hare more cash bumrin or uoaiv o mm mm mm 1mlt msi niu uss sis 3 40 fstitrtiiw tout- notlc to creditors jmmiw in thi e5taym w willi- als- tttdr lsas ottohtauh picket ruddell wilson au pern hinj cutmi wtint win junior farmer honours fv aft nf william alexander th okohcwtowm hmalu wednesday evotinc april kh ikso agb s u so m 10 4 renonasl f1najsce co si main stwcfct northttllalmoron ohm tvtmttss iv iwaiwun show k rviwimo houh concrete blocks also chimney slocks iff oriole concrete block co w j mccowan w line 5un wlllisms tstisnols 73471 outotlown csllrrs plisse reverse chmriirs new bathrooms installed ob remodelled plumbing water systems ken nash mcdowell repairs of au kinds charlie 3 kino street east trungu 73143 the estste of wuusm alexander line ut of the township of es- quesuiff gentleman who died on or bout the 4th dsy of october ad ibm are hereby notified to send particulars of tame to the undersis ned on or before the kh diy of hay ad 1035 after which date the es tate will be distributed with regard only to joe claims of which the un dersigiied shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be lu able to any person of whose claim ttiry shall not then have notice datfcd at georgetown this slh day of april ad 10s 6 susan violet itoe and fcjtiest lsthsm stiller bsecutors of the estate of william alesan dcr iane by their solicitors dale it bennett georgetown 4 io onlario notice to creditors in thi estate of jehn h bins- ham gentleman 4eaiad all persons hsvlng claims aitsinsl the estate of john it binghsm lute of the township of hsquesing cn tlrmsn who died un or sbout the 8lh day of itutury a i 1hj3 art hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or be lore the 7lh day of may a d 1053 iter which date the estate will be dutrlbuted with retsrd only lo the ilaims uf winch ihe undersigned hall than have notice and the un derslinrd will not liable to any person of whose claim they ihlll nut thin har notice dat i st corietown ihls 3th ds of april a i 1033 lutxcca llincham kalhlem ivcn and kyle ilingham ex cculors of the estsle of john ii ltinkham by their solicitors dale and bennett george town ontsrio crippled children can face a brighter more country with your help useful life in this good rotary club of georgetown in cooperation with milton rotary club and the- ontario society for crippled children asks you to buy easter seals your support will help a crippled child face a better life xj orewcrs sincc space contributed in the service of the community by john labatt limited high talbr a trip to the university of toronto e would you believe it thousands and thousands of men nave gradua ted from mechanical engineerum yet only two women have accomplished this tame trick that a rifht it u certainly not that the women are en tiaordiiiarily dense but why should a woman wtit to learn mechanical en lineriair what they won t do ror the bon who lit ink the ifniver sity of toronto is just antolhei unin uresting institution yeu are quite jnistakti our tour vu geared only for the knglneerlns buildiniu- and hart house explained later thus it was only a short trip but very eye opening tht boyi received an idea of what tbiy were suited for and what tht y would b kettirut into if they chose the particular cninctrni rounri eonrtrned of course that was the purpose for which the stud rnt council sponsoring these two trips one to toronto and the other to oac ouetph on beini ushered infb an old- build ink a kindly prufsor quickly ex plained what the hydauhc syhtim was the washrooms sunch fancy names they haw v e were led down a fttcnt paibir and began our lour of the civil engineering build mc v e warned such things as how lhy tkt irfiu for luitshility to contruct a building such as maple ijraf card ens e pushrd on to th mcchanlcjl huildinji and here met one of tht two kirli who had taken this rninneerini she risemhled rtnstiin in that she too had long hair she showed u motors csr tractor airplanes turbnts for navy ships and we evtrt saw an old paddli wheel used un the nearly ohaou te mississippi sti am boats in the 1800 s hy this tunc our ees were reatl poppink am the uheretl us into the electrical buildink after this wt is tied thi chimical buildini i nlxrsit us i urns ncxr know llut tp f student thi are liable to kct i owr htard two kpccimi ns talking hie you know that must ha been paint rrmoxer 1 drank a fiw mouuntk ako cup how s af hie it took all the enamel off my teeth well we moved on to hart house this contains kmnsi with indoor tracks swimming pool libraries rev oucr and archery naileries for any one who wishes to learn the art rec ord rooms and art rooms this house even has a small theatre which seats about 500 many dramas are played here either hy university students or drama clubs all over the country in case ou arc interested and you want to put a play on it will cost you 120 a nifiht or if the hugh school wishes to put one on ou get cut rates 75 a nirht one of the most important rooms in the house is the debate room this la where many a member of parliam ent got a start at double talk and at mud sllnjjinj sometimes the debates really bristle our guide told me of a mock debate they had once when the issue got out of hand why you utile runt a senator shouted at senator stevens from the west the shortest man in the upper house i could i could eat you at one bite and then said the westerner coldly you d have more brains in your stomach than youve ever had in your head so ends our short trip to university of toronto and if you ever visit the university take in the royal ontario museum which is the north aide of ihe campus vou 11 enjoy it were proud to show you our oil storage tanks and invite you to see them for yourself across from our king street office 20000igallon storage capacity and our green and lemon truck alwmy available to bring you on the spot fuel oil service and of course wew in the coal butinew too wh kcnlnerson brings us to your door triangle 728v misij jmai ateiritvr behind the news riresitvfccidents robber ies windstorms i disasters are constantly in news behind these head lines are thousands of finan cially stricken property ow ners will you be a headline next never can tell i better call on us for complete insur ance protection now john r barber agency successor to bmr c yhtmpton insurant srvle john it tlarbbr p ktrwy b cth6mpsr immtftwet jsjsjgjasssiil despite drifted roads and uockad lanes on saturday uarch 26th the uilton town iu11 was well filled for the excellent programme presided over by ross sgswortb president of the ha hon soil and crop improvement association art bennett associate agricultural representative for ilalton and 1ptl countieftr announced the re al its of the- junior farmer judging competition for which 26 youag men braved the elenunu and heavy roads john w picket newy elttej preai debt of ilaltoar juniors was the top judge of ihe day sftid was awarded the halton sled orowers trophy other trojjby winners were llowson kuddtu who won the halton crtuua and butter co trophy with the high trorv m judging hay and potatoes and karl wilson who wwthe winnav of the strathcona orchards trophy imblrtiytic of the high score tn jud gtng small sed an4 identification uf weeds and forage planu the tup winners in the t ariuus at it ions wrre as follows juniors 1st don taylor 2nd al len irownrtdge jrd bruce coulson 4th luu auktin mh sandy ltarnrs inlt rmrdisu 1st mtrle ounby 2nd harold llrain 3rd lynne coul trr 4th andy stull 5th doug mar rclt s nior ut john w picket 2nd rarl vtilsun 3rd howson kuddrll 4th sandy luchann 5th don john kon bacon display the intrrxlub townhip bacon dis play wjtk hrufly hut ably comnicn ttd on hy lunlsy stewart of the uve stork l iwirvico uf the lan ada department of agncullurt your bacun exhibit is equal to any we have had this year as a matter of fact the halton bacon exhibit is the only ant we have had this year where thrre were no fourth quality sides ktatfd mr sttwart sevmtecn of the twtnty cariasta on display made a grade however only three of the twtnty mad i first quality the main criticism we have i that some of ltuc ho havt tou much finish lie uur srali addinl mr sttwart w p watson spaks t atiun ontario i ivrstock umniliiiofn r an old favourite with lulton farm audit nm was the spc cut iptakrr uf tht afternoon in he usual clear cut logical style mr alon n viewed the farm outlook for 1055 some of you are going tu make monry in 1055 and some of uu are koint to lose money stated mr v ation it is the man who can ltow iood crops at a minimum of cost who is going to make money out of his livestock he added a l currie of the livestock mar krting service canada dept of affrl culture with the assistance of albert uray of canada packers ltd staged a carcass cutting demonstration i m w feature for a halton baton show in this demonstration an a side anil a c side were both cut into the usual wholesale cuts for the domestic msr kct certainly at the conclusion of this able demonstratin when the aud icnce taw the difference in the am ount of fat which had to be trimmed off the two tides 7vj lbs in the case of the a side and 10w lbs in the case of the c side and with this fat worth only 7c per lb and as they looked at the identical cuts from the 2 sides after trimming in some cuts a difference in value of 20c a pountj everyone had to admit that the hog producer who over finishes his hogs is doing much to depress the market price of hogs and to destroy his own market we were both startled and impressed whin wc overheard one halton farmer say to hia neighbour well it certainly looks as if the two factions uf the hog producers who arc fighting and arguing over the salts agency and marketing scheme mlflht better devote their time to dotru something about the quality of our hngs the thanks of the audience to those contributing to the outstanding pro- krammc was ably expressed hy ii eve a it strvict chairman of the com millc on agriculture and rcforcsta turn of the halton county council oats sail at 2 10 the auction of the ten bushel lots of oats and barley was ably handled by auctioneer j a flliott of milton here tho mx 10 bus lota of registered no 1 oats sold at prices ranging from 1 25 to 2 10 with ai average of 1 75 in tho commercial no 1 oits the prict range was 1 25 to 1 62 with an average of 1 47 v tho one 10 bushel lot of commcr clal no 1 baiity sold at 2 20 per bu homey home far ftdfuy peopli kindly csr good food no 35 highway on mils south of acsaa bebvl hvhm blllgarbutt sarah street tftrlangle 71638 flegoodrich footwear uteansb la grselwa exelnaltely at silvers flowers for every occasion dssign worv a spxishyl flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral -triangle- 735b3 gaorgalown hn- wbvn its a rush order have it shipped parcel express by bus i o k iow a i s s- vnui local aurnl gray coach lines travel notes easter in fabulous new york by spseisl trsln tf4 ta from toronto sd1sou bvar 6250 up including hotel of your choice transfers etc washington up 7150 up consatt john r barber yrsvtl advisor v johnt barbhit aokmcy insurancm yravrl triinou 745j1 mill strut