jgtol akti j ramos nohl all pains mcotnnmtt car ramos mm swart aptuangb immoallwi etc ernies radio 24 tears servicing trjawql 73701 hamilton construction 66 prince charles drive tr 73480 hqmes gakaqcs concrete work industrial requirements renovations building supplies every building need we regret the unqmftl passing of a good friend and itesfeumaire fred mccartney fred served the branch for many years faithfully and well our very sincere aym pathy goes out to his family the annua meeting and election of officers takes olace on sunday january 26th with the financial report and regular meeting held thursday januarv 2rd be sure to attendjtoth thjjsc meetings j congratulations to frank con neybn his election to lone sports officer frank will do an excel lent job in this position with his great many ears experience in sports work in our branch mori of this next- week the new stars pari was an excellent am with a fine flour show and excellent orchestra as usual there were all kinds t fa vors and lunch was supplied b the woman s auxilar under di rcction of president dot day this u a job the gals do eicry year and 6m that is highlj appreciated jr ksieiitixe of the i ittle mil re mind eerone that trophies arc stul medtd for this season s hock c a nuniliu of nioplc haxe vol restyle your home with roxatone the little nhl draw was as fov lows lit mrs l webster jftoiek- woodv 4 2nd dong rlddell 40 jamea st too jt consolations j longrain 28 prince charrlas drive 36 bobby bonfleld oeorgatown 1410 f hodder u queen st 2200 f otlaherty 171 main st n 2912 brian james ft murdock georgetown 769 thanks to oall those who helped sell tickets it was deeply apprrec lated at present the zone is having most of thejr installations and a few elections as we preside most of them the secretary and i will be going and if any member wishes to visit neighbouring bran ches wc d be happy to have them along wt guess we 11 have to eat our words made a couple of columns ago about lhu year there not be ing the usual spate of rumours at out the coming election we find that wc were wrong as there was at lean one and its a beaut r as it ihxolveis us and as zone commander we don t intend to set involved wc guess we had better squelch u right now first as zone comminder and head of the nine soon to ht tun legions in this dis triel we can not hold office cytn if i wished which wo don t ndthcn siejindh as recently el eeted hi id of the public relations for ia iun hi uuhes from niagara r dls thn luh i i wwodhloik somi almost 110 or mines we havt xerx hltlt time 1 r lital internal j egiort affairs tm will hae exen less in the fu u t etejt for this column and tint lh our mn lack pf inelin ilirtift i hums been omsldi a goal by marcel testlsr at 108 of the opertuno was all gor mans newtfiarket smoke rings needed to put the junior hatters away in the second meeting of the two teams played hast tuesday jan 7th at the georgetown arena newmarket edged georgetown a to 4 in their first meeting after the j its ran up a 40 leadearly in the game tuesdays result was almost as close 5 to 3 georgetown had a 3 all tie at the end of regulation time and got it mainly through one of their strongest defensive efforts and a tactic that almost had to be used the shadowing of tessier the move however was like put ting a cork in a volcano sooner urdas and there is a regular dance each friday night o which you may bring guests these are nice djances with a good orches tra and it will be well worth any members wlnle to visit them and of- course to our mind the most important thing is the sense of comradeship you get when jou visit among your own tcfhd and swap old stories lie a little bit about jour particular war and es capades and relive the das when ou worked for of the armed services to us alwas a kick to see some of the hos we haxcnl seen for a bit and reminisce about our various mans or later it was bound to pop and it did lust that in the overtime it was the sixth straight eet- baek for georgetown who so tar havent lived up to hw pmmhdngl indicated by their exibi- tlon tilts doug rkhardsonhow- ever has been no disappointment and at this point has scored over half of the total number of goals chalked up by all the other play ers put together he has blinked the red light seven times in six starts last year it took him 14 games to collect the same number of tallies glcbdance who has been tco- terujg on- the edge of greatness ever since he came to the j jt s got the tying goal against newmarket and assisted on a marker by coxe midway through the second period m turning in his best effort so far mydo who comes up with that strong defensive game so fcften that its almost taken for granted out did himself m blocking shots a la goldham and leading some real threatening attacks along with miller who is developing in 1 toa ftrtet4ishcr g coxe pomeroy baxter and jo well can also be added to the list of those who showed no hint of why georgetov n dwells in the league cellar tessier barragh dupuu canland maissoncuve in that order best represented gor 3 cabs a radk fqwkd glen taxi tr 72432 at no time did georgetown hold a lead dupuis gtts the credit for tcsslers first goal faking a shot beautifully before hitting tcss with a perfect pass when he noticed that his uncinate had tfae chcferefe ffryfsh that brings exciting new life to walls ceilings gnd furniture v you and yoarpnnce charming con have fun applying this beautiful tone- on tarn tmtan 3 cvwyor w9 marvel at the rich modem color effects produced by roxatone 2 your roxatone spray gun it your magic xtrandt fast and eaiy to itu no spray mist note roxatone is a tough naimeolor pknhc finish that con bo washed over and over h outlasts ordinary paint work by more than 3 to 1 even when there are young children in the home restyle your home with roxatone the cinderella nnishi meetings talking to bill collie reccnth and we recalled a meet ing with him in 1 ondan one of those strange happenings that had branch four jcoretowners meet us inside f ur ears so as far of half an hour wc had just a we art e ncermel that s that armed batk from the east ami nd eiitunu w hait no inclna i had been diverted to northolt on hi shadow long enough turn or di ire i sponsor anx one account of weather conditions and to get in on the pia i rial came number i the ixtiiuni against i as our own air base was out of op at 055 of the second period ex the other thrrs something en eralion were stating there ocr actly 8 minutes before maisson lire foreign lo oiiknature as we night so we jumped a tube to cue another member of the su feel evront shirm jet elected 1 downtown to sec what was what rhi same wax is xve tlul oursehes j and who do we run into but roe ftt out and woik and run for of leo 1 orusso heading for the rail road station on leave five min yas that we flee so all don t inliext thit txpe arumour helps arixttni s t lection apd tjmr the pirtx that started it hi max he dots branch affastor hnnsilf n i k d bje manufactur ing such irre purmole and feom pleteu aintriit stons w ifust this willflose atleast that ent product of the ru fattorx etfecliel and for gobj homi decorating sirvici to help you roxob off conooo united makers roxatone offer yoe free boouets with the advioe dorb love canadas kadfeg color ocs ikattplammiootm oal ewebewllont far every cwuw room e me hoee aftm dw roxatohi colo chart eomplei ol m fel duw range off ton o fcaei colon uaiiiwi roxalin of canada limited new toronto ontario beaver lumber 1 water street the new year s partx as antic lpated was a hi success with a larjc crowd t xvcre quite sur prised at the large number of new members present with their wixes quite peasatly surprised we might add i us nice to see so many new members taking an active inter si in our branch it would be mee if we could find ev en member lakint such an inter est that would sec them all down around the rooms every so often there is no reason wht a man should not come around just be cause he has the ereat good sense i not too drink there are plcnl i of other recreational facilities to be taken adxantage of television bridge euchre criti etc and of course there arc alwaxs papers and magazines and we cant off hand think of an place nicer to jisi set than our tv room its quiet ou can hrmu a friend and htxe a thai or a iioozi as ou wish for our newer members infor cm linens ire hi lei regularlj 1 wetk etlne srrat5- and sat utes later after rockx had caught his train we met bill collier in trafalgar square and it wasn t ten minutes laler that xvc met an other deorgetowner the late carl ihde we spefit the eenmg do ing the town our introduction to thai canadian institution the lord hikh admiral was mnde that ev ening courlcs sgt collier bill was on leave and next day as most of southern england was in fog wc couldn t return to base so we got in touch and decided to visit aldershot sometime if we get reallx hard up we intend to write a book about that trip which developed into an old home da for us wc can also think of another comparable trip out to sec the urnc scots near rugate in surrex where we had the misfortune to accept a ride on the back of a motorcylcc of a canadian d r whose main job seemed to tr and proxe that the motorcxclc had wings fither that or he just naturally didn t care for the air force if someone could onlx recall the xanous spots that the local bos had spent considerable time toge ther during the war we think the anous incidents that happen od to them as a group would be well worth writing about but thats getting a long wa from the original theme of this item isn t it but lo an even greater extenl it holds good with an new mi mbor coming in be cause wc don t think that there is anx unit that someone hasn t had some connection with either cana dian or british so drop around fellows there s alwas something to do and some new friends to meet ist thursdax ecning the im perials of branch 120 held their annuil partx and lu together in the 1 1 tion auditorium ood crowd was present for this much looked for exent in the xear this xeir thcx had a small orchestra for dancing whuh was enjoxed b all i u si u nt lt tax lor and his w if c welcomed the mest s an extra feilure this xear mr rretl ilelson of the locil law turn f hcxxson ord and ilelson to k 1 number f pictures of lh ff ct t ofj the sectien weleiminj a numlrr f the nexx mjnebers to thtir ut up anions those pre st nt per pea soupers contingent the club broke through to score all bx himself harrison was sit ting out a hooking penalty at the time campbell of newmarket was looking on from the sin bin when coxe slapped dances centreing pass into the newmarket twine before jelley could set himself for the shot at 937 miller like coxe using this period to get his first goal of the year richardson lajcd the pass for miller who evened the score at 1540 while the jr raiders had the odd fcan dupuis joined tessier in the pen alty box at 1621 and for a matter of about 14 seconds georgetown were playing six men to newmar kets four but the frame ended in a 2 all tie newmarket s go ahead goal got by jewell from a scramble front of the net at the 200 mark with both clubs at full strength milucn was last to touch it cam and tessur wrre ao in on the traffic jam and picked up assists a stick check b pomerox ended in the equalizer which came the 10minute mark pomeroy stole the pill aw a from cain romped in to send jelley sprawl ing across the goal mouth and that s the wax he was when dance flipped the puck into the lower right hand corner the teams were five a side at the time jel ley was tested from every angle during the next few minutes as cain ran into a holding penalty which almost cost newmarket the game it was the first time the jr raiders had done anv real swarming since their last clash with preston the overtime was all newmar kct as georgetown managed only five shots on jelley tessier who roamed uncovered for most of his ice tune in this period turned cains pass into a picture play ind the winner at 1 08 and helped dupuis w ith the insurance w ith 20 seconds left in the game for the final minutes georgetown xxent with four forwards pome ro richardson mclean and dincc xx ith miller the lone defen seman scoring summary 1st period no scoring ptmllies rarragh 4 36 dupuis 45 riclnrdson 6 00 jellex 12 53 flowers for every occasion design wotk a specialtyl flowers by wire anywhere m rheworw f norton floral tr 73582 georgetown billgarbutt wmmuff rmawfotm mnatf ote ptmnr twins woodworking smh r plywood trim umehouw tr 72162 open evenings till 9 saturdays till 5 both have a toun the difference betxrvcen reaching a goal and missing it can be the savings you put by now a b ac v bank account and a purpose for saving such savings dont just happen they involve some sacrifice definite planning but as your dollars mount up you feel a sense of accomplishment of getting somewhere that makes th effort more than worth while your bank account provides icady cash that can help take care of any emer that may arise or opentheway to bargains or other opportunities whatever objective you may have in mind and whatever use your savings may ultimately serve youtl always be glad you saved save at a bank miliums dot thi chartirid banks serving tour comtmuhitt mi n t mr h tax lor mrr and mr- it b muir mr and mrs lurli i i mr and mrs jmi murplix mr and mr am ten mnl mr nnel mrs robert lied lex mi t corje m maid mr and mrs itarrv perkins mr tom herbert mr ind mrs daxe bow ban mr iu rt murltx mr and mr milten hirkir mrs john ktmshead lr- m unomuh fnrc mr jaek rergu on mrs t r nove rrian uoxel norm willson jim reese mr andxx mr- j coles mr and mn t smurthwiite and ltarr rot loins also present were branch president llarvc garvin mr and mrs thompson mrs c sarg ent sr jack rerguson frednel son tom clark mr and mrs j yates r anderson mr and mrs i m clark we understand a number of la dies in the auxiliary received an honour some months ago we had not heard about it but hope that some one will give us the details so xve may make an item about it 2nd period 1 e w market tessier dupuis v 2 newmarket maisson euxe unassisted 3 gcorgetoxvncoxe danec i i ceorgetoxxn miher richirdson clark mr 1 p graham 1 05 puis 4 45 hittison bell 9 03 richardmin sirr 14 07 j5t 10 05 dupuis 1621 3rd period 5 newmarket million cain and tessier 200 6 georgetown dance pomerov 1600 penalties milter tto richard son and barragh 10 55 gain 1230 baxter 14 32 ovortttnfb 7 newmarket tessier cain 1 08 8 newmarket dupuis tessier 940 penalties none travel notes- reduced fares to florida tca has announced reduc tions in 1st class and tourist fare to- tampa it classrel tourist return 11600 family plan available on 1st class far full particulars at john r barber travel advbir john r barber ag insurance travel tr ts5j1