton orar abella dm store phona- office s0o raa mo hour s ajn to 8 pan dally tianlnaa by appointment 1 i m t s iimmy brown custom television antennae service kverr iaatallatlaa rearaaua 14 hour service brampton 1s73w jilowexs for every occasion design work specialty flowara by wire anywhare la the world n art on floral tbiuuia 73582 qeorretewn central asaerlea u the strip ef una that links nertli tad reth america it to divided late null eeaatrlesi guatemala h salvador nicaragua casta rlea and honduras the isthmus u an area of contrasts with eentarleaeld scenes blending in with modern constructions and improvements as i ii tut rated in the above photographs that show an old dirt road and a modern steelconcrete bridge in el salvador the five countries small in site but rich in natural resources are try in to bring- about an economic lnte ration of the bve nations to pave the way for genera improvement in living conditions in all these countries united nstlons tech nletans and experts are playing a key role in this task which has started to yield fruit such as the adoption of a uniform customs tariff youth week observed at st johns church j u u on s iruiay mornlni jt st john uiilud chunh lutv john vi smith rccuognutd oulh wtik by inking as the theme of his meditation that used for youth week so send i you and also by having in the pulpit with him harbari alcott re presenting the cg11 and ltofa me oilvray for the lloy scouts and having these ud read the old and nefw testament lessons barbara ajcott a wai from isaiah ending with here am i send me and roes mcgllvray a from john 15 with the word of jesus i have ordained you mat ye should so and bring forth fruit mr smith used the text from john 2021 the word of jesus to his early disciples peace be unto you as my rather has sent me even so send 1 you while jesus came to give peace to us and to the world he did not stop there but prepared those about him to be sent into the world to spread that grspel of peace hence ills words e en so send i you the world will not hear unless we take the word to them how con they know if they ore jiot taught and while wc older people are set in our ways and can not be sent far but just use our example and influence for rood where wc are there arc many boy and tf iris and youtvj pcotilc listening and learning seeking the way of real hie ready b m ge i ih commercial ana domestic wiring good workmanship prompt service rvbfc electric service -io- r r stavm ifeulawi ewmj that that is the way of the best life work for them and the way is op ened for tlicm to make a start that li why mr smith put the ac cent on youth at sunday i service and had the young people with him in the pulpit when wm caccy suggested going to india to tell the gospel he was told to ait down young man when god wants to convert india lie will do it without you but god dldn t do it without carey lie sent him just as he sent itobcrt morri son to china and though what they accomplished may seem little am ong those teeming millions those who know and think deeply arc sure that influence has been tnm- endous and we will never be able to estimate how much of good it has meant for our world nor can wc know how great the difference in world conditions now if we had sent more careys to india or mor risons to china or david living stones to africa r but whero are wo to get them if they arc not taught about godi way and plan ha boys and girls the home of course can be a very great help so can even their share of the church aorvlcd and very especially the great work of the su school but one hour or othlieraoreon sunday la not enough to havelhem really learn and understand that gods way of living la not just for sundays but for everyday living end torevery people nor should they learn to think that the friend ship and- fellowship of the church is just for sundays our world las sick world and in much need there doetnt seem much doubt of thatrtu the ip uluatrsv ilonstiowa of the man on thede- olt ulandtnda rpeasdm jjbitv t u ruair reached the island he l iuulil j hundl of ntwspiimrt f r m unili r his arm mi l ink tht m to ttir in in said hi ri the tui lain sitys you ire to r id ihes and i if you want to loim back t r not and we bellrr cod may of low truth and justice is tlu only niiwcr to the world a needs an turc for its sickness how is thit to be upplled well tod sent jesu to that end and he says peace bo unto you as god hatb suit me cvni o send i you and as our boys girls and oulh learn more and more through their weekday church activities along with sun days how real ii thai fellowship and friendship and learn to make it part of their every day living so w 111 they it am the more the need of our world for the know ledge of cod which they hae and be the more willing to be sent or help send so that it can be spread and that fellowship and friendship will be much richer learned in their church groups and activities than on the street where satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do and the cost in good money for i uch activities is a truly rich in- csimcnt not only in the making of good homes and in christian service making a good nation but cn in money itself in the saving it can bring in the tremendous amount of good money wc need to spend on jails reform institutions courthouses and correction officers mrs pdfcbs descendant scotch blpdt pioneer jit the home 67 her aon jack of hilton mrs james peddle 76 the farmer eleanor christina uoore died suddenly on january 20tli she wa predeceased by her husband 30 years ego born at plamboro january 3rd 1878 ahe wns the eldest daughter of the late richard nelson uoore whose father william nelson uoore a native of vermont iceland had come as a united empire loyalist and was an early settler in the scoioh block esuuesing hex mother waa the lale margar et jane mclaren born in peru ont mrs 1eoxlw attended ugny sehool urns a member of the united prea- byurian church uensewood later joining knox presbyterian church milton where ahe has been a faith ful member for the past 25 year mrt paddle waa quit actlv jn church qrganizauona and was al ways a willing worker surviving arc three eons albert prank and jack milton tnxr daughters mabel wetland jean mrs cecil lawrence sheridan mary mrs claude picket milton myrtle mrs itlchsrd uoore koch eater ny there arc nine grand children and three sisters ueasle mrs j w hlsey durham jean mrs william lyons toronto uurt mrs 1 johnstone toronto and one brother walker moore of london ont also survive the funeral wrv ice ws held at knox prtlyti rlan church milton conducted by luv ernest orsborn lnttrtnent was in the family plot fevcrgrc n i unit try milton tho imillbearers were kennith dick corge ruarwtii jack 1 lltoll c ecu chlahnlm alix mdir lfumi and noll met ilium notice to creditors is till- 1sta1i or jamt i ail hr l ns late of the tow iifthlp of kmiurslng in the c ounty or i is i ton spinster urreasrd all persons hm k 1 il ns t ilnst tbnvt stitc un ittuirtd to w ud i irluuljii to tin uimii rsnnet on tjr ik fort tht oth d i of marth iu4 afu r bald datt tht admtn istr ttrik lll procrt 1 mo distribute- tht aasels hi ing rt ward onl to the claim- of whirh ht shall hao had notitt datij mil day or r- ttruary a o 111m graham graham a ilowyer ilmmptoii ont sollcrton for thi iidmlnlstralrtx 2 14 insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triansfe 72512 mill street serving your community tot over 30 years liftmmwiwata1slwa1w1a1mia1sla1a1wsjwwltfsnwm11wa1 aar2 we have what you need lumber and builders supplies i jfine memorials i morajmrtrrs markers nd inscriptions catalogue on request gordon strain pfcone i 58 r 32 r r 1 milton new york metropolis a dty af abaafung intwvat naw yortt esaw lo vhten- ecol hdhohom a variety of oehvmy and a hot of ighh to im on i dataw- ful trip you hava 3 m tjoyt and 4 nlahti in naw york of america 52 76 tit mv let us not belittle the value of such activities nor underrate the unit fish gift of time and talent so voluntarily gten by so many who sec the uplift of boys and girls and through them god s world so that eventually nation with nation land with land unarmed shall live as comrades free ih every heart and brain hall throb the pulse of one fraternity the choir a anthem was the king of love the junior choir uns the spirit of god as the of- lertory tho 5050 club took charge of tho evening service under the leader ship of alan prousc and ern hyde after devotions a series 6f beauti ful slides wrc shown portraying the extensions and varied work of the united church from labrador to the pacific all stressing the vast territory to bo covered and the need for many more young men ond wo men tev carry the gospel to so many remote places mr bernard shyubsole was at the piano for they service of praise tom forgrnve operated the pro jector asir yssr m0tti far ssses iiimsj esmi ni lacuomno visit fo gesesiwtex- vntoo and piuotowvs vow have your dtolce of several i other features wot wfl ttowtb ttb pah incite vow trio bo kv om totonto tirisllna owl ejdovabu le rlssei 0 enioyooie fjg j fo4nkwts uiisnun corner cupboard restaurant tr 73051 main street s commodore grill olkk wnitamfl nauburffs a specialty j tee cream ughl tainehes credit valley trfv hydro in winter months hydro helicopters reach in mtnutts areas that might be completely inaccessible after heavy snows from the great lakes to ht wilderness of the far north they patrol your hydros transmissionhnes locat ing possible trouble points and pre venting costly interruptions this is another example of hydros modem and progressive operationrto assure a lowcost dependable power supply the pilots andtbservers of these j helicopters are twof the moire than 400 trades and skills of hydros team 6fl9639 employees rwoddng for vou j do you know hydoallitllm evir ims aim l mil- vahlhliumluim iu loviutllsttutim ahmc t xy mt ikaawum infpratltlaa esaewibl otoha mm etfuduatad by wnhaj m lymeurmamuiavaljbawiftrwi t 1 m