plan tender calls for retarded school expect building finished in may th north halton aisoclatlon for retardad children i thalr annual meeting and ehct- ion of offlcars for 1961 tart thursday dacambar 14th th evening commancad with aach mambar of tha executive presenting raports on tha activ ities and accomplishments of thalr cwjmiittees for 1m1 from thasovbacama qolte apparent thafgraat stride forward had baan made by tha atsoclatlon as a whola during tha part yaar tha mast interesting report of course was tha progress of tha building proacf tha estimated cost of tha naw school is j4000ovw was raport i d of this amourrt30 ap proximately 12000 will ba pro- vided by tha department of ed ucation a further grant of 4000 representing 150 pari aq ft of land will ba provided by tha county of helton this left balance of 54 000 to be collected through public don ations the association with the aid of a 5000 loan from cfto tv telethon loan fund era short of their final goal byi 2000 however a spring cam paign in georgetown and acton is expected to real lie the fine construction costs the money raised during milton s recent campaign will be used to dafrayl deficit of 1416 in the schools running expenses monies received during the past year have been donated specifically to the building fund thereby robbing resources for the schools running expenses j it is expected that tenders wii be called for in januarj and a tentative completion date his been set at hay 31 1962 this j ar nouncement was decidedlv the highlight of the eemng and one for which all had been waiting so long in addilmn to these reports mr mcneil who is the public school inspector for milton spoke bncfu on the role being played b the department of education s special services branch he alo outlined new lv instituted procedures where i by a child is now admitted to the school mrs ft p e jeltares prmci pal of the school then en light ened members on the pupils progress and achievements dur ii g the past eu mrs b welluood bulletin editor aii vised that there were now 250 subscribers and mrs a king don president of the milton ladies auxilian and mrs m tiearn president of george town auxilnry were also in i tited to inform members or their attributions lo the assoc lit ion mrs d harbttle then chair d the meeting for the election of new officers elected were president mrs g g addison succeeding mrs katharine el lent on treasurer mr james sproat corresponding secre tary mrs m sillarsi recording secretary mrs m treahy con veners finance mrs george kendrick education mrs val ma kennedy institutions end research mrs audrey mllward home care mrs helen howard recreation mr ross program mas mrs kay butler public on acceedlni his tiew office ashgrovb mr addison welcomed all new comers and also representatives of local councils namely mr wilfrid bird reeve elect for esqueaing township mr doug sargent mayor elect of gecrge- lown and mr charles mcnefv minaert of mo axacutlva board will include the part president with the advent of the new mrs k illenton president of mnf erected in the new bath auxiliaries and regional mr addison predicted the director for ontario associ ve will be required tian for retarded children mrs lp harder than ov before ernest ball all of whom will m wiertiona on have power to vote it is ht pp the understood that tha vice pres- jnous committees ident and 2nd vice president he concluded by adislng the will ba selected from thosa al excculivr of the firit board reedy alerted- meeting in the new jear dickens style costumed for the part three carolers ting christmas carols dur ing new york city presenta tion of lifesixe dioramas illu strating charles dickens a christmas carol fire can spoil happy holiday babbs switch caribou and ballings cm tell ou that a happ christmas ii a safe j christmas babbs switch is a m ill okla v communiu on christ mas eje 1924 about iso men women and children were gath ered in the frame sehoolhouse for the communit s biggest ver christmas part a series of incidents a christmas tree branch brushed against a candle a kerosene lamp knock ed off a tible and a stage cur tain thrown on the flames led to a fire which detftwed the school houc killing 36 per on and injuring 40 in more recent jears church fires occurred in billings mont and caribou me in billings an attendant ugh jinn candles accidentally set fire to a large lelvel curtail- behind the altar fire sprear to a combustible ticreboard ceil ing merry christmas nash and mcdowell plumbing and heating a little wish with a lot of heart to you and yours robertson electric ken robertson 52 norton crescent tr 7 tr 7 3372 tr 73392 may they be yours trus chnslmastide dick norton hawes nelson bulding contractors christmas ideas are displayed to institute the w i held its december phall such as a large wreath meeting at the home of mrs i for door or window of tin foil charles austin with thirty three with a big red bow a miniature ladies attending also two spec- train with box cars that div gueits mrs swanston of plays your christmas cards ftockwood mother of the host es and mrs harry bonner also of ftockwood the former barbara cunningham and 1 ttlc daughter jean the aus tin children had decorated the rooms with such pretty christ mas decorations and it gave such a gay atmosphere to the meeting president mrs frederts nurse asked all to sing q little i mrs t j brownridge thank tvwn of bethjehemand mrs j the hostess and everyonr ft hunter read the seipturc had contributed so much aiso table centres or pieces for mantels or placecards all in the christmas theme they were all very interesting and baa taken much thought and time beforehand mrs thomp son conducted a ocntest with every line ending with lee mrs cecil wilson gave current ev aim you maki yoursilf am most appriciatid it u tight that the spirit of giving should be so much a part fuf the christmas observance but giving should be within the means to give as it is the gift itself and the thought behind it and not its cost or value that is important gifts that you make your self in kitchen or workshop are always greatly appreciated for they arc a gift of time and effort two of your most val uable possessions thb gioroitowh hikau thwariev n hat 1941 plum puddino plum pudding evolved from an early english dish known he on christmas eve to the afternoon and the meet rollvall as answered by mv mr closed by singing the queen cliqstiias recollection the committee served a lunch howr committee reported on which was also on the christ from ick ones rcmem nias theme mrs john bird n ported onfprficeeds from euchre part the friend and neighbors of i being t was voted to give to the pmerrovc and ashgrove see ded children fund tions gathered in pinegrove also ten dollars will be sent school on tuesday evening to the muscular dyitrophv tec 12th and presented mr fund program was turned and mrs wellington stringer over to mrs francis thompson with a console table they who called on mrs gordon have sold their farm and are wingheld for the motto christ moving into georgetown mas is the time of eir that the white gift service was ninktfs the whole world km held atshe church on sundn christmas carol wincing con fternoon f when the sundaj ducted with mrs uoyd djv school scholars placed their uon at the piano was enjojed white parcels in a large basket in everyone a christmas read t t front or the church ling bv mrs john bellhodd these gifts will go to ver mrs harr bonner delighted all me families who would not wth her solos white christinas hive am christmas the child ind climb the highest mount un in t choir and sang am after which loveh christ trv beautifully awav in a mas i leas were shown bv mrs manger we hope to hear jehu bird and mrs james mc them again traditional at the en christmas feast frumenty consisted ef wheat boiled until the grains burst end after atral nlng rebolled wlh broth or milk end yelks of eggs some where along the line en imag inative cook added ralstns an other prunes some mace chop- pad suat etc end eventually the plum pudding came into webbs flower shop and greenhouses phone 8658158 i orstp harley motors gord ken and staff notice all property belonging to thi north halton golf country club is private and trespassing by persons other than members is not permitted the ponds particularly are serious hazards during tha winter and children could easily bo drowned tha company will not accept any responsibilty for parsons using this property for winter sports board of directors la s we stand on tne tnreshold of new year it is y gopdtcttpause and express epprec etion to thjjse wrtose fr endsh p and pleasant relet onship we eno in tne course of our business it is our s ncere w sh that your christmas ba b very happy one and that the new year will br ng you a full measure of health happ ness and prosperity farnells 17 main st south georgetown stockingfull be sure to be at banner tues dec 26th at 10 am for our tremendous stan hall mp p boxing day bonanza of savings d0nt miss out on these fantastic bargains in every department 3 i opek 10 a w to 10 p 400 queen st west at mclfiughlin rd brampton