jelect mrs george hewson hospital auxiliary head a vlnal the uupuij ftmshng of um gor9lowq ud district mmmfkl bospital aus- flkrj wm tefca hajstttzuf ow of to ci to john t am- atrooc who tprwaud hojajihaj tmrsl mrs u koocfctoa convener of thr cvxoudy ftitt slsop in the hospital hudml ova tljfcoo sod us- president mrs- walter frs i ruaj- 1000 trosst u tncrml fund mr- arastmax cotpud wfcstf at lyboh od prmtrnd tossr thank apd kppr- r aaothor tltmjmbt din look ple ui kirt u 11- oo ptmenud kin i k m put presidents pin fend paid wbul to lw ior w faithful mvim hi pruunt r um pmt two r had her rtjllriojvloru for uk sumd ftflns iiriliry uri kp tas gtvmi a tuj tbd uuf- r tohu front tjw cuii toiwrt uri tuy wlndb knad llw prwenutiod tb awitotsu me in ws enducttd by km kp prt- ins with ti kumllury ptyf um nijmitfj of lb january meeting w rd by mr j crmhud in th sbrf of r rdln4 tocrury ur over u uw nomination chnir nu mr lan auugh an who pmitii um hftb of officers diwn up for 1664- mr mnu- ftia introduced wv kelvin johnston of sc aad uni ted cfcuroh- bev jhnioa se as election rheirman for utcweniag tw kww officers o th ceor- jetown end disiric menmruj hospital auxiliary for 1964 aa follow president mr gnorge heweoo 1st k president mrs hotert thompaoo hod vice president mr bucfaanta 3rd vice president mrs john mills reconttntf sscreury mrs- j m- intyre correepondin secretary mrs wer berry ttrctor of volunteer wvirntf mr john curie ttw- twa4r peh stv 194 tmb mail a claims householder water bills subsidize industry operation flow jaycees promote pen pal idea for local students coh wetiiwf of th auailiary reewcd with br bulwlui eo- pie of tb cotiuiittr rporti for tb yer thu dltpud with u tw fonsuminjt trid- iti of tw rvporu tt u tnee- bni phnud copy of tb iniwul utavnt for the yar nwlint jsn aiit 1064 for both tw euxiliry id um it thop tb kneeling wu then turnd lmclow noyks ckc4 continue to vpcar in tb nt bf friendly rlt ion btwri coublriw all bvr the kb but th corl jww r doiom tbeir- bit to tbir proil of ttitairnktioa- hi fridahlt l opntiba hoay h jkyrm intcrtutlonil lde thal u beioj puhd u lly by 0ef moryrutin who kid lh corgtowii tbd of u batioi ih jayc boim opitibn rlow will do much to crtilt ftw frumibip throuxb f application foriai tuv bn diilribuud in til georgetown public bcboou holy cro4 s rit school tnd tb llittb kebool ojfrriag stl pupiu b tweii thj ftri of b and 17 thr cblifac oi eaublubihg pixt ptl links in court trl of thelr cho ice a lut of rounlrii is in eluded on the appiicitlon ind local rhildrn spplymg ran tick off one or tnoe depending on how murb time thy want to spind wrllinje ikten si bxr0 street krury uc1 to the editor cc mayor joeph cibbons cebtlcmeot i hubmit to the uspayers homeowner and ten4bt of n i ro vktck tutuu in reeerdio payj rour new ew4vtv plajrl how thuncw plant was to bpaiilfo waa jpvn in sdl- rvcliv front the onurio w trf heauutee cumuiulwn and jreti atu dictud t mvra rouocil mectioj 9tu name ly apfu 23d jun 4th and autist ntb atcodinjl to tb ruhnj ut- utitted by thia body and rrd in council teauiuit mc of th rot or wattr uti by ithr induatry or lha humr owner luul wauud with otum lrtwt l0 u i l0 vrloun connlri iwagv burpoier in a matter of wki tb cm u w deliiutely vtaled at the l54wi aoiuiiitioiia will juvaauitwt nib neng by the un mmr and addrwi of myur lhal the onus wa on their siiknd th pa ioduatry or hamuwutr to tilabllth by mflcrinjt whatj liar rvnl meiubrhlp drtve ihey rtalmed wu no win r applictloj frocit gorxt owd will w urwerded to lru bdurt junior chalobc hesd tuahera ahd then to internat ional heedquartar whr lh application will b dealt with rliuuxcd in the gat aquatntrd kiu at north helton golf itid country club ii just now ihow- nig its affect thirty kurala have filed forms uylntf the about the ortfaniiatlon and five have become memben an rffertivf ipeaking rourte turned to the kwrs tb juration wil rilied to the homeowner uung water for lawns rar wsihinif etr at would no i h returned to 4p are intereitd in laarnlng intirrjthr iwm and it wu ruled they would have to have me ter on outlet uted for these purpoiei in ijiile nf this niltnkroun lot underway kebmary st h ril has had the audacity to bob llurke who rondurtlng the rourst ll well qualifjrd for the jul lieing a graduate of something like three such traioinjt program schedule making machine choked on bridge dates kydmm hah the various legion sport i tourttatnaftts are normally held la an urtcow plica tad stay-to- follow order the zona trophy 1 competed for and upon being decided tarvwrtl lop teeth re present their respective zone at thi district and so on to the provincial and dominion aus a monkey wrench bts h a hurud into the works and he baffled at isaat this humble writer w have visions of the echelon boys who arrange such thin as sport schedule sill ing in shirt sleeves around i table labouring at their talk lit wink for no accountable reason a fiendish grin spreads from face to face replacing the hard a mart of toil a skid he just been gietsd the district and zone bridge toumamant date bav ben in- terchangtd- w it sure every thing will slip into normal place eventually but presently we find the situation interest lug a week ago saturday our hranch 120 uridge playing ex perts journeyed to st cathar ine to try their akill in the district tournament and proved themselves to he the beat there mike lorusio george wilson jack cooper and kart rmond with easy grace took on and downed all comer to become make allowances to industrie in this regard j wlwtfru m tru to the extent of only 5 to 15 f the wjler they have uied this in affect is calling up on the homrowner lo subsid ise industry in the cost of the h h r tewsge plant tliis ii manifestly bramplon pldvbrs show unfair n indutry enjoys a r much ouer rsle for thr water joyce heth local ladies in cast the district uridge champions normally the boys would ssy on to the provincial but bold it nest saturday the zone tournament will be played here ia georgetown iri order to de tide who go to he diilriei which of course has already been dwided as previously stated all this no doubt preordained but yours truly will be there am louily watching the zone any way our knkrgetic ladies saturday february 33 rasrks the date of the ladies auill lary dance the proceeds from thia shindig help pick up the tab for the ladiea sports pro gram a large undertaking j tickets are on site at thenar some or the ladles at thr dance should be limbered and loose or tired or both becausr saturday afternoon the gala ill be hurling halls at the zone rowling tournament at port credit at this point a word of caution to the ladiea to keep thftir pinkiea from between the balls on the hall rack and keep the halls off the toes swo llen pinkie are no good for eookiing and swollen piggies are no good for dancing 0 50 draw lucky winner jim dobbis laicky seller bob williams two local ladies mrs van leuwn and mri sewec will be members of a as rungclad horua hive when thr brampton players present spring crack aip at the nor val riviera on friday feb 28 the show patterned on the aucceiiful spring thaw snd somewhat similar in format to the reviews which georgetown rotary has been presenting in the past tew yean pokei fun at such problems in the neigh bouring town rusty water traffic congestion and parking star performers include gwilym kvam soloist who hsi it usei thii hs wen brought to the i sllention of the owrc who politely and as uiual pastesj the buck back to council and lays it in their lap tim would indicate that thu rommlision is jut another uielrts creation of government and could well be diipcnted wilh as to the rounnt if thi ac tion wu ponwired by memb ers who are auoclatrd with the industries receiving these concessions it would appear there is a form of rontlirt of inlerest to the taxpayer which fashion show displays ingenuity in designs georg kennedy home end school aikwitlwi held e iik- cewful eoeia1 evening on sat urday vel 8th unocf the chairmanship of ura w ijuon the committee of ure ttnirm7triirjcnnwn ura e delliel ura g cetty tod uri r hall oreentxm en venlm of earda dancinfi and a comic fuhlon ahow lirerc getty waa in charge of the card camea and preaen ted thepruea tb the lucky win- ntn kdlm bih ura burke ladiee low ura curke mena high mr albert eninan taena low mr charlet kelly approximately 10 parenta and teacher enjoyed the evening dancing to the recorda of dlac- eplnner ura n pallchuk with g corbett u uc spot and elimination prliej were won by mr and ura unaworth mr and mrt deane ur and ura tdrjiel the door prlie a foot alool wai won by lucky ticket holder ura k butler the dance hall decorated by ur and ura c smith and ura alien etyjje in appropriate val- added ji romaatlc w wauoi enline touch inlermlaalon entertainment waa enjoyed by everyone prea- ent aa ura m balnea under heavy makeup and even hea- mer jewellery opened the f anion sbow acting ax eommeri tator aod introducing the rateat gantjwtoan atjlea lira balnea pointedoulthat the gowna could be dealgned by ahynoe pctaemt aa they were jnade flppis tm naoat lardinaryi naatei -wai- wlhianngert aax lilna aczubbru the hard working group of parenta and teachere who made the coatuuea then modelled their attractive creatlona metallic draaa by suale glit ter made and modelled by nan ey ntirrie llouaecoat by uargo blackhorae made and modelled by haul cor in drape dreaa by lilly drapeahape made and moddelled by kay butler cot ton dreaa and a i raw hat by cinny milla made hat by arnold carton made by cole plunging neckline by al plumber made aid modelled by ada enman print dreaa with apring hat and ahoea by dorothy poet made and mod elled by eileen dean pin atrlped ault by pinny stripe made- and modelled by sylvia brown box coat tnd pill box rat by arnold carton made by audrey uuiward modelled by glen uaclaughlln bmahod wool dreaa by uary ba ba made and modelled by evelyn unaworth and finale uy sin by shanghai ul getting over whelming epplauee aa joan bilk modelled in abnri tight aklrt and aweaier chewing gum fran tically and puabing a baby in a atroller ther were ample retreab- menta provided under the dir ection of aoclal convener ura k ballfnune ur u lovell prealdent and all the commltteeof the george kennedy home ev school aaaoc katioa extendeduthank you to everyone who mada the evening ad enjoyable the jocal bual- attanded the aoclal night ibey bona we can make it an annual ayejit both ahniild remember at th appeared at many funclloni imnrit municipal election town and dutrict ad gwen ul j thr prricnt rounril ahould tie prominent canadian opera tci ify thia condillon at once alnger llnldrnta ot iroriielown initially aiael in contribute ahould read the article in the couple of pirre in the toronln dailv star saturday february bth pauea 1 and 0 which rieala with conflirt o interest laws pertaining to prartirea in nniniripjl rounnli your truly kd a iclcra ahow timca and contrralor editor till doolr ended writing the whole acript the chorua ia directed hy inora francia who with her huaband held the canadian championahip for ballroom dancing for 8 yrarv the riviera evening ll a dou ble header following the per formance the audience can dance to the muaic of the liar- vry smith orchntra curtain time la 8 30 aharp nerval resident served overseas with 164th in world war i on tuesday february 11th herbert ii hunter died at his home in norval he was the se- eond son of a family of seven his parents being the late hu bert hunter and phoebe oat- rander of norval he was born in priceville 68 yean ago and moved to norval with his par ents around the age of 3 he was a resident of the village ever since except for two year oversea during the first world war when he spent 10- 16 to 1018 with tfie lfuth rat- lallon he was wounded inac tion and loit one lung x he attended norval school and was employed with thegr- orgetown lumber co from id- ad to 1058 being semiretired for the- laat six year he at tended norval united church he u survived hy his wife may bren 1 ton william and three grandchildren rick wen dy and debbie thro brothers and two listen stanley of hol lywood florida tilly fmra i monk toronto nixon of chi eago r mri w davldge shericston and clarence of chi caflo he was predeceased by one brother andrew of glen wil ham wbo died jn february of 1062 f th funeral was held at the meclure funeral home geor getown on thursday feb 13 with rev uoyd nf free con ducting the service pallbearer were bert bont alma clarence oatranderuut tohvllle bert campy norval hardy bam hi 11 norval norm an fend ley norval and arthur ford acton flower beerers were pet mul ligan toronto jim mulligan toronto jack davldge sherk- ton clarence divldge ridge- way lloyd waddell rockwood t lb w wufrd breen georgetown george m smith georgetown interment was in hulcrest cemetery norval fei swifts iga special 39 luhicrtfon miatsavi i cm swifts prem or oi itnh sav lie swifts stew pard dog food 0 vv iwtrri baby meats jtwti ivr u shortening oe4en crest hoi bread dough lk 99c yoniattf t viaubu clarks soups 4 tuv 4s sur 4ck oh detergent 99c mccortnlcbs hony save sc graham wafers n 35c family k milk or ass cadbury bars 2 or 49c kelloggt fruit loops v 29c swifts premium wieners- fcaoooutb mihuu swifts sausage klmium succd unoueu swifts side bacon 14a peach halves air freshener toilet tissue cheese slices 45c 45c t 69c 2 41 ua pl hot cross buns 6for39c hosiitahty ihurarb pit aa 40c peanut tumi ctuiie wmna pbg 35c 2 47 kruaa l f4 if m 11 m we ra- rthl limit ouant sunkist oranges madoz 4 gf c eat tiivli us mil 1 ci new cabbage 2 29c us wo 1 cfij crisp lettuce 2 35c ontario 6rwn mushrooms uk 49c dainty bice 3 2 lb pkfll- ric midi nylons 4 pra s1v9 limited suooliet extra a total of 3800 receive a 110 bonus tape with mestles ouik wt all 3 lb tin beceivk a u domus tape with liptons tea bags pt al u colgate toothpaste glanl tile wilh irm tvatkbruah receive a u bonus tape witw iga ginger ale 3 m ai bill strawberry jam iga 14 alter rkceivi a s3 bonus tap with margarine cal j ilk ajika- in bonus tapes receive a si bonus tape with cooked ham tabur si t aa m- cooking onions ja 1 or s lb bluewalwr hicucb pish sticks fremx 10 tb iucky shoppier mrs f yaks 59 henry slrl 19s3 peacock school scare calls local firemen senior public aclioolera gam- bolwi in the anew and the amallera pupila tnok aheller trom the elementa in parked cara while peaemk schnol on the 1th line north of llalllnatad belched amoka friday morn infi the fire which waa checked before any aerloua damage re- aulted came about when papera dropped throuith the hufe floor regiater in the oneroom build ing were ignited by the furnace heater jacket the pupila tiled from the achool in an orderly procesa- ion followed by iheir teacher although out ol the george town fire area peacock achool drew a truck and men from here herauae there waa some confualnn the call waa turn ed in here for aome reaaon fire chief- krwln lewla explai ned and even though lla not in our area the caller mention ed that it waa a achool and that waa all t needed lo arnil aid in a caae like thia lla beal to check the fire first and worry about bnunderlea later peacock achool ia in krln townahlp and the acton fire department area the george town truck left when acton arrived sunday valentine tea for catholic womens league rrd cupids and hrarls was k ood mrs it llultrtf and the traditional colour thrmrlmr t llruitt agisting the usrd to drroratr thr auditori lladtrs wer mrs t white um at holy crtms school nnllrown owl of thr oth forg sunday krh oth whrn tbe cajtown and hrr urowniri kathy iholic womms lscnr held lyhrri lhhir wiiytr dehhlf thnr vslrntlnr tn rnnvrirdstrilr ann marir mccarthy uy mrs odwyer and mmmonifa while dehhi- imay k haxtrr and pamela maher playing in the liacksround ad ded a final touch to the voclal afternoon mrs it svrord in rharte of decorations had covered the tables with red and vhlte table cloths adorned with contrast ing streamers place mats and lowers pouring tea fur the gutflts were mrs c walker mrs j ivrsons mrs 1- lleeney mrs k carnoy mrs s ilulme mrs k lelllanc serving the cook ies snd sandwiches were xlrs mr hrrringtnn who took on the job last year on a part- time basis explained that ha u doing his tvrtt under the ar- af l f l caalillaau rangement he has with the tounoi oeeks solution itp ium it would t dr iiah dvauiahsi if hr w empowered to lo rising uog rrooiem lummons t0 owners ot with councillors flooded with lo complaints about docs running the problem was turned over at large in town council dis to the administration commit- cussed the problem monday iter who will mrm again wilh with dog controller george mr hcrrinton this week to llcrrinyton scck a solution fifth georgetown cuidea fl lrn yates judy freeman su tan schattl and lynn freeman sold admission aictt lucky draw tickets on a cake made by mrs t golden ahd won by mrs k good of special interest lo many was the new ctilottr style guide uniform worn by susan schat- ti appropriate music softly are you having tv troubles call 8779924 i mobil i repi i m- ut prli and your troublee are over fail effi cient repair aervlee in your home cut eoetly repair bllla enormouely lvibbile7laectronic repaitsexyice palcpnir nca charlaa dr thinking of a spring wedding now is i he time to sec about 1 diamond diamonds ar f6r a lifelkna mak sure you select tha itneit whatever prica you wish to pay get pete matrons price an a new ivmtiac puuk or acadian before you buy pcti masson juotohs ltd acton caorotown if you dont know diamonds know your jewellef welnvile you lo tee our saleclioh of quality dlarnondi art mkm nil hiiiuner wtmlrarilaj iafraimmf is ti uutvekit avrtkitrihrm lawbmbm boughton jewellers 5 main st n phomi b774313 delrex laundromat special delrex market cintri fkle drying for all paid washik loabs february 20 1 tp 6 pm february 21 1 f o 6 prri february 25 1 to 6 pm february 26 ho 6 pm february 27 1 to 6 pm attndnl in charge lferjipaf aart wa5h and dry clean in clean arjdkeasant 1 surroundinfu sl ka 5vi jyaw