pack wednesday evening oct isth 1054 vrk gkobgetokn imaij dishes choose one of these open stock patterns tfierere colourful dl20paror fir 995 wild row 795 dffedim995 capri and inexpensive 995 rita 995 mcnamara jewellers ml 7tul u main ot we changed from a car to a new international loo hydro locates fan clock exchange depot now wo can enjoy all tha advantage of a pickup and the convenience of a car at eavinf of hundreds of dollars lake a demonstration dre 7bdf v a nom maveal motor sales jr 73611 main street pied maveal international trucks hamilton construction 160 guelph street tr 73480 homes industrial retirements renovations garages concrete work building supplies every building need trier will be quite a few new eucycle clocks in gecrfietqwn premltes after this week xnuym hydro chairman robert ii stlundcfs said today that hydro has lucutrd a clock and fan depot in georgetown where customers can mriutiitc their 25 eye k model for new fto cycle models or have ihem au red for 60cycle operation it wilt be open until the end of nov ember tlie txisanii ten ire la jocattd in uu uuietik nt ut thr holy crow diurth on ouuih slrit it will be u6ti from k ju u ni to 3 p nt mun day through fyitijiy with tse e ttjitlon of tin when it will ttuy mtt until i uni clo k- mul una mr saunders i aitlulmtt ur not onvrtd in llu itomr a un most uttur uipllaiin init should bt iuk n by the rufrlomrr to tv tlixk unri un dipot ttic only vlioilj are urwi ttumrt tyi clxka mid tutu or t xhaust pdtljl or bt nt h tyjw lni i f miy l which 4ire allrnd on tht tusumuri own primlm or in hydro workshop three plana tin dojmt tukei curt of the cx- t i4in or jltrrultoti of tht uual tyj of wirt4blt clocks under it inchs and di rk fans up to 16 liirli- i in dlamtwr customtra cin bt i ttt from u vurkty of tto tcli moil- t is of iiiodt rn fuaiun by paylntf un i xthanit i rlct or may ihoot from u kimtlul icrfiup of imw iruxlil on u iohjrt baa it on tin tht r hand if ponmblt ltdro will contrt ihom jtju modi is liut t iint mu r par- tic tilai l want ti ktv only tlotks ni fans in working i ftli r urt utx platili fir txthint- or it lu r it ion hrn to r xrhanf r lf1r advihs customers nit to makt tht t xdi iijt until u day r ui tfirt tht ir thari oxer day tht 6 ctlt clocks and faiv will not of tourst work on 23 cyt it power supply im thai ti y wuul bs um us until tht sw lu h is ma di in tht honit the diot ahi also tukt can if tht chaneier of portable fan hea un as wt 11 as of ctrlaln typt s of tltttric usem hair t ljiprri mis sar dt vices nnd fixxl and drink mixers while most of the luttt r applla- ces are of tht unutrsal typt whlth do not requirt conerslon some mo th li as hrtil in uwrtturt mail ed to customers are frequency sinkki and customers owning tht in should t ikt tht tn to the dt pot masons lamilifs at si1rim- t ircls sctrnl local masom with their wim and families went to toronto tiy chartered bus last week to nt- ti nd the shrine circus tv trouble dialtr72802 wigo is specialized in radio and tv repairs wigo has the most modern equipment thats why wigo can give you fast and efficient service one call and you ore convinced tiiis beautiful 21 marconi tv fives you fine steady crisp sharp pictures 29995 11 marconi sz1sb5 philips 17 tv no nrrd to explain the line ulllj of hi set 27995 with alaflilblaed picture lobe tl from ims up you will find in our store many more sets to fit your budget ask for a free home trial j- m ug o radio television service 5 main street k just acrom from tbe municif remeinberr tv w specialty not a sideline 45 main street mj2802 just acrou from the municipal office hopes to start jujitsu classes jujltsu inhibition art to danes what wrestling tiouts are to cstna- dlana and americans at least that is the way hvnw hanun explains it j ho outlirua iii antbltloru for ltartin ju jit su tiurtrut tlon clos- mi in getirifttowu lomifi to canada uirt yearn sifo from coptnsaicen xiunurk mr hiiimti and wife hettled firrt in ttic stratford arru then at 1 ittle drit aln u in n he was a farm mumaft r and now m ur ottn williams wlurv tit inunatab o i vauhan b fall- tjrook halm luhtdt tiff ii lid art of if dt f- ntt it 1 ulwt hl liittntion to it uch what is talltd in dtiunark tavt tyitiiuilln a t rlti of ri imimi using a loiic fctltk which stn n t tht n iiium1i5 mukes jt body i huhlt and htlp dclu aiiouldt rs nut thtatkt anyotu who uti mr haiuaii walking dirw ti hit itfhl will it mainly airee that ht is u fiixxl udwriistimiil fir his own course it was while ht was managing a farm in dt nmark t mploylng about 0 intti that lij first git n ally in- tt n htt i in jujltsu 1ft was having dillitulty in kttplng young mt n tx tupitti in thtlr ot hours and con- ilul tht idta of staging iralnliui tli t and lit monslrutliins to kttip ihi in tiiltrtilntd it was a buret ii ful lilt a and qultkly taught on sim tomliik to canada mr han m n s i t ht hus been imprt s i i w 1th tht nuntlm r of k imt s plattl wllch tit u lop it k and lowt r must lea but di llltlt to hroadtn shouldt rs tit v t li p t ht sts and encouragt good tluui lit fe is ju jit su u tht nixt wt inet t it tin oddfell mi hull a rtutiaiiin p ruxl will bt hlld for ih ist who would likt to join tht toursc or for pti pit w io mikht want to tmjulrc about it tht t lavs is foi mt n and women of all at s it will only sturl of tourse if i ixiugh art intt reittii to makt ii tirthwhilt for tht mt ntor see new chev motjeu at dealers showing dramatic moth i chant s art pro- mi ttt in tht 15 chtrolet accor ding to local uealt r art scott and vi rn klrb who atlt nded tht 3 day national cht u let oliismoblu dt li lt r convention in foronto last wttk 1iftitn iundrid dtaltrs and de partment hi ads from intuits as w ult rtid as northtrn hl and ntw foundland gauitretl in toronto ttt view the ntw cars and to voice ap proval as the new mdi is wt re in troduced on a large slngt against a background of cost unit d minlels and music canada t top tali nt was m- 1 tided for the urontlwny standard prtkluttion guests mail i a dt tailed tour of fit new 47 a acrt general motors pisttngir ttir tsstmbly plant in ohhawu largtst in canada or the commonwealth on the second day of the convtntton its productive capacity is 1js0 vthiclts a day thirdday highlight was a trip to st catharine and the new push button foundry of mcklnnon in dustries a gm division steel nun regard this as he most modern in txiitence ijmkiioiisk firemen demonstrate to school children in observance of hre provmlum work merer koshlcr alcott nnd tyler held fire drill at our local school on friday morning the childrin were much impressed by our shiny new exqucalnf fire area no 1 truck metdnmes mitchell and smcthunt wcro delegates to the annualguelph area w i convention on thursday and ftlday others trqm umc house attending were mcsdamcs kirkpatrlok sanford and ruddcll as well as mrs eulcrby who rcpro- ecnted the county organization congratulations to mr and mrs clifford mcdonuldwho are parents of jsvwee- son born sunday morning nt peel memorial hospital miss ivy colllnson spent a few days at rockwood recently johnny clarke celebrated ms fifth birthday with a noondsy party one dsy last week j mr and mrs james flndlayand mr john flndlay who have been living in an apartment at the paul spltzers moved into their partly finished home in the- village on monday dz88kts puddimoa pis rnumos pkos 1f lsasiraaiaies2rs sous xstsyamt oonxb twl lu 5c bpeoial pakahottmt 7ahot usd bo0kbyz salmon 37c new i niaoabjl djbtaut laundry starch v 21c special atufeb hew pack btl 11 0z catsup a 19c belmar soup mixes 25c mtj8hs00h 0ki0n and ghicjczn vasirtzs pxos bpeoltl btokelys tinest oolden whole kernel corn 2 33c eloekb pet p00db soos tim 1oz tins society dog food horsemeat 2 healtho doorood 2 15oz tujg 15c 27c 19e special florida orange juice 34c unsweetened becsnse mads from natorslly sweet emit tdj evzbythihq eor baby heinz baby foods 2 19c baby cereals nkra 21c teething biscuits o 27c special blue bohhet yellow qutx margarine 37c oakdy tor halloween candy kisses ilb pko 29c shell out pops bao 25c special bwanbons boned chicken or turkey for salads or sandwiches 5 0z tin 43c sliced bread pioneer white 34oz loaf 15c california valenclab site iss oranges h 35c tomatoes ccuov 15c spinach queen victoria 2 cc p 25c celery stalks en gree 2 tor c turnips waxed ib c kancy macintosh apples 6 qt bskt 69c visitors include mr and mrs t u campbell of hamilton with the nortona and lat- lmers miss helen mills home from tor- nntn mr alex and miss shirley wright home from toronto mr end mrs ted morrow and plane of toronto with mrs r lane mrs margawt jsmleson of tor onto with mrs joan camreuk for the holiday tk second evening of oddfellows euchres the second friday in tha mara- ihon euchre aeries at tha oddfel lows hall saw mrrpeterbryden as winner of tha door prize and mrs w h preston winning the lucky draw prtrewlnners tt- cards wjjohn robb las mrs jsck tost ifirmrs iai a eulo and margaret cain 100 5 albert pattendangot the consolation pris r utu