georgetown herald j by hm mrapap umhw 33 aaaln sirml s- gaorgttown ontario wchhinaikw pag 4 ihurfioay june 25th 1964 editorial comment suitable for centennial a pobhc rntwilirtg usl liurujy found gorukjrbl mtoily m favour ol gf gtlowri wqurifvg cdcvl scliaa property fo toblc m w r sold on kt propel vj ikop hn lh vertittl will tot b unlvoubuu as jutailod lit wml tlm poperiy ll too ifapolnt to b allowed lo fll into ptwli hirvds ind poiiibjy tubdtvidd control to h parh of town it ts vjluibl qloenbelt irvd lvs unlimited possibilities fo publtc uw and il ts one in mtim cwste fo s3 00 pr cptt government tubudy it vubk s a wnunni proied wt vol too in1rltd in lw ti towo mitit develop hv property in lulu tttere is a building tn good condilion winch cain be used immedialfjly for orna purpot fel tfve qfoorvdt have been well tended and muit be kepi in top lhp and a tmw dnt cartakr would be must we suggast that ootm acquired me regrettable error by comodance uil s lite town it b coming interetled in the cedarvale proper ty another rjroup lpsarheaded by kenneth langdon couny magistral and uven t court udge hai alio evpmied o nitsi in the ute mr lengdon hai been concerned for year boul ihe growing numberi of ado uricent young people wivo have no dt quite homes the children ad cannot fnd enough accommodation in private homes for young people whose parents have d ed end who have no relatives to take them in and there are no publ c homes in helton lo care for them recently an organization was formed to look into a location where a home at mosphere could be given and last week th proiect of using cedarvale was broached ai counly council unfortunately the herald a count of ihe meeting appeared m a front page itory giving the impression that the group on the right track cr bill smith s successful effort m having council meet w th land developer etou heslop lest week didn t move ny mountains but it didn i create any new hills on the civic scene at least we sit down tor tn amicable discussion was the way cr smith phrased it in e report to council and he urged thai further meetings tke piece and that indus trial promotion particularly should be on the agenda it would seem an auspicious time to erase soma of the differences which have plagued public relations between council and the delrex firm there has been a long history of conflict reaching the point where the smallest incident became magni ftd on both sidei there have been accusations and counteraccusations propose is which never property should be put in lh hands of a parks cofvmilion i appointed body wti th vvoutd be responsible lo council but iki undr council domination this wckfrd successfully with ve arena nd iwiriumrvg pool such dedicated group could than sort out ideas as my came keep an eye on finances and rnngj lw property in a bus ne ke way some ratepayers may argue that an wlmatftd i 100 000 debt cannot be slvoul dered by georgetown at present perhaps it would not be wise were th s a build ng proied but it is ii acqu s lion of land which cjruot poll bly deprecate m price in future ai th very most if t were found in a year or two that ihe town mint have cash instead of property th s or vonve ouvdr port on pf m un c pal property could be sold at to los ii s a golden opportun ty for george towi and o e w wh ch few rfi dri h c i d sag rr would use ft s ts a correctional msttiut on for released pnso i or your g ohendars on probal on such s far fro i the case m fact mag irle langdon i dea i exactly the oppos te dei dents would be carefully screened ard there would be no h nt of any court record there are already such lac lit es ava lable for young offenders in layman s language cedarvale would become a modern vers on ol the orphan age but d vor ed from a spec he religious or soc el service group it would be sugar spice i wish you safety b e h yew white house rose garden harley to halton wiikly oisikvayions by ok harry harliy mp vom halton pj till- housf of com mom ii plainisl himrlf in now rirbalins the fli2 nlu ner tmn the jmtr of the oppo- the rsence of sitiun has plarrd an amend smrntary iitcm mrnt lo the flac retolutlon people rkrt and the plebiwitc quettion we hamrrtt on th home for young people wtio have nol die fmhaker t am positions of policy n 1 w e they would be treated as one big enilnirnt for i plehltflle a little- urami and ihry rxprci lamly attend academic and vocational nl hrn a week berore mrmtrrs of parlamrnl i he iu he wit aitilmt goini lumr the rrnporuibihtv i schools a- the r reeds delated share at r ul ptop 0 television making drcuinm in ihe hj n uch as poss ble n community i fe intrrvirw i would like to quntr lional inlerrnt hard on lliose the idea is huminiti in and worthy n war of mr ihetrnhiker position that n the purp t durins the debate on ihe pie for vhtch mrmlwr of pji lia man hair of a qurition lime lo or lanir and to prinl a great deal of lime and monry tin as i drove the lou tired lonely kpot and djve in i road bomc buimuy tuthf i be irs ld hl idv wut eet i to rvalue wty w tnoy wy te tck kid ewfaat ie i felw of my m hi rrk i thf hm wh deck it iag up ltr uhang nfwf te fuet a titouzb about firm kivr scattcxyl word taboo uod and wale on your boo- f usjf wu toing tir won yu uae maybe i into effect t i tb- nzt lelluw doent hae nsdoixbt toe tnatcrb to klart bu own this j radio ahrxdat u kjiowii u tummoa couiteiy d betwern beatue it k ivo common bouu uf korue you bv to u utile pdu ksolaler tgitimtiti keoave lo grt your i eatd oiluioui barbecue rharroal kutn too er than jbe wr ve trtrd i rwipu of thoaa beetlei eoort cutluamal flumjl btat there rsy of u y not enough ettlurt wfct i q daujcbuf and itow lit tve th ckarcoai a ik mmuat hnnoutartrenmnti of ood sloahinj with lawnmue- tbi dlc tockry wbo broke in tr yu then everybody bite wevy few minute to lrll lu iw derk i kultd away barkl wtlb ulutnph of mldther ft ard hurl lighted knatrbee at fchly un road ut wur th tiling ii tuay not be the ah 17 y ive ttt mp status vsy to do it but it tur tvyle ke j nrhl4 uv i hell lfts thai rbarcoal ro- ny wll ltw ii ahr liiif wtu lht about it jiut 13 y tv fcbendooej all follow ihfw vifely hlnu and ke j uavu ty uok you will nrvrr havf fcny mora twa 1j lekremmi worries atujut sum hut or ahy- i but by oie i itm have uk i kome low for my fallow man lh wib oncf a vtr whelhr i hke bible thought 1 or bu i publlah untie aafe y ujttl ly binti on hunting driving ruk inc wttlv trying lo get alon with nsei or a kimilsr perilous t lie intereil for eiimple whrn rattan njf never knml in the tuilloin of tlie thing 11 too liard kneei use a long handle pad file and paddle standing rfhst way you ran jump lh rolla over if ynu re mere ly a patitenkrr starut in low to thai you ran warn of roc ki lare lurth or water alls if ywre baalum wtlh an mitbaard tolr dh t be a frald la jlily a lihl uki alwaya ifh a db ilrato aj i at ik latl ewxalvebu nt ctl yjr ilr and swing the tmlar hard evr swa day you mlfthl cut ik tillar and twine ihe malar but wmi i live farevart never take life lackrh whrn ou eo fulling you re liable trip over nne of i hem and be that u without sin you let hitiujirkl raaa a klune at hrr and they which heard it iwitig convitld by uinr own ronktienre went the uir nn hn h 70 cuvukhu is a ureal prtdf with e st fcudunie- wheel llteoed le it cart be a treaty tulde brirtqlnfi e lv and ceatanttrtaht whe terrv ifarley ri kill tur of consideration if the herald s alar ned anyone urvdt georgetown herald pwblahed w he nwipmrt limited georgetown ontario walur c hun iutdlsher caraatd uccilvray rrrwiurtion superintendent aileen hraiflty accounlint mar ikiucla advertiing ilamjfr mrs u ilium lrzi cleric tjdisi anne lumr ileportfr tctrr jones photocrapher and aftrr the rebuilt your tarkle box frisberman i urk dave haitinca arr announcel are a drug on the market but m j mcclemenu i members nt parliament are c0l tackle is expensive rlected to make derumna for speakine of fnhinfi don t ihnr ronstiturnta cxntnivrr look around iwfore ou wind al and otherwise to the best up to cait it conmdrred mrniheri of par um1t rntl to diude the people fall overboard while innnrrnl e bavin of broad o1 in lllt wo ampa and ly walking up tn the how for ir it nd itself to trrat disunity a cold brer if you imt on tlr uilh before the plrhiixite wa taking lifejaekrts tir them to hfb i siory last jerrv mahusky uember of the canidlan weekly newspaper aixociatiob and the oatirie auoeiatisn cwija award winner ilv during the debate on me pie tor vtuch mrmiwri ol pai iia ni r lr inl hlac1 on conrnplo in m1 nl ar rlrc1 the t rr hllr i rpc he jlur on lh f eel n inch hr id mrnl rrponnhllj lo ir l l ln uu f allow hr mrmlrr or tar rrlr on polcy lo prrs thai rrmrmbrr i ck out nlc business directory itament to vote on ihn quei policy to parliament for con fy tion oo not submit the que uderition and they h r sup tmn to ihe people of anada port and to sland and fall on or in mv opinion the taking the derision parliament lal of a plebiscite at ttui time if parliament deride thit it mav well detrov ihe unity of cannot support a government canada on a matter of mijor polu and i atf n in ihe debate our stem doe then proih got off the ground a mistrust on councils f thf dfcmon plfb or rrffr a rrfr er d part of any approach by the delrex hrm iscite wa made he said um to ihe people in an t if plebiscite is to be taken lion vole in a special rrf tc 1 um on a special wibjecl wm id tain with all the constitution he by constituent ie at d a v al rhanic which have taken cleavagf on racial or trnirh place no gosernmrnt ha ever ical line would le hikhlikhtid luhmitted anv maltrr lo the over the mi nr seven months people by way of plebiscite period of the referendum and in creat brilian there hai subfcequent action that seems never been a plebiscite in can to me to be a great disidvjn ada there hae been two plehu tage in the adoption of his cites the first one in lfiofl constitutional procedure was on prohibition and des the prime minister has sta pitr the result of the plehit ni that if an amendment is cite no action waa taken aa submitted substituting on a revolt the secopd one wa maple leaf for hirer or mi in 10-1- on conscription and stituting the hed fnsiui and incidentally took many months it wer patted then that flik to complete by action of parliament would till- piumr ministtn ipoke become the flag of t anada in the house of commons a a uh- utr ndlm would caiqht a plebiscite and he ex give pressure groups on both and e stone wall when council approached regardless of the fact that in ihe developer about acqur ng property lor ionr hstorv of gfflt rn schools end parks if the world can emerge from war and enemy nations can get together later on e fnandly basis surely ihe same can happen in localized conflict there have been major mistakes in past years on the part of the del rex firm end councils have not always ben fair minded talks if kept on a businesslike basis with a minimum of reference lo the pest may not accomplish miracles or solve all georgetown s problems real or imagined but they can do no harm and conceivably can add weight to encouraging industry to locate here news desk extras by tory haruy 1 chiropractor domalo a cay dc appointment maoa daily call tr 7 1461 i main si cmrslui chiropractor or id w cerut dc opan dally w appltmanl house rail arrngril 1774431 11a main si narlh o y watkm o dos optomiyhist 12 main si braroplon 43m47 re 5h hour i a m lo p m tuesday to saturday vrilay bam to d p m kvennc ly appointment couple looklnf lor an apart aireemenl a rolumnlat a rea ment laonine it an explanation of i it a welcome to a new pai many thlnfa ii a crowworill tor a church dedication a puule a comic a game i farewell to aomeone reurlnj lt wrlllntf that la not alway alter lonj aervlce i literary but it a the lanuu it a a home run a long pan people peak becauae much o a learn boi wore well rolled it ii what people aald bowllnr came i it prmmn in a funnv ila hint of recipe a punpner hit printer dettly pul lor hone improvement a hit ol unj type tojether an advertl we like thii description ol tdvlce lor aomeone whoi in leaman ahowtne mer uewpipr rora the wiseoo troubled i chant how to tell hi atory kin stile journal if the hrat anow awaken reporter buy at a typewrit what the little girl kedl print the hotteat day of er a deakman reading copy ia a newapaper the year and an autumn day ul wrltinj headline a pho lta a piper with wordi and with tda u eriap a the ml tographer trying for one more picture on it leave i hot iti newboy whlauing it la mide up ol lot ol in about yountater icul p ibe atreet people including ourwlvea ifi to and from achool and mirror ol life i prt lta big event and little about the thing lie learni of u eenl a the clock vent ibout lollu far away md doe with hi tevher indthe calendar and folk neil door if bout playground and pp wlh word ite hipplneii and tragedy vacation nd places to go p5 a laugh a cry and a song nd how to get there that heard again if the ummer flatting hole atnn nnn n i lta government from the md the beach it juat latin vvuuu kesearch president to congrea from the around ft t i if governor to the legislature if growth and it progress lolwacl to variail from the naror to the elly new products ant old aland i a georgetown firm ha been council end all their branches by awarded a contract by the dr- with qulnlcal fellow look- if professional help and pirtmenl of defence ryoduc news echoes rm ik pt si the hersu 19s4 and 1039 cahk wesywood onlarle land survayera iis ununtainvew rd s- yttlanole 71111 w m carr b f wited yk 73360 lus yb 4414 ingoyer thjrshoulders ifa poucemait a fireman nd others id dangerous jobs its business its industry its front window for merch ant fanuspbr their goods its 1 lots lost dog record at what hip- to people of who did hawimhtl service its note hospitals and clinics do it bulletin for a church a temple a synagogue ha a note on veteran or ganisation a service club an afternoon tea its d big atory a little etbry a feature atory lta a pretty picture a stark photo a page m pictures of big events its jti newljmnirrled i an jrfllor view a readers dls- what tlon itwa announcedhere by hon c m drury uinlaler of industry varlan associates ol canada lid was awarded a 9mss1 re aesroh conbact it is one ol 140 uncueallflod defence contracts for ylfvmlor or mora awarded by the de parhnent during the tint half of may total value tne con tractsis 7097243 10 years ago 0 over 400 people signed the guest book at ihp lunclouse reunion sponsored by the knox church womens asso ciation 0 robuilding has already begun at the graham boll build ng whet disastrous half million dollar fire occurred faflny ot the 165 employees are ongsged tn the re building work j aj a netherlands furniture firm will have a canadian branch in georgetown next spring fnday a repres entative of the firm who flow o canada from holland s few dayl earlier was in town looking at buildings which might suit their purposes maor renovating is underway at the old georgetown clay products buildingon xing st which this fall will j house the complete factory and office of dolphincraft fiberglat boats i it is hoped lo have stone cut pillars and ornamental fencing installed at the park entrance in lrxe for the fall far in october tho project is a iomt effort of the women s institute and the chamber of commerce 7 is yfahs ago william collier of georgetown won first place in the mile event at a track and field meet held in oshawa saturday a rtumjer df gen williams young people left on the weekend for vacation among thsm were una hill to fenlooa folia marorle schenk lo glenwood beach lillian barclay and charlene davlcjson lo toronto and vlolel louth to aclon i dax developments limitkt bullcur al fin itmf prop waller pacholok l w7 wis barragers cuanarsshlrt laundsrsrs y ym7 ir miln s ibs guelph all wufc damhpcottlwa robt r hamilton oilomatrist lift mountainvirw rl s irrrjl lthtc vor avpointmrnt 8773971 dale bennett latimer bainei lurrlilr t siuitrt douglas v latiuim ttrencf r bawh triangle 731 13 uill sl georgetown george c hewson barrister and solicitor 110 mounts nvlew rd s carrctal rulldng teorgetown yh 7mlt massage maurka h mallor r m 9 cleaveholme dr 774090 r 9075 house calls by arranciu t wallack yhompson 3rd dlvllon court clark a commlulomr yr71s43 monuments tollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery 2 water street north out ckorgattowm animal clinic 10s oaelph street v zavlrs dvm br ptr csnkllrr clinic onen- h p m mon vfvb ful saturday ol ajn kank y c h ucensed auctioneer prompt service po bo 413 tr 7ju georgetown frederick a helson barrltsr and solicitor 116 mounlalnvlew rd s carrctal building georgetown ytt 711w m e mandersod qc barrister and solid lor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 classified ads bring results tvansicklerba bsrrlllr solicitor notsry dr wllllsmi bldgj 3d main s tr 74s31 kaplan ord bamarars and sallcltara sidney kahan- 118 mountslnvlew rd 8 carrejal building 774fs