tfairview coffeeshop grill on no 7 hiekwsy delicious steaks our specialty chops to suit your taste appetizing snacks the pleasant atmosphere and friendly aervtce of falrvlew grill together with our delicious food offers you a relaxing break at boon day and a line start for a fine evening out open 7 day a week we cater to banquet breakfast fraas 7 arprj la xtes4 8aasr r trrr r- we have so much to protect tkl canada of oun i otto taanley of e ptkm tks pries el ce ourtw w comaoi lab for qrontod our f roadoas to wonklp to vot to ducoj our chadron or to ofdor our boat mo oa w p tort ah thsto toado o oun only oa long o or wutlrtg to do vorytitvig rtocouory to aointoln and dafond rham ajp honour than to tka conodlon soldi ka ttoodfoai ouordioi or oil our fro uumuhoa wbaiout lava hum tho coaodo wo lovo ntigkt mom to bo wf hove to asuch to protocl lot ua on do our port wtrkout utup wkotovor oy our duty uaa setvi canada amd yourself in thi atmy ta km ataju an fa 17 to 40 rn f is to 41 wfaso oppxvlatfl totaa but crttam v tor proof l oqo asssjy rlf at owoy fv fw wwwmm wfitnik asajr auawjhg caajwmawsir r4pr was f u fntmmi da iu mm tu a cnn n onm ostt im t43b7 clssslas aran taftjuasj itstts 144 smusftaa sl oat csmtsaa arf tcrtu cwba f kuavawal l lav oal iff v ft m1 lac ct r 7 nruavm oaam suif battstka oatsnj f liutt in lamat om lllau ami acritmi ctotr r n rwts tr cmln aror aacraiut sutias 1h usi ix l hasinta 0 in tvm insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triangle 72512 mill street serving your community for over 30 year for plain and rock face concrete blocks also chimney blocks rrs oriole concrete block co w j mtgowan 9tb line glen williams triangle 73471 outoftown callers pleas reverse charges for your excavating jobs cellars ponds loading etc sand gravel and fill call barclay haulage tr 73891 dairy shows at milton bring 277 animals out the 102nd anniversary of the haltoaaari cultural society fair at miltousayw 277 head of haltons top guernsey jirseys and holstein participating in the throe dairy breed shows guemxay kin in the guernsey ring 05 head par aded fur the official judge ilarold clapp and j swaru joyce bros of milton won the premier exhib itor award and among their more prominent award had tjuth the jun ior champion and reserve junior championship lor nudes and in the senior male ciaises luul the sebiur and grand championihip on kroner- dale merry adniral their four year uu un te reserve grand going to win g liuoths 3 yvur old cruig mmdow jwtriarrh a utd in th iwtnaie cliiaaes joyce uros wtrn strung again taking the junlux fr- nual eruampldhtfnti wmii the res erve going to j l criisholm who also won die coveted premier bree der award brtlor and grand chuiu piun award for tmahs was won ty normadubn iniifralars may 2nd for joyie ifros with the reserve sen ior afhl rrsrre grand to c w swat khamer a llona vista major ltae litre tire the award by clu5tt junior bull calf j u clilholnu win g lloofji j m lirowiirldgr senior bull call joyce hrus m t mcnobb sotia chlshulm i 1 knirraoii booth yearling bull joyt- c w swacktiamtr booth 1naersori bull j year and over joyce ikxtt cttliitolm helfrr jr calf h entrlri 1st and 4th joyce iwl m jnl oufioln 3th wm kobliimin mclfer stiilur calf 10 entries 1st chlsholm 2nd 5th and 6lht mcnabij 3rd emersnn 4th joyce ifeifer jr yearling 0 en tries 1st and 4tj joyce 2nd oiul 5th mcnbju jrd chlsholm oth swatkhanur heifer senior yearling u entries lit and jnl joyce 2nd chltliolm 4th and m mcnalb flti enicnon heifer 2 years dry 10 entries 1st ond 4th booth 2nd mcnabb jrd chlsholm mh and 6t joyce dry cow 3 year old 4 entries chlsholm booth jrd and 4th kmeraon cow 4 yr and over dry 6 entries 1st and 3rd jovce 2nd mcnabb 4th chlsviim heifer 2 years in milk booth chlsholm emerson cow j years in milk swatkhamer chlsholm booth cow 4 years and over in milk 11 en tries 1st 2nd and 6ti joyce 3rd mcnabb 4th swackhamcr 5th ami tui chlsholm junior get of sire 0 entries joyce chi i holm 3rd and 4th mcnabb junior herd 5 en tries joyce chuholm mcnabb irogeny of dam 8 entries booth 2nd and 3rd chlsholm mcnabb kmerson senior got of sire 3 en tries joyce chlsholm booth mc nabb graded herd 6 entries joyce mcnabb booth swackhamcr best uddered female joyce swack hamer mcnabb beaty premier exhibitor norman uaggs of edgcley placed the awards in the jersey ring which brought out 73 quality jerseys from haltuns leading herd m c beatya undalc herd won the premier ex hibitor and premier breeder awards however graham farm ken ella sons and keathcrstonc bros were strong contenders throughout wtih all four taking a fair share of tie red ribbons in the junior male classes beuty had the junior champ in irampton sir bijou radar which went on to take the reserve grand the reserve junior bull was ken kmas first prize senior calf gerald r grahams golden meadow but ter boy repeated his triunv of 1053 by taking the senior and the grand championship awards the reserve senior award was won by george i lower on his 3 year old sire don head design observers basil in the junior female classes m c bcaty and km ella repeated previous triumphs by taking the junior and reserve junior champion ships respectively however it uaa in the senior classes that judge baggs selected hit supreme female champions here rfcathcrstonc bros call tr 73271 tr 72674 for your construction needs concrete work footings cellar floors sidewalks blotk work brick laying carpentry homes garages kitchens bathrooms remodeling modernizing i mcnalty construction em evaeev rub eairif 1 elgim street near cna station won the senior and grand awards on avonloa basils linda their winnng 4 year old in milk for reserve senior and reserve grand mr pa eg selected m c bea- tys liudale basil estcllas luciiw 4th die wl fining dry 4 year old now for sojtu of the top awards junior bull culf m c beaty ger ald graham senior bull calf lit and 5th ken ella sons 2nd kea- theruone bros 3rd beaty 4th mac alttxandcr yearling bull ifcaty graham geoixe hewer murray bros bull 2 years and over gra ham ind hewer wm h devlin helfrr junior calf 0 entries 1st and 4lh alexander 2nd beaty 3rd and 6th eiu 5ui hewer heifer senior culf 11 entries 1st and ath beaty 2nd 4th and 8ui veaui- erstone 3fd ella heifer jr year ling 7 entries beaty iater stone 3rd and 4th graham 5th hf- wer mrlfrr senior yeurhiuj 0 en tries lit and 4 tli ella 2i and 3rd beaty 5th and 7th hewef flth mur ray heifer 2 years dry ella lauaty gradual cow j years and over dry beaty faturstone ella graham heifer 2 years in milk ella graham beaty mur ray hcwrr cow 3 years in milk redtherstonc ella beaty 4th and 5th graham cow 4 years and over in ntllk reatherston 2nd and 4ui beaty 3rd and 5th grahuin oui mower junior herd beaty freath- rrstode ella graham murray tiew- if jr gtt of aire ella r eatiit titonr beuty graham jifwer mutray stmor get of blrr kcut her stone ella b nty ilukctiy of dam rca- tititoiie 2nd and 4th beuty jrd aiul 5th ella trth and 7th hewer herd dcity ella graham hewer ashvllle farms wla the e j meagher memorial tro phy emblematic of the premier ex hibitor award in the annual ifalton holstein show was won by ashvllle karma ltd for the third successive year 100 head of black and whites tarried for bruce s beer who offi ciated at the holstein ring w h hobnson had the junior and res erve grand on his winning yearling bull robros fund dundy with the reere junior award to ashvllle farms first prize junior bull calf gordon sinclair president of the hallon club had the reserve and grand champion bull on mis winning two year old lonvue hopeful salax irlnce that great 7 year old hull uf it c alexander look the red ribbon in the aged bull class and also the reserve senior champion award in the female classes the tops in our opinion were the strongest in the 1 4 y oars in w hlch the lialton holstein show has been operated t h mccccs senior heifer calf haigertloc jean hop which placed dlrst at the cne repealed and went on to take the junior female cham pionship the reserve went to another hond hope cne prize win ner that of gordon sinclair which placed first in the senior yearling class in the senior female clas ses harold cooper a kneland harm annabel which was the res erve grand at the cne took both the senior and grand championship awards the reserve senior anl reserve grand went to the outstand ing milking lrtc year old of tovell bros elmbank sovereign kay which was a strong contender for the red ribbon at the cne now here are some of the awards in the individual classes junior bull calf ashvllle farms j c bell a son gordon sinclair vcrn archer ross segvworth scn- nlu- bull calf lit and 2nd ashvllle 3rd clarence anderson junior year ling bull w h robinson bull 2 yrs sinclair astivllle bull 3 years and over r c alexander john schcrtzl junior heifer calf 17 entries mrs m b brain and sons anderson 3rd and 3th frank rob crtson 4lh sinclair 6th archer sr heifer calf 20 entries t if mcgee alexander a t woodley robinson w d starret j h tay lor heifer junior yearling 1st and 3rd alexander 2nd ashvllle farms 4th t j brownridgc son mh sinclair hclfcr senior year ling sinclair alexander mcgco 4th and 6th scgsworth 5th harold cooper heifer 2 years dry roy fish and son oliver hunter mc gcc 4th and 5th aahville 6th brownrldge cow 3 years dry sin clair alexander hunter mcgee hunter cow 4 years dry hunter 2nd and 4th sinclair 3rd aahville cow 5 years and over dry 1st f g stark and son 2nd 6th and 7th sinclair 3rd segsworth 4th and 5th aahville heifer 2 years in milk 1st and 6th ashvllle 2nd cooper 3rd 4th and 5th alexander cow 3 years in milk tovell bros aah ville alexander sinclair oow4 years in milk brownrldge 2nd ond 4th ashviue 3rd hunter cow 5 years and over in milk 1st cooper 2nd ond 5th ashvllle 4th and 6th brownrldge junior progeny of dam robinson brownrldge junior get or sin moqee alexander sinclair ashvlllo farm bell brownrldge junior herd ashvllle segsworth sinclair bell senior progeny of dam 11 en trie y hun ter sinclair 3rd 7th bth alextrn- thdmas treanar vi retired papermill employee dies a weu- known resident of town for over fifty years thomas w treanor 74 died suddenly at his home on king street october 1st alter spending his earlier years in harrison michigan he had been employed by provincial paptjr ltd here for thirty years and was a member of the firms quarter cen tury club since retirement ms chief interests were in his garden and various sportix especially hock ey and baseball his wife cecelia langan predeceased him fourteen years ago he was a dcxniut member of holy cross church and is survived by a family of five laughters margaret of toronto alice and eleanor of georgetown kathleen mr nell giubn acton and marion mrs arnuld atwumml ivterborough two brother ftaruc j treanor iamlng mlcj and io j treanor detroit also survive requital miui was sung in holy croaa church on monday morning october 4th with rev rr v j morgan officiating and interment wui in cretnwtjod cemetery iall- bejrer were y red armstrong nr- jnan hill harvey armstrong fyank aubnrk joieph ibboiia and iftch- unl iltuta tmk oeofiorrown heeauj wednesday evening oct 13th 1054 page margaret bradley hardihg pianist teacher btadls mala st salk tr 7s20s bruce hardih6 pianist o o teacher hindi mais sc sevus tr 72378 s i i r in n t der 4th 5lh ami 6th ashvllle sen ior get of sire hunter alexander sinclair asivlle harms senior herd iordon ashvllle hunter alexaru r inlt rtownslilp herd trafalgar hjmjurilng nelson calf clubs kretl camptjell manager of on tario stock yarrfi had his work cut out for him in the 4lf ring as 67 members of hatllons three calf club vied for hi nod to top posi tion all members of the guernsey jersry club participated in their achievement day moving pictures were taken of parts of th 4h show to be used lit a coloured film depicting 4 h calf club work in this province red polls outnumbered all other breed in the beef arul dual purpose club three calves from the 4h holstein calf club namely those of harold brain david anderson and jack robertson stood 1st 2nd and 3rd in a clash of 17 junior calves in the black and while how 411 jersey guernsey club jr jersey calve mary alexan der ernest aleiander senior jer sey calves jean moffat grant dev lln junior guernsey calves eleanor joycc bui robinson senior guern sey calves georje oreenlees mur iel davison showmanship eleanor joyce grant devlin george green- lees jean alexander mary lou al exander 411 beef it dual purpose club junior red toll calves dawn coulter bruce cool son senior red poll calves lynnc coulter eugene coulter dual purpose shorthorns harold patterson scotch shorthorns harold patterson scotch short horn heifers ivan dodda steers katherino merry ian noitlah showmanship kathcrlne merry lynne coulter kobcrt coxe evelyn mckay donnic mortal 4h hol stein calf club gromp system of placing 1st prize junior calves class of 27 george bird david hume barry archer jack robert son david anderson ray archer mildred johnson 1st prize senior calves class of 25 carole hunter dorothy marshall tom hunter dor- een sinclair david irving mary lou taylor showmanship junior section class of 20 gordon brain ross austin ray archer carole hunter 01111 kerr bill marshall don taylor margaret stark bobby ruddcll da vid hume mary lawrence lorna woodley senior section class of 20- barry archer tom hunter ralph cunningham don cleave harold brain ken scotland doug las starret art johnson george bird dorothy marshall inter club showmanship kathertne merry barry archer tom hunter don cleave robert coxe nelson rob inson specials best holstein calf carole hunter best guernsey calf eleanor joyce best jersey calf mary lou alexander best dual purpose calf dawn coulter best beef calf kotherlne merry in spite of the rerults in this class boys are eligible to win gravel top soil fill cement building blocks general trucking ernie thompson glen willuw- tr 73363 ihi fllgggtl 5 free s daily pickup and delivery georgetown and glen william woods perfection cleaners triansle 72965 at m flowers for all occasions potted plants bedding stock buim artistic designs we wire flowers rosedale floral 14 murdock st tr 72952 l oil and coal furnaces installed b 2 sheet metal work s bonded roofs f peatson s a t brampton pnaaa 74 ll asphalt paving duvewayb pabkino lots and grading phaaa brajubtan lttsj ftor rc estimates almas hard drives oakvillk hove your sso oil burner installs now i 5p 5500 down 1 s sr s tr to nay payments as law ss ism per month prek estimates wbillspr0ule eukabkttt st it phonk itm brampton toifev i i rl fubstili toil 1