major construction alts spring weather construction work on nuto terminal project i closed down until the mm u cann project told the herald friday toronto terminal project 1200 acre freight ion yard between jane its north of the toronto boundary a 34 mile access line yard being on a iob 4b play a key role aju major highway md street laflw crossing the access line highway 400 and sutiave been completed the bridge carrying high 00 ot tbe line remains liuimipcwid ming to cold wea nich postponed paving fbrodse and the four lane marv 7 bridge between jan bcswoe sts willbe open in bum spring highwas 7 cro entrance tracks to the yard cortracts fur work to take place tn spring have already bwen advirtiscd they include bt idges over mainland local humps in the varrf cpu mue ller subdivision line w br dge road subwa and the humber rivtr another contract for 54 mile of grading and drainage on the access line ha also been adver used dickens believed chimes best historians often credit liar les dickens immortal c hnst mas carol as being perhaps the most effective single force behind bngland s return to the observance of christm yit dickuis dkl not ronsidi r it h s greatest work nor was it the best idler during his life time the most popular of dick iris stones in his dav ti the cricket on the hearth the story of father who tries to shield his blind daughter from the realties of lire the crick et made ts appearance in 1843 jnd was an immediate success it sold twice as fast as the now familiar stor of scrooge and tiny tim less than a month aftir the crick et reached bookstands drama lie versions of it were plav ing in 12 prominent iondon theatres fespile the immidnte sui ciss of thi cricket and ihi relativi populanl of christmas carol dickens did not dilute either to be his grid test work his prfsunal favourite was the hilrfs which he told friends vvaffld knock the carol out of tm field dukms of coursi was wronj the chinu s md the nckl have ejeh ukm a back scat to ihi hxistmas arol dn chierfnl hnsimis storv of tin inn and his fru nls thi oiokoitown hikald thurtday ds hat 1h1 rave a gayhoudy1 clements the mover limited 107 kennedy rd s brampton peter jooes fchtonshoiwui tight schedule but santa finds time somehow santa always finds time for those who w ii spend christmas m ospni1 bed friday accompanied by lions club committee men george louth and odo francis he dropped into the georgetown district memorial hospital and patients with compliments of the season and gifts look at the expressi of jimmy wyatt and dorothy russell they like their v sitor red- on fa tvtitei chatting uidi m h b itself almost x wt of dflr with its vacuous ciiuti movies is thriving industry in pakistan part 6 of a series dont know why really but r e warren told me that one of 4 punchmhny jj- the irrrdvr- taming were thu- cirjkbnuo kins of the big modern raihomu fistivals ii ist un prosjvtr is 1 1 ee as ramaoau this sr i 1 period wjs markadi bn month long period of cwttmj ivvho had just taken a second during which faithful turilirim wife the first or old wife rad nothing to eac r dmmfc was in her early thirties and i spite i i bctve t sunwro her consent piesumablv given the most important industries bcw supp crou slowed to eat and flwn mflr keep liti nxflvvr in lahore west pakistan is vr husbandaffectwnrs k thev nrfulyrf n m the film industry they hate reiented navink to act as worldh pleasures ami b many studios where movies are bv siter wme hpr hujlbaild a great deal took his new bride out in the the people became rcy f eening on the other hand ak man the eod ofi anr the new wife a young girl in fst at thi time servants rhafl her late teens complained to difficult m gather ng un ro florne that she felt uncom s rs to do e r made and our western movie stars often visit them ava gardner and the late jelf chandler were two the warrens t just missed seeing main reason for the thnv rortable and unhappv m tv men and ing industry lies in the first wife s presence andhcise ainurt in the s im fact that the pakistani peoplel here was a nice dome u- nan iur rne are extremel fond of going to trunje that would nke more w u w lt shows the manv many mov ihn a dorothv ing picture theatres throughout f sked fmi the city are alwajs crowded of wtth w irld new celebration of th n fl ott tlese onl two show english shv tonusin a mrvihd rt speaking pictures the others thp jbp q bv tim ioc services m the nimiucs all star pakistani actois an re rh ai11 a 0 t tvhich men and wm n w-ir- are done in urdu t hc rtpe gbe and ml tll fine i gari nt tiusui the peace the expectation and the joy of christmas are not given to everyone to know let us cherish our inheritance with gratitude ns pt ioil thtre i rdd u of but jim and florn paid lh first vuit to a pakisun to ultmsion 1 h mot pp movie in the company of a go id 1 ir programs on the nd erc f fnend of thlrs pakstan th hrndcasts of the rnek b nove star who va rrn iches tx f ps0 t st th picture the went to see a fn nj it wm in tact he premiere o th wjmi ldp a uht the movie 0 for thi ipeua man hj b occasmn their hos a so b h rimomb hi t ght u guests two ladsousins of t they were in purdah and had i lr m 1r to sit liehlnd them in one of the theatre boxes jim and ftome were warned turn around ana look at mem asn am ng lnpir as they peeked out from under missl their veils to see the picture the picture itself was ii one of our old movies with ov acting exageraled gest heavy miki patrons loved 3v ii n vvhdt we have ah p told u thil tn being missmnari t f nh th v but he whin the pakistani peoplt go to a movie rf p m pikl tap they believe in relaxing they j vf jre br0a1 miiu take off their shoes and put ef fij am a fn their feet up throughout the fpr mtormtll ch t and ent picture ushers stumble around anin in the dark serving tea on little trays in addition to being invited of course it is mosilj mm to overnmi nt pirt c an i who attend the movie in ireeptmns and bung inrludcd lahore the vast majonts of m ihi ptinipem colmv s social mimen remain at home and on lvpiiis the warn in found tha the few occasions when thev i mcmbir of tlie universitv staff go out thev arc in purdah or eiled thev love to cheat a little though and who can w- blame them the women go o about in groups of two or thne and it is quite tvpical to sei them peeking out fmm behind their veils at simethuig which interests them and having a flood giggle a howaver the women are slowl becoming more em avcipaled not all are in pur dh these davs a few even ittend universitv and work in flic civil service bui thev lave a long wav to eo vel be- ore thev are treated as havingj qua rights j the marriage law- ecentlj been changed len no more than three and the husband musl first wife s consent before tin take another wife into the household he must also prove i fie can support them hoth i m in spit of the fact that i moslem women have been fcducated for centuries to out jwardl accept this idea as their flot in life thev could not be educated out of feeling such strong emotions and jealouv a sthe great weakness jgamous marriage tem the jb imajontv of pakistani men have r ci me to the conclusion that is not worth all the troubl emotionally as well as mfcall and as a result the custom h slowly dying out 0 juit as tn axainpu th warrens had a neighbour w vt ir t hi i stinhte t d ften rhr n fhr of the i s ultirjl t that nvpr wifjlfm divvn to th ven pomec wimlfl frniiflswi ut lamb or mntun rtlur forr infirmint spcenl de ejcie- win irvijirr h ird f the mi a ami hirr addition f of thur x siting h twein fteml ipirtifiv i virv wonder ovr the c tv pta hc it w irk to improve the con t ni mil ic aid ev nrt jji ni hich ihe under bright and ay provincial paper limited gtergetown dirlaon