the georgetown herald sixteen pages georgetown ont wednesday september 21st 1955 first section swimming pool campaign fund starts september 28th what council did i plan third school in delrex district georgetown public whool board hu bora aulhorued to prepare plan for 4 third fcrhool whirh will ptubahly be in the delrex lubdivuion near the old town limits at monday counril meeting court ell was mforrurd by the tchuol board that an anticipated 8 extra rlaroomi will be needed by next september and planning mutt begin immediately deputy reeve allan norton inggcs ted possibility of building a new ichool in the toulh end of town on the old reservoir land which the cor puratlon owns mayor armstrong laul that joining the two uaple avinuct will be iwnt ficlal for children in the southern town section ami planning of a new school brings the new roadway one step closer recognition of thi iorne scot hand which won find prut akam at the cnr will taki th form of a ban quet and council allocated 350 for this purpose council is expecting a pit it ion for a voti on an annual krant of j15o0 for the bo bjncl which officials of out organisation i 1 is nfciueary if thi band is to 1m continued tht p liiion is now tw inj rinulaltd council s nl a petition to the conn t council asltin that a ronjultit iw commitwc ik bit up to inw tiiad the pombilil of replacing the pres ent north ilalton llikh school distru t with thru m parade districts which would c ntt r in ieori- tuvtn cton anl milton the matter was tlicuml at a mec ting last wik of ihi tn urban board ami previously at a rmctinj in mil ton called to discuss sale of the pres ent hijh school there to the public school board councillors who attended the tn urban mi dint n ported that th bcl leved milton and acton councils would also he petitioning county council to set up the committee the weather 11 r hijitur a mull ajipropriilr rurruntnt on lns win k mil itnar wuum tur that it luokrsl llkr llic return u tuminrr krn llstkin ililr uil mm luin s i 1j it 38 s pi 13 62 31 siil m 74 2 04 st is 74 so s pi 16 71 42 s it n iu1 4b si t ib iui 50 officers elected by st johns bypu young peoples union at st john united made plans for the season at a meeting monday in the church hall bill whitney was elected president jan hansen vice president and gail king secretary treasurer r our group leaders were chosen and each group has a topic theme for the year they are mariln souther stewardship and training carol sed don citizenship and community ser vice doug wngglesworth faith and evangelism peter darlington mis slons and world outreach the ypu is welcoming young people 15 years or older and 2nd form high school and above to their meetings every monday at 8 p m what council did grabs for milk bottle crashes into store an unusual scrub nt sunday morn- nu thatli red thi show window at r r nir b radio on mill slrttl and damsi id mi rchundist whi n a car crashed into tht huimini john a and ritrhie 0 knit ry strut hail purchased a couple of hot tls of milk at tht maple laf dairy mri was tn ink up hit poit office lull one of ih lititlle on tht seat til pil tivu and in trsint to jrab it mr kilchit 1 st uilnl of his car th thicle mc unli i tht curt miss nil a hjim oh an 1 crathed into tht h w window jmai to mini w mil displa was e minute t at 500 with s23 daman to thi car monda at 130 pin anotht r ami i nt c urrtil mt far awa ar elnen h matthi w mi i n ukh v que en fttreet and isabel hnr ns r r 3 kink it collided on mill strict on the hill just below main mr mclonuulh was ting down the hill after crossing main and misi harris was approaching main street sht was on he r wa to tht mcclurc runirjl hume t atti nd tht service for a nlatiw mr mowat moort a tev tal of v25 was estimated damage to the two cars onstable cliford found was in vcstigating officer in both ace i dints dies on visit to new brunswick mrs george a rohinson 22 gurlph street was calletl to rrcdencton n h suddenly to be with her husband who was seriously ill unfortunately mr rohinson passed away before her am val after a second stroke mr rohinson had gone to lrcdcric ton to attend the wedding of their daughter thais lie was buried at stickney carle- ton county n it last saturday after noon bylaw interpretation causes council confusion a longthy discussion at council meeting monday about a confusing clause in the buildine by law led to further confusion as councillors voic ed their interpretations of what it meant the matter was finally left to cr dous sargents town planning com mlttec for decision mayor armstrong brought the mat tcr up whep he spoke of regulations which affect buildings on corner lots the by law said the mayor re quires a building to be at least 25 yards from the flankage side of the lot unless the house faces on the flan kage in which case it can be within 10 feet from the road boundary wenlght as well change our by law bocauso this is confusing and no ono is abiding by it anyway said the mayor who indleatod that sever al corner lbt buildings which face on the frontage are disregarding the 25 foot aide allowance a simple solution he aald would be to allow buildings within 10 feet of either street no matter which way the house faces continuing a general discussion on the building bylaw the mayor aald that for some time council hu beep running into contentious questions bout htfraetlons which usually are only fractions ef an inch we must take some responsibili ty ha said because wf issue per- njta ana it u up to us to cheek as est we can to sea that such he suggested a by law clause which would provide a formal inspection of a house when the foundation is up if wc had never reduced the side line allowance at request of subdivi dcrs i don t think it would be ncccs sary to quibble about infractions re marked reeve allen they build right up to the limit and any mistakes arc always in their favour added cr sargent the reeve suggested that if council refused to sanction any infraction it would end trouble in future because nlla financing would be held up you cant say its alright for a man to rob a bank because the police werent guarding it aaid mr allen no but yoli cant stop policing just because a robbery occurs either answered the mayor im tired of the discussion said cr mpgllvray a fraction of an inch doesnt mean anything and were just wasting time talking about it a letter from united suburban gas hamilton indicated that the com pany will seek a gas franchise in georgetown and has a sufficient sup- fly to serve this town as well as mll- mn and acton tha company has supplied oak- ville trafalgar and nelson for 25 yearsttha letter said and will be i ending their mr dutton to inter- law council as button was not present mr and mrs douglas norton delrex head heslop to open fall fair iitwloper of thi iilrc subdivision on the eutirti imiiu of town rex llttp will officially opjt cjeorlc- ton tnr this yiar mr lit op will take part in the opening et rt monies in front of the trsndtand at 2pm tclober 1st when the south annual exhibition taktk place aln ad wt 11 known throui h hu juvmotiuj of the huc subdivision which will add to ctorgrtown s indua trial ttlid result ulial properties uf irslup has shown a keen interest in town affairs anunlus intrrest in opt n lng the fair is onxjiiure indication uf thu mr and mrs lrslop and their two children vill soon be muting into a new home they are constructing on tht furmer w t craig reid farm ihur daughter mariln is attending stortt town llih school and son rex is enrolled at wriucteswurth school qatlosi campball brampton mr and mrs douglas norton who arc livtrir at 25 john st e were married n st georrje anql can church 11 t hr he wai mvqnrt tdith ciiurjbtt r of mr i w thorn l mcponjtl tv imptnn inrl the groom s parent irt mr ai d mf w ii i nort brampton bridal for betty irene clarke enrolment is 878 in two public schools rnrolmcnt in the two geor ton putilic schools this rar totau it 8 with new pupils arriving almost dmly nouses art occupied in nw suikiii iton present enrolment has increased by 100 pupits since school closed in june thirteen tt achers at chapel street school are lookink after a total oi 45u pupils at wrijjfiltsworth schtnil there arc 12 ttachtrs to take caic of an rnrolmcnt of 420 night school classes start november 1st thursday evening the manareirent committee of the georgetown comrau nity nikht school clnssis met at the home of mr and mrs keith barber officers elected are keith barber chairman shirley muckart secretary jcon ruddcll treasurer mrs wm reynolds application secretary rosl mary jordan publicity the night school classes arc open to anvone interested in learning a new craft or hobby classes arc scheduled to start tuesday evening november 1st and will be held in the public schools and high school details of courses offered and fees will appear in next weeks herald sewinb mlt linery carpentry and many others will be included application forms will be available soon and anyone interested is reques ted to register early as applications are registered la the order received school needs help pick apf le crop miss therese st jesn director of notre daihe de beauregard farm is worried about the apple crop and won ders if there are some men in town who would help the boys at the farm this year unseasonably hot weath er has dried the apple steins so that the slightest wind sends showers of thotn down the farm boys are pick ing the crop but cannot keep up with it and miss st jean is afraid that there will be so many windfalls that the revenue on which the school de pends heavily for its living will be seriously affected any volunteers who- could spare a few hours to help with the picking will render a- valuable service it they raci unilrtl 1 hurrh llrampton uas the fi ttini of thi widtlink at 230 saturday afumcxin si pt 10 when hctu irinc ilatikhlir of mr anl mm harvij larki infann tht bruit of carl htnr inktlmrlson of llrampton tht church uai tlccorjttil uith htantlartls of multlcolorctl gladioli miss jtnnir milltr prtmcic at the or kan and mis l win i illlt wis aololt she sank tht- ixiril s 1rajcr durink tho ccn mon and through the years durink the siknink of the register tht douhle rmi ceremony was pcrlor mtd t hev h rnnal tht hritlc kiven in marriage b her fither wore a fiown of white tic lustrtd satin fashioned on princess lints with sweetheart neckline cdrcil with fcrench lact hof finrertip veil fell from a matching headdress of rrtnch lace and she cnmtd a casndc of while ijadtoli and mums mrs dtmaltl kay was matron of honcur for her sister hrultsmaitls were miss donna i il tie and miss ratricla gray don their fiowns were fashionctl alike on princess lints in autumn shades of delustt red satin brown bronze and loltl they wore small brown velvet hats and carritd cascatles of gladioli and mums donald llay brother in law of the bride was btst man and ushers were gitnn davis and morley walton a reception was held in snelgrovc com munity hall the brides mother re ceived wearing a rosewood gown of chantilly lace over taffeta with navy scccssorics and corsage of sweetheart roses mrs w farr the groom s fos tcrmothcr assisted wearing a navy crepe gown with rose and navy acccs sories and corsago of sweetheart ros cs john hooper tho brides uncle acted as tosstmostcr for travelling the brido chose a charcoal grey wool auit with red ac cessories and a corsage 6f red sweet heart roses after a motor trip through southern j united states mr and mrs ingcbert- son will reside at iso elizabeth street south the bride la a former george town resident living here when her father was farm manager at cedar- vale school blind fund canvass undertaken by i0de a fund campaign for the canadian national institute for the lllind will see members of the iod1- and other mttrtsted makintf a canvas in town and district the week of siptunilxr 20th the local campaign has been art an md b lirk ijcsu and jim j ones uho m prt sent the lions club on the mmint udwsor board and mrs lt rcy leslie and mrs j v dillis who np r st nt tht lodh on tht sanu on am ration jjch iar llu cai lpjin has met mith mirttn locaii and the group is hop ful of similar support thi t ar l jortt town people 1 ht lodi- ladit will aain nfjprr uh with ih lnstitutt this t jr in a itlm icraft ixmjth at s orj town hair ortttxr lit lltrt articles made by mini pit it art on display anil are also for sale september 2iuh nwits tha date of an active fund campaixn for tb com- pil imjnini pool already under colructiua on land behind the are na a public meeting in the arena last tuesday saw some thirty people re presenting practically every organsia uun in town and a few ta tha sur rounding countryside esprttaatng their view no the pool cud duwrtussing ways and means uf r suing the 10000 re quired to complete il a proposal by don liarrager uf a pledge cauinaign in industry mat with gunrral favour slodelled oo a sistn eesaful schrfiie used in napanbe wor kers in industry will be approached to pledge weekly donations at the same time ihuse nut reach rd in this man nrr will be similary approached in their home in napanee said mr uarrager there was uo per cent participation and an averas givink of 40 per per son to raise a total of 130000 for a community hall and arena the town uf 43o0 raised pledges of 83 000 in a i week campaign organisation uf the swimming pool committee include dick licata chair man jaa sunning secretary bob darou and jack hart treasurers a representative from each interested organization will be appointed to be come part of the committee harold afcclure offered space ab- over hu ijain street store as commit tee headquarters and don liarrager was appointed head uf a committee to compile a list of names for the cammiign 11 was stressed st the meeting that uhtn tht pool is completed and paid for it will be turned over to the town which will operatt it undt r manage ment of a rtcrtation committee the uons club who have donated 0 000 of the 8 0000 in tht bank so far have no direct control ut r tht cam paikn though some club m nitwrs art numbered on tht committee unions arc being approached by thnr representatives for sanction to ntfiwraiay a pa roll deduction plan while management of the thrtt large industries are also being asked to handle the deductions once curling prexy mowat moore dies htlirtd mntral manager of canada building mat i rials toronto and a nuiiiliir til an old scotch block fam il oliur mowat moore 77 was bur led in trttnwood cemetery on mon day lit dud alter a sudden heart attack lrida morning at the homo of mr anil mrs william fleming 11 moun liinvicw hind where he had lied for tht pat two ears mr moort was born in the scotch iltock son of w illiam and athenne sttwart moore ileforc becoming gen rral manager of canada huilding he heltl a similar position with ontario 1 ime co as a member of a club in hikh tark he was an enthusiastic lawn bowler and curler and several tars ako scrcd a term as president of the ontario curling association he was a hotanan and a member of old st andrtw s presbyterian church in the city in 1047 mr and mrs moore moved to the 7th i inc above lulhnafad where they lived until moving to georgetown two j tars ago mrs moore died in november 1053 he leaves two children mrs c v paton of surrey england and keith car raffle for junior hockey georgetown will have a junior c cn- tr in oha hocke this ear plans were tliscuvsed sunda by a number of interested men who met in the arena george louth was nam ed to continue as president of the league and other executives will be named at a later date fund raising always the hardest part of hockc sponsorship will be la ken care of by a major project raff ling of a 1055 pi mouth savoy which will be supplied by the local bowers motor sales hockey club members plan to get started this weekend on ticket sales the raffle will take place at the first home game in january remember the date saturday october 1st a big day for george town fair day don t miss hal ton s best agricultural show of toronto and four grandchildren he was the last member of his fam ily itcv alex caldcr conducted the fu neral service at the mcclurc faincral home furniture plant starts operations three weeks christening party at miller home 1 june elisabeth miller baby daugh tcr of mr and mrs russell miller was christened in llraehouse presby terisn church sunday afternoon sept 18th rev alex calder officiating af tcrwards mr and mrs miller enter tained the many friends and relatives at their home on the 8th line out of town visitors were mrs millers par ents mr and mrs creishton domtn of durham and her sister and her hus band mr and mrs ron outlieb of guclph i- mr and mrs r r corbett have returned after a weeks trip to de troit and wheatley where they visi ted relatives attend grandfathhrs funeral in montreal a new furniture company is loca ting in georgetown purchase of a part of the old prov lncial taper lower mill from wm u ackcrman was completed this week by hi lltc furniture co ltd the company will manufacture a hncof wood and plastic tursiturs which includes occasional tables din ette and bedroom suites bathroom vanities and kitchen units they ex pect to be oporaunn within two or three weeks principals in tha new company am euecncschwaru president and how ard bryce secretarytreasurer mr schwartz a toronto native is former president of superior chroma furniture toronto he is living in the city with his wife and family oi three children and intends to com mute to georgetown ior the presenl mr bryce comes to town tram bath gate scotland via neuatadt ontario where he was superintendent of mo dern planned kitchen co married and father ot a young son he la looking for living accommodation la town the company will occupy a portion r there wis no discussion on tlw4tttr would phone notre name and otter mrs douglas wilson shelley st was called to montreal last weekend to attend the funeral of her grandla- to announce the engagement of their ther daughter beverley jane to ronald vffl- mr fred hlnks who waam ye fred breen son of mr and mrs w- old died thursday morning after suf- breen of fleorgelownathe marriage faring a stroke the funeral service will take plaee october ibe sathi engagements mr and mrs a e carney norval announce the engagement of their daughter eileen patricia to mr carl franklin schenk son of mr and mrs william schenk glen wlluams the marriage will take plaee on saturday october the eighth at threethirty of the old mill which also houses oclock in norval united church woodway mfg co which moved here mr and mrs l justice of town- from woodhrldge a year age employ- lag both men and women they wul atari production itwuh a staff of ap proximately 80 and expect eventually to be employing ub peter baahan la alaoeoralng from neusudt aj plant