s ml okoatcmown ffltsmufr wednesday kvesdnfc sept 8th ism fao it formula pricing of milk coming events tsi if its television youre loolriag for seethe new rca victor models we are dealers for rca victor television radio and appliances wheelers store glen williams tr 72652 by jask ntemwhob in the family herald and weekly star formula pricing or fluid milk in ontario u now a reality thla means that in all market which adopt this method of pricing the old problem of milk producers and distributors getting together to try and nego tiate a price for milk going to the fluid milk market has been eliminated instead a mathematical formula will be applied at xh be- bgliuung of each month which will give the answer on what the prlco should be sounds simple doesnt itt well the application of the formula la relatively simple the big job is snd has been a develop s satis factory formula a good many people had been thinking and talking about this idea for some lime but the actual yi was formally begun in ibm at that time the ontario whole milk producers league asked the prov incial department of agriculture to study the possibility snd desirabil ity of introducing the formula sys tem of pricing milk col kennedy then minister of agriculture appoln- ird a committee of four to under take the job they were dairy com missioner kverett illggs chairman dr r c hope economist cana dian federation of agriculture dr ii i- patterson director of farm lroriomlcs ont dct of agriculture lurn and prof w m drumroond head of department of agricultural iximomirs at oac when dr druin- m lid rt tired he was replaced by prut d italph campbell this committee has since ibm im- ii studying liirmula pricing as it ojw rates in some 40 markets in 1 send them off to j school 1 in quality footwear silvers shoe department expert fitting widest selections guaranteed quality youre invited haltonccf association annual picnic saturday september 11th 200 pm at the breezes i 4 miles west of acton wm temple toronto member of ccf provincial council will speak bring your lunch tea and millt supplied f lss fwiiiimuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiumijjiimiiiinmilliuiiir farnells keiuers marmalade imported dundee lime marmalade 1 2 oz lemon chip marmalade 1 2 oz little chip orange marmalade thick chip orange marmalade ginger marmalade 1 2 oz jar dundee orange marmalade stone pot jar jar 12 oz 12oz jar jar 39c 31c 31c 31c 45c 45c huntley palmers cocktail snacks triangular shaped lltho tin 1 49c crosse blacftwell pickled walnuts 9 oz jar 65c la whys lyons of london caesar dressing sweets or sslads 14 oi vacuum sealed jars 6 oz bottle 69c 59c mapielx14jquid for all dishes and fine laundry 12 oz bottle 42c contains lanolin protect the hands ei i 5 o mlj 4 l3 wejjffit 20 lb united state and hv working on formula which nxufat be aubfbctory in ontario ttii year they have settled o one which they feel u moet likely to he t- iatucxary and which now u actually being uaod in a number of ontario fluid millt markets tcie fonnula is made up of six indicators of economic conditions these are weighted tn the formula in an effort to make the price which m ill he arrived at move in accord ance with position of both farmer t and consumer the indicators are shown below indicators wholesale prices canada weekly earnings ontario 20 prices of commodities and 4srvice used by varmen in easter canada 30 price of nutlertal ont 10 price of condensed milk products onl 10 price of cheese out 19 100 tlte wiolekjlo price liulex was otven lwcuuavc it move with gen- em tmoiomtc condlllons srvd it re- iltxla the drmwrd fur all products including milk similarly tho mirekly eurtilnjfa index is sn excel- ent i nd leu tor ut general demand if the eurnliigt ot liidmrtjul workers uu down lhi would bc rt fleeted in ist index and would lower tho pncl of milk ihe lndix of conuttudlutn bcr vlin umxj by runner to ustrrit canada 1 ntudt uj if ull nmjor furnt com likludliui fted teed fi r- tilur nsctiliit ry taxt inureat rale labour und other it does imt include farm fumlly living coals ihlft index certainly is related to lost of production und will tend to kit p milk juices in him with farm tout alwi ll atrouttl m noted it is uk moil ipuvlly wiihed in it x whkti makes ita inf lui lire atittntf tht olhtr uiree win llw prices for butttrfit clevw und cimdt used jnllk prinlutta wtrt thown accur liic to tht kifltt t xplalning the formula to i1m ijht to ollur lalr products if tttc o trail supply i f milk is jr mil and demand la klrontf jrices for ihtse product will rist this will bring the price of fluid milk up as will they reflect the supply of milk and the dimand both domeallc und fonign indeed tht formula chosen has given aboot equal weight to demand and supply including costs next came the question of choos ing a base period the committee finally selected ihe five ytari 1947 m because this poit war period in cluded oite year of declining prices u3 well os several years i riling ps ices a an example of how this woujd work out lake the month of cb runry 1154 and the toronto mar ket the base price for this mar- kol that is the average price paid producer for quota milk in the years 104752 was 4 1306 then the committee took the rebruary ibm level of the six indexes already described and weighted them ac cording to tht outline this gave them what they call a combined weighted correction lactor index this formidable sounding item is the figure by which the base price is multiplied lo find the new for mula price for the month for i-eb- ruary 1054 it was 100 51 to get the mbrimry price we have tho 100 5m00 x 4 1106 4 52 thus we get the answer tha iho formula price for february 104 would be 4 2 on the toronto mnr- ktt the ncgoiiitcd price at that tinil was 4 go lit ortkr to ttsl the formut i pri ces since 1041 have been culrulited iitxl romp ired with the actual prl- ipb it is rimirkablc how close they are to one another at times tht form u 1 1 priii has been modtr- iittly hlghtr and il tithir tinu hit lowtr uinit tht prices actually pud but they hive been close en ough to indict tt tiey won very n ilistic mid not uh fir out of line with sonu prices which were arrived at only after some long and at times bltur negotiations in prietlce the fori mil i will be applied to the price of milk at the beginning of each month however the committee considered that price changes would only be in fairly large steps and should not be mndo too often frequent price changes tend to upset producers distributors and consumers the committee rec ommends that n change in price paid the producer only be made when the formula indicates a move ment of price cither up or down of at least 10 cents per hundred pounds of milk then to further remove the influence of shortterm move ments in any ot the indicators they suggest the price used for a month be the average of the calculated for mula price for that month and those for the two previous months whether or not formula pricing la used la a decision left to each fluid milk market in ontario pis- the local council of women will meet at ura r t pauls cabin on friday september 24th euchre in terra cotu hall saturday september 18th at 8 00 pjn sharp lunch admission 33c 015 attention euchre fans odd fellows euchres start friday octo ber 1st fi georgetown oddfellows hall at 8 15 pjn flood weekly pri zes admission 50c halloo county junjor farmers in vile you to attend their dance at lluttonville park wednesday sept 1 5th modern aires orchestra ad mission 75c 0- nerval junior farmers aanual weiner roast will be held at the horns of joan wrtgglesworth jri- diy september lolh 08 monarch cooking school mon day september 20th an- tuesday september 21st at 8 pm sponsored by scout lad irs auxiliary tickets vkr available from members browns taxi call in advance for iletler service tr 73319 kenneth r harmon 4rct will rroprn classes la piano voice on monday sept 13 toh injohmation pleast ilfonl tr 73236 mrs bernice gowland ati m ienclier of piano organ theory libcinnutb to advanced prepared for rxmliiituoni if desired studio kims lribytcrlun church ctttirgitown fi r lnf rmallon phone bramimon 349 w 12 munis hydr mi and mrs rri hyde art happy tu announce the arrival of ann hliuibelh at guetph gen eral hospital august 25lh 1154 mcnlvln mr snd mrs victor mrnimn are happ to announce tht birth of a son douftias drent in guelph gincrnl hosjiital sep- cmlxr 2nd i0s4 ards or thanks lruf i i m sincerely grateful to frlfnd ncighours and rela tives whose help and tollers of help while 1 was sick during har vest time utre much appreciated and for individuals and organiza tions who sent csrds and gifts iercy leslie morris mrs sid morris wishes to thank friends relatives and st paul s church for flowers sifts and cards sent during her stay in hospital travel relaxed and carefree una uus matter with roy licit secretary of the ontario whole milk producers league we found tiut about b0 markets have authorized the lessue to place tfiem under formula price eneratlon these in clude markets for several of tha laree consumer centres such as tor onto sir uok estimated these tnmr- kets would represent about m per cent of the milk said on the fluid milk msufkets ot the provinet coauiuic4jntoiumn 6 exhibition september 13 to ib fare and onehalf for the round trip good oolnn sorurdoysaptambsr 1 1 smber for bigger selections for better values you cant beat silvers one of the finest appjej stores in rural ontario look intoilese moneysaving values this week mens sport shirts by arrow und forsyth formerly up to 298 4 50 now mens slacks smart sturdy nyogib slacks mens suits f wool 1 nglish worsteds and 495 3950 mens windbreakers smartly styled kuljjirclme wiiidbreakers quilt lined i real cool weather k jq qc mens madetomeasure suits a good selection of woollens expertly tailored with two pair pants 5950 boys slacks gatairdines and wool flannels 398 boys sport shirts clearance of higher priced lines now jl qq boys underwear briefs and tops boys blazers all wool navy flannel blazers 49 895 gjrls tunics wool serge navy tunics for school trom j1 98 girls blouses white broadcloth blouses in all sizes from jl gq ladies nylons first quality 5 1 gauge i 5 denier nylons qq boys windbreakers clearance of higher- priced lines from j9 98 flannelette blankets 70x90 double bed size flannelette blankets pnir n 495 bath towels large size heavy cannon bath towels r 198 childrens sleepers the famous dr denton sleepers originally up to 4 25 special 198 ladies sweaters ladies all wool cardigans in loely dolours s 298 childrens overalls clearance of higherpriced lines of gabardine overalls special m 00 formula pricing of milk continued from column 3 meantime several markets which did not take up formula pricing have gone to arbitration because ot failure to reach agreement with dlfc tributors in arriving at their deci sion on price the ontario milk con trol board have applied the formula so it is receiving officlsl recognition and use in thlsjnsnner as well mr lick commented that because tha f ties the price of milk to economic conditions in the coun try most of the officials in his or ganization feels it is tha soundest to saturday september ib inclusive return limit septembsr 20 wuy o an ivi ut a uthie th days as to the actual formula be ing used they are prepared to give it good test if there are any flaws in the jsresent formula they will show up and can he feels be ad- justed so as to give an even more satisfactory formula canadian national a herald adust will give you surprising results when you have some vsjl wiring commercial and domestic at leos electric service millbtrebt beatty pumps liberal yradeiua tr 729 moralngs barer tat asnuiuotnut f 1 askfarhaatt