th1 bkmtoitown hirald wadnaaday hay mat ims pags a the cottage inn for good things to eat all through the day breakfast coffee break lunch djnner or tit evoniffo snack the food is ah tastefully and appeuxlngly prepared do come in and let us serve you travel notes reduced airline prices to europe nw economy class faro toronto to london 47640 roturn toronto to glasgow 44960 raturn only 10 down full particulars at john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travel tjl 7 2214 mill street progress is a wonderful thins the huge strides of science leave one gasping those of us who have jived a few years have to stop and shake ourselves once in a while as we survey the prodigious surge of- rains knowledge take medicine for example in world war 1 if a sewler got a blighty lust enough of a wound o put him out of action back ha want to england happy as a pig in tha provemat in world war 2 unless he was shot to ribbons they fillasv him with wood plasma and pmktllentandoefor tie could ay i toll you im a dying man he was back with hit unit in the front linos o or take my sore back ive had a sore back for ahopi three months now if my grandfather had had a sore back hed have got my grandmother to rub liniment on it and wrap it in flannel a my fath er had had a sore back hed have dropped in to see the family doc tor swapped curling stories maybe had a snort of cordial with him and gone home with some pills quite happy not me not in this scientific age when slipped discs are as com mon as cowboy singers i have to go to a specialist a back specialist theft what the bathoaxe said i went and i leanwduorirh awe of the vast advances in medical science since grandmaw was rub bing the dr sloans on grandpas back nice young fellow he was ask ed me a lot of questions like did i have many sore throats hit me on the knees with a little hammer looked in the ears measured my legs like i needed a new suit maybe listened to the heart with that cold thing stuck pins in mi all over and asked if i could feel them very impressive finally he got around to the back does that hurt he asks pushing his finger so far into my back i thought it would come out the front apparently my howl of anguish satisfied him he stood back and nodded in a safisfed way then he donned his rubber glov es and performed a bit of business that is best left to the imagination suffice it to say that he wound up wiggling my tallbone with the tip of his finger and i dont mean from the outside by the time he was finished i felt like one of the sabine maidens shattered end shaken i climbed back into my clothes the special ist ald id better have xrays to make sure i was getting pretty worried when he said a blood test would- be a good idea too 1 was near panic but gamely agreed so i went to the hospital don ned a butchers coat over my sbiv- eng mtkedness and was snapped from all angles then a callous ydung woman with a cold in her nose sucked a pint or two of blood out of my arm i didnt mind her apparent enjoyment of the tirdeal but was a bit annoyed by her scornful laughter just before i keeled off the stool in a fainl three days later i got the bill from the hospital xrays 2800 stood 300 then i went back for my interview with the back specialist i was braced for the worst cancer tejftiery arthritis a warped spine he greeted me gravely i grew pale he pulled out the xrays rook a look and shook his head conservation head warns danger forest fires everything confirms my clinical observations he told me my heart plummeted into the region of the duodenal ulcer there is no in dication of any bone muscular or infectious disorder he continued everything points to the fact that there is no chronic irritation in the himbrar region v what does that mean doctor i quavered wetl he smiled brightly the laymen might say you have a sore back but i should hesitate to put it quite so simply it took a few minutes for that to sink in when it did exercising the utmost control i asked him for his bill paid it went home and got the old lady to rub some liniment on my back and wrap it in flannel it feel pre good right now the months from april through october are those when greatest enjoyment is afforded us in our woodlands and pleasure parks and when ore is the greatest hazard to that enjoyment says o ross lord chairman of metropolitan toronto and region conservation authority commenting on the forest fire prevention ptogram of the department of lands and for ests the conservation authority according to dr lord is taking positive steps to ensure that ev ery visitor to its 1260 acres of conservation areas will be fully aware of the need for good fire precaution pracuca the field officers and all personnel on the mtrca lands hope to enlist the active cooperation of everyone young and old especially in the big areas such as heart cake boyd albion hills greenwood and dalziel is potemal hakard the subject of extra vigilance we want to impress on every visitor to our woods nature trails and camp sites that the danger of a fire in a comparatively small wooded area is just as serious as in the big forests of north western ontario a woods destroy ed by fire cannot be replaced in the lifetime of a generation on all the big conservation sites pf mtrca hot water or soft drinks are available and there is very little need for fires when fires are considered necessary they can be lighted only in the fireplaces that have been built by the authority for that purpose the public generally has become very conscious of fixe dangers in the same way that it has come to think of the danger of road accidents but when the habit ot cantionts relaxed for one sec ond it may be too late to avert disaster the continued enjoy ment of our public woodlands de pends very much on the care we i take when we picnic or walk through the woods says dr lord notice of hearing new sewage plant mother dies in toronto mrs frank hardy 80 prince charles dr suffered a family be reavement when her mother died in toronto on may 4th mrs norman stalker was the former maude louise finch and ontario municipal board in the matter of sections 39 and 41 of the ontario iopal board act rso 1950 chap- ter262 w section 39 and 41 of the ontario ater resources commission act 1957 section 389 of the municipal act rso 1950 chapter 243 and in the matter of an applic auon by the corporation of the town of georgetown for authority to execute an agreement with the ontario water resources commis sion for the construction of a san itary trunk sewer along the val ley of the west branch of the cre dit river from the existing sewage treatment plant to the site of the proposed new sejvage treatment plant together with a treatment plant of the activated sludge type having an initial capacity of 1 5 m g d at an estimated capital cost not to exceed 830 000 00 appointment for hearing the ontario municipal board hereby appoints friday the thirtieth day of may 1958 at the hour of ten o clock local time in the forenoon at the council chambers in the town ot george town for the hearing of all per sons interested in supporting or opposing the said application and take notice that the application shows the estimated annual charge for retirement of thi capital debt and for necessary reserves would amount to 79300 which according to the present as sessment would result in an addi tional charge of approximately 8 mills in the general tax rate in addition it is proposed to impose an annual sewage service rate on owners or occupants of lanu con nected to sewtrs of 50 per cent of the wattr rate charged in re spect of such lands datfd at toronto this 22nd daj of april 1958 we service television all makes radios record piavhs car radios appliances iran toaatan c ernies radio 24 years servicing mm street ttlangla 72701 521 signed o r chapman secretary leaves her husband and daughter she was predecased by one son f sgt leonard stalker iicm attmkt mmtrs-atutx- npovaaraves may k o atwwowcg t twns voodworkh6 m mmmm limehousetr 79331 dairy farmers spend three million dollars advertising hamilton construction m prince charles drive tr 73480 homes industrial requirements garages renovations concrete work building supplies every building need whatever the weather youll like the way rogers fuel oil keeps your homo at a comfortable van temperature murt allison georgetown trlangu 73291 trlangle 74072 elias roger yonge street toronto answering the charge that far mers are always asking for help dairy f of canada the national producer s organization points to the three million dollars si their ow money that farmers have put into advertising during the past eight years officials of the producer organization explain that it has cost farmers who have participated an average of 30 cents per cow per year to play an lm portant part m keeping their milk and milk products before the which is financed by a setaside deduction of a centa pound butterfat marketed during the that it had acted as a gadfly in the field of dairy promotion be cause of the activities of the program more people in canada were dairy foods conscious than ever before more dairy firms were doingmore promotion rnorc producer groups were holding more dairy exhibits more consuni ers were writing in for dairy re cipes more newspapers radio sta tions and food stores were running more dairy promotions and final because of all this activity con consumer if all dairy farmers- sumers were maintaining and in had participated in the program many cases increasing their inter est in dairy foods in spite of tre mendous competitive pressure for their food dollars the fact that month of june about five million more than 4000 of the largest home heating ufmcm upw ofendag cm rhthompson hardware loasmltmo dollars would have been availa ble for advertising during the last eight years producers in various parts of canada who have been supporters of the program have recommended in recent years that the basis of setaside be increased so that the promotion might be stepped up moving on to solid accomplish ments of their national advertising and promotion program eric kitchen said that the program has had a subsidiary effect in help ing to weld together the 36 mem ber producer groups which go to make up dairy farmers of cana da of which he is secretary man ager he felt the advertising pro gram was a continuing tangible project which was paying off for the dairy farmer and the industry at large j w shugg who has been administrator of the advertising program for dairy farmers since its inception felt that the real worth of the program has been notice to creditors in the estate of clarence war ren phillips deceased all persons having claims ag ainst the estate of clarence war ren phillips late of the town of georgetown in the county of hal ton papcrmakcr deceased who died on or about the thirty first day of march 1058 are hereby no tified to send in to the undersign ed executrix of the said estate on or before the 6th day of june 1058 full particulars of their claims after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the execu tnx shall then have notice dated at georgetown ontario this 7th day of may ad 1958 alice phillips executrix by her solicitor at e mander- son 61 mill street box 834 georgetown ontario ml food stores in canada would par ticipate in the june is dair month promotion this year wan he best kind of evidence of the potency of the program mr shug concluded w b rettie an active dairy farmer as well as president of dairy farmers of canada thought the population trend indicated that for a long time to come the promotion of dairy foods would be a must if farmers were to keep their share of the domestic market in a message to the indi vidual members of his organiza uon in which ho asked for their support in the 1958 june advertis ing setaside he said that the pro ducer program was soundly based and that this was the individual fanner s opportunity to invest in the preservation of his future market what mr rettie was re ferring to specifically was the 1056 census which showed 40 per cent of the canadian population to be 20 years old or younger part of the job t the dairy far mers advertising program was to keep reminding these young peo ple of the nutritional and money values so that they would form a lifetime habit of using dairy foods new households being es tablished at the rate of 160000 a year were realitiesdairy farmers could not overlook since the dom estic market had become the mar kct vital to the canadian dairy industry glen taxi 3- cabs 1 radio equipped tr 72432 starting this sunday for toronto and vicinity youll enjoy the fastest long distance phoning ever direct distance dialing nfvtsinda is arcd letter da for telephone customers in toronto and mcmitj because tint s the day you can start diai inc direct tooer loocommumtns the direct distance dialing instniction booklet which ou received in the mail contains full mformition on this fast new senior the front pages of our telephone directory too contain full in formation qgjpirect distance dialing we also mailed jou a blm book of telephone numbers i handy place for jqttingdoun out of t cm n numbers ou might tall remember there will be no cm am f in our present local calling area try direct distance dialing next sunder start phoning long distance the fast way i the bell telephone tour instruction booklet contains defatted information read it carefully keep it handy company of canada rwsssassbrasa