charlie grimes tunes chimes for pink peter jaaei georgetown siamese wfth vicki lays product on of pmk siamese qettiryj eloier sept 29th work now 11 concentrated on uniting the vanou mumcat and dance component and poll thing the over all product until it it jut at delicate nd lukeworm ai itt ml tuning the vocal chimei here it choral d rector charl e cr met tmimatl bao comments on pharaoh now and then apt 4 i3 mam st g rgptown splrmbr 5th 10o2 to editor dear sir kncloted li a ropv of a irl ter nt to the lratrr u ill you pleat publish it in ou ijatl bajr column a parent strikes back by mrt hare on rrt anne carrie ted feet quote from tc of thete endlett noah ttcrr ttli y will be rat me and drinking thi pjiih of thr liiblf are full uf hlmor leal iccoui is of men who mock id one other i havr in minr wit lh michtv oluth tir wit frllrd by a tonr in thr ijml of a nung shrphcrii bn inamrd david intclllktil mm do not fldv ce p- column mm k toli a swift and trr don t frrraxn a cr id with rjbli punishment i their re tatt h ti wc iuit wa t til ard if thr 1 vou g t to ichool the teacher haw jou nrwr th ujht that w ii ttra rjhti n vou out f d could rrrilr this wt i d now i aik you do you rrful world uilh all us beauty know any modern parent who 17 sun mon and atari in thr talk such qarlwje to a chid mtt lfy d p fyont pafe rentrr column nparue of the unitmr if he it icemt to be a i odd co n had a very inlpiritlna head tould mi lr those itara an 1 c dence that by the very act lint lead us to the promise 1 keep thr m on a rl course don t of g v ng b rth one s sup land ou think he could alio creal poved to suffer severe bran how very refrnhlng to our by in piration a unall item damage wh ch renders a for readers that lint must hac 1 ke a book to guide his people merly intell gont nurse sten been but why not tell yur you would do well to take ographer tournal st or teach readers the whole contexture up that boi k to guide yolk er dumb and helpless and f my aubjact jpc tally as to course of aetion ready to be classed as a par what happened to that mighty second i etrr chapters verse ent that unfortunate class to phftttoh and his brat army 3 tell us that in the lut whom the most ignorant arel abovr aljf evkr sug you left your rradrrs en daa there will be scofters walk qua i fied to g ve advice gest ra parenli our creat tlrely up in the air because ing after their own lulls etc at th s time of year the fit duty is to keep our child you did not finish any of my i hope you will give this irl long suffer ng parent is in alhe and unharmed or tha aenteneei and how could trr the time prominence that undated w th adv ce on how j home and school associations you lven think that 1 was nu did regarding the same to make johnny noy school hould come oul loud and referring to ur rei heslnp tubjecl in vour front paje is or the latest one h t f rst clear against bomb tritlng to i have been under the im sur next week day should be a happy one nurr that the d preuion that the gentleman in a ci p of ihis lettrr will be it usually s ts the success if ou fnll w thi advice question was your friend irrt to the herald i am urc ve days you have to th nk dayi of home and sen ml however you should be for they will eitend me the pnv about given or your supposition snct ilige of making use of thi r it is a well known fact that mail column ritual one father is worth two muthrn if that confine uu imagine what it duci to thr infant libido blackmail li acceptable ions as the at tendance is favourably affected you rant just go un btruiivrlj llravrni to hcl no on must stand up ace rding 1 i tirades anj simper while brads are c unled this u in case onr must nrvrr nrvrr nevrr discuss education or school curriculum this area is con sccrated and sacred to thr dc partmrnl of fducation only method of rabing monej gen erally for things taxri should covrr or the kids themselves ruuld do nay be discussed oranges 4s1 lamb sale leg 0 lamb 49 is u lliu is wu r mall tkera cut li i loin 0 lamb 29f wki lamb in a basket 23 chu ic mb combination owe lit rlii ttutait im lltu 1 lb pkf tbull wui i 1 t k3a iucky hof mis w m oiooii 1 oun wllllimt ma boo houu dog food i0a i cat food instant iga coffee i poutuly assottio i cake mixes kja i waxed paper tissue ciur o i hunts i catsup cudney hozen strawberries i krrifl old eno fun cm i cheese slices i iga savoury ttohcal havot bananas j 1 suduss 7-sl- lkuisa 1 2 sprouts 2 2 h i 29 25i uh mi- iu h ralll llot kilt 1 extra hectlvit 00 in bonos tas with 4 wistinohousi 4040100 wh s i light bulbs im bonus yams k ksa 4 foil wrap tfrcuuu er chubby kleenex i humpty dummy 3s h ralu is lint u u i potato chips i hceivi 1 00 in bonus tams with sis i margarine ilk plitt- 60 3sl 2 orange juice l ttytl cuut sflull llnli 5l pure pork sausage i crisp carrots j 1 41 61 31 duulii duck frftn 14k jjk local members attend reunion of families will be i m i ami tnini k couple coming the longest dls tance mr and mrs frank croniurll rochester and thr oldest member mrs james appremimately iso denrcnd jlonvay kincardine thb georgetown hikald ttiurvjay utmur utk ims kathrnnr cordaro local student goes to science seminar ilobcrt alcundcr fihrr many mlllioniirl act in mur lh uma manner at did phir aoh in bible dayi tha aamt li true or many people in office who like phar aoh lercisa their authnnt without rteard for the welfare el otheri lew fortunate you are correct in interne nil enrsetown vftiibij ontof 7g regarding our deilre to provide hl uttoo itudenti who will low mt rtntlli and that there l men seminar al u ned for relrioui guidance lhe ontario agricultural col in thll w eked old world today on m aa an editor can you tvkl th eminar li dawrribed ai pick up the paper and readl a prrv 0 college bduoa th daily newa without readlnj s of wara and bloodihed almiut mort i300 m i6hool world wide today i throughout onurlo can you read the canadian na wrlllrn in and american new of muni r lif for thu honor rape and laughter on the nlvln lht hlahm r highway without a hudd and hlve cn accepted bv the the ever preent wonder voiced cciutr mwnman i being in thil manner what ever 11 ptnmti by lhe 0 alumni the world comma to roundation the atmlenta will i note that you mentioned tn of co f the prayer that i read i uro 3 vm h uicv s s knity to experience college life h l author and wll n h thev w is i 1 on the regular lecture to tud ot hear apeeial lecture by the lohds plfaylr becoming colleg lcu srss iy in the college laboratortea they isrredsfrwllw aueat in faculty home hov i liege realdence for teacher and principal t mr let s 1act it many child ren hati kinlercirtrn dr pitr thr weetnes anl 1 ght talked about it so juit for oh oh oh a change lei try to look at look and see chool from five year old eyea nick and jane hould go and see if we can understand rj go go hi feeling dick i not funny he been hvlng it pretty i u not funny good at home playing on ihe i they re boring boring thi i model prayer to guide u and my suggestion that the prayc- wat a ilmpuflcd form of the oath of office uggealrd by reeva true davldion of toron to since it ii apparent that you do not study tho bible i would like to point ou that you mi ed the interpretation botweon egypta pharaoh and the phar sobs of thu day and age as far ai god a law go time is of little importance the hlltory of what happened in tho days of the firs ph a j recorded in kxodus 6voric3 right on down tomhia very day k was written for our instruction that first pharaoh uvedabou 1461 bc yet the apostle psul points to those very things in 1st corjnthlans chanter 10 and lit verse 11 ho tells us that all these happened to thorn as ex j htnples or types tor our ad manlutm upon whofo the hflw of the world- abe come that statement by paul was made over 1800 years later i jurrher back to the days of noah and in matthew 24 vere u he says just as ha days of the program includes s ban quet and participation in var iom student activities seven injuries august accidents sevan were injured and 36 260 worth of property damage was caused in 30 sccldents in vcitlgaed by the north hilton opp detachment during aug ut of this yasr there were nojitllujej police eitalrrthe amount of property damage is high for the month due mainly to one accident in which a 20 000 tractortrailer rtniport was classed as a total wreck ys data in 1063 there have been 240 accidents eight kill ed 07 injured and 127145 in property damage in accidents in north llalon lions jamttottmi dont fall to mlaa another octtioiaerrrfw and saturday in the george town arena the lions jam bowel street perhaps the oldest in ing the pre schoolers and a leader or more likely a tyrant at ahorovi thil age so now he s espeeted to be madly enthusiastic about hi c l i being propelled into a group of dack to achool older children where he a a a i nobody for ashgrovites this is bad enough but he y m0 sepl 4th could put up with it for one lhoul mother heaved and now a anal hit if adure lnl john kltching r eorte simpson spring and anne walton attended ihe id and mrs hlliabeth buck lbui kilchlnil uauon reunion georgetown conducted a mem at stanley park erin on sit oriel service for those vho havr urdsy sept 8lh 10fi2 the pre kd since the last reunion sklent mr jack anderson lea 0her wh psrlicipated in side welcomed ihe members of the programme were mr or the can and acted as muter v watson burlington ir of cerrmonirs for ihe aftrr john kltching hamilton mil noon s programme of mutir and mrs carl kltching woodstock tun assisted hv mrs robert mr jack anderson was re morning a week when there nothing better to do slowly the realisation hiti however thit this is an every morning deal aye there i the rub to ipend fifteen or twenty minute resting on a blanket rem like a great idea to weary adults but it becomes a form a torture to many an active child and perhaps a retreat from reality for many a shy one lots of children don t like to be dragged into llmm this type itke to be left alone joining only if and when they feel like it a chat tering bubbling and oh so con tsntly smiling adult only nuke them more end more un easy on cold wintry mornings they used to sleep late or alt pyjsma clad before the television wst chlng captain kangaroo sud denly they have to rush ar ound constantly prodded to hurry and for what to go outside and freeie little won der the whole thing seems pointless motpre sehoelert hive bean using ordinary aclssors cray orj and pencils at home to be presented wih the king sire variety only nuke it harder to conform to thev fetish of staying inside the lines concenljlecrled by most artist many a childs unhappines could be alleviated if his mail der could function exactly with hli school time table a w0r6 or warning to parents encountering the ichuolworld forthe flfsttrme if you hould run into home and school this will hplp yv understand the strange native a sigh of relief their offspring lovable they are were out from underfoot and trooping back to achool and with thtm went that age old queition mother what csn i do that wa aked a million times dur ing the summer holidays some started to school for thr first time taking the first step to- wsrd eventual adulthood it s big important step hut a each year aeei them progress we sre sll proud of their sue cess the messenger held their first fsll meeting on sundsy af ternoon at the church with 34 children in attendance they opened with the messenger prsyer and a sing song the theme for the worship service wa thanksgiving and tha scripture read by tommy rud dell was on the leper who re turned to give thanks offer ing taken up by lome wilson and dennis mcclure and dedl cated by john nurse yha children were then dlv ided the youngest ones 08 remaining as messengers ttr chsrge of mrs john bird and mrs harvey nurse whan they studied thanksgiving in bible times the older ones 013 will be explorers in charge of mrs john mcnabb and mrs bruce mcclure and they studied the emblem purpose and hymns edward bird had soma balloon contests thelma carney clos ed with prayer and mrs charles austin served refreshments there svlllber n se in ihe church on sumay mom ing lb allow ovwryonmo attend bethol anniversary services at 11 oclock and 8 pm anderson milton mr robert hadden hllngton ur robert anderson leasldc mr and mrs colin anderson oakvil e mr bert campbell lxindon and mr george hume toronto spatial prlte wara presented to the oldest lady present mm john wesley kltching llimll ton tse oldest gentleman pre ent mr lrank iromwell ilo elected president and mrs margaret sturdy toronto sec relary treasurer for the next reunion to be hrld in 1064 the vice presidents lectad were rrv gordon hume nllg ara rails and mn duncan convay kincardine sjumbera war present from toronto guclph hamilton kin csrtllne woodstock branlford cluster ny tin couple marr e i corgetowi acton milton un the lones mr and mrs fran c cromweil rochejer the youn nih ny gesl person present john hume t nl aur from niagara rail fie couple with iorl arp the moit childrin mr ami tfohgktown mrs fllia mrs ivan harris acton ihe hem nuck mr and mrs r u newly weds mr and mn dou thompson i glas anderson acton and the noitvai mr tom mcgce richards super discount value store next to fro patltino let an mill street 0pem only hiday 1000amto900pm iaturday 1000 am to 6 00 p m super values r ladies beautiful ladies seamless mesh bbags hose latest fall shades only 67 melmac wa it 1 mkmac cups 9 cwtamprcmasj9 soup bowls 19t only 22 good quality paint -only- 2 pt tjal 2f reminders about your ontario hospital insurance khu imfumkbl saurtat fwhavituu u required for your aiuruoe from row oil ohtaia ftrfvlecilmfl ftvn hi baulk ft hot juul or the cwhwihtw khuk imfturbdi th family petaium nutt he paid tt cover husshind uul wife teji vour pruip or j yevu pwy your lartmiunu direct notify thatommituoa khhip insunkd1 follow carefully ihe itutructioni on tha hack of the certificate of piyment atcrm 104 which your tftloyev u required to give you alwiyi left yw uulrulal insurance oeitifkate handy dmt amd mxhtju sowes cmunssiull sih vomu tet totmhtd 7 owtuw protect your lawn against white grub damace winterkill m uy jul if yu i missal wir uwe my bthr tri uuant ot fjil ttktlm m uy jum ut tu urii if yy hi it wniithklmit ta r wtlh atminwttlti w ntoytninumihiowwmt sogreeh 717 firt1uzer white grub killer hfflii5lrrwunirt oaieirekbiawn onlarte x