win jctahaia to govaraor of tha pale of canada displayed to mem os tha parliamentary praaa fsuety uat waak the naw laaua of tank notaa bearing tha portrait of quean kuiabath n tha nsa laaua la datad lftm and will limln to raptaea tha current issue in september tha moat noucssfala feature of tha naw design la tha plating of tfaa engraved portrait of tha sovereign on tha right hand aide of tha face panel instead of la tha centra aa at praaent thlf naw poaltlon placea will not be v subject to tha wear occasioned iy at iuhj iyofgssc tha constant folding and unfolding have you tried these gasolihes tvkn in tooay to motors queen end guelph streeu triangle 2251 0 nata uutmfc the rtrtoi of thlf thaenravad una of tha portnit will ratals thalr clarity and crispnaaa tor a lonftr parted tb new poattlon alao pwmlu m bactar wraiigpiinant of lattata stand moat natabl mature about tha naw notaa la tha reduction of alaborata ornaniaoutloa in dealgn includlrvi tha ununtloo of tha dacorsuv oval fjemlnf around tha portrait simpler atylaa oflattaru and typa hava toaen uaad tha govt rnor rf tha bank polnfad that tham chant ea all conthbutad to fcauaf laefb4uty a wait aa adding to tha aafaty of du oaw issue another chanfe 4hft came 1n or comment and approval waa jhe re placement of the eymbollc flcurea and acenea appearing on tha tacka of the present uaua with engravings of photographic acenea of canadian countryside mr towera empha sized that thaae arenas ware not cho- aen because they repreaented parti cular placea but because they were characteristic of a number of areas in canada it was explained that the opportunity provided by the de cision to redcalgn had enabled the adoptkftt of more efficient -paoduc- tlon methods one change had re sulted in a distinctive feel which would contribute to safety another wss the production of the charac teristic colours of denomination by new and safer methods mr towers said that preliminary arrangements were now being made for the major job of distribution and that this had prompted tha da is ion to hold a number of advance showings for editors press corres pondents snd others in various cen tres he said that the criminal coda provisions which prevented any illustration of currency 1 left no practical method of making avail able early information on tha new design distribution of the new notes will be citected bm worn end soiled not re of the present issue are withdrawn from circulstlon and it wlu there fore be some time after september before the exchange is complete regular wooiuy meeting of branch 130 canadian legion besl waa hald uat thursday evening with a larva group of member on r v kivc hundred different types of paper arc produced in our canadian mills i phngti rnfe los ange1j vancouver miami 9165 8975 6185 round tstxp by bus corner cupboard restaurant tr 73051 main street after tha opening ceracnonlee the president aaked the iw to aead the- minute of tha prevloua regular meeting and tha executive meetings held during the peat month after themuutes wera reed and confirmed the various com mltte convenara imported includ ing sick mrs t f grieve enter tainment herb arnold and others tha treasurers report waa given by treasurer roney under general business it waa reported that an park had been reeerved for tha annual branch picnic on sunday juy th and that plana wertr being made for it tha preildem thanked all aoae who had helped make the fireworks dis play on monday night such a great success and hoped that it would be continued in future yeara he aald that the crowd present that night certainly merited the display and that possibly another year tha lag- ion and council would once again take on the job possibly with the help of other organizations a do nation of goo was passed to the le gion provincial scholarship fund which last year sent 20 children of veterans to university provincial command hopes this year to send over thirty the president very briefly sum med up the financial situation of the branch pointing out that mem bers could not and should not ex pect to show the flnanclala gains of earlier years now with operating costs up over fifty par cent plua the annual pltfiic inaugurated three years ago and the hookey program which coats s good deal of money and also waa started three years ago proof that the branchs contribution to minor sports was recognized was indicated when the provincial command saw fit to award the drench a certificate of merit for two years successively as the leg ton branch doing the most to sponsor kid sports in their community in this province he felt that while it was his duty to point out these facts to the members yet there was certain ly no need to worry as it was on very sound financial grdund and be wo quite sure that the iiranch would end the year in excellent haic the meeting adjourned at 8 so the chairman of the social purl of the evening then took over alf sykee and called on the various en tertainers to come to the stage alf pcrrott accompanied by arthur murray of brampton played a clar inet solo bob m c menem y told a robert service story in lancashire dialect don bo r r offer told a french canadian story while bill young entertained later on his violin jim burns played the piano for a sing aong and nick brown and bob mc- menemy contributed some further stories and art and joe stamp sang mayor jack armstrong then thanked the members for inviting him to the ultalr and also said he felt the branch deserved a great deal of credit for the magnificent fireworks display held on may 24 the kitchen staff servtd an ex cellent meal of chicken legs french fries and green peas to top the ev ening oft around the rooms the executive would like to make it clear that regarding tv programs the majority rules if a discussion arises ael which pro- gram to walcklaveo- vote in the room dont juat argue about it nice trophies the boys brought home from brantford ae the dart champs we hear that the boys of the dart and crib teams are going to bring them down next meeting night to let the members have a look see a for effort scotty bjfejlrtvcrjkllor thp frooch frlw last thursday pm quite willingly lonelm hlghcftoft a great sire j e w during recent weeks whan mak ing aoroe farm calls some o our halton holateln frlenda knowing that we have en aprpadatioti for good livestock ahowed ue their hards inevitably if they had a daughter or dauejhters of lonalm texal hlgherofl ttsbae animals wars painted out with apecial pride and well they may ance tfce run arch programme titbit carried en ay the animal husbandry department re veals that highcroft waa one p the top sires of tha breed in tha hut decade both from the stand point of transmitting type and production to his offspring down at harold coopers farm near palermo wa saw a lovely daughter of that great aire aa wa saw her she haj everything great scale type and a lovely udder this particular animal waa bred by johnson neeianda at llornby over in nelson township mi gordon sin clairs is another great daughter of tha same sire bred ty percy kitch- ing at moffat she too has aoale capacity type and a good mammary system just yesterday we sew another daughter of lllghcrofts at a t woodleys she too stands out in the herd like a million dollars we now are beginning to realize why men ilka dave llouck herd superintendent at itomandale farm has been scouring the country for daughters of lflghcroft in the past two or three years tfflc getoftgbtowm mmjutr wednesday evaftlnjfc jtue s 1au packs au pittsburgh paints ernies radio flowers for all occasions potted puatsv beddaog stock bulb artistics designs we wire flowers rosedale floral 14 murdockst tr 72952 f new erin veterinerien wingrove jcnna govt dr gerald sheeny guelph ha taken over the veterinary practice of dr j b wingrove in erin the latter has taken a poaltlon with the veterinary department of the on tario government in toronto a 1932 ovc graduate dr shee ny has since been practicing with dr k b howe in guelph get two in a pot the boys are oft for toronto and the provincial dart play ofts this saturday luck boys suu think a lobster sup per would go next fall hecve stan allen wouldnt tell any of his stories at the chicken supper but well hove to have him on tap for the next one along with jack arm strong and his trumpet the le gion is always sure of hearing him play once a year when he plays his annual duct with mick on new year s eve and just in case you dont know mick is bob mcmcn- omy who besides his story telling wields a mean tax don barra- gcr was chatting with us about the possibilities of a show put on by members and its a fine idea with the talcpt around there it would be a dandy maybe next fall building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines clen williama trismgle 73302 safe but how sane 1 have your sso oil burner installed now i 5500 down 1 till raara u pay rarmanla aa law aa m per bmbul fkke e8ttmatk8 wbillspr0ule kuzabktii bt b phone 1177 brampton a than any other type off heating if youre iakttttti in getdag the blggetc vatae for your heattne dollar juu acauul compare dta acwcfauchecb automatic oumicd winter air coodldowaf unlt hhu tlterhuiblrluieiniilclrciilatei invigorating conditioned air evenly through your bona mainrahutmred temperature lutomi need no work or utefltlooj- no heating tjratem rawyr4 often crater cemrstt conveolnnrantl aa1clcmybo othei typa ef beating giver you to ratufi for your money hte uiablfaartufjetter lniawiomou4mrjouifirfeopiem ntrob- ugwhb vbouuabowawr hearing job r plumbing heati too only they urent to the wronff place good thing nick vnt down and picked them up where they wro ordored sez chub how many reftlla do i act for thta 2oc meal ticket happy to aee our old friend tom ooodlet out at the meeting drop in and aee ua often tom speaking of tha faateat- growing aport around the branch onc of our membera li in the big city purchaalng golf cluba and wanta lefthanded onea the aaleamen aaya he hasnt any ao lome buya right- handera muet be great tobnamblr dextroua saw gord king giving harv choppal n few pointers in tho room the other night on the propav way to hold a club both harv and j rene martin were watching attentively too gorditlllfla urcs holding a chicken do was a dirty trick arid- a deliberate attempt to scuttle a plonk n his plolform aa candidate for branch president guess youll hajve to bring out your old one two for 30c gord- wahave oftetv wondered who could wr mp more fuss ins hurry tlaa4iyother member and flnally orrlve at the conclusion that lta v up between alt byksk vic torrance end nick aandn i with alviivitjatrenttld sharp runnertip the fallow who stole bob marr tlrtv matit chuamturym s ke1ep1ng your furniture doliuna and other belong ings in a wpl safe even if possible would limit your enjoyment of this property a more practical way to protect this investment is with a strong insurance pol- icy ihe personal proper- generafctouekin ty floater ask us about it today john r barber agency gravel top soil fill cement mjilding blocks ernie thompson encrnts to elmer c theatbaan insnmnee servlee john bauin f kaisey k c tharapaan mill street tiujsll glen wtllisms hamilt0m construction at your service every building head discuss your problem