high tales published by the students of georgetown high school world war ii cartoonists rib lorne scots reunion vol 8 no 7 thursday uu 4u 1961 georgetown ontario the challenge is coming by rasa balistow to quote our esteemed fellowstudent brian lewis the year boo is so much a mjslcrj that not cvtn the editor knows anything about it for the information of all newcomers to the bohoot it goes by the name or the lhallcnse and can be idtnti tied this year by its bright red cover whether von are tall or short fat orskinnj we will manage to squctw our picture in omewbere our wary cameramen are alwas mi ihe prowl 10 beware mr legge our stafr advisor censors cvcrvthiiik thil goes into the challenge therefore if jou arc dome writeups or the book have lhcin correct before jou submit lhcm and please please no more blond bombshells 111 the claw reports if you find yourself unabls to remember what has happened this school year buy a copy to refresh our memorj now or sixty years from now the challenge covers cverj thing clubs ports social activities notes from each individual class liter ary effusions and wrtiat have you it should be on sale about june ls1 for si 50 or perhaps 1 25 all material should be submitted before mav 1st am one wishing to advertise in the year book phone stephen saxe tr 7 2984 editorial lower grades need more study emphasis drama club featured chess club welcome commencement plays j recreation addition by ann lorrain nobl by carroll farnell the drama club presented goroetown high si iol has two plajs at the commencement a had a vanclv one of which was drums in o f the interest the night the other romance niany subjects and hobbies n incorporated a brief sjnop- sis of the former follows the old perry maiimon had been opened up after six months with all the neighbours and other curious ones present th play revolved around a torn torn which had been stolen concern for dr marshuood who had arrived at the house carl by colin hay ward th ontario educational sys tem hat ben critkmd by many different people for a variety of reasons some even feci that ih greet xiii court should ba dropped entirely thu of court it impractical for it would lower th education standards however the fact re mains that the last year of high tchool it euentially cram course to rectify thii the work thould be mar evenly distribu ted throughout the five yean of high tchool jar present th work don by the lower grade does not challenge their intel lect or test their tu dying capac dies consequently lethargic ttudy habits are produced m many which tha ttudentt find hard clubs to rectify in upper school if of the the work wat more ev cartoon st les callah who was one of those popuiar with ly distributed th necessary c an troops in world war 2 envisages the lome scots united i st johns goratown 1 rev ian m tlcming kenneth harrison arct rmt music director a churchvnth a warm heart ta 1 1 00 a m 2 30 p m 7 oil p m prise cijiiil u 9 45 am sunday school 11 00 am junior congregation the expendable adult bible class the great stir lest we forget serve st andrew a united siikljir vcnui at mount jim icw ruad rev bwart madden 9 45 a in sunday school 11 00 am morning worwhip and beginners cun school 8 00 pm evening service martin luther film norval pastoral charge rev lloyd n rreel ba bd gln william 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school home the chess uub hi challenge would be provided mr summcrtll as its cipible io tn lower school ttudentt director and a mrmbirship of n ihe onerous burden on the upper school ttudentt would be alleviated some will argue that the in creased work given to the low er school will tore many to drop out of school earlier then necettary i feel that anyone ejections on earlier days nearly twcniv fuc irnli in janice carter the on and onl sirl stewart six is dent and robert i- 1 u11 1 shtr the secretary these enthusiasts 1 0 nbi stll dv books to learii th 1 art but jerand had disappeared was rjlj gjj klujvi lec from who honstty could not handle aroused by h jjjj i practical experience placing th extra challenge might be i j ai hc game l0 wln or i as lne transferred to business or a tase mu he some im mhcrs trad tchool where they could ihink that john eoiiw man and develop their talentt to th robert rishcr have hid iviru fullest extent to facilitate th coaching or have delved deep various adiustmentt the prev into some sort of liter ilure per ent iyl will have to b gra uining to the 41111 for the dually revised until if 11 mor are the top pliuh evenly balanced without sacri personally i know little ab f th comparatively high out the remarkable game of educational standards of onta much i havt itantia played bv trances la man mona perrv the niece of the deceased mr perr sus pected all for the theft of ihl tomtom and was erv nervous about the crime suspecting all those under suspicion in eluded amy ellis th efficient and ptit housekeeper who had worked for mr prry for years played by mary evans mitt wayn an innocent old lady who had ust dropped in vry anxious to obtain the drum por trayed by karen korxack war rn butleri antique dealer flayed by robert taylor ih vry charming miss hallow ay playd by roberta hawes later dr marshwood played by ptr porgravc appeared with th myttry solved mr perrys money was discovered by means of the torn torn war ren butler seeing th crime unravelled grabbed the money at gun point but like all enm malt he was caught by th police who had been summoned by mitt hoi i away relying on her sixth sens each actor and actress plavcd his part exceptionally well achieving suspense for our mas tery loving friends the seen ery was quite well done thanks is given to those who contn touted in icenery costumes and l0 a 7 makeup much credit is due signifies that thi chess but this learned it is an ancient game often a favourite of kins and nobles of old there art s mil vcrv expensive and beautiful d sets of chess chessmen ixquis itclv caned from ivorv which hae been handed down through the centuries the sune is pliv ed bv two people with itrtn vanoush shaped pieces or men each on a chequered b 1 ml divided into sixlv four sqiuic- akernaiclv back and white the chessmen hare names hins queens bishop- t is ties or rooks hniju- and pawns each having its own pir ticular wav of movins and of capturing its enemies challenge games as ntll as fncndlj games arc plaed dai lv after school houis in the school hbrar 1 learned from the plavers that in ehrs th word checkmale does nttt re program but kinr curlers compete in brampton toronto dunns the taster holidas three rinks of high sthool cur ler look part in bonspicls in bnmpton ml toronto rink skipped b john pen nikk barr matthews vice skip colin havwird steond and birr hamillon lead managed two kiirus jiid a loss in the brampton spiel len thouffi the wire winntrs of two gam hc failtd lo win a prut on the same spit 1 a rink skip ped b llarr mcuiin lae lijlh nee skip eoie win rie second and juhn sweeney tad failtd in risltr a win hop ful spit 1 a where he t mil of kill iuh to mr paleschak for the sue p cess of this one act plaj and himself cannot mive out his work and effort was much danger and that the a tit appreciated bj all this game requires s as th curtain opened for and concentration and is th second play in th uptown vinush fascinating branch offic of romanc tn- there it no fee rrejinnd corporated alice the charming join the club all mt nee secretary played by christine do is drop m and qmetu w matthews answrd the tl- the game and ou will be phone she was joined by hr welcome usilor present u vn tomboy oirl fnnd pat played will finil vourself a new mini by marlen armttrong they bcr or at leas will wan carried en a convocation and to start at the betinning of th wr interrupted first by th next term i might sec w telephone and then by mi there mjself next seplcmlmr minni brown played by bar bare evans a gentle old spin to fmd about travelling who georgetown high is left loaded with some travel n i folders and some thought about featut0 on rdulo a trip a society nob m op trurf b h whitney and her teenage dau enter bea plajed by anne lor al the school uanec thurs raine noble and frances union a i3ln a nunlh r respectiel entered next plan ccorgetown high indents nmg to take the around the interviewed on chic am vtorld trip on the batavia 8 thcm sludint outicil urt providing ronnie burns wai dcn j ciimmins and as going also but he cancelled w tr belleghem our his reservations the excuse radio representative gae her busines affairs 1 week is summarv of ori in the second vitit to th town high neis n hour of travel agency minnie brown our dance music out of a pro much to our turpnte has de gramme on which our favour tcrmined to take the around lie disc jotktv bill mccutth thwid tour with alic as her eon and hix little brother dave companion ronnie burns 1 plaved the latest records from makoa final arrangement for three lo live in the afternoon the trip and provide the play this programme teen beat with much xcitement about comes over brampton s radio th future broadcast evcr afternoon from mr paleschak directed the four lo five dedicated tn one all girl cast needless to sav it of the follow in schools eieh was a successful humorous dav brampton hih brampton play members of the drama composite corclow n hih club did the ligthtink scenerv slreetsvilie high and weston props and other miscellaneous high a repiesenlative from necessities a vote of thanks each of these schools reports is extended to the cast and in nnre a week on generil sotial all who gave up classes in aid and sport cvtnts and also na in the production of the play mes a pick hit for iht week the atl titled a mixed bon he boulivard uub in ik con si ted of sharon a1 boh ilinham see malt dm met skip ind rv kip in the first loeik posted a 14 or weston in the imc iht v won anolier thi h inded club deft host cluh again club visits toronto reference library by mary jean tucker fourteen members of the library club look part in ihe cjub s annual excursion on april 18 1961 our lour of the toronto reference lib rary under our capable guide mis watson eommintid from the kipling room dedi calcd to rudvard kipling and used for high school re fir enecs the fine arts section displaved man varied and colourful paintings and in the baldwin room we viewed old books microfilms of newspapers and carl maps of toronto in the rest or ation room c saw a hook over two hundred vars old being repaired and conserved so that no further tlarme could come to it the inter loan department lends hooks to oiht r libraries and hip bibliographic centres 6les master catalogues an interesting fiaiuit of the tour was the mail order and cataloguing depart menls here technical scr vices for toronto libraries are carried out pictures of toronto and earh canada are displayed m the toronto room the refen nee i ib rar has a resident pholo graphcr hook binders ho work steadily to put damaged hooks in circulation and three artists who work lo add tn the i ibrarv s collect ion of posters track field athletes train for may 24 meet with frpnn ofluialh lure the hih school alhletts hav turned iheir taltnis lo lral antl field the schooli past athirvt inenl in track and field h iv i churches baptist i first baptist church rev r l w han ba 1j d choir director douglas petk organist mr william braam 10 00 am church school 1100 am worship service 7 00 p m lve ning w orship 8 00 pm wednesday praver meeting lveronc welcome st paul t baptitt mountain view road south rc t a pinktrton minister suntlav 10 ix am church school ministers bible class 11 00 am morning worship tuesday 6 30 p m ixplorers for girls 8 00 p m yiiuhjj peoples 10 am worship service 11 a m sunday school nerval 10 15 a 111 sundd sehuul 11 15 a ni worship service anglican st george t church re v k s c- richardson sinulav ma 7lh rotallon sldy 8 00 am holy eucharist 9 jo am holy eucharist family service infant carel 930 a in chuuh school cradts 4 5 6 1100 am holy eucharist 11 00 t in church school cradts 1 2 b pre school kindergarten urti i irt 1 4 k p tn holy baptism 6 30 pm evensong 7 30 p in adult confirmation preparation tn parith of snwarttown and hornby kcv j t maxwtl tttrur st johns church stvwarttown 9j30 a m mornink prayer 2nd sunay ol iht month holy communion 10 jo am church school 7 jo p m evltiboiij 1st sunday of thi month st stphn 1 church hornby 1100 am morning prayer church school 2nd sunday mumon of the month ilolj com christian reformed church minister rev d c las 55 main st north 9 jo a m hiilish set vice 3 00 p m dutch service notice to creditors in the ettat of james percy clark gentleman de ceased all persons having claims against the estate of james pcrcv clark latt of ihe village of clcn williams gentleman who died on or about the 17th day of march 1961 arc herebv notified to send particular of sinc to the undersigned on or before the 29th dav of may 1961 afltr which date thi ls tle will bt distributed with regard onlv to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the under intd will not ih liable to any ptriiin of whose claim he shall not thin hive notice halt d at georgetown ihls 25th dav ot april a i 19fal thorn is icrcv clark hx etutor of the lstalc of jamc pcrcv clark bv his solicitors dak bennett lalimcr and basics 23 mjjj slrce georgetown ontario 511 1thb qeorgetown hbralo i thursday may 4th 19 pack 8 forecast 2000 from campaign as results of tn raldn tial section of th retarded children t campaign gradu ally come in chairman har old henry forecasti j total well in excess of 2000 from th hous to house campaign it is hoped returns will toon b coming tn from th clubs and atsociationt wh at th moment have th r- qutttt under contida ration trees removed triansle 74111 martins sodding uning 0 landtcepinej tree culture insurance v covers j iw pr i a and mtii wqljgadvice gjl tree surgeon arnold rathbun rcprcsentalivi sun life of canada georgetown 12 gower court tr angle 74792 me- tuesdiv mav 9th jo am synod of niagara i ml si nts lhurch rtida lui 6 30 p in ros club 8 00 p m bible stud and- pravtr meetini wcltoine to a growins church in a growing cominuuitj maple avenue baptist church avenue lil b a m 1 h services 9 45 a in sun la school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 pm fveiitnk service 630 sundav night pnvcr meeting m mdav 8 00 pm- peoples wednedv 8 00 p m bible study and piavtr mtetins i fridav iillom 8 00 p in 1 in itihi ii i rend k nand ibivhnp of mr tar inrin ilhi adlu wil h iuii n the so i h kite 11 imjuet mill villmlun d ih irtl iv miv 11 h fill t mi ll v hut ban 9 00 1 m ascention day service for partnls i inljrt n moving hanks cartage and moving tr 74106 i springs here and were here to help you get ready for it lawn seed no 1 mixtura lawn fertilizer 1064 5 ib 3 75 so ib 3 98 halton cooperative supplies 45 guelph street tr 7 2271 free del very saluiday morn ngs notice 7 30 p u chr nan sei ice brigade life at mcmaster pleases this girl it improved reading habits j result from new course i by norman coolev a new entra cumcular course has been added lo ihchish school for the boncfil of the students cho wish to improve lieir reading habits there are lwrnl students who are taking advan tage erf this course each night afler classes under the direction of mr g h dickinson for about iwent to thirlv minutes depending i on tbc length of lime it takes the student to complete his issigned work what happens in these classes the aim to improve reading speed and understanding this is done bv reading a i short story answering questions of the comprehension of the i story nd ajisetlng vocabulary questions each section is limed the scores and tune arc tabulated in the back of a score hook where one m able to not the improvement m speed and com i prehension 1 the reaction of alt the students li is rxtremrh mteres tine and at tha same lime we are improving out reading by irene ratei difficult describing lit mcmaster but 1 ii start by saying there it utt no lit like it it 11 a university to which you feel you belong th first day you set foot on th cam put everyone it friendly an advantage of being accepted by a smaller inttitution the professors ar as much a part of your life as are the student thy encourage frequent visits with thm and upon your registration you are attigned to a pro fas ter who will be your cown tellor for th first yar this counsellor helps you with any problems concerning ivertity life and advitet you to his utmost ability cusset are in tetsion from monday till saturday and much spare fim 1 is prov ided at for activities there are pproximately thirty clubt to choote from- you can oin them all if you like there a r about thirteen dances held officially each year at well as the dozen others after th variout batketball and foot ball games w girlt are out numbered three to on th i most used building on the j campus it the huttery hr i you have your cofff break play cards meet your fav ounte girl or guy have lunch etc it s yery interesting and i this year saw the compl- tron of a very striking worn- i n t residence an arts bull ding and a divinity college the modern student centre and men s residence are re ceiving the finishing touches and should b in full twin for the new ttudentt in september beei latdc allt vear the school hi placid he tund its rivals from acton mil ton and hain though last vear ihe ap as closed slighlh ilur tn a fine showing bv the ft m ale entrants trom georgetown mav ihe 24th will mirk the fimt time the disnct meet hi- ikfn held in ihe spring this will enable ihe teams to irain without interference from the fonlhall schedule the bovs have lcen holdm strenuous workouts after school in the gvmnastum as ei the weather has not been fit to tram oulof dooiv from the turnouts of 50 bovs it would appear that there is a revival of interest in the sport on the hasis of the season con ditioning the coaches are look mg for an improved showing in this vears meet and are definitely shooting lo gel out of the cellar presbyterian knox georgetown kcv willi im weir bnmpton interim moderator organist mrs tdgar cow land chinch school 10 am public worship 11 a in limehoute 110 p m sundav school 2 jo pin unine worship norval and union hi v b tvin b interim modcralor 10 00 11 00 school w orship 1-1- 86f0 the ontario municipal board in the matter of section 30 of the planning act r 5 o 1960 c296 oi i 1 till- itiht of in apph ulioi of the t orporatu n of the town f curtumn lor lppnvil of its restricted area bv iac hi il pissed the 7th tlac of v t mbir lqtio appointment for hearing tilt li k1u mlmcipm- romtl herein ijpi mis mori in the bth dav of mu 11 at thi hour of t n n dock in the ion not n ic l lime at the c urn tl uiuiihir i iortliwn i norval 1 10 pin sundav school 210 p m divmt worship pentecostal holiness zion tabernacle 9i gutlph s ttev y a tiljion minister 100o am sundav school 1100 a m morning worship 7 00 p nj i v angelistic sen ice nrlit mil n tl in supporli ir oppiving this ipplic ition irn it toronto this lih lav of pvil ltil b anker dont delay send your valuable furs a cloth garments today our storage vaults are for your protection all you can pack ta 7c in the box for pj this none lo fhr uin i properiv in lsqucsmt the had 1 no ho m dir itv for ii iht township o i t htnl- abut in whuh ih s it la pplits copv o av idibh ill ipt ih acton itih heed throwing spikes out un tin vear won t be enoii milton ike track cbrk 16 1 mi interform wrestling meet georgetown high school lack of outside compelition forced the local h gh school wrestlers to take orteach other n an inlerform meet her- recently so much mleiest was shown tiiat the prelim nary mat chei had to be held n several ol the twelve wc ght classes to determine the finalists the meet was held alter school hours a id the- younq gladiators received excellent vocal support fro i the u iex peeled large crowd which turned out- to w tness the matches grade 9e won the meet with a total of 1 3 po nls fol lowing closely were a 9c and 9d with ten team points each the individual champions were 85 lbs 5 t03 g stonrhnmr tl- decisioned b hv i 9r 103 109 109i 115 115 lio- 120 127 133 138 145 154 165 pratt 9a stonehnmr tl luingsjone 9c underbill 9t p ijvell 9a robertson f r hart if m fv re l- j blair th 3 mcleod 9d j kasdalt ty b wngglcsworth 10a pin b otlawav hvi j adema j gudgeon g roshier haarmevei 10b i0b 9b used tv sets at very much reduced prices v 3250 4495 i i i i i i i i i i 21 sets a lo pinned pinnco i ifcunci rtrcrtionon d shnrhsolc 10a pinned b iarrv ba default dalilt pinimt b choutcn 10e children who will be 5 years old by december 31st 1961 will attend kindergarten parents please complete the registration form below and forward to the principal of the school in the district in which you reside this form should be completed and forwarded not later than may 19th parents completing this form will be advised of registration commencing may 29th parents have your child s birth certificate available on registration day ch id s flmp pleas print this information