1 jitsrtissssssr afeenix ajru m 1 raqk i flowers for all occasions potted planta bedding stock boka artistic design we wire flower rosedafe floral 14 murdockst tr 72952 tiii nniittii for expert eye care consult o v walker opacirnust main st north brampton over aballa drug store phone office sot km too hour 0 am to 8 pm dally evenings by appointment gravel top soil fill cement building blocks general trucking ernie thompson glen william tr 73366 i l your goes farther at rouskilts garage car pick-up- trucks and vz ton panels washed 1 00 creased 100 maahrd liquid waxed and interior vacuumed r nn same low prices on all repairs 12 king st georgetown tr 73201 hamilton construction at your service yctin people fvwttkt eatfcer stared drama j a a vry full ehtiaei g tad th joyou caster moralr service at st johns united en sunday after invocation the choir bang th ussuau- ana uter in the aar- vtc tby have taken away my lord for the offertory the jun ior choir aaxuitheioyftil paeter- llde with june cabanaw takinf a eolo varae the aeoior choir were weextne their new sown while the junior choir had with their white cowna a new head covering matching the colour 0 the senior gowns rev joiin m smith spoke on pratee be to god using as 21 tr the wards of paul o the tomans i em persuaded that neithev death rtor life nor apy other crouturc shall he able to wpurute us from the love of cod which 1 in christ funn ourjrd a young men wui being toll the story of the crucifixion of jesus in a vivid delullrnl v ay siki wus mbtorblng it intently until he could hold no more so burst out o his leather if god had bocii thire ife would not luivc irt them do it uul god wai there ho was uicre when jtsus stumbled under the weight of llli crois uiul when h wus placed on cslvsry hill he wus there and heard each blow of ttir hummrr on the cruel nails mid it must have rent hi heart yet true he did nothing about it not until evil had done its utmost until evil men uw ttic ir work unci turned from it rubbing their hands uiul saln to themselves that riida it tins jesus won t bother us iiacjnore god lood it until the end yes he was here and then fte did something about it in all his xjwer and might his love and mer- y he vindicated his son he did mumthing the world never dreamt ol even jesus own disciples dared not ho for he brought jesus ik from the dead in resurrection m1 loomtl itmi in spirit upon the world unhanip red by flesh or time or spttc still a wonder of love and power vith dtjth conquered for u truly it hould praise hi to cm we should ui iim mini fur iho fad of the rtiunihllon uim all the hok and loiniurl it tias brought us and we should praise 1m1 lor the ellcxt of the ttiurmtlhi when it scorned like the end at the time to those wno uwecd in jnua go 1 changed t all to greater hope than ever greater confidence so that they like paul were persuaded that nothing could itow separate them from the love of god which is in chrlat jesus their lord and now they lud to tell and spread the good news and here again praise be to god that the gospel was spread from country to country until missionaries brought it to our own and good men and women believed and held fast were persuaded that god had done some thing something almost above our comprehension yet the thing we needed most praise be to god it is and for our great christian fellowship which his act has wrought for us else would we not havc had our churches with all their blessings nor had their up lifting influence it is like s mr smith told the boys and girls of the christian symbol of the lily an easter sym bol a dark bulb lain in dark earth as if buried for good then life springing from it and growing and spreading developing into the pure white taster lily almost saying to us praije lie to god see what ho hii done easter will huve fulled us if we arc not more than ever persuaded if we do not blossom forth more than ever as one of his if we do vammhwwb make appointment of county weed inspector hsjton county council on tw4 new books at ts the library day of last week on the recom mendation of its agricultural com mittee appointed thomas bradley milton as county weed lnepector the members of the county i luroi committee in keeping with public opinion are determined that 1054 will see a more rigid enforce ment of the ontario weed control act the policy of mr bradley will he not so much as a law en forcement officer but rather to as sist those who have problem fields he will commence his duties im mediately au sections of the county will be ulud with the hupo of giving bom gujufoo to the owners of probltiu fields ro choice of crop oji stowarl thus to- uvc simon jar tliflmark account max pcu- hction uead piece ralph temple tb sea shall koi icave tbom john harris the carsherwell beauty lou- u coldngr ivrdu his lather ps- rtde itombl wuiougliby carr kum- pjucy hakihgton ltie leit iiarri- cude mrrvyn jones jane and pru- deuce barbara pym flaming janet pamaui hill a bed of llntca wll- ilam saiivum spy counterpy don ilettertldge monk i lklaild jilltr- etr the imuubei of tle agrlcul- tural crrunur ui f l opinion tlut hits is h time of ur when he most effntlve weed oiilrol vsojlf tun 1m dijju 11 may l net 4sati tit thi use of farmers wtio fail to cooieritp to stop i lutir in the m wn i und tut iray or plow down weed polluttd imps wlu n uh at lion it lak u and ll is net ny to hirt latour for c purjmm the tost is uddtd to un ijhii of ue cnrrbur or opttatois in utslioii howevir this tort of action ts lookr uxin more or lema u a lust resort aim op with problem ilelds ajiould iflve immetllute mii- idcrutlon to tlioin of np in mjiiu cast a bumiiur fallow would he advisable in pasture fields it may be a question of praylnftjflkh 4d during th- month of jubp in still other caaes it may be wise to sow or plant a irop which tun be spruyed with 24d without in jury to the crop itself in this cat egory are tuih crops as corn or kpring grain whlih is not settled down it would bt folly to expect to nolve the weed problem in oi year however things arc more homiful tlan any time in the past twenty yeurs in the first place public ofilnlon is aroused ajfoinst the weed menace no icglslstlon no matter how ecellent can te nlorced without public support uiul today the general public want t ni r- meni of ontarios weed con troi ait sondly the members of the tinjnty agricultural committee gecirgi hrenhou wilfrid bird t i ford a it scrv ice ray thomp son aisd kobert marshall are sincere in their desire lo get results and they are prepared to back up the new county weed inspector with the cooperation of the general pub lic it augurs well for a better jo being done in 1054 seven win prizes in anglers draw seveif prties were dnwn when a lucky draw sponsored liy george town anglers and hunters assoc la t ion concluded last week the draw was made at a meeting ut the clubhouse winners in the draw were 1st cy wilson bmi spinning ole 2nd g edmunds 13 olectrlc heater 3rd ace bailey 70 portable ice lox 4th barbara wilcox 170 lamp 5th alf greygoose 607 flashlight flth georglna corey brampton 2ij ox of chocolates 7th albert stau- leion 717 not pralso him for all the wonders he has wrought if we do not nl- wayi remember christ is ulten it was announced that the jun ior cholrwoulri ibe participating in k tlu- moiniug wli come nu- oiiil jaiob liitdm am- in sunllgtit hiiuuih i- air i he white ixyus mirjny v nihil ijiamond nliy ijiv us hie sixth wile jiutj pll- ity iuilfr il sunut slmuii hur- sti r n mmty llu cojtin cuse a j golton 1 tl hunzts hl mind frank king so nmg to ihe gregory trvo juaikltirt wins the trick hixliricfc graemi an evening walk lxihald c olleiietti sleepy ixath gordon alu slop 1ris muunler guy kuinsey murdi r hut gntl 1taiuls duncan non motion oakvllle and uu slxuvn ilazel c mathews lords of the iaiat fron tier liwrence c green publish and be damned ifugh cudltpp for valour kenneth harescott for gullantry keruieui harescott cojombiu w o oalbraith ttumjgliia on the constitution kt hon l s aniery a history of husslan uallet s4 rge ilfur the men in the trojan lloru- kurt singer non fiction my political life kt hon l s amcry the later stuarts ltkw- 1714 g n clark the age of he- form 1 8 1 5- 1 870 e l woodward england 18701014 it c k ensor the legacy of home cyril hal ley ed the march out james shaw political thought in englsnd chris topher morris federal government k c wheare the journeys and plant introductions of george for rest vmjf or j m cowwn ed the statute of westminster and dominion status k c wheare jo the story of a pioneer slr f rank whittle american freedom aivd catholic power paul blan- shard a busused girl lady emily lutyens hey ma i did it mar garet attken ilyrne hope saunders an lent melodies su ii ua the 1 mr of perception aldout llux- ly horned moon ian sfephens seven ears in tbet heinrlch har- ii i principla ihililica leonard omu moderation s ivtslt charm jean paul rirntfr cticjousc ps of scayram afew who thinh of tomorrow practice mojt ration tojay iv t ii coal fuel oil high quality stoker coal a complete fuel service at your blue coal dealer w h kentner son trunffle 72851 the mail rag rent control should not be abolished aprll ii 1951 dear mr editor it is with great surprise that i learn the rent control is jollshcd in georgetown this stresses undue hardship to veterans of the imper ial and con ulian army in some utes 50 per cent added to the rent a rut repairs were many noticing veterans in the council this fs indeed contrary to the hard work done by kay mann of brant- plumbing new bathrooms installed or remodelled water systems repair of ao kind ken charlie nash mcdowell 5 kin street eaut tr 72s42 ium in i a ca v president of provincial command if the stahvnrts of the canadian legion are to be foiled by their own huddles holding council poet- tmni how futile is their effort in every building need discus your problem with us tr 73480 1s6 guelpli sbw t fc- commercial domestic wiring good workmanship prompt service leos ixectric service mfllst tr 72901 ltty pumps travel notes summer cruises on the drbat lakes from ft mcnicol aiiiiwiiulte rates 8000- bawrvstlau shsald fre made cqksult john r barber traval adviser ku0w 0 thoufson mmntanok bkamck tr 7521 mill street i uu ll i i i net r rri the old davenport leatlval of buc- red pralae on thuraday our beat wlahesffo with them and mr laird their leader atie ovenln aervlce avaa in chanze of the vounff peoplea union of the church the leaders in worship were anne hyde and don seddon with lmenne darou and laura ev- ana alnginc the old ruffled craec as a duet mlaa pat wlllaon wai pianist alter devotions the young people presented the aacrcd easter drama barofobaa as a further act of worahtp the cost of characters was sarah the mother of fturabbat beverly hyde judith a servam in the household sue crabtree elcn- icr father of baralbbas bill whit ney mary an only sister of barab- bas gall king baraubas a young 1adlcol bill hardman these all portrayed their parts exceptionally well in an appropriate stajic sct- tlnit others nsslstlns in the pres entation were ross mccllvray bet ty anne henderson dale tost tom dobblc with ernie hydo and rev john m smith dlrectlna the drama rovoaled the bradual- ly increasing reslisstlon ol the mall family in the homeof barab- bas of how much ttila sacrifice of jesus was meaning to them s com prehension which grew and with the spirit of jesus working in their midst finally brought barabbas un- ttar the leadership of jesus with the family also yielding to the in fluence of jesus carol seddon- pat richardson john milehom and gordon orelg acted as ushersepd received the of fering which the your people do nated to tfca reed far the worlds hungry campaign federal action with the action of municipalities controlling rents thcie is every possibility of reduc tion in housing costs enabling all to purchase or build houses at a level cost of one seventh of wages in stead of 33 per cent yours for fair play w broughton president imperial vets branch 120 stts for your greater convenience you may now phone tr 72965 for daily pickup delivery by woods cleaners m the finest dry cleaning anywtiere r including free minor repair your georgetown driver is paul huhiey phone guelpfa 3094 pl ax-