Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1956, p. 9

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hamilton construction 160 gueiph street tr 73480 homes garages concrete work industrial requirements renovations building supplies every building need farm news tremendous crowd attends york soil and crop meeting macs taxi reopening with 2 radioequipped can reliable service good drivers triangle 72641 georgetown collision service maple avenue west at 7th line georgetown 24hour towing service triangle 73790 j e w for many years we have heard glowing icportb of the york county soil and ciop improvement absoeia mem annual meeting thrs venr we rccened an imitation to pirtiupatc in their prolamine it itemed like an ikcellcnt oppoilunitj to go and see for oiusehos so on wednesday last accompanied by m btatv 1st viee president of the llalton assoii3 tion we headed the ear for newniar ket as in llalton the york county people commenee their meeting sharp at 10 30 a in 1 he main difference be tween the llalton and york meetings lay in the attendance some 400 farm operators packed the town hall in newmarket and the great majority were there at 10 jo when the meet ing commence the programme in our opinion while good was no better than our own at the mornigg sis sion instead of short reports by lo cal farm operatois they hail a panel discussion in which we are privileg ed to participate personally we like to listen to the short snappy reports from practical farmers however it is perhaps a matter of opinion barberry and buckthorn campaign the highlight of the morning ses sion in our opinion was the brief illustiated repotl bj the york county agne itep moff cockburn on their baibtnj and buekthorn earn paign in york they have a few ai i as where oats are a failure due to rust hence the ieison for hiir eampaign against barhem and buek thorn the host plants for ennvn nd stew rust of oats lie s wue uian ized and crews with axes and sprayers wen through ivoodlots jwl icjici rows stump spraying many fields of oats had heen almost a complete loss certainly the york county farmers are enthusiastic about the new vane ties darry and rodney these two vanetics withstood the rust ravages while other varieties like larain bea ver and ajax were almost a total loss in those areas several york county farmers stated it is either garry or rodney for me this year so if hal- ton county farmers want to try out cither of these varieties this year they had better move fast because supplies of both are limited iereh ante ihxie are aicas in hal ton too v hue the oals went down badly with rust if there were we would bo glad to hear fiom some of the farm opeialurs who die- having tumble named legume varieties recommended at lliu aftunoon session pi of c g e downing head of the dept of agricultural lngincenng and dr w i lossell of the dept of field hus bandry wue the chief speakers both were excellent unfortunately we can not reproduce their addresses dr tossell recommended that in 1956 farm operators purchase la salle red clover vernal alfalfa and climar ti mothy all three varieties are- repor ted to he available while the price may be slightly higher for these new varieties than for the old slandbys dt tossell is of the opinion that they will be worth the difference la salle red clover was stated to be more persistent over the second year vern al alfalfa is more winter hardy than ontario variegated or gnmm climax lunollij is very much leafier and a little later new technique hi 1 osstll is also recommending seed mixture for early eut hay gen ual hj average and finally for the field or fields which arc to be cut late i oi the field to be rut eaily ulher for hay or grass silage be sug gesls 7 lbs vernal alfalfa i lbs i a salle red clover 5 lbs chin timo thy and 3 lbs of orchard g ass 1 in the general hay crop he sug gists 7 lhs vernal alfalfa 3 lbs la salle red lover 5 lbs climax timo ihj and 7 lbs of hrome for the idle- crop uarh july there is nothing bet ter than 10 lbs alfalfa and 10 lbs of bromc di tossell also suggests different seed mixtures for pasture a new pamphlet on the subject will be available shortly copies will be sent to all members of the halton soil and crop improvement association as sson as they arc available others may secure copies on request from the agricultural office in milton call tr 73271 tr 72674 concrete work footings cellar floors sidewalks block work brick laying for your construction needs carpentry homes garages kitchens bathrooms remodeling modernizing mcnally construction elgin street near cnr station civil defence seeks recruits in halton a course of instruction leading to membership in the civil defence and disasur auiliit police is being of fired to county men in milton begin nui mi 1 mu it j 10th the school operated in tin ontario gournmtnt is seeking u cunts m all juih of the iminlv it uuiipnses a se rus uf wnhmii heturcs wlmli will hi iwn in oli officcis judge and uthus who in offir spituhtd mi ms smb mihjtils is traffic eon tiol n duht s of w ink us fust aid and h itom bomb ami its ffuls are iiiirul in tin instruction courses itu inmsc is designed to have trai mil nun u id in case of national or natural umrgene and in llalton at least 87 men are ni cried to form a civ il defence company similar courses have heen held in sinicoe gnmsbv delhi and walerdown one is starting this month in kitchener district men who are interest maj contact police hief roy haley in town or f w johnson pearl street milton or lt col john r barber who is local civil defence director you cant rush the calendar nature takes her time in yielding the farmer a return on his investment of money and effort meanwhile he may need cash for feed or fertilizer or implements or to reroof his barn or buy livestock bank loans let him go ahead with his plans or improvements without waiting for harvest time across his local bank managers desk he talks over the purpose amount and repayment of the loan its a simple straightforward business transaction involving the use of bank credit co promote enterprise in big city or rural area the local branch of your chartered bank is a convenient banking service- centre staffed by friendly people it is ready to help you with your saving borrowing and other banking business all under one roof only a cbarurtd hank ttftrs a fuu rangt of banking tervicts including moniy oidlis and 1ank beams to tend mooer anywhere la onu ot throughout tot worid iitt11i of cmdit for traveller on eweodd tnpi o to finince business tnns- ctioat tt dim nee m0rt9a0i loans for building row home cadet the terms of the national housing act loans for many worthwhile purpont adding to progress efidenc and the comfort of fata us legion notes by leg clark this week being the second week in the new year we think that the entire branch ecmfd do just a little thinking about the past year and also what is to come in the future but fust we think that there should be a little plain talk and possibly a little soul seaiehing first befoie we forget such an extremely important matter the new years paity held a yeai ago was also one where admission was paid and it furtherjiad been brought up on the flooi oi a meeting and discussed thor oughlj before a decision was made this we know for fact because at the time we occupied the presidents chair and brought it up to help de fray what was becoming a very un reasonably heavy expenditure for the branch and we still maintain that at any affair where only part of your membership is present that there should be at least a token charge to help defray the expenses of the even ing after all common sense should tell us that the entire bunch should not have to be assessed completely for an affair where possibly only 30 per cent of the members and friends attend we do not think for one moment that the people who raised the fuss ahout it were too serious after all there was hardly that much money involved to bother any one however we do think the whole thing left an extremely bad taste m the mouths of v pei tint of the members who see med quite happy about the whole af fair and while were on the subject let s right now say that some of the silliest most nonsensical complaints about the general operation of the bianch have been advanced in the last few weeks a new member brought it to our attention and we explained what most old members know that it is merely a severe case of what is or could he termed january itis or pre elcctionilis this is a rare and dread malady that is contracted each j ear by a number just before the election strangely enough it is quite possible to have this disease more than once in faet we know of people who have been getting it every year for ten years that we can look back upon it is a strange disease as it is more painful to those who come in contact with the sufferer than to himself because no matter what the listeners opinions are he is subjec ted to a constant string of complaints about the actions of the executive their manj obvious and grave short coming and their obvious inability to handle the job for instance the oth cr night we heard from one source the airconditioning was too expensive he knew where it could be done for a thud of the mone the back room should neer have been chang td and i utainly there was no rued to paint the plact we might pom out tho the disease has almost spent itsi if for another ar and w hilt it will continue possiblj in vio hut form foi mother two weeks will fnmllv bum its if out on sunda mu in 2mh tkilmn da ob ms thi disuse nddingint dso ask cd how tome so and so got himself elected lo the extiutm well we will just tell j ou chum it s a very do tnncrit ic process that has been work ing quite well for a number of jears v1creby the fellov uiercis if jeur organization have a chance to vote to elect the person of their choice the way to get elected is to have the most votes so it necessarik follows that in the vast majority of cases the people who don t get elected are those who just do not receive a big enough vote simple isn t it senously we hope that onci again this year each member will take his duties seriously and be present that sunday lo vote for the person of his choice ythat is democracy at its best and we hope that every mcribr will spare the necessary time to come out and ensuie the branch of a reall big well contested election it onlj lakes a couple of hours mil cutainlv there is no one so busv as not to be able to come out once i iar hemtmber lo bo on hand fi lows c thought the new years pirly was just ihuut the lust that has ever in en held in the legion that flooi show was particular good and wo hopi th it the branch will havi many more of them the food was excel lint and we like it served at th tab les much better than the old buffet slvlc the debonnaires played their usual fine brand of music for the dan ting the crowd was just about is largi as vou could conceivably get in the hd we sti mr zero around the bianch only ocnsionallv the manager and coach til us hes gone in strict train ing for birficr and better shutouts glad to see a number of membcis from a distance on hand for new year s stew starr was in from toronto married now incidentally also saw a stranger some of the oldtimers might remember havent seen him around the branch in a ion time namely chubby stapletnn si lang tells us that te had an inter esting new rug tn his kitchen on new years eve says every time you step ped on it it gave strangely en oujjjh it was more or less of a gift and while rather long and narrow he says it is just perfect for kitchen use congratulations to charlie day for i tough job well done in getting the christmas presents delivered to those who were not present that evening at the tree this is always a big job and charlie deserves credit or doing it so well the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 11 1056 page 9 bill booths taxi fox prompt service tr 72596 are you a recent arrival in georgetown silvers welcomes you and respect fully solicits your patronage if you are accustomed to wide selections usually found in city stores yau will enoy shopping at silvers establish ed over 29 years silvers is one of the largest stores in rural ontario devoted to selling quality clothing monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 6b queen st west brampton shop 1410- j phones res 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 603w photographs a lovely portrait of your child makes a wonderful christmas gift for grandma j a goudy 19 mary street tr 73366 flowers for every occasion design work a specialty flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral triangle 735b2 georgetown the chartered banks serving your community booth taxi your as surance of prompt cour teous safe service travel notes tca from toronto to bermuda 127 return to nassau 152 return john r barber travel adviaer john r sarbfr aoincy insurance traviu trianole 74j2i mill strut lucky no 476 if holder of mi number call with 7 day rhey will receive a return trip to london ontario or ita equivalent

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