Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1956, p. 11

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 11 19m page 10 pittsburgh paints exterior and interior ernies radio mill si tr 72701 town of georgetown notice of road closing chatting building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines gkn willipms trmngle 73302 0 ive been sorting over and enjoying our christmas cards once again this afternoon for adults i think the exchange of m in im christmas cards is one of the nicest ship of esqucsing and between lots things about the yulctide season e i in m ivin 10th concession of on the card we received from mrs katharine a marston editor of the flora express this feeling was crvs tollized into a little paragraph instead of the more conventional form of trcetint once more the candlis arc lighted on the altar of friend ship it is a sacred flame may their bright beam at christmas warm your heatt and light the way into a new year of happiness lunnmimiiiaiuiiiiiminimiiniuiq flowers for all e occasions i wedding work corsages a specialty cut flowers and funeral designs we wire flowers rosedale floral i 32 albert st i tr 72952 1 aaamni 111 innu i tiiuminti minnite notice of closing and stopping up certain portions of the original al lowances for road and certain div ersions thereof between lots 15 and 16 in the 9th concession of the town 15 and 13 in the 10th concession the township of esquesing all now in the town of georgetown in the county of halton and authorizing the conveyance of the portion so stop ped up to the adjoining owners take notice that the municipal council of the town of georgetown proposed to pass a by law to close and slop up ciilain portions of the on lui il alhiwaiies for load and certain divitstons thereof between lots 15 ind if in iht flth conctssiun of the lownship of i sqmsinl and between lots 15 and lb in tht 10th conces sion of the township uf frsquesittl all now in the lown of georgetown in tlu omik of hilton hunt those art mi p iritis oi truts of hnds and prunisis sitmli hini ind heme in tht own of iioiextown formerly in tin township of isqui inej in tin count v of halton imiri particuhil desmhid as follows tlial is to sj mkslty phust parts shown bt uvetn brokin lines on tin reuisliud 1 1 in htrunafler refirrnl to of lots 7 i 1 jl 17 ol bi 74 ti and 7t ind of blocks c ind ti moidim to a phnnf subdivision filvd iti tht keii str oftitt foi the iuistr division of tht cmmt of hilton is number lum within hit bound tries of tin a mans opimion of mawy a womanj is made by her dress shop wiring commercial and domestic beatty pumps libnl trdtln m commercial domestic beatty pumps 24 hour service mill street tr- 72901 buy the best buy bh paints for listing baauty sold by twins woodworking limehouse tr 72162 manufacturers of sash frames screens doors intida and out trim door hardware hoor tlle glass open evenings till 9 p m and all day saturday uiilin il illowanii foi 10 ul tit i wit n township lots 15 and id in the 10th coneission of the township of 1 s qucsine st condi y those parts shown be tween broken lints on the registered plan hertinafttr rtftrrcd to of lols 231 232 233 398 399 407 400 409 410 and 411 according to a plan of subdivision filed in the rtmstr of fice for the relislrj division of the county of halton as number 618 bint within the boundaries of the original allowance for road between township lots 15 and 16 in the 9th concession of the township of esquesine thirdly that part shown be tween broken lines on the registered plan hereinafter referred to of i ot 398 according to a plan of subdm sion filed in the kegislrj offite for the reljstrj division of the county of halton as number 618 ling within the boundaries of the diversion of the original allowance for road betwttn township lots 15 and 10 in the 9th concession of the township of is qucsing the said diversion having been created m or about the year 1880 by that certain instrument registered in the said registry office as lnstrum ent number 3241 for the twp of esqucsing fourthly that part of the origin of allowance for road between twp i ots 15 and 16 in the 9th concession of the township of isqutsint ijinj to the south west of the land laid out b a plan of subdivision filed in tht registrv office for the rcfistr dim sion of the count of halton is num ber 618 f1fthiy that part of township i ot 16 in the 9th concession or the township of esquesing comprising tht diversion of the original allow mce for road between township iots 15 ind 16 in the 9th concession ly me to the west of the lands laid out bj a plan of subdivision filed in the kceistr offite for the resist rj division of tht count of halton as number 018 tht said diversion having hem created in or about the vear 1880 in the said rt gistry office as instrument number 3241 for the township of hsqutsine sixt hly that part of town ship lot 15 in the 9th concession of the township of i squesing hi nu composed of the divtrsion of the or iginal allowance for road between township lots 15 anil 10 in the 9th concession of the lownship of is qucsine the said diversion haunt been created in or about the cir 1880 h that certain instrument ret istered in the registry offite for the registry division of the count of halton as instrument number 3242 for the township of fsqucsing and to authorize the conveyance of tht portions so stopped up to the adjoining owners the said bylaw will be dealt with at a meeting of the council to be held for the purpose of considering the said bylaw on monday the 6lh dn of february 1956 at the hour of 8 o clock in the evening at the munici pal office georgetown ont all documents in relation to thr said original allowinccs for road and diversions thereof may be tximinrd at the office of the clerk mumcip il office georgetown ontario dattd at georgetown this 13th day of december 1955 john d khiy clerk of the town of georgetown first published on the 21st day of december 1955 1 11 0 as i go over the cards i us udly list them so tint will be done when the busy season of prepiratiin eieeps up on us il un ntt vtar this time i used the nov 1 ruling end si nt out by tlu 11 l arnold oinpan of toronto it look tht form of i 5tar personal christ mas eard rtistti with spates for i ptrmantnt iieord of tards si nt and ittehed whin 1 fct that all filled out 1 should exptntnte a smiu little fn link f iti f u lion i hat is if i don t pul it m u so care full tint i t nt find it tome ntxl dm mini it his happtntd before to me at any rait iht vjiious tympini s wluih send tards to tlu hiruld ilwis thoosi sutb ht dutiful nprodutlions of paintings hi it we hate to 1 1 hum awav in a bn for the rest of tin t ir where the i iiinot bt apprtiiatul tht firm whuh sint us tht christina- card filt dipartuil from this iust m ha 1 thi most origin il idea in our quo ti of tards ricuvid anotbir i ir 1 from a larjt eonctrn mmtlj tht globe and mail which 1 think dts tres mention dipicttd what looks at first lame like a magnificent trans parent poinsettia with a rather strange looking stem the picture is entitled nalun s handiwork the explanation on tin batk of tht card tells us that it is a ntws photograph in a staff photographer what is it wmdlashtd sprav from the horseshot i alls it niagara froztn on a lamp standard dauphin selected for chrysler weather test the canadian winter will be invited to do its worst when a group of auto motive engineers visit dauphin man 150 miles northwest of winnipe next week purpose of their visit is to conduct a series of cold weather tests of chrysler built automobiles this is the first time that such tests have been staged in canada by the torporation on its passengers cars eight vehicles taken at randam from the plymouth dodge desoto and chrysler assembly lines at detroit and windsor will be used the cars will be literally soaked with cold at temperatures which the engineers ex pect may reach 40 below zero lngines electrical systems trans missions heaters defrosters oil anti freeze and tires will be rigorously tes ted for a two week period and studied foi their reaction to the cold in addition experimental features whieh may appear on future models will be given a workout under these demanding operating conditions in formtr years the tests wtre held at hemidji minn but after a thor oulii tanvass of north american win tti temperatures dauphin was seltt totl as offering a more consistently reliable brand of frigidity peter pruneau plastering stucco work fr stlmitm nw or rfrpatra 55 ontario st tr 73282 phone or see pat for 1954 ford or monarch triangl 74756 sec what i have in good used cars too 0 i dont know how the artists keep thinking up those bcauti ful designs and ideas for christ mas cards men ear tht stem pret tier than thi last there are trends in cards th just like eeilhing else this season i notieed how pup ular the lonj oblong cards wtre h- la borating on this idea a little was a long card with one obliqui side and top iht tmtlopt matclnd mr and mrs ii h batkin senl us our most original card compkltly hand made the front showed a cut oul f i larle candy cane with a small striped white and red sample of mrs rikins n prize winning hand weaving showin through a shim siktr bow complt ted the simplt but effective design inside was a hand written ljectinj jj 9 a photograph enclosed with a card or pnnttd on the card ilwa brings i special thrill of intertst a new idea in this a line was a pitture of tbt family of friends of ours taktn just after thi ir new baby was ihnsttned thi ph to jraph was taken inside tht door of jj the church with the bab thi ttnlrc of attention b 0 mr and mrs david dills j of the cton irec i rtss camt up with an original ide i too n this time mvolunl some quite inol vc d photorapln i imagine the front of the eard shows dive and ka in separate cut outs from tht j front pajt of a section of the clon 5 free irtss inside are various hi ad lints concerning bi ntws events in g acton and on the ntwspaptr down in ont corner in red ink they have boxed in a late news hash dated at cton ont dee staff special j in an unpnetdtnttd prtss confei t nee ht re today mr and mrs david dills 219 mason blvd released a stattmtnt which news analysts expect i will have a significant lack of efftel i upon the unsettled middle past tht current u n debate the ntxt elec j tion the wheat surplus and taxts tht said merr christmas and hap p new year i mrs wellington wlllett called me i tht othtr evening to say the had re i ceived a christmas card from consta ble and mrs vic smith the smith s j now live in ottawa and included with their own greetings to mr and mrs willott were greetings from their fa mih which the smiths called the i hour ds when constable and mrs 1 smith left georgetown they had a fa mil of two danny and donna i ast j christmas their other daughter deb orah joined the firmly circle and this i jear lh have named their new son dimd i had been wondering al out via chatting a couple of weeks u j if there were an c hnslmis doct ntions inside the hos pitil for sick hildrcn in toronto while talking ith mrs wlllett she told mc thai their familv had had oc casion to be down in the hospital at christmas time due to the illness of their 5month old granddaughter de borah norton the baby daughter of mr and mrs cliff norton it was nice to hear that the interior of the hospital is just as beautifully decora ted as ihc exterior in the emergency ward one whole wall is taken up with a reproduction of a fireplace and sanu filled the stockings while a fetching puppy witches from the side with one ear cocked another lovely display featured snow white and the scpen dwarfs there were nursery rhyme cutouts on the glass canadian tampax backs hospital membership a fine spirit of cooperation and a rand example for others to follow was shown by the canadi in tamp ix corporation management and staff hsl week all thirtv five persons decided to en roll as members of peel memorial hospital association for 1956 and a cheque for 70 00 and the complete list of names and address his been forwarded to the puhlit relations committee of the hospital the idea was conctivtd by mr neil mtarlhur tht manager who states that the employees were 100 per cent in accord with the proposal from the outset and supported the plan whole heartedly this is the type of backing which the board of governors has been stressing in its 1956 membership ap peal and which it deems most essen tial to the welfare of this mstmtion door panels of every door christmas decorations throughout the entire hospital and massive decorated trees in the sitting and convalescent rooms at the time i was chatting with mrs wlllett little deborah was still in hospital but on the road to rttov ery this flu germ or whatever it is that is afflicting people these past few weeks seems to have been partk ularlv hard on the very little folk mr and mrs irwin noble had a rather worried christmas too while their little son was m hospital in toronto he is now back home and well again however ann the rock of ages corporation are proud to announce the appointment of j w fleck son of shelburne as their sole representative for this town and district whenever you call or write for any help or guidance from this dealership you will be assured of the friendly courteous service and satisfaction that has made this company one of the finest in canada each and every rock of ages memorial carries the good house keeping seal of approval and is recognized as the world s finest granite oaulkuzed bj2o2u rocrcagls family monuments- requests for information will be appreciated by writing or calling j w fleck son memorials of quality and simplicity telephone 161w box 342 shelburne ontario plumbing new bathrooms installed or remodelled water systems ken repairs of all kinds charlie nash mcdowell triangle 72m3 5 king street east of health and healing if other industries and commercial concerns could see fit to adopt a sun ilar plan the hospitals objective of 500 members in the new year would soon be realized to date the membership enrollment is only 236 last year the total rea ched was 380 with more than a month to go before the associations annual meeting the pr committee is hopeful of a great many more enrol raents before that date in addition to 472 00 for member ship fees 81900 has been received for the hospitals annual equipment fund christmas appeal included in this total are donations from 1 00 to 100 00 all are much appreciated and greatly assist the board in its endeavour to keep hospi tal equipment uptodate and ade quate for the increasing service it is called upon to give the barn is going out of business open every day jan 13 to jan 28 ind come for bargains come to the barn such bargains you see in the barn youll never see in your dreams thousands of dollars worth of goods has to go in a very short time hardware tools china- yard goods- clothing no price will be refused jacks bargain centre rear of georgetown dairy main street

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