kerrigan chiropraaic office 6 john street acton open dally 9 30 a m to 5 00 p m monday wednesday and friday evenings until 9 scientific treatment fu spinal x ray free consultation for appointments call acton 550 plumbing ken new bathrooms installed or remodelled charlie nash mcdo well water systems no street east repairs of all kindt triangl 72842 chatting a its holiday time ag am and believe it or not ive been busy gating the family ready to go to lake huron for a few wtekb hope it warms up a bit i established a new record in my experience today by putting woollen milts on our four year old at his insistence when he went out to play this morning ive been chatting wi th miss eva chison who is hoh daying here with the sam pcnric es on albert st miss kllison com es from ramsey the isle of man and was a former neighbour of mrs pcnnce s family thcie somehow or other the subject of square dancing came up and miss ellison mentioned she was very in tcrestcd in folk dancing in fact she is a member of the manx folk dancing society and quite a prof icient one too i would imagine be or rent he equipment deluding north- t etackhoes cranes a hovels bulldoi with blade or m far road g jers for sale crushed stone w and i pit run gravel and sand fill for information call jrex contracting limited triangle 72286 cause she was one of six chosen trom the society to represent the isle of man in the international pageant and folk dancing held in albert hall london england lasj june over a thousand players and dan cers came from all over the em pire and the world to take part in the festival the pageant itself was called throughout the ages the theme of which depicted the triumph of good over evil and the dancers in their colourful native costumes illustrated it the manx daneers did their ancient fairies reel one of the many dances steeped in the folk lore of the isle in fact all their dances originated centuries ago and all have unique historical back grounds t lending authentic at mosphere to the dances the girls and men wear the old time national costume the ladies don anklelength skirts very full white or coloured cotton blouses with white kerchiefs about neck and white lace on their heads over the skirts go brightly checked aprons and they wear white stockings rolled to tht knee so that their knees show when they do iheir kick step the men dancers snort tightly fitt ting breeches to the ankle white socks and a long denim tunic with a plaid sash or knst as it is prop- uly known lied around their waists the members of the folk dan cinf socu i meet once a week in their own home towns and during the winler go to neighbouring towns quite frequently for dane ing their only musical lecompam ment is a fiddler and judging by miss lllisons enthusiasm thiy have a really good time a most injojabli way of keeping ma ny of the old traditions alive i road from brampton la extended through the township which is in contemplation it will improve much more rapidly however here is what he had to say about caledon 100 years ago it was originally peopled by a rough and hardy set a large number of whom still remain and retaining their old backwoods di vil me care manners seem to think when they descend to an older set tied or more civilized township that it is necessary to give them selves airs to show their indepen dence it is amusing to sec some of these gentry at a tavern nothing pleases them nothing is so good as they get in caledon there are no potatoes on the table they can get potatoes for supper in cal cdon they do not like bread they get hot cakes for supper in caledon even the salt is not as salt the sugar as sweet nor is the mustard even when it brings tears into their eyes as strong as they get in caledon and should any one at table attempt good nat trrcdly to check their grumbling they will probably become sulky and exclaim loudly that they can talk as much as they like in cale would sa 0 which brings us link lo tin hunk of a favourite sub ji ct jf mine local his abm tor thin w is jusl one exit i pi just fiom tin onstrv ilnin itcporl ho don in all fairness it must also be siid that the people of caledon were not the only ones to whom w h smith gives this kind of character in 1851 the paragraph should perhaps be taken with some of the special caledon salt further adds the conservation his tonan milt illo iludi in isl wt t k i think u nujhl nj i ibev in iiiintnil fi m tin willing of i mr ii smith mi inuif i th ilon ulixti w i pultl ivhi i around tin m u wtil winn in unit i ih iiik i i bt unnin i ub f hit f ikw mint w is it intuit ibh to tin 1 uk if i kid io ids thrtnikh tin tiunship mil mr ijtiulh jm is sion j- hi plank 9 changing the subject rather abruptly i must tell you about our visit to the farm of mr and mrs mac alexan dcr r it 1 norval last sunday afternoon we made it a family outing to see lhttr bit herd of saa nin goats they have nearly 90 altogether of which j5 ire kids first of ill however to clear up a common misconception i must tell ou also that jack ben nv was wroiil rimembcr his story about the nun who s ud be had u n a goatwith no mist did it smill asked j ick to which bis friend nplud himn that it niblt it s a tt inblt juki v ibev loo but it made ink llcnny fun mis f no indeed goats au miunj the most f istidi his of innnals lht insist m tin tit im st milium id it ion and will n it t ik tin it f k il from i s uhd unliimr 1 ik in piiliiuhr ih nit what thty at too no in ins for tht in is the uimii strips jl thehroadhighmiyinahevrolet yoiiuproudlygayeverycarefme day p at chevrolets the greatest of themdl lil hu mini lulu lhi 0 m j viasir um piek i urnji irivelkr when ou choose hcrolel lints something ou sense the mmulc you i ise h out into tr illic ust i nuike ol your loe and you c in leel ibis lre it roid c ir s iy 1 et s lo you 11 thrill to the responsiveness the rock sle idiness of the chevrolet rule the sweet ind sure control there s i hev role l v m irtt for you now come try it a in nt rill wnlors i lim chevrolet tkeres nothing like it for valiel arthur scott motors limited 61 gudph st georgetown triangle 72251 i turn ite imm its iih hxind is ht tht thildrtn pet i unipli f lium ind the in jiviiunt siimtd iquilly shartd in bilh sidis 1ht ilso told us of i writ jirl ho usitid lht in tirut who lold thim she had tint of thi iittlt siant n kids js a pet ind us i it to lakt it to bid with hir just as ti would a b i w d puppy the s untn l als look ilnn tin with thtir snow white tints i bt rt illy m idt quite a pitlurt as tht j filttl it ross tht pasture with tht ir iittlt ones i hadn t realm d bt fort that both mile and femau lo its haw hi irds although tht uxmdtis lm inmmttl thtm off finite short for appt iranu s sikt 9 mr and mrs alexander are the only larmtrs in the district who have jont in to the raising of uials st nously many ittp out tr two just is i nrtrnt r btciust thty w int tht nlk foi bialth rt is ins but thty till us lht intt rtst in laisinj loju is niwinj r ipidly mi it indi r put it this was llorsts art nng nit and mats in coming in i th it is tht tnml today how did thty stirt kttping mnls i wundirid it stuns mrs uexanrkr had ilwns hi ud how jbtnifitial mal s milk wis and sht wanted a joit for her birthday rs ago thit wis the stirt of the alexandt rs interest in goats now they have a champion hanm unt who has iikin many prizes at txhibitions and mr alexander ta kes meat pride n the milk produc tion of his herd b the way did you know that goats milk is naturally homogm zed the curd in goals milk is much finer than in cows milk antl therefore mtirt easily digested it also has natural fluorine in it and many other qualities that make it sought after by people afflicted with vinous ailments when i hoird mrs alexander tell me these things i was reminded of my fav nitrite childhood book iltidi and how her invalid cousin was cured by the goat milk and cheese diet and of course the pure mountain air of held i s home in the swiss alps a goat should give at least a gallon of milk a day mr altxandtr told me that goats milk is very popular in california ind becoming more so in ontario ev cry year t another thing which surprised me was that goat meat is in demand by a good many people the meat from the young bucks is a spocnl delicacy in fact mr alexander said that around raster time if he had had 100 j oung bucks he could ha c sold them easily the young goats were being spoken for even before they were born how docs the meat taste it is a cross between venison and beef and what does the milk taste like we asked that too to which mrs alexander answered by taking the five of us 4nto her hv ing room and treating us to tall cold glasses of fresh goats milk it is very white and tasted like says uses of west gas will expand in canada natural gas aims at prowding the home with air conditioning as well as fuel for heat and cooking dean h mitchell of new york president of the american gas as sociation said yesterday in an ad dress to the canadian gas assoc ation at murray bay p q the united slates market is crying for a complete home air con ditioning unit and it seems likely that the fuel that captures air con ditioning will also capture the hea ting load he said the american gas association was spending 400 000 this year on air conditioning research and scv cral manufacturers were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars one manufacturer had installed more than 300 gas air conditioned units in 41 states and in canada to test thtm under all climatic conditions mr mitchell s comments were contained in a text issued to the press in advance of delivery natural gas mr mitchell predic ted would mark the beginning of a new era for canada in the u s the gas industry as the result of natural gas was perhaps the only large basic industry that had quad ruplcd in less than two decades the united states had encounter ed problems between producers pipeliners and distributors which he hoped canada might escape producers often tended to go their way pipeliners sometimes attemp- tid to raid distribution company territories by direct sales to indus try distribution companies some times lacked understanding of the problems of both pipeliners and protluccr a major activity of the american cjas association was to lr to ntld the industry into a harmonious un tit rslandin cooperative unit new pipeline lhi address of percy w gel dard of toronto presititnt of the c inadnn association read by i it 1itin of hitham ont first vne prtsidcnt said rcctnt dewlop mints uvt some measure of hope lb il with tht construction of what i jl mntd as tht longest piptlint in lht world western canadian nit in il tas will hi mailable in all pi units from albert i to qui bit in tin n t toodistant future ordinfly tht pottntial nt ir tt rni growth of thi condi in tas imlustr w is t nonnous transmission uf l is the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 18 1956 page 5 from tht in itt itivtr arti whh rictipt of an inttinn supply of natural eas from tht i nittd slates would tnabk lht conu rsiun to natural cis in tht nt ir future of the v in comer mainl ind artd and the ex tension of eas service for lhi first time to olhir stclions of soutbwes urn british columbia mr dtldard urud that tvtrv st count of tht industry from pro iluur to distributor consider tht benefits to he thrived from a com prthtnsivt promotional md tduci lionil program designed to ac quaint all potential customers of the superior quilitios of gas sueh an institutional prognni micht supplement dirt ct appli ince i advtrlisini antl promotion cam j paigns contlucted by utilities and ipplianci nnnufacturtrs in local istributi in m irktts i wi c innot ixpicl thi service to 11 itself said mr gildird un ss un industry phns is much in kince is possible to stll potcn i ti il cutomi rs on the idv intages of gas service gas may fall victim i to thi agcnssivt advertising tac tics of its competitors go id nth cows milk enjoyed by all extra heat cut cotti at once by gel imp morf hfat from the tame fuel is a smarts tfaermottibe oil fiml air com 1 1 ion ing unit the thermolube actually grab llie heat from the oil and pula it into tour borne no waate lower coal see tour smarts dealer for the full tnr and tart aaving nov on home healing liilftiiuimlmlwihw thompsons hardware oil burner service eavestroushins hardware plumbing i main st n gtortfitown ont phoo triingu 7 wi travel notes go now pay later ticket instalment plan europe mexico call and get full particulars at john r barber travtl advisor john r barber agency insurance travel tr 73521 mill street here speed and safety is our game so we have won a lot of fame ask anybody about us folks know that we deli ver the goods on time and at the right cost fs movers gord fricker norm snyder tr 72581tr 72210 local and long distance moving there flowers for every occasion design work soklslryl flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral tr 74582 goroatown dont rely on mother nature for rain ashgrove welding h m barnes tr 73877 williams tool