Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1960, p. 1

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town township nominations precede december 5th elections with dvttxnbbf 5th vt fcs ucttort day in geaofofttowrt od ek0lirtq mao- it qchckarung on tew koll iron in town nd towmiitp gcwotont rvcmirvation mating n s to oviqh h j4th in wojuiwoh tuditoton cvquoiireg rvommti ctfvdtd rxt mondy in tk coiuory hall t stwrt- town both muncipalit har a ow ho rrititon prod from 7 30 to 8 30 p m ajui lori hv wawvc mating foliowirg it wtitcii council ajrvd oliw bodt rfort y wcl vd cndd f qivn n dpxxhwuty to tiqoihag will b riottintng cawjtdatwi o twj deputy hum council s4ts nj two rrwrvbw of ttwooj fm boat hv hr iot two yw wms goglown tvl a myo rv dfuty 6 council sort nd 1o two yr wrm tfwr pubjw tcocj wuiit bnd a hydro commnwifw onjy in gogikwn is an t4ctor tun a pubiwrit vo ha bwn odfk o dctfbfsi4 titling opinion ton cfiarvglrvn o a wrd system of vol rg in town only two tnn rtv vo fr poblwly illii wy sr lfaovirwj l-ctak- bob burv arwj j m bown notruni of dirn t association eric bard course 1 candd last ytar has xl cwd j wy or ws mayoralty 1 rvm council loss frorn mayor hyde tldwn hv mad no jutjje hterwnh but in thu ci ttf it usually liurnd that iurx rream ofn arwj it is pohtl9 that l will val omice moevi ttiji 410 nlereioy rumouri of llt wo count hois wto glivxorltil h rjli of b nd on wtvo m ghi dop out enl rely titers iv rculat on 00 that sorn of tt 1v59 cifeffatod carwj dls m om bf aba anottmr wy all of wli ch w ii b sofitxj out on thursday night tti urriour fron from eiqol rtg which on only a fw occii oni hi broken lh 1rdilton of two year ttmu i for riwv and deputy ij qut and rctpyri will hv to wti until moridty 1o lrn who might i6lf office pev cam sinclair 11 ttt onty preisnt rrwnbr wlo hi announced ha will vk rlei on n georgetown herald ococcctown ont tmuksday movumat a 1mo 4oo r ywj xkou vy c technical school in future plans nominees may be earlier speakers at nomination meeting an taformal dueuuun pr lad about boniiruiion mpftma rcejura followed monday s council wtini v tb tlucuuioo wis pjrked by recent tiikueitian from rtpart that eandidmr b altowad u siak at the mt lug aaxur i tha eninc and uial printed report of com toitte and town boards b buda available rather than fcjvinc thti delivered la tecb form ue eannot ut time iiraita en council rejmirl uid major iljd ta ibtrtwiuciiif tbe dlsciu- tuui but erhapa w taught ajtrva u a body on procedure u fouow you can t bold people at a voting to bear sprakrri if ibay don t want to tuj said cr frd harrison or ww f hunter pointed eut that ona man bad ifhilen ever an hour last ar anv ua can uy all tbey uant to in w ho uinutes uas his opinion cr john flliott opinal that tb meeting chairman hai the power to set tima limits for apaalten hut only if there is a motion from tb floor and a ihuvt of kanda in the afl irmatn e was tb majors opinion cr john d kelly said there it no legislation which calls for the town clerk to he chair man of the meeting in fact it tniht ba better if he wera free that avenlng to answer candidate quettions uavor lfde said b thinks precedence should be follow ed here as the town clerk has knowledge of the job and is the twit man for it cr john dunn taid ha is la sympathy with the requests and hop councillors will limit i speech to reasonable urn i length per ha p new candidate i could be beard befora rporu i fof boards and cotrtmiuloi b i thought- i i dont ajrrea roards sarva without pa and tbey should come ahead said cr john 1 tiott t a show of hands found a majont of council in favour of hearing council public school board and hjdro com 1 iaiision members first and then i the nominees for office leaving appointed board reports till later in th meeting the discussion ended on a humorous note when cr liar nion quipped there might be a lot less speaking time if councillors got up and taid what thej e dune instead of 1 what they ye going to do ll davison trv- n horses winners ljumr j a usmtard brxl yearling eoli reapd uuru for hu owner iiod iaviton r r 1 furg town fat this yt roal u inter r air tb am vra the uan dard lml yearling rua a rut wnt on to cop the j ii ikk tropjiy for the lwt alaimlard lirl hon in tlte ruunty class t waji a rwmjne junior rhmpjon ottirr davuun hones won prtkfn of dam 2rw1 get of a re as well as numerous other taaxr award organise cubi scouts at etallinafad united union wils officers cafeteria extra gym also in board scheme torgluwi high ikfbool oiyiplrtd the building will include add- a tecbniral irhool by iu5 al a meeting tj th torg town district high hcbool ikiard xtoridav night turmbera were toforirwd that lha depart ment of mucation eipected thu arva to be ready fur such a srhool by 1m5 or 1067 and have advised the local board to be gin preparing now b group ing the proposed technical rooms in one wing the d partment was referr- 11 g to an upcoming building program which will add another gymnasium a cafeteria two hop rooms a home economics room and our classrooms construction will prolubly be gin in the fall of tftul first sketch plans of the new wing alread outdated because of more recent planning chang t were stewed by the board at the meeting but the final blueprints will not be drawn up until the board makes a tour of composite schools in the area as guests of itarnrtt lib scout and cub groups are being organised at ball in afad at meeting tn ballinafad united church monday night lletjrr tb rehitecta ctosi to 100 ladies gathered at the union church la t thuitfay to celebrate the golden parents interested in ihe work ai 1or further inses- anniversary of the union wms with the anniversary cake are tlie wjas ottic rs mis jack unanimously decided to form l the cost rompari macdonald vice ores dent mrs harvey pucker ri ores 1e t mrs bud bub p assistant the lub and fcout group user catering sersice for the j tornotown liter hearing the cluitas of efeirria oppnd to instl u fered by aac orgamsatioa from pcnsse kitchen the district commissioners who equipment and maintaining a attended to explain tbair value i i in a community wh th ft u reg fmaneb was elected chair secretary and mrs clarence anderson treasurer pfiolo by peter jonet set dedication service new st pauls baptist public open house on november 29th frirat haptm church grnrp tow n made it hnum u 1 p t uhlr tiered thr t huri h build ing on mountain view road a little more than a year pnjnp4 r jtl r u ago a small group of llaptits n has naming themsehes the st kept costs down to a minimum paul s baptist hurrh bean and has been will pn kch the i rin n tin 1j eicnink novrmtier 201 h will br oprn house nikht trone able to come i 1 in itrd to insjx ct thr build n u and ftruard enjoy a cup f tea on thuna december 1st an sini nj o fun music lilr tn build the has l 1 11 planned provided by two gymnasiums thive sbo rouuis two ikoinr economics rooms s library a cafeteria twenty ui classroom as wh aa adminutratlv offlcwa after aonsidering converting to a heavier grade of beating oil and a possible financial sav ing the hoard decided to stay with the mora expensive light industrial oil and awarded tit supplying contract to the rjias rogers rprenlaljw hurt ah iisou at a cost of 13 8 cnts a til ion four otwr tenders wre reviewed ttie school usei 40 000 gallons a season though cheaper the heavier oil was rejected because oi the additional cost of preheating and cleaning the furnseea koni often would offset the saving- thc high school earetaking staff will be able to eleua four rooms in the time it took lhem to clean three as the result of a 310 purchase made at tb meeting thai was the cost of hoof scrubber and polisher purchisd from the cordon a mrhachena company which will replace a smaller similar unit which could only clean a ft swat is the new unit eovra a 15 swath present industry should not be overlooked too forum will study county industry relikious work in the helrex present structure f ir subdivision the local labile able less than ilk school board granted them per salue of 70 lk mintion to use the sch ol cor ilirtion s r ic s ndor of the george kennedy new church will be c insider thr male thorns o brampton estimated and mis t lliins urll known on mi i fn m h lt nham f tr thr tin op nnii sirsirrs will be uhsrrwd concludi d in sundas morning the eld estahlihed industry of a community is of tin over- looked if the municipality i places too much emphasis on the acquisition of new manu factoring concerns sas a if lemasurier senior commercial counsellor trade it ndutr branch department of imsn ttinj mi development j mr leuauirler will conduct h somas for halton county awuttlcipal eoubclllorc planning boardi members of the various i ehambara of commerce and in i dustrlal commissioners along stllh ther autsting alncies 1 such as banks railwajs ias and ontario hjdro at the delrex hesuurant georgetown on- december 3 the importance of local in duslry as the backbone of the cotnnmaily will be one of the i topics under discussion at the round ubla confer nee h ent four jjmilsr meetings held in various lrovincial coun t tis this year hjie emphauicd the need for councillors to hae a continuity of programs from i one election to another in 1 manv instances he saia com wmumtlei do not huse indu trial commissioners and programmes instituted by one council must be carried out by succeeding councillors if the community u to benefit certain basic rules hae heen adopted for this procedure and local mun icipal members will have the opportunity of discussing the vital subject during the con feretice according to mr lemsiurter municipalities should tb very concerned about the iselectjon to industrial commission mem ben greater car nwht be esercised in the selection of qualified personnel it has been found that a bet tcr understanding of the orcan nation of tbe indu trial com mittee is necessary by munic ipal leaders if the community is to prosper urban board party the members of the ur ban board and their wives held their annual year hud dinner and dance sat unlay the 10th at the park view motel guelph urban board chairman john elliott welcomed the guests in addition to the councils of acton milton and georgetown and their wives mr and mrs stan hall mpp were present mr hall spoke briefly on oil cooperation evidenced between the three towns the three mayors j goy or acton sid cbilds of mil ton and e iide of george town also spoke briefly after dinner dancing to the music of the glenn street trio followed tuhlic school for their services i sundav afternoon november lveccmtx r 1st uhrn thr pastor since thu small beginning 1 27th at 3 30 p m when friends res r a pinki rton will con the work has grown until it from near and far will be pres diu t thr worship service and htcame difficult to carr on an ent tn as 1st in thr act of d ii i llolv i mmunion rev pink adequate programmr in the cation the choir of the rirsterton is an rxti nsiim misvioner school the onlv alternative uas baptist church brampton un for the iljptlst convention who to build er the leadrrship of mr ar prior to coming hire spent the convention church ks 1 thur smith ill bring music tun ear orjanuinc a church tension board the park bap- while rev ilirold stihturds of anil errctint a building in a j tut church brentford and the iirk baptist church ltrantford i suburb of sarins what council did government continuity is prime point in national emergency councillor reports on defence steps continuity of governmci man of the new group commit i tee with mrs f snow secre- 1 tary and eddie smith trees urer the leader of th scout group will be don smith and mike norton will get assistance from mrs j wood in heading the cubs kinsmen welcome i district governor j larry woods of preston de puty district governor paid a visit monday to the local kinsmen club and in a talk praised the young georgetown service club for its activities to date kinette joined their hus bands for the evening in the hanquel room of the delrex restaurant which featured din ner and dancing and a social time afterwards icarhoro disc imuhiw counci suggest town divide township sewage link at this weeks esquesing a lht l meeting 0 the c uncil mreting the possibilils before nomination night of georgetown providing sew i dosed itecve cam sinclair an- age facilities to vulcan homes i nounced he would seek reelect area or the beer subdivision as ion reeve neat year no ona it i more commoni known lriwf definitely committed them- uas suklested in a lettrr from es but hinted thev would halton county health unit oe up for reflection come th the are on ihe seventh une opposite the coir course will eventually contain 65 home and the health unit feels septic tanks might he unsatisfactory the land is already supplied by water from georgetown a long questionnaire from nomination night jockev warner merriflcld was the dept of municipal affairs emcee for the evening present kin project is the sale of christmas trees and plans are being finalised for this annual fund raising activity for kinsmen projects ashcrovi hunters gmt thir quota ju and ford wickson ar rived home saturday wltb their deer hunting party with a full quota of 16 deer and a moose the aihgrove man were members of a group which in cluded residents of kliuon and bronte districts thing in a national em erg ncy the individual becomes not so important at that time said cr john flliott as he outlined civil defence to area would have to stay in shelters for two weeks after a blast to avoid radiation effects h was suggested the county coordlnator attend a council t meeting to explain eiv 1 defence pmhop th mom rnportnt f f mrlnpi lick cr llttott uid his arnprtor tnp hd been t government 1 expense nd hd cost the town moni c on i tresury no money for hi four the councillor hd tlended d a conference of mayors and fence college council rep- locsl rotanflhs hear suiiiiested function for mun sponsorcd stuocilt icipallties at the present lime i ia to set up a council committee 1 pl to work with the county to- b u houry club at univofrl ordlnlor he uid and to ap- ties all over the world dous point an information officer t carmen waa the buest apaaker who will keep people inforaed at the regular meetinjr of the about procedure local club monday niqht at tha the government is tooling north halton country club wi of the bills for wartime a native of warrington in defence measures and 30 lancashire england mr car- for things which can be uaedln addreued uvo group on in peacetime hia home land apmiflcally the area which he la from and ac- barracer piri a lire at tha barrager speed wah on guelph st yesterday damaged the front of the store but was doused before it could get a foothold regarding the above property was answered it was decided to enclose a copv of the health unit s teller when returning the questionnaire the tender for snow plough ing tn rsqueslng this winter was awarded to uansel nellls of acton ills w an hour plou ghtng time and m a day stand by time was the lowest bid of sis tenders offered warn pranksters that false alarms offence ire chief nob itonfleld haa reminded would be prankster thai false alarms are punish able b a jail term the threatening reminder came after a fire call sent flra- men to an imaginary blase at the home of mr and mr loi keir near the ueadowglen growers plant sunday night when it was obvious that no are listed chief donfleld at tempted to trace tha ealler hut without success the alarm was turned in at about 10 30 p m council wondered if the towns volunteer ambulance sell vice would eoma in the latter- category and will wake en quiries j- cr elliott gave statistics oo damage in a nuclear war a 23 mile radius around toronto la considered a target ire but fallout can drift as touch a 100 miles w aaid people in tab coiapanled hj talk with col oured alkka he also greeted the local clubs on belie of the warrington dub president aai well a georgetown hot ariana mr carmens talk waa enjoyed by aome fifteen guestj who attended front um wulow- uu houry rlub st muls baptist church tuesday novjmmr 9th will b opmi hou nlow t th nw st paul btipllit ffturch nly compltd jn mountalnlw rod the church will coat conaldarbly lasi than th original ostlmato or 70000 wai lid pr throuah tho work of th convention church ekreiulon boerd the park baptist church branlford and f rat baptist church majp st an attractive aplre wlu grace the new atructure leler- peter jotvm georgetown

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