j pp vr mm s ka z ihmaltmlfal ptimiay aujatt the chris ims aocorations latvwoos v- happened to uwe cession to go qu6 atlittleuaea portion of our basement a bapny coincidence i assure yon otherwise i would rly have forgotten all about narcissus and- hyacfnth- bulbs ipotted u during ttura jncredl- bjy warm and- sunnydays last am according- to the direction they are not suimqsedto start growing until you bring them up into the sunlight but when i lifted the iwspapers with whieb i had covered them lo and behold jeasy to let money sbo thow your angers how v much bettertout ashte j small sums andlet them grow an investors syndi- cte plan wqj help you to vnapcial security call or i i i i i i i twins woodworking limehouse manufacturers of sash frame storms doors inside a out trim door hardware plywood floor tile window glass open evenings and all day satnxdaxjhjftpan triangle 72163 monuments da subm cemetery brampton mo works lettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st west brampton shop 1410j phohes res 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 603w rasedale floral flowers for all occasions wedding work corsages speci cut flowers end funeral designs 32 albert st tr 72952 we- wire flowers extra heat cut easts at oaee by getting mork beat fram the aaaw foclwftfc ismartsthcimo oojhed air twmawdis etteauy ccew utt treat the oil ead pais h into year lowcreeat see year far ike fell story ead narcissi were a goo sbtoc sevjn tpjrwbk james fevans inches mgh with their notmf jfa jfcoag firm spiky leaves a limp and spindly yellow not taowingwhst bad mahtv nevertheless decided to bring them up give them a drink and set th ttaa6iwvu farnell jr deaconbro jack addy inner guard bro g renwiok tyler bro irwin noble sr steward bro ed wilson jr steward brebob lavsoq assistant secy bro bert fiddler pianist bro alf goodwin auditors wpr bro sam macken- ste bro john d kelly they could eatcb whatever sun fhejre was 1 have been v amply rewarded it took just a couple of days fo the leaves no jbecome a rich springy green and now if you please we have a narciuus bloom gracing the kitchen table i am so proud of it rtn keeping the plant right here in the kit chen where i can gloat over it all day when move into the liv ing room in the evening it goes along with me with snow and subzero temperatures holding winter hard and fast outside the narcissus is a fragrant harbinger of spring indoors well worth the effort of grubbing around in the garden for five minutes last fall potting up the bulbs ga im indebted to mrs geo henderson sr for lending me a copy of the minutes of es quesing council which were printed at the sentinel office in oakville in 1856 if youre as fascinated with these old docu ments of local history as i am youll enjoy reading a few ex- erpts from it as i have just mentioned the publication is ex actly one hundred years old i like making comparisons between thepastndtjepresentand j also find the use of english in the reports quite as oldfashioned on monday the 21st day of janu ary at 11 oclock am john mc- naughton william clay francis huston lachlan mcdonald and james young assembled at mc- kenzies inn stewarttown fortheir first meeting of the year 1896 believe i have covered some of the minutes of the esquesing council of 100 years ago in a previous column it must be well over a year since i went down to the esquesing township office in stewarttown and enjoyed an af ternoon of browsing thru the minutes of the township council as they were handwirtten so beau tifully into the ledger a century ago in this printed version how ever there is a report of the local superintendent of common schools for 1855 by mr armour which he presented to the town ship council some of his re- marks and statistics are quite in- tefestlng the biggest problem fac ing the educators a century ago was attendance appar ently parents werent very jwrti cular about whether their child ren attended or not in 1855 there were 1884 children of school agei in our township of these 1375 attended their respective schools during a part or the whole of the year those of school age not attending any school number ed 426 a slight idea of the irregularity of attendance may be gleaned from the fact that 150 of these children attended for only one month of the year 176 for two months 208 for three mon ths and so on one cannot help but sympathize with mr armours remark that the attendance prob lem puts it out of the power of use very best teachers to do any thing like the good they otherwise regular in their attendance- at that time in esquesing tnere were two brick school houses 11 frame and four log buildings there were black boards in all of them with one exception the trustees of which promised to have one in the cur rent year there were also hi maps in use the total amount of annual salaries of male teachers totalled 1249 pounds sterling averaging 78 pounds 1 shilling and s penes per jrinnjn jegre was only one female teacher with a salary of 60 pounds a year getting down- to the actual teaching mr armour remarked that the style of reading is gen erally i am- sorry to say of an in ferior character during six years experience which i have had in hue office i at present hold i bare only lutd two teachers un der my charge that i could say it a superior style of this jte jnwdni oils timmms hive crft 1 mtsttr thomas -ttisea- jnstalled worshipful master of credit lodge no 132 a a 1ot wednes day in a ceremony conducted uy worbr campbell sinclair assis ted by past masters of the lodge id visiting brethren other lodge officers art jr warden bro jim linton chaplainbro g li royal secjwvk tavcmtn batkin director of ceremoniesjlfc- bro walter fidler mrs rn barclay buried at ciwlph rev kenneth g mcmillan of st andrews presbyterian church con ducted a service at the mclanaghan wall funeral home monday jan uary 14th for rebecca nixon bar clay who died at her home sum- merbjll hareourt drive on friday mrs barclay who was 81 years old had been a residentjof guelph since her marriage iniw her husband died in 1947 she was one j a at of the oldest members 5f st and- jjj jersey head rews church and active in its wo mens organizations she was born on the 3rd line es- questing t6wnsbip near acton the dauehlerrqf ellen and james scott mrs barclay is survived by two daughters miss nellie barclay and mrs c h holmes both of guelph and three grandchildren barclay of toronto mrs peter helen mit ges and george both of guelph also surviving are two sisters mrs margot campbell of georgetown and miss agnes scott of norval the pallbearers were robert dredge petermil2e l ajbirk duncan mcfarlane joseph hewer and m a smith interment was in woodlawn ce metery guelph ztompagei v ft i i ji- a baifvilsmii- that the hundredsof delegates were waiting for and a tense hush seemed tofm room as the returning officer led th l to the c pin could have bdeh heard dropptngi initukactiontor seu 413000 in sthe ch came out toan georgetowit debentures to thefe n 9 the first bak ontario munkipar investment corporation was taken thursaay by cpuxfcttwhenv a number of- de benture bylaws were amended to uowjnew interest rates tim debentuns will raise funds to pay tarn number of sewer and rffl watev calla unanimous and mr sprowl and also include paymentfor the new harrison public school and the addiuon to georgetovrn high cool georgetowfl with other ontario municipalities has been caught tn a tight money situajbon explain the bond mf5 mnnieip ebnfidehce lhat with the help of mntures js worse tnan i k wi hifr h k i pal debentures jb wbrsb have ever seen tt in my days oh council said the mayor at preen ent bdnd firms refuse w make firm bidsmk municipal debentures and there are dozens of towns with debentures to market the omic hits- been set up by the provincial government to help municipalities over rough spots a sliding scale of interest rates has- been set up varying from 5 for debentures up to 5 years in term to 6v4 for 1520 year de bentures the town still has another 200- 000 in debentures to market as the omic will only handle those deal with schools and public works which come under dept of health authorization- farm news wm featherst0he lot the winner oh the first ballot sandy best pandemonium broke loose as the crowd to a man rose and cheered the winner the defeated candidates rushed to congratulate the winner mc made unanimous and seconding it mr best obviously joaoved by the verdict lejfthis family and came forward to the mieropbonp whatt can i say how can i tankyou my frieods were his first reaction to the result he 3ten wept on to speak- at spmec lengthot the future j e w george k elliott qc was the guest speaker at the eighteenth annual meeting of the halton jer sey club held in the stewarttown hall on thursday of last week barnacles of tradiuon wast extremely well known figure in the group before him hehad not a doubt that the party would be victorious in the fmthcmuleee fein ho stressed hisneed for the help of everyone and said he bad made himself a promise that he now gave to the delegates that he would if humanly possible visit ev ery home in the county mr best then spoke of his two great teach ers in politics stanley l hall and the late sybil bennett he spoke poignantly of miss bennett saying that she had given all for her party and her county first her time then her health and ultimately her very life the three candidates each came from thenorthern part of the coun ty mr sprowl farms near ac ton and is a well known fig- ure in junior farmer circles rev lockhart royal has been the pres byterian minister at norval and- union for the past six years the victorious candidate san dy best is the son of dr charles h best codiscoverer with sir fre derick banting of insulin dr best has made many otfier contributions to medical science and is head of the banting best dept of medical research sandy best himself however ronto recommending that instruc tions for good reading be added to our very excellent series of school books n mr armour had praise for 8 penmanship arithmetic and geo- the rocks the intriguing title of the interest ing thoughtprovoking address in which the speaker delved back in to history and paid tribute to our ancestors and others who carried canada out of the wilderness we are a mongrel race he stat ed but like the alley dog we fight our own battles find our own homes seek our own food and arc servants to none we are a people of great tradi- tions earned by toil struggle and when necessary blood the old ship of state said mr elliott majrbe a bit water stain ed butnnm you wipe off the scum of travel there are no bar- there may be dents from i we rocks scratches from the graphy as it was being taught 100 shoals stains from the blood of years ago maps were just com- peasant nn noble who toiled and ing into use the government to pass on to ustaielr chii- grant of one hunderd per cent dren the land the customs and acting favourable in this respect systems their fathers gave the inspector further remarks them more magniflcient than public life having been on the tea ching staff of the university of tor onto for several years sandy spent most of his boyhood around georr getown and at present operates two farms one is esquesing near stew arttown and the other in nassaga- weya on the former he conducts a highly successful mail order nur sery business and on the other is breeding beef cattle he holds the degrees of ba and ma and his basic training is in science and biol ogy with wide familiarity and in tense interest in educational prob lems he has travelled very widely particularly in europe and the united states he has been secre tary of pc party in halton for- a number of years and is well known in the capital at ottawa that granunar and in some cases composition is studied to a con siderable extent this rather dry study is bei pur with great m ir more dents avidity and considerable successr pernaps in higher branches of education in particular cases some are mak ing considerable proficiency such as bookkeeping mensuration alge bra geometry latin etc a num ber of these literary sanctuaries if i may use the expression being under superior management and having superior means by which the pupils arc instructed shew as a necessary result superior scholarship- mr armour then launch ed into a bit of oratory which shows how seriously and in cerely he put his heartto his job h thechurch well fill the pulpit well he quot ed the eloquent- dr chambers and so continued mr armour it is with school tuition an en- terprudng and industrious teach er with the blackboard with tab let and object lessons maps and would do if childreri wbuld-be- all other apparatus with a school house properly seated and furnished having all the neces sary appliances and conveniences for expediting and furthering his professional skill will produce scholarship of a superior descrip tion alike honorable to himself and profitable to all concerned but on the other hand where there is nothing but the bare walls of a school house with old fas hioned forms and desks and nothing to attract the childrens attention nor aid the teacher in giving his illustrations and in structions and fn such circum stances to expect a teacher to lead forth his pulls to high at tainment reminds oheof the iron hearted monarch of egypv wfcro required israel to make brick without straw 0 concluding his report mr armour expressed the hope that the time is nofar dis tant when upper canada will be come one of the best educated ana in r for otd w and- any design what a pity that these pioneers cannot know of the ahuudng de- vlopm trf this part of the coubtflfyift etnsry sphere daring capabilities teschcr fta this the past hundred years they received them if concluded mr elliott we hold fast to those traditions there may be more dents more scrat more blood when we turn over the ship to the new crew but there will be no barnacles james bremner secretary of the canadian jersey cattle club brought greetings from the par ent organization and ih connec tion with the parish show held at milton last fall presented the premier breeder certificate to featherstone bros of oakville and the premier exhibitor certify cate to mr and mrs ml w staples or guelph others who spoke briefly were don mscaig representing the firm of b 11 bull a son frank bcu of the halton dairy products and george swann of the milton mill ing co john w pawley secre tary manager of the ontario jer sey club presented an encourag ing comprehensive report on the results of their alljersey milk marketing programme the election of officers for 1857 resulted as follows presidentwm featherstone 1st vicepresident stanley matthews 2nd vice president v george hewer secretarytreasurer j k white- lock directors- esquesing mac alexander gerald r graham ken eua trafalgar m c beaty w h devlin glen colbeck nelson ernest davies nassagaweya duncan moffat erin eramosa fred moore and j w wolfe halton director fo ther ontario jersey club jack lt vmm 73969 i commercial kdostrial additions and repairs iocated on main street ntxt door to ijvirkstors jfiakkitv come in and look it ovc downstairs m m plumbing and heating licensed plumbers certified lennox dealers ted tom hicken and clapham tsuanom7- trjangje 73737 how to get a loan in rtrpf 4ov jttuassjt rfveoabt tawl confident yovmiadi ctoc beneficial finance co n main stkit to theontarii t yfeatherstone for a smart hair cut visit bur now barber shop itexwoy blvd prince charlae drive georgetown open men toea wedv trtiaadsaa frl 10 9 pjn tkun ifl is call tr 73271 tr 72674 concrete work footings cellar floors sidewalks block work brick laying for your construction needs i carpentry homes garages kitchens bathrooms remodeling modernizing mcnilly construction elgin street near cnr station oil storage tanks 20000 bals storage capacity our green and wmon trucks available to bring you on fhe spot service budget terms arranged is wbnosoto 7si vowb uj3 r 1 v 4 a rw3fe v m km nc yii