Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 1, 1955, p. 13

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plumbihg and heating licensed mjmmjts certified lennox- dealets hicken and clapham ttungu 7 31 70 yriou 73737 haltoii 1vlp appeals for abandoning 1 5 gar tax hwmat features fast fristuby farmrriee pic oukfcwv c lmsr uul aaiuvlua vtsuu fan build itvftrfock poultry coftla iswtvlt rwv to li laanr o lrm cu promptly unkabl wuiily not required willt in lomn mntinly br oa or phsn fuu lor 1vuil loan or com in lodtv uata tl w uim w vm lulslwis lox v isfl coutiuilj mar intl fo far is- testanal finance coj 61 main syrcet northj bramjton bid rucr ov c e phaasai u7 optn friday lvcninis till 8 p m other lvrninga by appointment ua at djm u w im cul l sybu bnnlt qc mp paking in the iioum of common on may 12th appealed for t full reduc tion of tha is per cent tsusue ta oa automobllea giving i lift of reatona which the feel would make uch a move tenaible here u miaa bennetti tpeech u quoted in hansard lit speaker this has been a long debate and i had not intended to take part in it however 1 shall speak for only a few moments in ruing to speak may i say that i feel i have some prescriptive right if 1 may put it that way because 1 wouhj remind the house that for about a ear i had asked the mini liter of finance to reduce the excise tax on automobiles of course i was very happy along with all members in the house and the people of caj ada generally to see a reduction hut may i say with all jdue respect to the minuter that i think he should havt jjone further i believe there should have ikert a full reduction of this 15 per cent tax commonly described as a luxury lax one of my reasons or saying this is thr nut many wieks ago the mini stir of trade and commerce mr howe said in the house that the up swinu in business and emplomtnt in tlu united malts sji in no small measuri due to the upswing in tbi autumolite industr and the in kow valuable is your drivers licence does your job or business depend on it do you really need to drive does tliat vacation you are planning include the operation of your car think dont take your licence for granted the operation or a motor car or motor truck u a privilege which can be suspended remember your drivers licence will be suspended if you are convicted of a criminal olfence or of any offence arising out of an accident 21000 licences were suspended in 1954 many of those whose licences were suspended lost their jobs others had to find a new line of business what would you do without a drivers licence think and keep your licence f minister ontario department of highways ask about the convenient fuel oil payment plans mali smb whisht s j bill bailey the oil man georgetown tr 72888 bramptoh 1215 creased production in that industry wht is true of that country would be equally true of this i am told fur- ther that if the tax were removed en tirely we would be able to produce cars in canada m cheaply as they do in the united state this would mean tremendous increase and widening of the market for motor car singling out this industry in parti cular it must be kept in mind that considering it in its primary stage which is the production of motor cars and also id its secondary stage its tertiary siege and all u other ramifications the automotive industry is the largest employer of men and women id canada that meaoa a irrc dtal it means that it is the largest producer of homes and of food and all those things required to maintain the population of this cifuntry we must also keep in mind that nbt only is this a vtry important industry but that at least 170 other industries in thu nation are entirely dependent upon the production of autumobiua these various indus trir tretch from coast to coait from the atlantic to the iaciftc th y pro- vi tii wurk and homes and all those things the employees require s hen ono stops to ionkler the amount of steel iron aluminum rubtxr oil ttitius and products of the farm that art uted in thi nunu faiturt of motor cars and all thi ir com in nt parti and think at the fcaifui turn iff thi furinir who rtcti additional incoint um re hr jut how important it is jut think ol tht i mplo in the me el indutr thr dluminuin mdumr who n i 1 mip rt ami jssituti at tint tun i noti tht uimiite r his jiihl miw in tend tlu duinlkr and i trust ht will mw um matter se und ami elilimt tht ukht and eeiniiele ration l ani tain whither it would nul ik advis ahli nht at ihiis ttim hm w hai um iiiplonn nt in soim what m rums prupotliort to uiimdir i ntm 1 it nmwnu tlu 15 p r tint i im tax from uutomuhilct inti i m1hv tht rminlr would im in lit from sin h action i imiuvi thi litas ui wtuld thiuht t wa of ml li 1 1 nal salt additional t mplonx nt ami additional taxation sonutnnii 1 think wt lost suhl of tht fait that tm i i r ct nt of thi mm and womin driin cart in anada an tannni sjikhi a tar or itss this nit ans that ito pi r ct nt uf tht nun and wo nun ilriv ink cars art on salani i in thi lowir braikits thi art tin nun and women who art tnusink fr in plan to placi maintainint tht mm hihlv of ijimjut it was not so main wttks ao thi minister of 1 juiur mintiontd the fact that the in hiht of latxmr in this countr im ant a uri at dt al in maintaining the lotl id unplojnunl tti would jrialb incn isi thi nutntit rh of car hust rs if tht prict s uf jutomohlli s touhl lt rtlutd huuli a urthir n duition in tin tax i know i in tountr- must tolltit tixts hut it ina in th it wi an at tht point of diminishing n turn m far as tin autoimtii in lustr ih comernrd in m n w tht addi tional rev i nut that would come to the mtnistir from othi r industrus b wa of intomt tax would mort than compensate him i venture to sa he would ih urthir a hi ad if the txcise tax wen nmovtd and in the meantime it is almost ctrtatn that seviral thousand tnort ptoplc would te klven cmplonu nt w hen i sa that i think i am hptakin vcr con at rvativtly 1 have said i would le bru f but tht re are one or two f urthir com mtnts 1 havt to make the first of which has to do with the sojal torn mission the minister qnnouncid 1 do hope that whin it is appointed careful consult ration will be ivtn to proctssintf our raw materials into tinishtd products 1 am sure it is corrtct to sa that wc are 25 or 50 tears behind the times in thu n sptct wc arc still directing our tconom along the lines wt followed when we were a voting country when we had trtmendous resources which it was felt could never be exploited in those davs wc had a small pupu lation and it was all right to send out our raw materials and allow some other country to process them dut what has happened our sup- plica of iron ore arc running out and the same applies to our supplies of aluminum the same can be said about our nickel and copper all thcsq are going to the united states to be processed one outstanding example i would place before the minister for his consideration is that of asbestos fibre canada sells 00 million worth of asbestos fibre to the united states each year in that country our asbestos is processed and turned into finished products for re sale the result is that the 60 mil lion becomes 4s0 million in the united states think of the horrfes that sum of money provides think of the build infl it makc4 possible think of the clothes and the food the extent to which all concerned along the lino benefit by this 450 million z say we have arrived at a stage in this coun try when we must keep those raw materials within our own borders and tilve to our men and women the benefit of the- returns that can be ob tained from those materials and the labour opportunities that would be opened tip then i have one further point it seems that x keep on saying x have one more statement to make and this has to do with immigration i bopo the royal commission will eon tides immigration ao we may have some aid that in the last 5flr years in par ticular the very foundations of what we have in canada today industrially economically socially and indeed morally were laid by the newcomers to this nation those who went out to our frontiers and opened up our farms our mines our forests and our fisheries we should have some over all plan under which new people coming to this country would go to our frontiers would man our new lands would so to our mines our fisheries and our forest industry what really is happening now and it is a rather senous thing u this we see it down in the older parts of ontario particularly in the north of my county where a great deal of farming is carried on these new comers come in and they go on the farms tyy stay there only a short time then whsi hapns tbey leave and go into the cubes into th crowded industrial areas and there they try find employments during last ytar they helped to swell the ranks of the unemployed the fsr men are not really able to depend on them staying during the stason when they need them most therefore in this country we should adopt some rtal ovt r all plan under which these new people coming in will go out and make themselves worthy citixtns which they want to do and at the same time further ex pand extend and ixuloit thu ere at land to the extent that it should be exploited ibis u the last point mr speaker a ttrtat many thin have btn said in this dtbale and they did not al was refer to finance this is be com ing a t ry dangerous country in whuh to lir the other muil i hon mi mbe r fur swift curre nt maple tn i k mr sludrr inrr or liss raised u battlt r in this house hi aid tht m nth mi n of tht housi slnjd wur hi aids to piotitt thi m mivis i km ss against tin women to wlwm h refined in nol too tomp linn ntarv trvnis as i rtcall il hi oald wt haw four women sittliu hi i hi houst niht now vwill ou know wt havt had a tn at man lonflliu in this housi mr spiuiki r ovt r the ye ars many hist or it eon huts hut now we art about to havt the lnatest conflict of 1 look at loss the house 1 lift and i look to my i think u all these irt at as thi minister of v inanct hunsilf and perhaps tht thal 6mor6btowm hmkald wednesday evening june lstlfiott pages all the n look to n ni ht und mi n mich mr llarri minister tii public works mr win tiis who just went out i can just sisuahie how the would look with biards you know mr speaker i hhudde r to think what is going to happt n with rtspect to dislocation of induslrv tor e xampli harbe rs will be out of emplovnunt tht n the stttl make rs will im on short urrje too txtaust tht will not bt making r xors the soap makers will e on short time tietuuse ihiy will not lie making soap powder and soap or whattvtr these genllemrn use on their faces to say nothing of the per fumtrits all these gentlemen use pi rfume and put these lotions on thi ir fan s but soiim times ou can not tell whithtr it is a shaving lo tion or wh it it is thin fori mr speaker we are go i iik to havt a tremendous displaci me nt of industr just because the men of this house want to make ihimstlvii into doliaths thev want to be samsons lit me remind them bi fore the embark on this venture that for eve ry ooliath there is a david and for every samson there is a delilah paper drive saturday waste paper contributed this satur dav to tht hoy scoutn will aid their summer camp funds havt our pa per bundles outside by 9 am tenders for coal and coke federal building province of ont skalhd thndkrs addressed to the undcrsifined and endorsed as ab ove will be received until 3pm lost thursday june 0 1053 or the supply of coal and coke for the r edcral buildings throughout the province of ontartto forms of lender with specifications and conditions attached can bo obtai nod from the chief of purchasing and stores dcpt of public works ottawa and the district architect 3d ade laide st east toronto ont tenders will not be considered un less made on or ac to the printed forms supplied by the dcpt and in accordance with conditions sat forth therein the department reserves the right to demand from any successful ten derer before awarding the order a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque drawn on a bank in co rpo rated under the bank act or the quobec savings dank act payable to the order of the hon the minister of public works equal to ten per cent of the amount of tender in accordance with the government contracts regu lations now in force or bearer bonds with unmatured coupons of the gov ernment of canada or of the canadian national railway company and its constituent companies unconditional ly guaranteed u to principal and in terest by the government of canada the lowest or any tender not neces- starlly accepted jrobrrt fortter chief of administrative services and secretary we deliver ittftj lakgc small free of charge liulikllap twkripttan which wa puk up nrapasa cullw and tl 73am maccomiacks drug store 2s8skii billgarbutt sarah street for expert eye cjire coruult o t walker optomstritt 3 main bt north brampton 1 over abtlls drug store 1 phone office 500 lies 830 i hours dam toflpm dally evtmlrtf by appointment asphalt paving driving grading and parking lots aim as hard drives home services phon brampton 2162 4 wilion ave brampton building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines glen williamt triangte 73302 wiring commercial and domestic at i ovtru plan tfal u a ercat dpt ol public wtfflm ottawa may majfulflmut country it cats be w ibm 61 leos electric service unxttwtttr beatty pumps libcm tja tr 72901 s44wuh shiwicl m tett h k a sv-

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