ihat qaamerowmttee wednesday afog i mth km raok tluoakmuttf we install the limits mew k billgarbutt safcah street 0w triangle 7- 1638 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb cut flowers artlstie flora arrsjuremenls aj far all eeessiobs walter rigg s flornt j trianste 73292 member of telegraph delivery b service b tell it with flowers- for expert eye care consult o t walker opiometiust 3 main st north ilrarnpton over a belli drug store phone office ftbb rea b30 hours 0 ajn to 6 pjn dally jtr by appointment m commodore grill glen wnxiams haaabargs a baeelalty tee oreasa ught lanwhaa credit valley taxi call mac- t 7im1 flowers for every occasion design work a specialty flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral mangle 13mz georgetown travel notes its not too early to fioolr your new york easter tour rxtttrlp from toronto 3450 up air transportation x 6000 up includes everything hut meals fofl toe modest budget hoar b travel by bus loavlng april 19 return apr 18 16 os up consul john ry barber ttawl advisor ib familkr gotpe hymn sung st john j d jo on sunday morning st john unltdfcfaurch the rev john m- smlfvs subject wu thrit calls to day and he used u hi text part of matthew 11 verse 28 and 20 com unto me and learn of ma during the aaingry thirties a small croup of men and women were singing gospel hymns oo street corner and during a little lull men on the outside of those listening called in a laud coaree vindicative voice can jesus fill a mans bellyt it was crude language for the men waa well known as being rough but worse he we ln- dent ignorant allergic to work of any kind and could he found waiting- on his wifes payday to get what he could to waste tin himself qne felt sorry for the group it aeeraed to discourage them they were sincere oinwy peoole who would be quite ready to do and to give as well as elhg if there could have been any encouragement in their giving one felt sorry for the man too because jesus had the answer to hi problem- probably through these same people only he would not listen to the invitation of jeeus to come and learn he preferred to be smart us he thought taunt those who wrn trying and had answered jesus call it needed aome soul evarchlng and almost surgery to change hlin he did not want tojjlve up hli indolence and selfishness tvtn to vet food nor to give jcus a chance to fd him in u wjy that would do htm any good mr iunlth used aa ills scripture lesson die two inctde nts in matthew s coupe 1 of jcsui calling the flshtmit n to come follow me and who roidol without question and in treut faith und then that young rultr wtll brought up ecrtitojy not huiikry who had nturly every thliu yet lui king tho v ry thing jimjs ujvild glvt htm ind which lu uas soiklnk hut no when jc- u calud tilit invited him to com anft icirn hi was not willing to give uj what hi hid been used to luimiitf even to uitn tilt higher hfu mm stilting nfhr io with our illustration the group wire willing to give up something of their own when christ called the hungry man no not when it meant giving up aomtthlng of his own way thathc loved even though he wanted his stomach filled and it u still so today christ calls to- day some answer yes others turn and walk away when jesus calls come unto me and learn of me he wants us to come and get knowledge of lllm of his more abundant and satisfying life for us a knowledge of god our rather and creator of our relation to him to jesus to our fcllowmcn and to learn them especially as jesus revealed them come and lenrn of mc and he wants us to have faith as we come to realize the goodness of god the power he has the love and mercy which is part of his be lng and then add the faith which this gles to our knowledge learned of him and oa we grow in know ledge and faith wc should have the desire to become what jesus wants us to become to grow more dike ifjm in all our thoughts and desires these qualities arc all good but how much better when there is the desire to make them real but knowledge faith and de sire won t be at their fullest or really useful until they lead us to do a doctor s or surgeon s great knowledge his faith in his know ledge and even his desire to use these to help won t heal until ho docs something with them and even that o hindered when the i wit lent is not willing to bo cured bo must wc come as jesus bids and learn of him grow in his faith and fn our desire to become hkc him and do all wc can of the things ho would wish us to do seeking in all to bring others to a saving know ledge of him and into- his fold then will he have the opportunity of ap plying the answer to the world s problems and yes of even feeding the hungry to us christ calls today come unto me and learn of m the choir s anthem was the king of love my shepherd is with the solo parts taken by miss ruth ef- nns miss isobel dobson mrs jock bailey reg broomhead and s t faram the evening service featured a number of old familiar gospel hymns not in the hymnary sung with mrs j f evans as pianist and the girls from cedarvule school wlth some members of the choir lead ing in this service of praise mr v stein sang the stranger of gal ilee miss isobel dobson and mrs jack bailey sang aa a- duet day is dying in the west itov j m smith spoke on the good news of tho gospel what is tho good news we have as chris tians tho something good wc have which we wish to share with oth ers in simple word it h tho good nous of gods love and concern for all his creatures especially as ro- voald- in je christ in us hap- pi nogs wcr feel a compulsion to tell our follow men afooiitlt and aharo it with them and ojong with our own desire to shacp we have jesus commission todtf eo to bewitnesses for him too tell the good news fajlm news cbyton may elected ho producer prexy charles mcjnnis of iroquois the president of the ontario hog pro ducers association was the guest speaker at the annual meeting ot the haltoa association held in the court house milton on wednes day jypbrusry 17th mr mclnnls who was introduced toy percy mer ry reviewed the accompliihjrhents of the ontario association through the new marketing agerury thro our agent stated iir mclrvnls you now get a proper stetement re the charge for transportation etc we have also improved our position with respect to the montreal market this lias meant 900000 in 10 o the ontario ho producers others who pdka briefly were charles newton of barrle district djredor of the onurlo lie pro dortrs association who stressed he need for more attention to quality and c d ulack manager ot tike jfog marketing agency who review ed some of the experiences of the agency during their flnt year of operation only 11 per cwt of our hogs go thrdugh the public stock yurds stated mr ulack hits is too imill u percentage to create proper coin in tit ion bctwtt n und among the buyers othi rs who itresssd the netd for more attention to quality wt re angtti mcnobb and akrlc kiprcs iujikp j f whinlock pii r com- imnti wire followd hy u risolutlm roqtk tif v further ictloti by tin on tarlo hol product asmxlatlon lonsitrdf having the- prhi dlttrn- tlal between a and 11 hogs udjuftcd to entourage quality production the nutting ulso rvcotnmcnded that a tourve arrunged to the stock yurds and packing 1luntj during tht 1 t two weeka in march the i it rtlon ot ofilirs rtulttd n fol low it pnsldf nt c 1 ton m i vlci i n m it nt 11 iav nort b c rttjry tit isuicr a it service dlrocturs fju sink thos ai pit yard t j urow urldk ank is mcnljb nassugawt ya lum ituh- urdson ceorgc hybertson john wllaon nelson glen cninbell fred dixon mtrvyn coulson er- win gunby trafalgar howard arm strong percy merry wm ksynej- jflefiwlulam wstherall ui blf stone building on no 7 hlpthway on the outskirts of the villa which is no longer used aa a school mrs robert mcenery was hoetew and mrs tom gibson presided ct the meeting mrs john snow waa convener for the meeting on his torical research and called on mrs uoyd marshall for current events ihe motto smiles are valuable yet they cost nothing wes given by mrs maurice baker ladies an swered the rou 6y telling when and how they first met their hus bands a social half hour followed the meetingt ijaiijnafal rockwood academy is wi study su1wect the story of rockwood academt told by mrs jesse mr en cry proved to be an interesting feature of the february meeting of baulnafod women s inatltirta the academy for boys founds by a quaker mln- clatlon of ills love and goodness to us makes it natural that wc should seek to thank and please jfim by do ing this sharing he wishes so much opportunity wo have uplcnty through our church fellowship and activities on sundays and mid week oi sunday school teachers and workers where we work and play our actions always witnessing for him god so loved the world that he gove his only begotten son for us to redeem the world back do himself let ui share the good news wherover and whenever we can orangemen entertain at euchre dance aii enjoyable evening was held in stewarttown hall when a euchre and dance was held under the- spon sorship of the buluug committee of lol 08 the lodge is entering its 100th year and members are planning aim i tier events during the yeur prizewinners at euchre were mrs jack murray and mr chappell sec onds id mrs john rrik and henry preston and thirdi to mrs f hodge and harold heed the door priie was won by mjsi cllllrs ami win ners of a spot dunce wtr hurblra luity and patsy 1 runeau if you have a printing problem why nut mauu tlw lutild we have the lattst equlpmt nt and fm tut ciaftstnen at your wrk at all times notice to creditors iv tiif estatp of benjamin jamts forkter late or the town of georgetown la the 1 ount of llslton retired de- ressed all pcranni having rjalnts against tht j- t ite of hi nj iinln jumt a for- tt r 1 itt of the i own of george town in the county of ifalton re tired who died at tho town of teormtowii on the seventh day of septtinbtr 1u3 are required to file proof of same with the undt r- slkned on or before the 10th day of march 10m nfttr wltjch date the administrators will proceed to dls- trltnjte the fsuite having regard only to the cuilms of which they shall then have had notice dated at georgetown this 10th day of february 10m richard forster helen richardson admlnlstrstors by their solicitors hewson and glancy georgetown ont 2 24 hfgoodrich footwear in oeergetewn kxalealtely at silvers you can get 50tol000 on your own signaturk rtobaaaaaseveevastyrahdeil pet utt satth a iqaw eaneaarhealoaa tui a- aiieiier- aato made lor any good reaeoo and yoa aead thea tace up lo 34 consolidated bill foal at u fepay rfcoae or mop hi j- but tic today far fast rrkiit aavbal rlousehou finance 4 i 1 1 wyeatajaws eerwa haw 9 tmaatme oetr emp sir l ma aha iiihi aaiaaj bwrliisfs tq uaatafon4nf wwwltabmabbatbbarbumwbmatma1ttwbeuihbsj u aar2t4 you tvevsr con tsll when v ewght iwrva a reed we have what you need in lumber and builders supplies frames sash doors hmbmbbbbbbbmbbbbmbbbbbbbbbmmmhhbbbbb for plain and rock face concrete blocks also chimney blocks its oriole concrete block co w j mtqowan 0th line glen william triaogu 73471 outoftown callers please reverse charges insurance travel real estate walter t evans co bk triangle 72512 mill street scrvipg your community for over 30 years oe gdl irbfilsom- savsniiioooeow perhaps your home means a lot to yout yon may hare improvements in mini for when yon can afford it or y5n may be interested in taking a trip or atartlng up a small business of yonr own everybody ha his own ipeeul dream and most people have to tare for it new la the time to open year speclslpurpose sarinrs aoootmt at the royal bank the royal bank of bj tmiiil mp