high tales published by students of georgetown high school volume 1 no 30 wednesday evening uay i ibm georgetown ontario two cups for choir soloists tops too ttu festival is ovtr for another yew and just woudivt do mo keep you in suspense tor two whoic weeks to i nvust tell you now that i tha choir won two cups- the mined etaalr complins only with mlitqh received a mark of 87 wilton won r th shield with a mark of 89 the glha choir the only choir in the class were a little worried because thay had to receive ho markj or ow to win the cup but they had nothing to be nervoul about be cause for one son they received 87 marks and for the other bs unfortunately th double trios mif- amf the shield by ooe mark but perhaps nest year uicy 11 have better luck the soloists had a very successful evening and also the duets there are ft ill two classes to sing jriduy which mill not be included in this ummar of winners gold mriuhiu solos hleanor bchcnk mlthael armstrong durt eleanor skhenk und syl ia lam berl huvtr medalists duet aii wheeler and ifcwrly lldt rjt crobtne unci sjndra scott hronir medalists solo sylvia larrbcrl id like to congratulate ioul irust on his magnificent solo paul won a scholarship the year before and has made a great deal of progress to his one year of lessons and he deserves a great deal of credit glenna doherty also secured a scholarship last year and she also sang very basrutiftilly last nlgt glenna auoaould be commended on her progress plenty of fun at the school dance the student codicil once ajtin had a successful evening as far as the students are roncsricd t dance wii a big surceu and every one liad a vry merry time there were miuae dance spot dances broom dunces ellmtnauoa and just pltn dunces and this time we re happy they rame in on their own aero rd uamugrg wrrr sllgtit only u few students went hot in with bruises tollccted during the square dances kwryonr however sitins to agree that i mr bruises wvi worth it prlres were given for wine of ihe iluiuii they wero anything from cups to tharm bracelets ev- iuni recclvtd a hut ut hit door w hope tin stud tits liave all noed themselves at the w houl dances and w e also mix- ttiit next year the dam is mill im ctn bigger and butter cadets prepare for annual inspection ross meouvray zero hour for ail ghs cadets li 730 pm op may 25th this will be the lime of the long- awaited lnr speclon by the officer commanding central coihrnand this will be the tlne for urn to put on that extra bit of show to win the approval- of the luspilctlqg oflccr and the lord slrathcone trophy this is the cad ets highlight uf the year when ac companied by the band the corps will stage the grand march past then varying demonstrations will go oil like clockwork from that time forward ilolh boys and girls will te on parade and everyone is hop ing for good weather the show mult go on rain or shine and prev iously it uis always rained the date once again is may 25th ut 7 30 pm thr place is the teor- g flown park and the public is u- vtted to be on hand to witness this event there will be a final often- save barrage with all cadets in a major attack luck dollars hornby radio toww controls stations there is more to thus lights hunging in mid air un the hornby tower tlum juki the glow that is tttti for mftiiy miles oruund ln- jule the while building by the tow- ir li t iiuc of wires tubes traiis- loimer and lights all to help you k t cjhc or clll- on your radio 1 hi- station controls nil the pro grams and la a uy strong station fti mg muc h kit ati r pow r uian many itht r stations in this art a 1 ti station is nin by two nun who have twt nt live iir t xp rit net in radio and io un ablti to civc a v i ry t otnprt ht nsiv e lory of tin limtt dliikt of a tiatimiullt r nation the cost of the station is trim n dous jnd iiuikra one real lit that thttc is niort lo i adio than meits the ear is- mitca ywir oolur bob vttli ike list of csasdua omtktur bul tartil aambsrs publnaad djly ia the tory aayem un wtsi 10 25 50 100 200 or 500 tea aew atbsn pobhikad srsry hjy in tvs ttly saty aav nvmbtra pobtkhad ertry vaak in tva ttty sm rodjyi tery for details- your dollar may bm worth 70 25 50 100 200 or 500 the telegram daily iv- wiikind toronto 1 orlsr tve tly now ffaai year aaatiular tfta carrbt aa yaav mo w akaaa imaba 10ii easter motor trip for two students two inmates of chs look o wvm hundred mile trip to ottawa over the easter holidays the two boys paul prust and hon souther were away for five days sletping in the back of a station wagon which had a leaking roof the trip had been planned many weeks before and two oilier limirih form students hnd laimtd to join the tup but dm it uiuvpihud th iiiges in plmn ijii livingstone and ulh la slit could mil airiman the tioupe the trip look in ottawa kingston i n ntun and man other titles and towns along tht rtrtite and n verj interest i ii sirup book has bit n made by the two travellers llie troupe hope to nwikc other trips and tlwy harpe to have as much fun in the fut ure as they had on the last jaunt loonevb1n mejuu since our last edition the school has had a choir concert and a school dance at the choir con cert x was told that only tour stu dents not in the choir were there that was a ditffrace ilrth form has an excuse for not attending reason being exams but outside of them the students didnt have a reasonable excuse when these concerts were firsi inaugurated there was much ado now a couple of years after the first concert they have become only a formality with a little advertisement from the stu dents tries concerts would be sueeesses matching the commeoce- juent- llie final school dance was also ery poorly attended by mldd le school because of the pour at tendance the student council lost money for the first time during the year throwing h poor excuses one finds that approximately 1m coulcj have attended use dantctnd should have uutssincc it would be tod much trouble they dldnt at uvo urwt of the year you hear the cry more school dances your stu dent council gets you s dance and you dun t go to those who do a lot of talking at the first of the year and then do nothing this is all i tuive to say put up or shut uv 1 rt f creikt to school dances pxiim huv v made their appear atvee aruund thtse hallowed halls ugain one u will br wrllun te- tween tht mlh and 1st of may tjur di partmentula or inula it retch from jum lllth oiilil june ulrd al ter thai joyous vaiutioiis on monday morning may lliiti 1 1 iiiiyaon s liinuuk lints in uie spilng a uung nun t knuy tum to thought of lovt wtit bitjught out of mothballs wh why ymi uk liis homeoiie in the lorin gone on u lovi ramjfcagt wtll the uu- twir i no but stjinetiiie vtry nt ir to ur form has betxjine hivuuetl our d n u it ht i ml so parkinson nut in munlu morning wearing boiut m w jewt lit ry whith she ht nt ivi 1 during tne wttktml 1 ht ims of our thai lorin wtre iiiokm lu irttd but wi it nuke tho ik st of il in our tiitf wi di give mlis parkinson iir bt t w isl s lor knod lu k in the lulurt grade xii report tridi xii students returned lo ttieir small but tosy room utter the rislt r holidays khklivg tired worn out and anything but happy ivtn the boys iojnd it very hard to lx bright and witty in engluh lass out of couav that didnt last very long ij comp class weve been taking up similes and nutuphors and ttic uivs have bcfii m their glory some of the outtonu a have been dis astrous some rlvitting somo i en i gone and the rest just plain tt i i iiml with our gioimlis t x1111 ovtr all it tn hok oivad to is lt i m ill t- it ut h 1- iikiisii t in m it i nd livtoi ugh and tin an just ii outul ttu t or nt r unlorlun di 1v sliut our biain bti i ill it i atuni has ih n aw iv hurt has ixen no news and nothing lo test ou alwut so 111 leave you now and 111 see ou in two weeks jum ilia i sjii the feoovc that shov yo wednesday bvenlns uay 12 ibm the geooetown tdcftals fauk t your heatinfl comfort guaranteed wmi a coleman comfort bond iisuio with iach bllmball hiatih9 mttauaiioh in any hoy oi 0u komi votm aou comrotfasuma baikv wawiil av al w4ala vou iavm on instaumion a 144aaa air aba that st amy aaaal youttvi uvm ubttl at iqaaia iwijiw apaea la htimiail alaiat btflay aviat yovu cool in hmmilwukcou auai aaw ooouas uoll add u what youra nady call ut taf ui axplal dew you tan hove bonded comfort in your homo j sanford son fll mlun iikatinf r jnillioalksf shivkfc iulllk adduts systems tr 72749 stewarttown tr 72412 for your excavating jobs cellars ponds loading etc sand grave and fill call barclay haulage s iii tr 73891 i ceorictow srsmki f wdtsawab msrimitr jtrrwwrttfttor thoughts before the music festival bv ii de unfortunately my pencil ts a bit shaky because the festlvul is two dnys away and i have a rather bad tase of the jitters i am not nlone though because many of the girls in tho choir ore looking a willi piiia lrtl y hr time you rcud this the festival will be far in the past i con picture now some of the sad nnd happy faces that will be seen around the halls of girs next week as for as ev erybodys concerned right now they all mem to think that theirs will be one of the sad ones a buj will lakouui cuiitrto milton and vcrybotiy seems to havo the same idou about missing it but evei yone hus her fingers crossed nnd 1 think they will all show up our choir leader is through t cur ing his hair out over the icauval mainly because 1t was all pullod out jong ago and things have been going smoothly were all ready to go nnd intend to do our very best i must sign off now so wtlco over and out free i daily pickwp s amp delivery s m georgetown and g- glen william s woods pehvection mlisslhraamagtawiiataiaim canadian builder this man is a machinist v with a woami el skill in hit hasdi and mi oyoi ht halpi forgo the took and equipment we ute every day our country growl itrono in peace or war through hu effort and the effort of men like him and it it for thete men and their families that the modem contumer finance company exlih for when illnen or emergency interrupt a family income 6n outside touree of money help bouenllal to their welfare for over a quarter of a century household finance hot provided hilt money service to hundreds otlhoutamlt of people in all walk of life ilonly whin vou niid it 3jowm ttf3mmt sisaarftitasiet nirawf uipyjaibi mwiiwia twmip i