h5u steer for careers iod valentine dance eartsr tub oiottorrowh hiaaio thursday feb 50 194 afig a hm untuuv wjntue daoct of countess of fitrauunore chap- ttr 100 fell on the proper 47 this er friday jet lath end 75 couple atuoded the af fair wfcica wu bald at north ballon gokf snd country club guests ver welcomed by tb new regent lir sam pen- fve and mr pennte alias war jery mackenzie 1st vie regent mrs bsc tlmens 2nd vice rs- fml and u tamnu toe ball ni decoraied with red bert and cupid and jta ryall od use hnytbm kings played for dancing r tba door prlxe a rod u white floral arrangement in pretty red end white cup and aaocer was woo by airs thorn aa eaaod spot dance prtaa- winncrs included mrs jack huafaam and bui clark mrs alan tbompaon and ernia bodiur mrs paul ptnaheker and mr bodnar wi in an ebmination dance tba oum was convened by mrs john elliott and a commit tee compsed of mrs david coddsn jfr stan wnsbt s jack armstrong and mr sani i varied rdyce hornby f murder charge to manslaughter spcaking to tril glotcitowrj hfjh scliooj flirt during cert prvw dy r tlw idxtol ut wednesday w janiei wrrn uft mlnor cuitgn simpson i mm j utiw canadian imperial bank of cortunevce m il kuila darw ictmciiin lt uiufk ojim juiotialion arui b while occupation and hiy4oitirpy mm a thompson ull yelepikone cocnpany mr foil cc pfodikt on cirrt preview oifl nlcj by trie geogelown tknuvn and rvofeinonal woman i club u to give htgfi tcftool girli fii hand tnlomslton on tw opportunities i gull m ihj bun hots and pofetitons wo id a ofaerge of murder vhj red uced to o4 of uaaauuxhtar rfca a if or o by man spspeared before eailrei k m ua don ot guf last thuf tb tnifl was rhutfod with murder followiag tba dtti of his brother in liw llsymood ni cfcol a tjhki hornby counsel jof the drfcnx doug uwotiirbl qc told ha court tbat tba crowd hu bid lint to feutailh tha ttlm fcrtd b urnad tba wiurt to reduce lh ehitgi j murdr to ona 0 james mckay president of 4h club council 1st 2nd itr john l this ycai nm yh htjt timi gogakwn luglt tchoot boyt heard paler from vanoirt carar fialdi whan th gorrjilown jjycret iponiored a partllal ng program fro 11 lft ar thota who spoke to the boyt roy wilion and john matthie vrun atiociates mr thompion ball telephone b lixn oepl ol labour and t ackermat trant canada airlmei notice to creditors in yhi isyatfc of jatapb vuf daaied all parioni hmng cliimi asamit ihr aitatr of jnifph young lilf of the town o gforeftown in thr county of walton rnurmin who died on or about the 20th day of november 1m3 are hereby notified to tend in to the un derainned fxerutor of the laid estate on or before the 6th day of march 10a4 full particular of their clalmi after which date the eat ate will he dutri huted having reflird only to tha claimi of which tha kxe cutor thall then have notice datvn at eornetown on lario thu 10th day of febru ary a d ida m i mandennn jc fll u ill street georffetown ontario 337 i- keen tor john willmott 10a3 chair man of the llallon 411 cluh ia dear a council called the annual weetina to artier aji friday t worn inj reb 7th at 11 am the meeting waa held jn the jloanl itoom of tha ontario tie jurtment of agriculture llil ton cluh leaden representing the nine aifricullural clubi held in the ounly in ltktl were prei ent the council u a group of volunteer leaden from live county who are keenly mteret ted in promoting agricultural mutation in rural llalton mr j a v ranna agncultu ral hrprrventalivf conducted the election of officers offtcen for 10ft4 are iteaident jaa mckay vice prendent jai carney vice prendent bill wilton tecretary ontano dpt of a nculturt karw safety council repretentative john ujllmott art ibnnrtt director of jun tor r 1 ten u on for ontario wai the guetl apeaker for the after noon ir anion mr bennett a former aaaiatant and ataociate agricultural repreaentative in haltnn county led a dinmion on the iaderthip qualttiet de- urel in a good ill club lesd er a the meeting concluded with an enthtiuaitic liicuimon the 1064 program which commence 1n most china april lit 1004 will dr bull is optimistic for psychiatric clinic lljltnn psychiatric clinic may bei long rm planning project witn no immediate roadi in light or archie bull medical officer of health told the third annual meeting nf the llalton mental health astociatlon dr ilull who hit been puth ing the project for several year told the mem ben that a county hospital had been ap proached to include paychia trie clinic in itt expansion plana rut up to the present we have had little wicceia he 11 id he explained that hoipital punning mutt be done a long lime in advance and therefore the project would tike tome i into to imtmte but when we do gel to 11 our facilities will be very good indeed he ataured member ned cm plctl c w y thorn who wai re elected president of the iiioe- iition told memberi that community 1 needi mutt comt before 1u desjrei john crohiim newly elected corresponding tecretary tug seated that a boys centre would be a good area of social action for tho isembledgroup thexecutlve elected imj nliat inoludea crwkthbni president un c w f thorn recording secretary john if a hain corresponding tecretary l w w ruwell of burlington cuainlei ibjsswvs tceainrrr and mn horn rum mett voluntrer aervicea members of the board ot ol rectori ire mrt ted i yle milton mr end mra paul ijm burlington mra n s small burlington mn m mcgilli vray oikville j w singleton burlington mra j bartrim oikville rev r r rontteel oikville mewart mcafee ikr lington mra m gllmour mil ton dr a f bull nurlington mn m menagh oikville mrt c j dunn oikville misa mary owens hamilton european tour slides shown to sr citizens the senior cit irani club it meeting monthly now butnum bars aren t whit they should be thirty eight attended s mee ting last thu rid sy evening when the president alex mac liren showed slides ha hid u ken during his tour of europe and the world s fw at ibrus sets memherihlp belongs to any one who has pastedthelr 60th birthday 1lam were made for an af ternoon of euchre and tribbsge tuesday vab 25tb inthele- glon hall iuurtg at 2 oclock anyune wco qualifies by age whether they play cards or not is invited to come and gat hog producer officers continue second term ifjllon county hof producer held their annual meeting and election in the iept of agric ulturt hoard room tuesday tf ternoon t4t tlth uith 31 of lb count a 400 producers pre tent luftt year a officer were all returned to their poiti with john wilton aa president fl mer loiter at vice president snd a r service bebinning hit lftth term sa teeretiry treaaur er mr service attempted to decline hit nomination and tug gested it wai time the job wai paued around to give other memhert experience hut con tented to tske the position when no other nnmmstions came forward the tecretsry was later granted an increase in remuneration from t35 up to jim boynton tecretirynmn ager of the ontario nog itodu cert association wai pretent to talk about the marketing tystem and he conducted the election directors named were j w wilton william price e raid carton snd a r service natssgaweya kd snow allan brownridge wally llsrrit snd dv iswton haqnetinju i lyd msy tom broughlon delmsr ford snd cameron wilson of oikville and elmer roster i w coulson mervyn coulton and william vsn orunaven burlington llalton s cohwnltlee men to the ontirln marketing scheme are j w wilson tom brougb ton and ron dsvies uoyd may wss named the delegate lo ihe hilton kederiilon of agricul ture qfltarlaitfefr4santallvs john wilson tom rrougbtnn and lloyd iuywexe named on urio issocl atlon repreien titlves three large ha mi were given out in a draw and arch i a ser vice torn toiler and uoyd foster werb the winners among those attending were two men from the saskatche wart farmers union who are in ontario studying tha present hogv marketing system tom arckdeacon and grant miller wmhnvlted to the meeting to ae bow s county producers meeting is run hokntty funeral on monday for mrs gordon lee sincere sympathy it wtend d to the family of the tale mn fdns ie who paued sway on sat reb 13 it the uulon dis trirl hospital beloved wife of cordon iee and dear mother nf grant and peggy luneral ier vice wai held on monday reb 17 from the uckerua runenl home with interment at the din emetery the hornby ball tub held their annual meeting last sun day night at the home of john rvenstra the election of offic era was held with jamie cunn ingham t pndl blake tummi inglis vice pre idenl mra dnug bbrbb iealie secretary mn irnet tchiatiom howden reimirer del re 1 area retidenti will he meeting il 70 weber dr to itden i uiled t hurch ps night with a mirtrl to organuing mftt lail sunday nifht at ihe a recreation and spnrta pro home of mr and mrt jack gram to vrrp area children fries with ten members present busy during the summer vacs the meeting opened with a hon tuojuunblbf h fclo rnqukiw tsd u accueed be srrmignd ml a uijum tvlirt d gg tad mm trul take place on ma 6b uaglirt ingdon thtt r duad the cbargs to one of unlawfully killing ray nirhol thereby committirtg rruiilnal nistuuughter h told the scum4 wtll be rmtndd in ruslody froit week to wek kail for tba aretutd waa wt it 13 000 rub or yiobud prhrly by wb and tba ixrd s prayer 1v ultauti of the lsat me lug wrtf read and adopted an invitation wta ricetved from the yps of si andrtwa uni ted church in fiorglown in villng fden to a square dance at ihe north trafalgar comm unity entre on rridiy night feb 31 at fl is pm wilms maton wsa in charge of tha topic for the evening which was youth snd alcohol the meet ing wai adjourned by rill mar shall and 1 delirious lunch was served by the hmteis ongtalulati n in mr and mn maymtnd 1 lant on the hirlh of their daughter on sat reb is al peel memorial una pital temporary layoff swells registrations during tbe montb of january ibm 364 person wcx placed in employment by the national employment service a ctmald- erabla increase over january one year ago when job were found far 367 persons at the end of january tbare rv 1b60 persons registered for work at the brampton of fije an increase of alinoat 300 over lbe number reclatsred one year keii mrwver tblj increase was caused by at one week uy of at 6o of our large employ ers wbcb occurred tbe last week to jouary tbse man are bok lo ork now oueouy the number of persons registered dropped feuddcaly tb first week of february the fcramptofl otfais servs cbiaguaeouay calvdod all of dufiwtrti county sod ptt of kaqueslttg township ihculdini ceoigeurwd 1 m make t ml rosedale floral flowers for all occasions widoimo awanoimimtf con9 t cut klown wnd funrl betfont w w fiowmi 2 shirts e laundered free w th every dry cipsntriq order value j i 50 or more feb 20b fa 3olh ly 8 s hlomsjiomal dry cleaning 200 only catb and carry fnm ii mih j barrage rs cleaners dyers is miih si 1u cotlh sr nrruti vhenbuick builds alejivbhe a snmmal uotorsl valuc r brampton school of safe driving we will pick you up at your home special attenl on qtvan to nervous drivers 1964 modal cars government licenied instructor w mclaughlin for enquiries h 4515061 collect 3d caorte st n orarppton m- a- buick builds a nighpriced car and puis a lou price on it toti of cir ate irtlltsbre pnoe j bit hiti wheme ihe rtjimbuttt eodi for instance dot any body elu in ltsabrea clau trealyou to that gntl buict ride or impttuive buick performance and new ti economy no and who elx ivet you 15inch whii finned aluminum front brakta extra ctuhion as6vk all its a huks id for mddleuat travdcriand separate heat duets and controls for the rear seat right again nobody in lesabres field but lesabre it all this makes you think a lesabre would look awtully nice 1a your garage you should see how nicely it fits a budget who to see about it your buick dealer who else ijs4 a hollywood netreu wss told it the msrhage licence window that thu law required that she record all previous marriages before a licence could ge issu ad good gracious she called out we v got a taxi waiting be aura to watoh tsuacot and zro on now fhowlnd on uuvlalon cwk local hating tor tlma nd ohannel pfetimassonmotors jtd 124 guelph stkeh 8776986