Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 6, 1955, p. 12

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tub gioftmtowm hkralb wadntadiy evening april fltb ims page 2 high tales published by students of georgetown high school volume s nuwbeft 10 wednesday evening april 6th 1055 georgetown ontarjo camp ipperwash offers cadets an opportunity gill marti c hello again well spring u here again and a young mui mi ad turns lo how to skip cadet periods with a legitimate uncus a young mans mind alio turns is the future in uio spring what are you dotnjf jhis summer are yog working or put ting id another honday if you ar over 15 and physically fit yoo can enjoy the best summer of your live kacb summer st camp jpperwash on the shores of georgian hay a cadet camp is conducted for the period of seven wevks harh candi date needs only to hf mcmur of a recognised cadet corps at least 13 years of age and be able to meet the pbytical stsmlsrds of thu medical board after thefirst two weeks the cadet receives 20 00 and another 80 00 on the completion of the course the total pay u 100 00 for seven weeks training plus clothes meals and lodgings while at camp as ou can ice it is a wrll organ led busy schedule thrre are over 1600 cad eta in camp with over 100 in each company there is a full equipped hospital for everything from emergencies to coughs kich company has a sick parade every morning and afternoon there is also a fullyequipped dental offee for the cadet services both medical and dental services are done free of charge a well balanced re ifgious program is also arranged with drumhead service each sunday for protestants and human catholics also hours are arranged in the training sllabus to cover all the advant ages of the camp would take far more space than our editor could al low 1 have taken enough now if there are in cadet who jre inter estcd in attending camp ppcrwah this summer either contact mr i rouse or mself for further detail dales are usually from the end of june to the thud c k in august a full summer and a great expen encc the aeragi jla runs as follow 6 30 reville 6 meal parade 7 19 end of meal parade 7 30 companv parade 7 45 battalion parade boo 10 30 training lectures 10 30 1100 morning lunch period 1 1 00 130 training lectures 1 30 meal parade 2 15 3 45 recreation basketball soc cer football volleyball horseshoes darts ping pong hosing wrestling track and field baseball 3 45 5 30 recreational 600 meal parade 6 45 7 30 recreational 7 30 0 30 retreat 0 30 1st post 0 55 last post 10 00 lights out editorial unsung heroes richard slsnko i reading last weeks herald i not iced something which has given me a topic for this weeks article in reading about the commencement i noticed that everybody was praised except the directors of the plays mr lambert miss pierccy and miss parkinson they were just mention ed as having directed the plays that was all well these three are the unsung heroes of this article they arc the forgotten people of the commence ment h it werent for the directors wc would not have had the entertain ing plays preaented for your benefit you would have seen presentations and choir numbers heard some spee ches and then would have gone home no plays no laughs no chills no nothing the importance of these three cannot be put into worlds if they hadnt have gone to considerable trouble over commencement there would have been a definite lack in the programme but with their hard work and patience commencement wu a great success quite a bit rests on the shoulders of these people if in choosing char acters for their plays they had made one small mistake it might have ru ined that play if they hadnt worked hard and long and patiently with the acton the plays would have taken on a haphazard appearance and would have been complete failures and who would have taken the blame for the falluro none other than the directors because the plays were a success the actors arc naturally and right ly praised but if the plays had been poor or some actor bad forgot ten his lines one is inclined to blame the directors for picking tho wrong girl or boy to play the port yes directing can be difficult even if it u flnty a pastime yet these three going through their actions ac tually seemed to enjoy tfialr work so to the three directors of georgetown high schools idramatlc theatre we of high tales thank you for all your patience perseverance and prompt- in the choirs critic sua crtbtr well here weirer with regularpe riods and hard work bejng thrown at us onee again v cdntmen cements over and were back to a normal school routine again i see many people took my advice and came to hear the choir at thu commencement what did you think of our choir actually we were quite proud of ourselves considering the way our last couple of rehearsals wtnt- in ixmlslana hayride ou oould almost hear the three parts trying thnr beat to blend fven if i m not a scotsman myself i think the scuta mutt have been quite proud to hear us chanting ye hanks and ilracs of hunnic doone i think in that num imt we surprised both our choir lea der and ourselves of rourss nursery rhmes would not be nursery rh mes in our books if we did not miss a few entrance or ling a wrong note loud ly during a soil interlude but you mut remember that we actually fin ished the piece helievc me that is something as for the bos itiff song it was not too bad but it terms odd thjt whin at practice in a fairly small room thi bellow so loudly that yuu wonder whether oure still in the room or not but in an auditorium with people all prepared for a blast what do they do the very opposite if ou had not seen them in pla hcl lowing their beads off afterward ou uould almost have thought they had laryngitis come lo the r air there was one ou must agree with me that rtall went over quite well i don t know mabe im prejudiced but at least wc all hit the right notes ibis column is beinning to sound like- a famous writer in the telegram who writes the tv and radio news so i 11 change my tunc for the solos with pat willson singing ships of arcady on thursday one person in formed us afterwards they were go ing to hign hrr up for kd sullivan s toast of the town of course san dra scott s ich leibe dieh which is 1 love thee on friday night kept the audience almost in a trance you could not imagine how true this was unless ou were up on the stage looking over the audience during her performance both girls did a won dcrful job for the amount of time the duett had lo prepare their number i be lleve they did quite well well that iremi to sum up thr choirs part in the commencement i hope you found it worth while to come and hear us 1 believe that our next performance will be at st john s united church in georgetown on good friday evening watch your paper for more news about this so long till next time llapp i- as ter bn souther we would like to take thu oppor tunity to publicly thank mr ernie yorgrave chairman at the commen cement for his kind remarks about high tales in his remarks mr forgrave also spoke on a subject which has often occupied a great deal of space in this column that of a high schoel gymnasium and auditorium two years ago before the cms addition was built a strung representation was made to the department of kducatiun to get permission to build an audi torlum ju part of the addition this was refused by the department even though hundreds of others be sides this column supported it the department u definite in its ex planation that it cannot afford what it has termed facilities for frills in education phvsical training for example evt n though it is compul sory this puts the matter squarely in the bands of the local taxpavcrs it is estimated that a gvinnaiium and auditorium combined would cost 80 000 this must all come from local ta xvr if students of expanding gi1s are tu have any place in which to t jrr on ihsiral training hjuktlhall da bating dramatics and many other activities usual in modirn secondary schools of tihla due to lack of ci cilities it h s is deficient in some of tluse forma of student training since some of the money to provide an auditorium gymnasium must come from you the taxpayer it in our choice whether we have an auditorium or not eorgetosn is growing fast must the present high school of almost ihrcequartces of a century 1887 remain the ccntn of secondary school education for his up and coming industrial centre or would uu like to sec a new high s btkl one with adequate seating capacity for an ever increasing at tendance a school tu which we can point with pride and one that i a svmbol of our citizens interest in education what in your opinion ohnl barber normandy blvd was injured in a truck accident near london a fewvwaeka ago and wu hos- pltalixed hv london three trucks were involved and mr barber was iwlpinj one trticlcery when ha wu algnother vehicle pen pal receivea one of thoae letter lynn trvlaavan there hadnt been much doing in oa lately but the other day we hail a kood laugh mr lambert came up to the room and wc were all standing around waiting to net in the principal an nounced that our form teacher who would be unavoidably abaent that afternoon had the keys therefore c were locked out mr lambert told one of the boya to climb up the lad der to room 10 which adjoin room 4 and ice if it waa locked it was so he went downstaira for a mom ent but when he was gone two boys had an idea mike obrien pushed carl burt through the transom at the top of the door he landed in one piece and opened the door for us the pen pals were a good idea ma ny of the pupils hear interesting things from their foreign correspon dents one girl in our class hid a pen pal in india up until about two weckh ago ho wroto her a sob story tell ing her that his house had burned down his parents died and ho had to look after tho family ho also told her he was out of work that they were starvlngnnd that ho would send her a parcel to sell for him when it arrived ho didnt even open it but readdreued and returned it with a similar story for good measure a few days liter an item appeared in the herald to bewaro of this kind of trickery a means by which some peo ple aro trying to set out of working the herald tells us to ignore such altera and certainly our classmate did a good lob with the one ahe rocol- k alcttcr suoh a the one he received does certainly nokfreate very favourable impression when it has such an old trick attachod to it mei it wont be lone untltyou have an extra hour after supper for garden ing daylight saving time will come into effect in georgetown on sunday april 24th grade 10 doug wrlrjousworth teh grade 10 of georgetown high s himtl consists of two parts 10a and 1011 ten a the larger of the two take iatin french science and other ol- llgatory subjects ten ii takes a commercial course with a choice of either trench or science or both wc have the same home room cellblock 6 in the new section with miss pierccy as our form teacher here arc our teachers and their subjects miss piercev form teacher latin and history miss luke french misa parkinson iris it and fng hsh mr prousc bos it and jcogra ph mr baxter science mus inman mathematics miss stone art mrs hess home fxonomic and commercial 10u mr harrison music choir most of the bos in our room take choir but cry few girls do our stars from an academic stand point are manln souther and pete vanham with a newcomer from kng- land neil clem wallace giving them some keen competition con gratulations to manln who received 2 awards for proficiency at the com mencement north hal ton school board class scholarships for oa can adian legion proficiency awards for oa were proud of our orator jud mccumber who won the lions club public speaking competition here in town and made a creditable showing in brampton in the larger district con test active in the cadet corps are pete canham barry jeffrey bob kldd and yours truly all in all grade 10 is a happy lot und to top it off wc have a good sport as our form teacher mjss pierccy if you dont believe us listen to u typi cal morning in grade 10 life this will be a report from students point of view only the teacher re main anonymous for obvious reasons first helltwno nine students lined up at back of classroom door ready to break it down teacher ar rives shoulders way and opens door opens it upon tidy rows of desks and clean boards half a minute lat er desks all over the room agcr beavers drawing cartoons on tho blackboards second last bell teacher reenters room reminds boys not to sit on tho desks and finishes taking tho atten dance lastbell rings attendance not quite comploto students leave the room and in tho dlsjanco we hear iir hoppor hero next bell first period starts everyone btragglejinto the room aisles mysteriously disappear and toacher stands calmly up at tho front under a barrase of various mls- silos until finally peace is restored forty minutes later tho warning bellriiihb to bring the period to a close the hubbub increases in- a dull roar and the n teacher jlnally hi the wings laaw b while you sat wauhins the onv tnaneemest plays did you happen to notice some indications that thrf was more to that play than mfct the eye did it ever strike you that there wu plenty of action going on on the other side of the walls for instance was the prompter tn a panic because the actors had skipped a page and as a result the boys running the butxer for the telephone were momentarily losf well thats what happened one shoult from the director for a ring brought results and the phones started ringing again i dont think anyone noticed thu simply because it was so wellfovered up by the re markable acting and the wonderful stage crew incidental such as this one wotdd have made an exciting and hilarious play in themselves if the stage had been tuned back to front and you the audience viewed the happening behind the scenes or while you watched did ou not ice the wails shake and picture or calendars fall down 1 gnu you did because nothing could hid that the explanation is that the space between the back of the stage and the walls of the sci were no more than a foot antl a half also svery few feet al ong this passageway there was a sup port for the walls of the set and these supports were quite high tn ougb to trip anyohe who failed to lift his feet high enough when pas sing twice to my knowledge this unfortunate accident occurred the first lime was on thursday night when one ambitious soul tring bard to be helpful decided to cross from left to right wing lo find out from th prompter the last line of the pa so that the curtain puller uould know when to pull the curtain on the return trip in her haste to kite this information this person found to in r horror and embarravs ment that her foot had come into con tact with the said supports while the font was travelling at a gnat veloc ity junkl she slid into the nearest and most hidden corner but a red fare betrayed her guilt someone might have said shell learn but he didn i on friday the following night when the choir hail taken off their gowns the returned to the auditor i urn to find a shortage of chairs those who couldn i find one crowded into ttie rear of the auditorium to stand now our clumsy friend and a compan ion could not see over the heads of the irnwil at the hack of the hall so the hnlliantly decided to no back stage and have ringside seats for the second pla of the evening they found holes in the srenerv through which to peer i nfnrtunatcly the holes were small and ver little could tc seen through one hole so natur all they continually shifted from one bole to another to get a complete picture of what was going on howrvtr the bangs and clatters that they caused could easily have been part of the effort to create a stormy scene outside in this pla thunder ou know this informa lion was received first hand since needless to sa the intruding nuisan coi were our favourite and onl choir reporter and ours truly another scene of activity was in the wings during the third and last pla the calamity was caused by the fourteen minor characters who were crammed into this minute space kveryone was fighting to get sitting on one of the two chairs as soon as someone was successful in getting a seat he had to get up to make his or her debut which in half the cases wai the saing of a difficult speech our call please most of the actors and actresses who could nol find a seat occupied themselves by placing peek a boo with the operator who was giving her services at the time this game wai plaed through the holes in the switchboard with the purpose of miking the operator laugh in the wings tom dobbie could have opened a barber shop for a small fee and during the intermis sions he could have shaved anyone who so desired for a small fee with his murder weapon everyone would have been thoroughly satisfied with toms work for they would never have had such a close shave in alt their lives its that time again tarry mar lay at chs we do not look tor the or dinary of spring by that i meab mslting- snv robins buds on the trees and so on those students who have attended the educated kremn or two or three years begin lo notice the ap proach of the green season in certain other ways tor instance just the other day otyt of the inmates who lod gwth in our cow noted for his meek ness and mild 4nannercdaction oojtie strutting into the room f though ho was head man of thr true blue knights of the orange hebrews plun ked his books on the desk and sbou ted it is now officially spring before we cuuld ask him what m the bluetyod world tiisde him say that he explained j i just plunked the keep off the rasa sign into the muddy lawn another observation we made was just at the beginning of a it period the obi desert all stars were mak ing their usual hasty entrance unto the soccer field which meant fling ing open the back doorclcanng the sidewalk in one lound and roaring fl at cross the vast playing field in a cloud of snow not until the first three out of the door sunk into murky depths of a sea of mud did we realize that the game uould le slower than usual that day from jhe spot where the victims disappeared we could hear glub ub glub which translated means i knew we came out the wrong door this is the home kc room and theyre making pea thoup again woodiest is sold for a certain amount oi money this is not a good met bod and usually the farmer is cheating himself another way in which a woodlot is sold is in plots this is almost as unwise as seeing for a lump sum the small trees aredetroyed and the cy cle of growth cut the best way to sell is tree by tree r that is just mature and damaged trees are sold in this wsy the farm er gets a good profit and the cycle of growth u maintained mr groves turned all the meet ings over to the president after ttv interesting discussion and the meet ing was closed 4h forestry club sheila carney the premdent boh crawford op tin i the meeting at 12 15 the club leader mr armstrong told the members of a summer trip to one of the government experimental stations a our through a large nun ufaituring plant plus a general pic nic outing which is ixirtg planned all the mem tiers are eagcrlv looking forward to this mr oruves told the members hat a trip was being planned to st vt ll hams on the sixteenth of april lo see the tree nurseries this trip should prove very interesting mr roves then gave a talk on the different ways in which a woodlot is sold for instance some are sold for a lump sum which means the whole contest entry appear in french newapap leanne darou a crane xii stu dent at g ii s has entered a truntest sponsored by the french news- paper l alliance j one o her answers submitted to several que tions was published in he litest ed itiun of lalltabce end she is in the running for one of the lhre major rixe oiir- best wishes to you i marine hrre is her answer first m french followed by a translation in to english although much of the beauty of a language is lust in a translation quel interet vex vous a etudier le f ran cam puiaque le francais est la premiere langue quon a par lee an canada sauf if dialer tes indiena mon interet principal est dapprendre la langue de mes ancctrrs pourtant je crois cue tout le monde devrait savoir parler 1 anglais et le francais parce qu on peut voyageur dans ce cas dans to us lea pavs du monde sans diffirullc lc francaj est la langue la plui mucirale de toutes done jc lcludle pour le plaisir le profit et i interet what interest have you in studying french since french is the first tan guage that was apoken in canada ex cept for indian dialects my principal interest is to learn the language of my ancestors nevertheless i be lleve that everyone should know how to speak knglish and french because one can travel in this way in all countries of ihc world without diffi cult french is the most musical lang uage of all i study it for pleasure profit and interest illch taiks continukd on opposite pack airway vacuum cieaners service baas and supplies tmlanau 73487 46 gives up and the students go to their next classes the morning periods go on gen erally in the same manner until the last forty minutes come to a close with the warning bell frantic tcacjicr calls to students thais only the first bell these cries fall on deaf ears as thu class rushes down ttje hall free at last we are the answers to the ques lion why teachers become grey and bald prematurely rvr24 tha roof lifts up la air oul kikhan mcnl we have what you need in lumber and builders supplies frames saab door travel treats for philadelphia 2480 montreal chicago t231s 17ss tickets and information corner cupboarp to 7s0s1 zx w

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