printing pubiishing ta etcraa e4 ranmlthacs lac 1w7 aa fltmf p asset m si georgetown herald dm eoaska tfie home newspaper for georgetown and district ads that pay meralera qtmutm peeass h tw 7m01 yaaejer llaaej tw harale u mrs aietbeftastd a seated dw mail tat office deest oetewe ok ttsuraalay jasmtacy 23rd i94 400 per yuq sbaajie ceety prates tm cmii heres a switch uru with ih nuiubr 10 000 this la marked difference to on4 of the bumbcr distributed locally ul ytr ttsrting at ww 1063 plates uu1iuhj kr were tjuile prti for ear bufii d car clubs with models that were msd lis the tarly i wx a quit nuntber of tbw ob- tajnj cf pistes to match the ye lb model wu prodorjd peter jones photo comic book with a message ml bftoomhcad ton of gootown cancer society president reg broomkesd hudies on of tlia 1 000 comic book i smok rrj and cancer that were distributed in town school recently its part of the local groups dr ve to tod uc a la youngsters of ike danger of smoking s itory in this luue no liquor increase news from georgetown outlet liquor con- mluioner c hairy mieppard and other officials of hit de partment met after receiving propouli for an inrreaa from on tana distillers the rtkiri said diatilleries have received a directive from the board uytng price will be rud riv4 bat these twwlt be too teak oi the tuwi to avoid panicbuy in by the public a quart of rye pure bawd at an ix 110 atoir generally coata from 4 13 to m m and up depending on the brand gin pnrea are about the tame but acotch u hisher a rabid fo which boldyjhave bn bitten by challenged a district man anded animal ui do haa been shot near normally i would have pro marmfr of the irol board store in george town fcd krsncu uld tues day that at vcll k received bo information on a liquor control board propoaal for feb 1 price increase i know nothing about it iftoluv received no tnjonnav oon about it be uld but ma comment came in the face ft reports of an in crease on forecast u for a sot 7sc increase in a 34 ounce bottle a canadian press report atated that the liquor lorn mayor sticks to claim that town highest taxed cr jim kmmeraon erlllclxed mayor gibbona on uoiulay for bia atalement laat week that georgetown u the h latitat ti sed municipality in the prnv ince and produced a ut of bill ratei to prove bia point but the mayor ttuck to hla guns and reiterated hla claim that hqma owner would pay let taxea in other towni cr emmeraon used compo- alte mitl ratea which showed geortmown with 73 07 among higher rates he quoted were jrawpton 16 43 comngwood 3 slrtsville 818 parli tt 74 and guelph 100 18 1 vou challenged ma whn i disagreed and 1 ak you a itsin to retract your state ment said the councillor you haven t proved a thing retorted the mayor i dldnt mention mill ratea 1 uld the highest taxed and i still say it vou can t prove your atale ment said cr don poweri i can answered the mayor reeve john hliolt uid pub licity about high uxea is not good for the town deputy hceve hunter agreed the leai publicity the belter you don t know where 6ur local newspapers travel he added mayor glbboni uld the beat way georgetown can be adver ltm la for council to endei vour to reduce taxea in your election meaugc you aaid i shall reduce the tan rata but you have to have council a cooperation utd cr poweri i can keep that promise with your help but if there is animosity i haven t much ciunc uid the mayor reverse decision now include 2500 in budget a wek ago lliyor tiibboni won a eouncll iklrmuh when four councillor would hav in cluded a 12500 miyora lea in the budget to be uted lor con ungenclei if he refuted lo m cept it aa protnlud lloiulay a new motion to set tlje 2300 in lie budget witb a croantry in revenue on the anuraptioa that the allow ance will not be taken eon vlnced deputy reeve hunter 1 and cn voung smith and tranela to change their mlndi and mayor glbboni wan left h lone in oppoaing tbemotloaw thla u ridiculouj i feel youidolngjhi forajiurpoae but you re making youraelf y look rldlculoua inatead oi me the mayor told council are your conaclencea botberedt j r httdebrandt jocjiiamotloii wajuuit inv tended for mbarruamenu- m la graeioua of yu and t appreciated- not to accept the money out we mint provide the office of mayo with an al- t waiweba aalilj cr powera uld it would be licence sales slowing wam feb 28 deadline wo of lioaac puts bats ta- ktt s stamp cst plate wbli hd sold okry id dooafrthor hrw ruowtacj aiaooat to bait la aajuuit sale oi dri h aofcats rvnaina brirk vitb people ruirwukt tawir ue- cmooe to drire a vehkie 7isyr htdmluo has teoo aosocl to fmhtuary viih bo rhuk of an extefuioa department yjtielil aji hop- ltw btijine will pik up vut the paat fe axa la urwn tbrr has becd very utile laat unut ruahlng to obtala puus and u li bupd tht thu r will prove aa iuvlaii tu local irftic at 41 ituja suiitb u oped ucb wk- day imlii i p m sod od bfelurday uuul 1 txt o clock iinu lrurk plaits do tm bee hot pot ato po sold by council it rull pollution survey brings tf r v xzj action by town council a turvty of watr polluliii in the iilvnurlt stxau run niag through town waj rcnt ly recrivrd by cvuhcii from tk ontario water jufcource cuminlauiod monday council moved to iniplrntent throe recomtrienda tioaai in the survey thrr garage owners who fox charges man dog tests prove it rabid property abula the stream will be atkrd to clear garage re fufce from tlie creek andavoil plaring any more wbwj ii will find its way lo the aire a in the tqwjj imlf will clear oilier debrta from the vreek atul hie two paprmllla wij tw aake 1 ay coiuider the n rammendationa in the repi rt abiiut improved irratment of waste the latter declilon wai not unanimoua mayor gibbons heeve uliott and deputy ree ve hunter voted in opposition we dun t teem to have many new industries coming to jnwn and we should coiuid er the enei we already have the eras summed upjhe mayor reverse decision and keep municipal building town gordon wingfield rr 3 ge org town shot the wildeyed animal through the head with rifle after it ruihed at htm cold that day so unur i in from s driving ahed on thejwait until cordon returned property wbe it had apparhome ahe told the herald nlly holed up for the day j i m glad now that it wn a report from the health in sa cool u it wsi iij sunday anlmsls dlviaion of the den- 1 the wingfield farm it at srtment of agriculture thurilthe corner of the 3lh tjne of day cortfirmed that the animal ihaqueilng and no 10 sideroad g vttona ided tail fall was rabid j posaihle internal injuries mrs wlnsleld uld- ihe dflf u claydene cbissson 13 of had actawi strangely all day to study assessments georgetown planning board has been asked by council to mske a atudy of houses aaes sed ss single family edwllingi a tlroni plank in vlaywi itmaonv tlarrtion plstfonii thia year waa rrtrhliuo of the pres ent munirtpal building iat yrar council sold the building for k 300 st the ume lime purchasing the old pot office on mill st for jlsotxj monday tiie mayor won bis tlht im m vote council dreuied lo accept she offer of morris goudrkelung and kd wiener to relinquish their purchase of the municipal building at the same ume they drcldt- 4aell the poat office at tjp slflooo of fered by the twosome u part of the deal the 1 000 the town nets will awarding to finance chairman john blliott more than recotn pense the town for legal fei involved in the chain of ttans- pople are third la nuraing hack mayor glbhons won support injuries sa the rcaull of broad i from reeve lllott deputy side rolliuon st the mountain reeve hunter and cm francis viewgurlph st inlerieclton and young to gain his point hut the other four council uld and this includes a dun in eortetown hoipital are lor put up a strong fight logeon in the basement irred kquirea sge 20 17 mack maintain the status quo aa dec gr lmmerson charged sale of the post office would have an offer by cr powers to repercussions among voters b- tt my shirt if legal cost a do cause the building is worth normally i would have pro- w v ii a i all bably drcur i the children and i i wo 10 hospltal alter taken a walk down to the drw f ii ml ing ahed to aee what the dog loiiisioil oh highwdy had found but it was too 1v hospital i4iona decidrd mauhictt goudikttrriwc which disputed others who uld the rww building would provide 73 per cent more space not even 50 per cent he chair and stay put on main st a tide luue in the discuuion arumf hen the mayor and cr rower got into a verbal rifk ange alkmit prwedxce of taot- loua a powers hjtiratraon motion ta rrtala the pot office bad reached the mayors hand ftrat when tbj selling motion wu read to council cr powers ar gued a point oi order the ma yor uld there is nothing bind ins u to wbed any motion mual be breaentod to council thst wu the fourth or fifth you received you put tt on top beuse you favoured it uid cr power you arvnt going lo inter fere with my conduct of meet log unless you have something to back it up answered the mayor eyeing the shd and barking eontinaoualy wtoa oortl c about dtaak be went to tnvu gjte as the man and hla dog approached the door ot fhe shed the fns ruhed out and boldly challenged them the dog kept it occupied while cord returned to the house fhlch sre being used for rsi loaded hii rifle ahd killed it he contacted the veterinary who got in touch with dr w j mccabe st the department of agriculture office in bramp ton the foxs bead was sent to ottawa for tests but for the extreme cold i the day of the incident mrs wingfield or one of the two wingfield children might dences by more than one fs mily requesting this st mondsy s council meeting the board wai also asked to study an amend ment to the toning hy law which would prohibit uruightly accumulation of garbage au tomobiles furniture which co uld offend neighbouring real dents the glen ttd with badly sprain ed wrist and other altx ln- ttse rnopta1 betty jean pattcnon 10 of 2 wlmw ud wrenehed her neck and hack in the accident the injured were all in the 1061 sedan driven by patterson that hit the aide of the car driven b leo v nyrne of galtf u it rrotted the highway po lice aaid the patterson car wai we it bound on guelph and by me was travelling south on mountainview the accident happened st about 10 10 do it my way despite council vote mayor nice ta have a u00 neat egg to otfiet overexpenditure in some other depaxteient do you fntend to get 2300 from the ratepayer that you dont intend to abend aaked the mayor reeve elliott reminded him that the j1500 would now be on both the revenue and ex pemiiiure aide of the budget after the vote waa taken mayor gibbona had a parting tally now i know how you ean apend tuo boure a year on council work whan i aeeatuff like thia be remarked councillors on monday vot ed to have roluunni dealt with in the order in which they are preaented to the ma yor banhflr dedtlon tnani no thing to mayor gibbons who tald he will continue to con duct medlnea the way he want to the motion camr atter an argument bctwen the mayor and cr powera during an ear ller debate on retention of the municipal ofdee the council lor claimed a counter motion had been preaented by him ftrat and waa altletrackecl by the mayor you need a procedural by law and without it thlajnntlnn doeant mean a thing the ma yor told council it doesn t matter how you vote on thla hi conduct meetings the way want to anyway reeve elliott aaid it had been council a euitom to pre sent motions in- order a 1m1 motion for a procedural bylaw has never been implemented he tald i think we need one when 1 tee to many members apeak ing ao matajullmee to one mo tion the mayor aaid ngagimbnt the engagement la announ ced of patricia gall scott only told tee laughter of lira audrey scott and the late mr herbert scott tollr lome tbompepn aon of mr and mra harold thomp son of glen williams the mar riage to tajje place in knoi church parlour on friday feb- riiary fourteenth at aeven o dock in the evening reelect bob lane as parks board chaimtan bob lane waa reelected chsirmsn of the board of parks management at the in augural meeting friday the board operates the mu nicipal arena with tta aif membcra appointed for alfk nating 3 year terms g ted king is vl chairman and dick ueata is treasurer arena manager don coaling continues aa aeeretary for the board committee chairmen thia year are ivan crabtree ean teen ted king intermediate hockey jack gudgeon minor hockey art scott property a look at the weather january istb wed 10th thura 17th fh lath sat z loth sun mthu hon- 21at tuea precipitation high 21 20 29 55 low 3 is 14 22 14 stjbs- 41 24 j7 raw high torweek 41r twr3 alicia fcscbu urged pm name harley minister the halton county liberal association didnt bee their wish como true that lultoa mp dr harry harler4 ele vated to a cabtftetpoat the association president derek mason duclosed this week that a letter had been sent totrbneaainbjter lester pearson urging him to consider harley s stromr qualities of intelligence ind leadership for a cabinet poal harley uld the letter came a a cornplnte surprise to him jm aaid the asaociation had in mind for harley the poeirof mlnuterdf health and welfare for which ha wu thought to be particularly auluble continued on page 2 not exceed w 000 led cr young u rmiuit lhiswiud be a future ai this summers can uoniai if he is wrong property chairman bob krsiv els clslmed the town could not afford necsury renovations to the post office cr hlldebrsndt mainta ned that the poat office could if necesury be used u it la without apending sny mo ney while cr powers preued the point that as much as 17300 can be spent without advrrse effect on the budget deputy reeve hunter a strong opponent of the move laat year produced figurei much more 1a lection and my plstfortu iu be the ume anawered mayor he utlmated 00 000 would have lo be spent to ieer ovate u the bo i wing nds a new root and heating syaiem the municipal building coat over 80 000 everyone will be happy to know we have it back and a white elephant has beed handed to someone elu be uld earlier in the meeting a ratepayer and former council lor cec davidson had urged council lo reconsider lis pur- iode gift o wknipt st andrews schedules youth week activities tw week beginning sonday january tt has bees deslfnat- d by the canadlaii cooncflof chnrchm u canadian yootai week ita purpoaw is to pro vide special opporttanities tor youth to expertencej wider chrlatian fellowship and to acquaint parents and other adults of the church and com munity with the church total youth programme and to ar- a their interest and aupport with theaw aims in view st andrews united church hae heduled the following aco- vlues sunday at 11 aw pubme worship with represcntauvea from all the croups taking lead- ins parts monday at 630 pm in atoownlee enrollment and kly- up tuesdsy at 6 m the cuh own worship service with ajo eats from 1st and 3rd george town and 1st norval packs t aong and other activities will follow thursday at 7 p m the ttth id 7tir georgetown guides will conduct a csndlellxhl eih 1 rollment and kirst class alt hound cord presentation friday at 7 the highlight of the y scout meeting will be tbe in vesta ture ceremony t parents and all other inter- va cated people are cordially lit- vlted to attend any or all at se mectingj and see fof themselves what the young people and their leaders ar doing peter jones photo queens portrait for foyer j hospital board chairman tid ivans ccoptt a portrait of the quwr from george- town iode regan mra jak armstrong tlw portrait will hdng in th hospital foyer tn i presentation wai rnaovttnjraday nloht scout cub leaders have fire hall tour a group of scout and cob leaders- bad aome firathadd instruction tifrrre1irahrantlo iea6jfloureda ceorg town fireball monday night chief krwln lewis and some of hla department were hoeta tbeyiajtora who cam from bramptpn malton and meadofa vale aa weuuia town w a demonatrauon of thesooffjur pack and other equipment and were given fire prevequen iv terature to help in their work shtli boya it j tu lavali wimm t v ujy k