mi okokoitown hirajd wednesday november 5th 1801 page 8 ctub than the worst doubts are more of truths authors name below physicians have ions known that mental altitude often af fects sickness when people arc sick treatment can be more effective if the patient has complete confidence in the ableness of the physician to accomplish a cure never have any doubts ab out the ability of a physician to help you gone are the days when little was known about the causes of sick ness medicines now can be depended upon to accomp lish a desired result when you walk into a phyisiclans office leave all doubts out side for your trouble will soon be gone your physician can phone tftiangle 73693 when you need a medicine jick up your prescription if shopping near us or let us deliver promptly without extra charge a great many people entrust us with their prescriptions hay we com pound yours maccormacks drugs prescriptions chemists 9 main s n tr 73692 quotation b jean moliere 16221673 copyright 1958 11w1 a tour of the kitchener television studio was combined with appearance on the bandstand show when two busloads of young georgetowners visited there recently photographer bill herd man was along on the trip and this was one of the pictures he snapped during the day you deserve the best in automatic heating installation one contract covers first line hearing equipment finest in installation full warranty service all necessary repairs to floors walls trim plaster for the very bast in heating installatlomvcall tr 74202 genaral electric hejimac iron firemen warm air hot water or steam heat bergs electro lab do it yourself tatf your tv nd radio tufcn fbh in tmonutk tmtr nw tubal avaoabla hutchs smoke batbeb shop lokujn smith opo daily to 11 pa us observations by albert kershaw when you figure it out we hu mans are pretty cowardly at heart aren t we during the summer we had been on a pleasure trip and when we were returning home on one of the principal highwav s the dri ver of a car ahead started to weave across the white line then went into the ditch out of the ditch rode the soft shoulder then back on the highway then zigzag all over from sidt to side had two near collisions with a gravel truck and a bus saw him take his e cs off the road saw him take hii hands off the steering wheil we kept at a safe dist ante behind for it was too nskv to pass then he fmalh ltfl the road and camt to a shuddering stop when he hit a pole suddenly the two front doors opened and out came the driver in one heck of a burn thinking he needed help we pulled off and offered assistance w htn he re gained his speech we asked him what was the matter and he re plied there was a bee in the car and i made sure he wasn t go ing to sting me i said to him why didn t you pull off the highwav and shoo him nit instead of endagenring your own life and the drivers of the truck and bus and his passengers and traffic behind you lie said i guess 1 didn t think about doing that a little bec less than an inch in length and whose wtight would be measured in drams could scare the dav lights out of a man whos height and weight arc many fold greater at our place of tmploy ment or in our homes or garden when we see any insects we don t like it doesn t taki us long to send them to their heaven if thev have one be hm jaat paid far another low ol fael foe his owarfdoacd wietl fa toace and aw feebng broke what to 4b with a new acfeelificajty designed economical smarts fanae be wold ana wbi by mving f url pay lor hi new fwmace and en joy himarlc be wim tea yonr smarts dealer now and get fell particular rhthompson hardware oft oas hiatmw haffdwah mujmmno canadian legion continued from page 1 munilv at the cenotaph on sundav once atain it has been sugg s ted this time at council itvel of shifting the cenotaph from its present somewhat at least in our mind unfortunate position this is something that has been long nerdui and would be a wonderful move for the council and branch 120 to cooperate on it hu been njafcisu 1 that it b muv d to v ir ni thr plircs all of them with somt merit however we again feel iuit sin niv that in view of the i iiu n ars if lh so taking furl m i wc an not att mpting t ik facftious about that the iih should re main in the ccntrjl downtown sti n ind in i htsi proximih t thi thurchis vxh rt s rvicc can in he d in case of inclement alh r 1 hi logical placi wc should think i on th side lawn of thi public i ibrarv cc rtainl th n is n on h j round avail ihl its nir proximity to the pri sb it nan hurch and the lihrarv its if makt it a logical place inasmuch as it would never have to be moved for any reason the fact that it h in downtown georgetown should be a big factor in more people taking part in the parade and something c6uld he worked but ttgivea nilt parade route however the impor tanl factor that of rerouting trat fie would be a simple thing to ar range and would not inconvrn lence anyone as there are manv alternative roads in that district and as mentioned before the time is rapidly approaching when age is he oming a factor in the attend ance at parades and that hill to the present site is not exactly an easy one the obvious retort to this is that with the town expanding eastward it might be advantageous to have it in the geographical centre of the town however the downtown sec lion ts and we expect will remain the centra of georgetown regard less of expansion and would be the logical place for the cenotaph any comments suggestions or criticisms wed love to have them flics or other bugs that land in close proximity are swiftly dealt with insects in our gardens arc put to an untimely end hunters statk big game armed to the teeth yet when a bee flies in the car vou sec what happend chaos and confusion braverv has many forms this kind is not one of them which reminds me of a little poem i heard many years ago he that fights and runs away lives to fight another day but he that stands and stavs his ground gets his head knocked round new formula sso furnace oil 6ives you more heat a less furnace troubles s on buooet term8 nahnakb awpoane on ftmn peitav 00 monj i jrott tan gat bodfatlanaran mm m w s0merville ze 67200 impafn 4 ditor sport sviort cheius roiu on tougher tyrtx cord sir chevrolet says new like nobody else iet your eye linger orer chevrolet frenh finely haped contour relax in the roonttne of lis elegant new interior get the exhilarating feel of it hushed atlken rule the more familiar you become with thi s9 chevrolet the more way it ay new here the car that s definitely new tn a decided ly different way the 59 chevy is shaped to the modem canadian taste ensp clean and beautifully efficient looking with new poise new proportions chcvrotets new slimline design not only brings you new grace but also new space a new and roomier body by fisher and chevy s vast new areas of visibility give ou clear seeing from every scat the more you look thctnorc you see that s new like the new migit mirror finish which with normal washing alone will retain its original lustre for up to three years and youll find important engineering developments eight vsa plus a new hi thrift 6 that delivers up to 10 more gas economy with more usable horsepower ut normal driving speeds bigger safer stopping brakes a smoother steadier ride no other car sas new like this and vou get all those hivrolct virtues of economy and depend ability sec the 59 chcvrotct today the luxurious 9 pavtcnfcr kinfood station rlagom n ith a new retractable rear utndow a general motors vaiub 59 chevrolet arthur scott motors a guelph street geo trianele 72251