coowtt council scots prove thrifty ask only haltgrant this year annus as thirteen and fourteen uid um captain 13 girl can con tinue their e4ucatlon while in the salvation amy can and rrri exams set by the depart teent of education at the rehabilitation centre far any man don oo hi lack frw wb and meals ar jven bowwr he must reflatcr with national employment service and be willing to a the floor w shovel the looy w dont tfcinlf its cubt to spend ud ato the kilt made lu appearance at hahoa county council this month when the lome scots thanked the ceun tt for its grants in the put and fft tranu in the future in keeping with the proverb ial thrift of the scot major il l uardie aecood in command the fergiment asld lor paly kau of last vjar a grant or app- admalely cxjo0- he explained that ust year vreat deal of expemc jaajooo fact was lnrurrcg by the evcentsifcm of the colours cfranony lut this yer ho major event are anticipated the liirne ficots are the larg est militia unit in ontario ton umid the major nd wr judged beet in ontario at sum aner fimp tie inionnrd court dl that tw former li col j tjlp for the blind l boo barber who wad preeeut w the llallun uuajr feat a- now a full honorary col and 6rlatlon 2nd the navy l that conn smyth had btt a uf callid 100 it appointed tlnnorhry u colon jonh ambulance another puamht urprlm fur the john tluwsrd council bumbrrl waa that fclat jutnlilob 3u0 thr taipaytutf tngery on omo- unwilling to work captain remarked he concluded by pointing out that all seheuoo army per buy their trwn uniforms and all publltr money o4 to aocial wurk council also approved grants to the canadian national lit area schools wikiend music festival entrants aa is one year old ir halton nearly 1s00 north helton the areas alcoholics aflon singers will jam robert little t aaaociation marked oue school in acton on march 14 year of existence last week and 39 for the annual north the aa which meets in the ifuton music festival students i county town includes some from 14 school in north hall geortelowe members on will participate in the kest 1 to mark the first birthday ival which will run all day the group held an open ml march mth had in the rwning oi siarrh 25 the 14 school participating three lrtm iiuum two from acton and speyside norvai glen william campbellviue ing last thursday wgbt to which anyone with drinking problem ur joit curious was invited there was a guest speaker a a tor m bee pointed out brookviile suuo ulllno heigh that the association is e fellow ts wmehouee sod pineview are ship of men and women who teved rooms rooms ajd under three rtaujhare their espericnce ktrp and ovrr u kth and hope with ch othor and thrrpthat tny ny their root rooms and under men problem ktd help other vaxwty nf lykostf rtcoyer from alcoholism vhe vouniesurs will alnr fh only fsquiremcol for song such as aurus t mevvbrrship i tb doire to hbephed uajtlc in tiw itili atop diktikliig there arc uu drupe buokody sons of tkdu or fine fur a a laruilur kcsllf worn all lb world tht a a if tt allitxl with your lad yw a latr kirt tin any ii driiualhatiuti iwjii trout and iiotig til cladui tkn uianitatioii tr iirltltullbd hfeides primary junio and the thief aim of the tnrm wni6 rlolr prrfumlrib thrt untli to ktay sober and hrp will b triph duet for cradri olhff kifoholri tvftnv bo 30u fcttd d htudvnt and tripl rtrty sociiy of lr dradr t and 8 puill 1 he turmbcr rclsrd slcdhol the futlvfe li ipooord sh 1i at a projrikivr likcar t by captain core klhj a grant to th halloa county nuhy haltoh county thst u irmursbl but can of the balvtiori arnjy that heaaaocullui for lularded child k awutlon ballad did hot fcrk an incftmae in grs rn w alao approved but thj nts but would be tnoiv thjh twiurir was aakd to con satisfied to hawe the um grant tart the board of the thr as previous ysr uul is iuu arbool in the counly to fin the balvitioti army ha look out th number of puplli in ed after uhiuarricd mothers afh ulool to thst a from halton tome a young could be arrived at u add another fire truck mutual aid area use n dr mccauley says deaf not placed as retarded truck yhc eioeckt6wu hirald tkwuy jjurtb i 1u4 vacr t ultort cutttyfl flr wfhuitkh htcrfcil by on out wk when kt lullou county uutul aid auomtlon w prentj with a welcome ih a ibm thv 500 tlloa nbihuy told h ilory from pumper kuaplt wile iuip- tt n1w buffalo and llw bll na tkat will b avallabl for ahou hct irmjrtwif and nifrufncy b who ln lndl tha puwpr uloiud to lh sfrplur wai mi by uarbjra v6intlal covwramonl and wai hrnrta jo w ormrly uaad aa an kuo tram imk o uk vhlcl in ih st calharln ucclur nill of ut u arta accommodation b ton wh rm a prohlam uwiv ami lh mil uu cirt ontario kir uanhal a off u joh nudtsrn wli mmi aakbd to find it a new homr chirie o fjplorfn am th halton uutual aid urr ed by ucclurr keith lllhltal aaaociation applied for uuitln and ken wcsabb ii and permlanon wai finally ur chli auitm had an ci trcivl citing chapter from the ilory villon wi the only fir hall j rkm coin id halton with room to itorrl al u jolnt m prlr tka whidc mutual aid chitfl a whr wllaon noted the tcorftown reld lhll lwm iloty ot m ball and all other fire hallt are tbj nuri tlmlly n m rlarbr in full use i nun nafciet after ttaa truck feature a alx man whlcn url jobn uc aer nb aa it wai onsinall denitn rl cd for working in the north wfcem man could not rid on yhe lympalhy of ie gorgelown dnll dc k w ao b below the requirement uccauley reiidnl of lb of the fchool fur lb deaf north llallon aaiociallon for b f 1 the bunihme srbo a team rstsnlrd chlldrr u hr ef prosjuiion nirn lhor finds it difficult lo bhlrv oughly invfttiustrd hit mentjl that children othrr ihsn thr rspshlliues he ijil s child rrtsrdrd eould le plsrfd in thr muil have an intrllivtirr quo retsrdrd whooli tntit uf mi or utulfr he was roinrnpntlntf on s rr i hive never known a iw jf cent ktatetrifnt by furmrr tor child to allend s trhool fur ri onto ajfonsul football plsrr isrdatr unlru he hsv the add ftfv ilobert kumhall mlntiti r itxinsl hsmtirap hr vaid of thr church of th iwf in i sujaerintndant ihnsld ken ontario thit the goverrtmriil nrdy of the school for thr deaf of ontario hn not provided at miltun didn t agrrr with ann proper fsrilitirs for dsf per hrv kumbsll s complaint shout soni who are sgd or rrtardrd thr fsnlitif hr is id thst thr hrv humball mid some chi school n provided with comp dren were plsrfd in rrtsrdcd lrtc fsrihtiri as laid dwn by children intitutinm not be thr orpaiimrnt of rducalion csutr thry wrrr rrtsrdm but he admittrd thr children are hecsuv there is no other plarr reouirrd to mrft itandsrd laid for thrtn down h thr orpsrtmrnt hr thnught thst t w poi with sn olhrr trade ichool ble deaf children could hr the whole subject of thr found in schools for rrtsrdate rrtirdd rhild i s drhatshle rut hr also thought it histhlv point hi said just vthil i a improbable thst they would si rrtardrd child eight new congregations constituted in halton area com slncr its inception m jan be back or uda of the truck munlly eatendad to mr md 10i3 unlled r i f a it carrle 1 000 feel ot jw inch u c n dick on tfafe loaa ofln u council hai red cross dohors 200 fet of threequarter inch ned booater hole there la a 500- trallon atorafi tank ami idationi it wai announced al the annual banquet laat week horace tank ami h tiraei ls tl contretatlona are si pumpa water at soo eallona per anrlllr i nottlpson o j andrew a georcetnwn si minule tha alio a port j fi iztlsra nd mpl rove ok abl pump hand pump eatin 0111111 jlone uuara vll s1 s d si ulabera tpotiiehta a 34 foot a at smith paula uurllnbton si sleph 4 stone lid for thirteen yearajan ion the hjll i nrne park dixie cxtanainn udder and a 14 foot roof laddar oo urt vehicle ijon arthur th bsst luke a on the hill tba provinc retaina owner ilr on katurdaj atand trinity clarkon akip ot the machine and will c hoapltal two itudiea of church locat pky for any major repai nj eaquealm he wai iona in telecled areai of hall n two resular blood dunora lo the georgetown hed croi elm lei were calld on for emeru ncy tramfuiloni tail w4lnrida brt tuck 30 queen si and dou ward 40 norton crete were contacted by the georce jtnuti llranch of the lied cron the gcornctown and dl mrmorlal hoapltal alertrt ithe ion of the lale john andlpreabytery have heen carried in lo emernency tranafui altklbovm uartaret arthur thompion oul on initruetion of the coun ton requlnnu ihelr particular ill attended dublin school la i ell by a firm of profeaalonal i p exololeta messeilocrs mov wln h p lojplanneri and aa j result the lelaila of the rinorucnc acton where he waa employed met suilday aftemoon ft acton tannery sn com 9 lug o georgetown he hsd the kxplorers and sfseng ers held their meeting on sun day afternoon in the basement with lesders mr john bird mrs john ltuddelt mrs john jjjcnbb and mrs ceortfe wil soil in chsrge there were pre- aenl ten meawenfier and they opened with their hymn and little song and then they hsd prayer and all repeated their made his home with mr and mrs charles lrdwidge 21 king st v rev norman young conduc ted the funeral service on ba now established turday st the harold c uc being selected council has been able to pro- re not duclowd gram requirements or church sites in these areas to the year una why altogether 15 new church alte have been purchaed in y ju p eluding ihosr for congregitioni eonautibake sale luncheon clure funeral homc and in terment was in pairvlew ce metery acton fatlbearvra were j g gob collier ro bert mcmenemy roy hansen motto they enjoyed acting out karl johnson kric londesbo m gwme after whlcjh mrs johnjro and kdward norton acton latlon with professions plsnn i fden united church ucw held their r ehruary nieeting at the hams of sirs 0111 hi with 11 ladies attending mrs frank hall presided for the meeting which oprnrd with the thrme song and prayer the banquet was attended bv about 175 representatives of various congregations in the halton presbytery and hsmll ton conference turning back time series p rva com mid rs carraca atjtaft koff 88 uaavs junior r froz vegetables j rawcv igatofflao juice iga tomato 400 4ga potato chip2isr88c boo rlouu 4ja oo igmogfood irttoo rtolmtauty dutch athi ml m 4s otlsiifs lairtlty wjws v 40 ju rhackf takcet mild cheese choacf iga peaches mstant iga coffee iga cat food 4 m 1 ajicmttk 288 4881 v88c 1188 davids biscuits wim oo mjakrsturt hot atoss turn vk otmisnrf umom kumt l 4c 3i v ww l umii g 1 fancy corn o iot q choice peas 6 tau tims g 0ievap milk 6 r d beans pork 6 -a-s- pfc khmiiv um 4 s 7 sweet wckud mamuu uah mllb culid wl r kail extra conage rol 39 iri special fesc conibmalum omr o o f i social kl combmaliom owr tablehlle sliced llcht bacon lb lll 10 ur pki yablkritk wiimert tabli kile fi oi pit mac t cheese lqaf 88 back spare ribs ou choked j beefsteakettes 55m ajplw dllect ifom sunny liatail ka tklo hav tb iu impsrlvol jaffa oranges 59 florida grapefruit a w f 6 39e crisp lettuce r c u s 2 35c garden fresh carrots 2 sunkist lemons mv fresh dates s ci s uv w iis daa 35 39c im komue yae- lv m fc y misk toothkast v imk lot 34 tea bags til lea thai pv lw a u 60 bu ta wll 0narch cake aaiv pouch p or ikj jjjule olnurr1 oelsey tissue i eral 10 oi pf carine tuhp u 3 lb pk earmh rn apple ble ihicken law igr ckc onions sj all canadian sale at we unnve the ight to iimit quantitih iga iucky shoppei mts p namink 7 ewln si 10 17 l why wait for spring avoid the preeaster rush use our selfoperated dry ceaners 8 lbs for only 200 launder your clothes while you wait delrex laundromat deufx makkey centre exclusively owned akd operated by j e evans and a c evans ideal for drapes etc takes only 45 minutes t bpysohmeold flketbrigade tott was oeotoetowns nu brigade circa 1900 and thalr iwortofwpbwar fire warjon holdlnfl the halted it q9o adamj jhe picture wis ken in front of the fire hall on croaa st now occupied b a fumilure builnau recoflnlia anyone le mra vlmer waite rave the lie 1 vollon the scripture waa a chapter from hie study hook tlui woril anil the waj rejil by mra frlmer uay the min utea of the lait meeting wer read by mra john hamilton during the bualnets period material waa handed out for aprona to b made or the ap run aale to be held at the ann till luncheon on may 13 at 1 p m tile gueat apeaker will be miaa ethel chapman nf tor onto a bake tale waa alio dl ctuaed for the near future in streeuvllw with mrs bill hill to look after aeeurlntf a atore and a aultable dale new dish es were dtacuued mrs j cor dlnsly waa chosen aa convener for the luncheon with mra harry lowden mra john ham jlton and mra frank hall m latlnf mra garnet hamilton will be convener of the apron table with mn jim hamilton aaalatlng the program commi ttee will b in charge of mra elmer may and mra wllmrr mason the bake table wlllbe ln charge of mra george ham ilton aaalated by mra cecil dowllng mrs harry lowden and mra john hamilton the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer a dellcous lunch waa-acrvcd-by-iho- menibers of st ahcavs united churclt georgetown and and eden unllted church yfs enjoyed a social eveningand valentines party at the north trafalgar community con i re oh friday naght feb 21- the let tele aon a price on a neu ontllc bulck or acadian before nu hu tbyk mass0n motors ltd aoln georgetown i 1 hall wai beautifully decorated with red heart and cuplds which were made by mrs vict or mcculluri and the decorat ing done by mri wllma mason and jane hall gall medium and mulh mason4cre in charifc tbb program muslrwes bud plied by ruth mason ruth break llouulil ilreavjilid ucrry johnstoa square dancing was enjoyed with murray may call ing out lunch was served by the st andrew yls hev johnston kept the evcplng in order the north trafalgar comm- unltj kuchrc club held a very successful euchre parly nn saturday night job 22 at the north trafalgar community cenlrtswlth 10 tables in tjloy- the euchre prises were won by mrtlclam wuolimuaiora mecsrron mrs edith march- ment cliff norton pun kirk ami llulph fcatliorston a del icious llnch was aorvl by mm aa delbcrt downs and mrs kerry jopsim the next yivty will ko on saturday march 7 vi i