illlqakmutte sau plumb ek fc billgarbutt sarah strm tklangle7sm8 silverwood president tells of wi conference mrs ft csrbett it is always a pleasure to go to the college in guelph and i antic ipated the pleasure of seeing the campus at this time of year but that pleasure was decided dampen ed as i only went between the memorial hall dining hail and the administration building where 1 was billeted as you know the weather was awful however there was a nice spirit about the conference and l we uy tha new seats in the memorial hall and nuenee young people to take were very comfortable advantage of our agricultural col in heme of the conference was und gd he told of start where you are with what mo0vt whtme wanud to go to you have which was a quotation oac ciunc to whjt from one of mrs sayres speeches wm i mrorued at the acww convenuon last year problems as the college helping with the rural problems wnerte there used to be about 50 per cent of the population on the farms now there is only 12 to is per cent on the farms farmers produce one and a half times as much food as they did ten years ago and with more consumers and less producers it demands more ingenuity we nave to think of world production and the cost of production is the faklt news trafalgar couple high in judging contest the pictorial judging contest held recently by the guernsey breeders journal took on world magnitude contestants took part from all but one of the states of the usa most of the provinces of canada costa luco jungiand south africa and turkey a new record was set when z499 replies were judged by the committee at the american guernsey cattle club in the sen ior section mrs wm o uooth of craig lawn meadow farm traf algar townatup tied for second prize while her husband took too seventh award 1n the same section wednesday evening july 21st 1054 the oeottoefown iff y rami raoe s pn uaclachlan the president of oac welcomed us- he said no or ganization was more welcome at the oac campus that the w f has ha same objective and the same are you waiting on your holidays to take on some job of digging a drola painting a floor making some extra sereins hunting a combination door or some other job around home come in and see our stock of lumber and building supplies and see the newest products you can use to do the job yourself bee jou outdoors enjoying the fine summer eeningi jd mackenzie scson coal lumbers building supplifs qtfje iucmodal 3foeal a monument built of enduring granite marble symbolic in design and rev erent in purpose resting in surroundings of peace and beauty a tribute of respect and honour to the dead constant aouros of inspiration to the living we eaapior no agents yea pay bo eemmlsalan boy direst a card ar letter will bring ear servle t year dear oakville monument works cemeteby lettering monuments c1jcankd m celbarae street weal oakttlle one trite promt iii 11 international iiiu most economical double dut vehicle you can buy ttserisg i trsswliiliaj tattacties sfrlags now you can enjoy all the advantages of pickup and us eonvenuaos of a ear with the naw international 100 it tha pickup with lot of load apaea and it haadlaa as aailly anyona can drive it tike it shopping uaa it on tha job driva it anywhara everywhere ita tha moat eonomlcal double duty vehicle on the road today maveal motor sales tr 741611 main street was like and teas so surprised to find out sllthe things 4hat went on there as she had thought it was where they learned to braid horses tails to show them at iairs dr margaret mccready of mar- donald fnstitute also welcomed us fcjie said that the w 1 provides five cholsrshlps for students at mac- donald institute and one more for an overseas student the rirst student to be brought for this scholarship is from jamaica next fall mrs hoodless started msc- donald institute so years ago by interesting a wealthy nun mr m action id one argument to use with the girls if you are trying to persuade them to go to msc is that there are five times as many men on the campus as girls the mar riage rate u high of course padre young and the kidds were there for the sing songs tiiul we enjoyed them as much as ever miss iels spoke on lite theme and of the branch and tx tension courses she quoted further from mrs sayrc when she spoke at mo rn y critic to the delegates to the accw said a legend has become u iking reality for all of us the story of stoney creek has four im portant and significant ikolnts and thou i the xwer of an idea and ld as can be niore powerful thun armies it ihowi the power of a wonitin it shows the power of on individual and it pnin that cr one must begin where hit y are and with wtiat tliey havt smiklnt of the r xtt tulon iuur- ses shi said wt uic a sttup for udull edueutlun in homemakliiij rltfhl at our front door step it is pro vided as a wrvltc for you from the droartrncnt u agriculture and for free these courses arc to help women acquire sound and approved practices for grealtr home efficien cy to train leaders to develop a more abundant life in our commun ilies and to develop better happler mtui more useful r i linns miss lewis spoke furtlur about the extensign courses urging each branch to make use of them as it is one of the best examples of adult education ev cry member is sup posed to sign the blue sheet giving her choice and then the secretary hands it to the d 13 and she exam ines it and takes it to the dd mee ting and they can arrange joint services with neighbouring branch es there arc over 12 000 take these courses and they have is instruc tors so it is very inconvenient when n branch backs out at the last minute mrs j e lfouck spoke about the united nations the tornto tele gram referred to her as mrs wo men s institute she stressed that the branches should study the work commodore grill qlkn williams naabarra a specialty te crcaat light loaches credit valley taxi caiinigljnu7ml nxd mavbatjmui battwasu jt tv have your sso oil burner installed now i 5soo down j twl yesrs to pay payments aa law aa ftm ses mcoula free ebtimatks wbillsproule 4 kucamkvn st s of the u n there arc 400 projects being managed by the us the people from asia ask for help to help themselves not for money more tlum tyilf tha- world is hun- gry aiul lb per cent of asian ete illiterate the nest money raising project such as helping tha korean widows is expected to be for uni- ckr or unesco they have a gift coupon plan to help organizations in other countries to buy the sup plies they nerd a skit was put on by several la dles showing s wl meeting us it should not be the roll call was to imitate the sound of s farm ani mal mrs lornc guild wrote the skit the afternoon was spent in dis cussion groups and then the lead ers uf the group pooled the ideas and ivc a report this of course was of great interest as vac heard of the problems of other brandies some have a terrible time getting ofticent changed i realized what a blesslng it that we have started out by ehimglng our officers regu larly one woman told of a secre tary they had for 17 years and then when they did flnully put in ano ther she was so displeased that sho only turned over the current record book and as they had been organ- lied over m years they have no record of the former years no of ficer should be in oltlce more than six years i was rather surprised to find that about hall the brunches pay iht ir m re lar w i the amount vary ing from fivt to 5 dollars which is ri illy juxi t token of upi reclu- tion of tmrbc as it v as a presidents luitlt 1 1 rut tlu re wus a lot of od- vlte to pre sidi nls mart meeting on lime if a juorum is prese nt this mint wis mrched a nominating committee was rc- cornmtnded for elections iuk our tonunitteis down lho mentbershlp list so each member shares in the wirk hach branch can make its own by laws a notice of motion for a by law should be given in advance vice presidents should take one or two met lings a year all motions should be made be fore the matter is discussed and the president must repeat the mot- ion a good member abides by the will of the majority those who do not vote at all are counted as posi tive votes the executive can act for the institute in emergencies between meetings programs should be planned a ear in advance it was recommen- deil that they hnc a line of contln- ty throughout the cor the un could be chosen and each month study a different project of theirs one branch studied canada taking a province at a time but that sub ject could be taken from each con veners point of view it was suggested thnt each con vener have a group of the members to help her and they could be cho sen by number and it was stressed several times that we should use our own women for the programs ra ther than getting outside speakers so often the wl is to develop len ders and of course lt does help to develop one to study up a subject and then present it mrs summers vice president of lheacww gavcncvvs of that organ ization the next conference is to be in ceylon mrs soy re post president has been appointed to some national organization in wash ington there arc plans to organ ize wii in pakistan egypt gold coast turkey thailand argon- tine and others this is very en couraging as it should begin with women to raise the standard of living tho almaflhot objectives of lho acww ore to promote international goodwill friendship and understand ing of the countrywomen of tho world to nnlso the standard of rural people the world over to better in- iternational relationship t wo must learn to accept pooplo of other countries as they ore all have the same heart hunger we should teach our children and grandchildren to have toleranco for pcoplo who have different ways of life mrs adnms thefwlc president spoke in the evening she is a young woman under forty who comes from a farm near ethelton saskatchewan sho was telhng hat she never had lived ln the country except to teach school until she married a farmer she wee yery 7mlftototnalce- special eoyal instant puddings pkflg while thzy last le bale juhkb j freezing mix 3 was 29 special rrab importad enclish vfoomct allsorts 35c flit bombs 98c black flag m 89 fly coils 2 nu 29c fly swats l 13c tomato juice ubbvb fancy 48 oz tin ballards regular lives ar chicken health food 2 27c champion regular or pish cat food 2 r 25c special blue a gold fancy peas 2 35c new low price numilk 27c nucoa margarine lb slb tot 81c 29c try this with ice cream angel cake mix robin hood package 57c heinz cereals 21c baby foods w 2 19c strained meats 2 45c cordon bleu assorted meat 2 soz tins spreads 23c homegrown tomatoes full of r lav our 2 33c bananas honey dew cucumbers carrottotbfc golden ripe arizona melons 12s homegrown lb 19c each 29c 2 for 15c 2tun 15c radish homotfrown bunches 14c arbjrajmpcyn 1 ter duektui etti in the jfatt mothers leaving their homes and bringing in part of tho pay packet and that this u stealing the role from the father of the family many mothers especially rural mothers have been forced to enter the tea ching field she stressed the need of adult education but urged that we take a positive approach to com bat crime comics etc for the chil dren by seeing that decent reading material is available far rural chil dren she suggested we study eoaser- vatlon wo could do that by inter esting ourselves in the credit val ley covservotion which is afoot now the beaverton wi choir put on a pageant tuesday evening jitiere wese 10 women dressed in costume of different countries each woman greeted ua in 4he language of tha country she represented and then in english and announced thesong they would hits in honour of that africa wbb wail uupc which was a wedding dress she said the marriage lasted as long as the dress so if lt was a happy marriage the woman took very good care of the dress and only wore it on special occasions but if the mar riage was not successful she wore lt out much faster miss ferguson of scotland spoke for a few minutes she said that one of their ways that was different from ours was that they took their hats oft when they were on the platform she spoke of how grate ful the delegates to the acww were for their reception in canada she spoke of the good work of the wl in scotland tout that at first they were not always aeceotedv when they organized on one of the islands a minister- there preached about the treat jlg fiery serpent that had come to the island as rep- resentea by the wj their- extension services ere lo cal taught by local member 3