dkhtdarrdwm mauua wednesday evening june 2 1054 caok foundation for knowledge vr marie she dixit u but i always sweep up whenever ive fiimheij a job just like you help your mummy by keeiung your room tidy ami always putting away your toy whett youre through with ihcxu making juit that lit tic extra effort art of the tele phone job bell people everywhere go out of their way to be orderly courteous obliging you can sec in the way they work theyre glad to be of service it all adds up to better telephone service service that leeps on giving more and more value to the user thi box tttmioni company oftamada plumb nw beixvoom inrfiuj or i witts systeaxut repair of all ksacb ken charlie nash mcdowell 8 king street eatt tr 72842 for jfcjun and rock face 1 concrete blocks also chimney blocks rrs priole concrete block co w j medowan 9th line glen williams trian 73471 outoftown callers pleas revert charffaa mvfriht rr witywnfisa i i c jnjfriiiiviiawjiiiirii ham a r koreas turn ana wmn week tegetkar la the esbfirwusa el a textbaek atiatlini plsal at yeagdbbtee ear beenl waleh will provide the kaewudgsfclbagty ehuarea af keraa with tlumam books the psejaet is feelag eerhad aat tluaifti tka joint efforts f tka halted natlaee kereaa beeeastraeuea aganay unexa and tha uaued natleaa edaeiueaa sdaatlla and collar organ- uuoa uasses unease i eeatribaung glmtea far tka eeaatraetloa af tka bolldlnf wkua tjnkka has added uim which will ba used u porckua printing machinery and trala xereaas la lis an unsula alaa hi mealled enenrh papar for st sallllen textbeeka travel notes toiik monets worth mokb in mexico fly tca to chicago then non stop to mexico cky by ameri can airliner blue ribbon atrcoach return fare 20610 all experts tours in mexico available at low rate consult john r barber traval aivtoar kucke c tnohpfton dmuftanoc batbvick tr 73521 mill stwset social a personal mr and mrs walter t evana have left to spend the summer at maffnelewan walter blehn and corey herring- ton oaf the herald staff attended a spring clinic on saturday at ryer- son institute toronto one of a ser ies of lecture lor weekly newspap ermen mr and mr james evana mary and barbara and mrs william yank were in guerph a week ago saturday attending the walu- kuhn wedding which took place trt knox presbyterian chunich the bride the former ruth kuhn rn whose parents reside in guelph has been nursing in bermuda and the newlyweds will reside there tells council lautiea of life in holland when the local council of wo- mch met at the home of mrs nod- welt- on friday may 21st they were pleasantly entertained by mi is catherine ankersmlt of holland a young woman with ambition to see the world and live in pleasant places employed at the bank of commerce she is living with rela tives mr and mr l devrlcs during the war many young canadian service men were sta tioned near her homeland they were of such fine caliber she decid ed that the country that produced them must be a splendid place to live so taking advantage of hol lands policy of subsidizing young people who wish to emigrate from that densely populated country she came to canada by plane with others from her homeland she spoke of the result of wars on the people psychologically as well as physically in holland 80 percent of the population live in rented houses the beautiful decorations used on their national costumes are identi fied with special localities social services in holland are highly or ganized almost to the point of regl- rnvntatlon the flood relief response was magnificent and c rooted much goodwill toward canada which is proving a happy land of new tissue la lions and frletrdshpl for this welcome new canadian mrs j w kerr presided the provincial council of wo men is meeting in r owen sound this week and plana will be com pleted for the national council meetlitg in j yederlcton nb inv june klve dollars was voted to the leper mission fund the hosteas was assisted by mlsa h a staunton and miss isabel preston the june meeting will bo held at the home of miss staunton maple avenue insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triangle 72512 millstreet servinu your community for over 30 yeaxa i i li li hn for expert eye care consult o t walker opiournust i ksin st north brampton over aballs drug store phone office 600 raa 830 hours p ejn to pan dally evenings by appointment build a new home or modernize the old one for a free estimate on a new home alterations repairs kitchen cupboards etc call meers building triangle 73 1 6 1 guelph road no job too small or too large is1 holsteins sell for argentina thirty ana of the 47 animals con- lucned to tha annual national hol- teteln sale held may 17th at oalt- villa were sold for export hiur i argentina six to venezuela i 31 to the usa tha general average of the sslo 1881 which compares wltli 074 itat year and was made without any aeaptlonally high prices to boost at top was 1500 received by j 1st fraaer streetavllle from raul of buenos aires argentina fh a bull calf chlso also bought i top female at 1250 from david stevens st uarya itaabville farms mjlton aold a heifer to arthur ball clar- e ny at ss0 while sam- it jlnnle hornby bought a heifer at 480 from j v o talkerton nsxmnnro hay crop short ta meadows and pastures eame through the- winter in excellent shape have taken j in recant weeks tne low and frosty algbta have i wewtb4o the point where ilituke short hay crap and gjn pamlifmjnr 1w4 1s5rr sthaulato i mrt wonder -1- ijrp- ttoa oni or am orcallhdau 0mi0nid to liclloi canadian todav iohi o thi imtuiminoivimtt ioth oiavi and oav in out cbuhtwri eoitoopir j1