move or demolish school to go under the hammer tk historic scfkocj on r4o- 7 highway at tha unw housa iclroacj otvm storey on room school mad ofcot- 10 by the consolidated ickool at limhooe will ba rnovd o dmolikect th lestclmarfc will be auctioned t a sals a- propvty yuaieday mrc4l 31 by ha dwparlrnant of higrwy of ontato to be conducied by euctionaer j a elliott sotw of th o roomati tojd by rke townafwp scrkool board have besri told to irdividueu fo homes o grolpvio nieiirvg heu but pesumably the dprtmnt of mtghwy wenli to nov live lort scftool out of hsa way for a highway widening jp0ect kerr s column mr ktpohts to geokcetown om qulihrt mutil by geokg kill emergency measures tesg vacation members in rally exercfe tskag picmy tar h tw iual aartnai iwtf lecs- im bed lirj a pwerural u4 iw fcjm uur the had tla be asa4ahamr1t ther wu cast l taw coumty lavorved 1w nlir staged by tha sport club saw 1 cars take off at ml- tsrtesw iron a starting t al gicaaviu at 19 pl- aaaaf the laomila routa autaaftfc svis aad navigators had ia at rjkekpolnli a rally saarmhel from the car eleaj recorded the figures ai am dk radio fcnaai fanaafr wd ties lejormelwo back to i fri- u was not avmcv assdl caw or waj tisaed on iu arrival ad departure at to tas bow closely driving speed- the kovc 5onse er rocked points for i utractiou tjy the ihewtvyad saexshal whe lined the iruu tw radio wr htiry lo raawaul th toe trut lh mrtw aerilori of lullofl back la th lumiltod hewdviufcricr mr aftccrrxcm point out tb- radia wuld kot reach tht tat iaes koine checkpoints due la valley w hdl unking the ti jiiiiiii the ruy kruvrd wlwu i toppkk wwi of tkea pom ustuidluiod points k boud tw rilly rxuti wound thro- solve drink problem tyfceti a ft mp laid thii wrk ifguulion wi in troduced it qufcn 1irk whrre- by tba workmans comjims tiod art would ba taendti hlch will provide that common law wives wltl he entitled to re- celw certain beneliu in the vnt of ih accldenut death oi th m an conaldered in hie community to be her common law huilund the amendment stipulate uut the man and woman ihould have lived thui for at lent ilx yeiri unle the common law wife has a child from uie union in which case cohabitation for only two years it required tbrr are various reaiona why this amendment ia being introduced by the iiept of la bour there are many familie wliere for tome reason or oth er a formal marriage ceremony was never performed in moit caiea of course the reaion la that at lent one of the parties has a spoute whose whereabout i unknown or for some rea- on or other a divorce cannot b obtained our archaic divorca iawi fac- illuta common law unions and in many eat innocent men or women aeparatad from their l- tffel pou bu of daawiioa laaanlty or chronic ulneu find a full llf with aomeona else ralsa children and maintain m happy home however in the strict rys of th law the rela tionship li illegal the prov incial government still main- ulna that illegal or no certain laws ahould he in effect which will protect the common law wife and any offspring rult- jnj from the union the amend- iment to tiie workmana com pensation act ia a step in this direction other legislation introduced by th dept of labour this wek will provide a demerit sys- am for those industrial plants baviittf an wireainnahle nmount of accidents suffered by en- ploya durinfl count of em ployment the idea is to en- courage ufety in plantslf however in spite of serious in jury and little or ru4 negliaence oh th part of worker aecid ertts continue lo occur and man jcement takes no steps to elim inate the cause the dept or labour will make note acccord iiily and at s certain point will mandatorily rquire the ncary safety measures lo he made- a private bill passed last week allows the town of co chrane to exempt a plywood uanufacturini buslneas from a share of taxes for a period of five yean the act rcqulrd that the auent of the electors qualified lo vote on money by laws must be obtained by the crchrane town council wfore this can he done in a situation like thu the municipality fixes the amount the company is to be aaseued and the reduction usually am ounts to about so per cent of normal aataajment the idea of course u to encourage certain industries to settle in a particular municip ality which need industrial as- vumfnt in my opinion the principle of fixed assessment is had one can lnusine the result if uurlinaton and oakville star ted thia practice the competi tion could fct so keen that in the end one of the municipal- it lea would he paying industry to settle within its boundaries all to the irat detriment of other taxpayer subsidies or cooilderatioa suofa as this are usually given to industries which can afford to pay normal taxe but u a result of good salesmanship are able to con vince municipal authorities that thair plant would be a great boon to the town how- aver because some other muni- dpl tally li offerinjt a tax con- oeaalon that town is whwe they naturally intend to set up ahop this results in the same kind ol a rat race between munici palities aa la now going on be tween provinces the communi ty in most case derive little or no benefit from industries under this arrangement th uunleipal aet was am ended in 1u duallowlng die policy of fixed assessment how ever in reaped to the town of cochrane itlu negotiations have been going on for about five year between th town and the company and the town fathers bad originally promised some tax relief in view of this commitment the legislature pasad tha cochrane mil but i sunday manor concert by lome scots band trl iklt im will u ur uit of rivl 1uiu from tnuuiripal illfi decline with fiud fcur meat whtfh will b appvvid beatle fad spreads t swuu jw wt as milkmaj doni wig it utuiu w u th lwlllil irv ilx tij hi tly imt ktuud iw lo th hornby duulrt tw limj wu id km cwull ml farmer who khip milk tojlull ih rorden ind atme ivrnm lriujj in iw rnatia oiirirt w n trlrd la w uiliia biut pick up thitr milk on mm adj willuui i u a 1uw kriilay th hfillr wi krb j lii k cinhni but itarktr who rnved drru lnl priiiiil wa 1 hloiul hitl wig nd lint cub 1 tofcitfc un f brm lai ihtir fivountf lonf hliif drtual j oui jawpk brul u u i lh th itcrnoon uinc umlf f of th hornby ucw ml t ik u 5 horn of mr cliff wnuln z worth on wdnljy urrt w l t 7tj ill ilh wilh twlv ldi ttnd mr i k ing thy ilirtd to quilt in th w j ik rru ll4st seekdianiednyui siindsm sdwol crtte tla hjua wuk uw u uiltul srotr hlurk irl uldt w tw- y ubhi trn colts cw mtur aj tk l sj vbwm syild luhonvill lot llrtudj ckjdvj uu iw aj h lulu wnlworth raua- uu widanlay tval j ai in wal dlntlr w itaad ulmi aif tj u tlt dui uakt too many advlhr work fct tw vwu- w utj 1 preparation yr uckor th tuli fud iw uaitjj uapulbd w juit playrd it now tdj tmf mkli atadfl u it bappn4l and it waa a lay ad naakaaa aporthwliiu ftnria iir iuu m iw rj upm vtt at th ctri w i i morninj ami at noon vryon r k njoyl a dflicioui potlurk dini nr aftr dlnnr lb quilt waa mr taaiu ulotc rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wrobimo uatxuoiminn kamn loufchy cut ftowr and funeral dattgnt w wlr flowari w altfcri vat 734s3 t a mi thuwa mkk j 1h t7ea7roioiir only two birthdays the uaarutrate ha had a prob lem with drink th court obliged by sending bim on a vacation to htp overcoma hi habit the 25 rr old who was r- inatkdaed in custody orta week pending a prwottvc report charsed with attamptrd brk and entry of the canadian tr store caorgatown rb 20th waa trawiured tc six month definite and ehr monui m dcfiolts at mltnico ucfonfiat- ory- th accused wii found the iright in tututln kitting with k gjaj of beer hefors hint in a torgwurwh hotel shortly afl tar jha aurmpud break in w later hid fc acrewdrivvr 111 l wa4hjroom of tha huul which j k fcjld hr ulvcd 10 stteukpt n- try to th itore uagutnte j tun toutk noted th tug fcpm time in jail vry tr aiivc 1u67 tit sccuvedod him his rar- wd striiii from his alchul h bit which he his unlurcksfully i trird lu ovtctjii ttie iiisitrute was of the opinion t ttiitc otc cuvm1 spent in the refurmaury tntght help him to rehabilitate also accused was a 21 year old uraiuptou man who wsi found in ths company of tha former aoeusad at tha hoiat th second man admitted to three other charge of break ing and entering he wij given two y pro bation when he appeared be fore magiavtrate black hia fatharr whduok the huhd oh hi aons behalf said he i of the opinio hi saa ha a split peravooality tbe teen wrr srruud by cpl h u uhitaon and cat- kvsn kollin gary kosur caubrmtad his sacond birthday saturday re ruary 3sh by takio ibs j skating but i ibis eme lng on hi second birthday was no phenomenon gary i eight years old and ealebrataa kif birthday only on leap year alter the akatiog party tha celebrant returned lo worn of sir and lira ja foster garys parents for sup per and birthday cake atteading tha party were al beri acilmcr david allen alar gardiner jtn kcfeenst and rod- toey beaumont gary lives at ft oetrandar blvd brampton guss co ltd ohcm you complete home and n commercial glazing aluminum sasrt custom made mirrors fob nqui8il5 phone 4515061 jo u n awfcmpfcmk koy buak btlpa yci mfcoaaa you cfcquaa borrowing and olbt prt wwiat hnaftfrt tn a t baa way at lowtti ooal our rwoaroouwr hjlm kaapa you fron raid fcavutaa artnajkd fti vaca- boi or othar biirpo tl 1m fcunpufea btupaywa by nrovuling a ipol ptfaonal chaquing acomml only 104 a chaqu1 aad a ttoyal tuluhjin uuh m ouri haw you big nuay in uiurarf iu aumv- wiu baofc at your ntarby koyal jhajt kraadt royal bank wm f bail ft manaor goroown branch completed ttev j l graham conducted the church service on sunday afternoon february 23rd hav ing announced that he would conduct the service as an app ropriate one for the second sunday in lent he read part of chapter is of st mattews goapet aa the scripture lesson after the church service on this same sunday a large aud ience assembled in the audit orium to bear a hand concert played -by- the lome scots mil itary band with captain co lett conductlnfi there close to forty bandsmen in the band ai la always the case when thla band visits the manor the band proved its versatility by playing a program that display ed great variety several marches were played selections from gilbert and sullivans comic opera the mlk ado ami a medley from the broadway show carousel were familiar and tuneful all in 111 there were twelve numbers on the program i a very reverent and inspiring midweek prayer service waa conducted in the chapel tuesdays night february 25th by nine ladles who ire members 1 of the hpme league ot the brampton corps of the salvat- ion army mrs captsln nelson ths wife of the commanding officer of the brampton corps and mrs g munro the secre tary of tha home league were in charge of the service she closed her address by saying that by using the key of prayer we become the embodi ment of what god want lis to he i twenty games of bingo playr ed for twentyfive prizes all donated tiy the kinsmen club of muton provided jri enter taining evening when- the -kin- amen conducted their monthly bingo at the manor on wed nesday night february 28th several persons were so for tunate ksto win more than one prlte these were mrt e flax man who won 4 mr f vaaak 4 mrs a cummin 2 mrs m forbes 2 mrs g burnell 2 mrs b hartlen 2 and mrs a collier 2 winners of one prue united church ucw held their uarch meeting at the home of urs bertha grexton with uiu members present mrs klva howden was in charge f the devotional material was han ded out to the members to start a layette lo be sent to the kile kills indian mission in saskat chewan a short bulaeaa meet ing was held followed by a del icious lunch served by tha lad les in charge mrs donald nee lands and betty leanaocil thinrtg the lunch period mrs grexton took the member m sn imaginary trip to the yuk on by showing her slides which were very interesting a the ladies of kden united church ucw held a bake sale on saturday march 7th la streetsvile in a vacant store owned by mr c whaley proc eeds from the sale were 13600 belated anniversary greetings to mr and mrs kerry jepxon w4io celebrated their fifth wedj ding anniversary on march mh mr and mrs ijts rutledge were dinner guests of mr and mrs howard wallace of bramp ton on thursday evening fol lowing dinner they attended the spring thaw the north trafalgar euchre club held a euchre party on saturday night march r at the north trafalgar commuhily centre with 12 tables in play following cards lunch waa ser ved by mrs fred workman and mrs jim hamilton- th win ners of the euchre prlxes were is follows mrs john busaell miss olive patterson mrs len eyckej hoy south howard copeuhd and bill doan th next party will be on saturday march slat jk visitors at the home of mr and mrs arthur flant were mr and mr victor ttabt and family of agincourt mr and mrs claw nee dennis of britan nia and mr and mrs jack riant of islington a a mr and mrs bill stout mary aettehaiaed with twe ticoely iruh sauigs sh was arrootp th vn unit o wihaam th saalla an iacfa fj ft is wrtb a yard of cedplaiat- j mrs matthews the prrudrnti chaired the sheeting at irs con eltiftleei laaatb aad a sarial hour were eied the- ax otlob w 1 srteetliig will w a p4 luck bttppey- weilaiijay afekh 1 nash amd mcdowell hjumuno mi watmd wakrukam waa y in l k a abaaataaata ttt 72842 u fast semig faibl4ne is the ideal family r sparmng performance- thrifty momyaiid low priced join tierush tofairlane z hllli mr a aknw mn ahmi muata h uiky and a raid r aftr a nuatlnk of the hobby claaa february nth the mem ber auemblad in the chapel where they werejoloed by oth er resident or a onehour pro gram of hytmu thelnlni of i larje number of favourite hymna many of them of the reildenti own chooain prov ed very enjoyable each were mra a pinch mra and billy mv andura wm hamilton and mn deorje jla- milton vlilted pn sunday with miuel hobel and anna stout of guelph we are aorrj to t port that anna u hbapitalixed and wish her a apeedy recovery mrrandmra -albert- alarch- mant attended th wedding no saturday of mlaa lynda liamir- ton and flobert pocalincko at the gorrle united church and the reception at the wroxeter community hafl brampton school of safe driving a we will pkkvou up at you horna a saial attention given to nervout driwert a 1w model care a government lioenaed liulructor w mclaughlin rot tnquirlb tail 4515061 collect wlj avsansffses ta 1m lallriaalai me z-inca- hanltop do ol tha total parfottnanca forda bm ta caimaab more ads on tfoj96dmuriane h spring df firi ci kryhm and rwky in th wy h i- ay fro rtopln y it olo yo throuoh traffic our oornjf- wthout mortl and fjriii w j prctlcu throuah nd throuohwhh lot of rlmln room for thabhj fok ot lnl room far tlu chbdrnl ambrbw o vlrlw aklrtyay barklnol alao almw rlrvmrnyaanrlnbfeataar lanlcolw w vnbvaaartfcawyyoamtaat drhe tmtool aarlmaaoa of th 14 fajrunt your ford baalar todayl caua krtun worintal e mmliel rosjun to drive a winner see your ford dealer stonehouse sales ltd 51 ouilch ktrwr phonil tfm1 lj