Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 2, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald i by nm hews lkmneet 22 aaeln stresel s georgetown onlario w ciwkrmw that was the day that was sugar sc spice youre a lexy smiir rur areand ouj pag 4 thursday jun 2sih 1964 editorial comment stop urban sprawl il uwietirimi tliei m vao ironi lr m out cw wktcft iut us rt tfv fce bvery dy a young ooiith fir viiitutg tt totxiy wmi of t iuk ol ubn tpl td ttt nswily of gur ooctuimaftl hit fttvur w lo build up ini1ed of round retiming rk tellr rrn unj fos podoilwvi il it not new ullt coni4fvitiponiil hv ben uqing ihu iot yri ybt it it poltlk dynile itv a lot a i council lo fcdofil ri1rtctiv friurt wti ti muvt mn crotch on pivfe rtrjrtli it it much nwi miliar or lief biodr tlouldt ol pov ncitl and fd i qovarunntt klol only it l qutii1cn reunlion ol qood frmund but t ooi much fartkr into t rlfn of toe to logy it ii ocd vw5iict k crt itrqar rd larger communilie drinmq popu from revdy tprialy vitld vest into k mu of kumiy wrf ly no afn ttw popl m hm vpfwmg tor onlo nd hrruo rti it kpfy 41 rtusy rnigkl b tn iiiviur ciiiot i k guolpti kite lienor owm sound conifiuliig to work becotifct biqqar nd btqger piobuin fo tv individual at fufcl lifwj it uled for rvouiinq wtur b coriav nw ttrce mrw tubdtvitiont uck live irflt and vluubbdry which th i rjnr ticwi can rvefver frvoy or no on a hat yt tlvived 4ft invtanl tfo ths biqqef the cornniun ly the h ghr ttv cr ite rale ihe ntoe lindane y to over crowd ng and lum tond 1 1 om the enoe problem ol keeping up with new uhooli arvd mcreawt in every c v c trvi e li l i ol a act that one hundred com inun l et the t le of georgetown would be preferable to one tin t of toronto and wouldn i our i ving lm ntorr pleatant if population were tcamered moe umforwt ly over ih vatt enpanve of oniefio loafing without honor lets bury some hatchets in 4 quarter cenlury of council report irvj w hv wen few munic pal councilt which thow rt poidntal promne of ilw nine mn isrving georgetown thit year and few which have hamprd i hair dsc utont with th petty bickering which got ton meeting after me1ing indivwjually we have at fine a group of civic adrninittariort at we have teen for many a year gollactivaly men who know belter hamper their affortt with luipicion minor argumanti and politicking which delay iv- w routine owitont thu u the firtt in many yean when counvil ui had a breather from th multi pie f1i vi lie i in a fattgrowing town when ottly the nceitary butmeta gait done tteie l ample f ne i tome conitructive dr i wti ch do not get an a yet often or an hour or more cou cillon thoot verbal darti tcotch anolei ideat for personal rea onv hark hack r any iieel ng or ii o on qies oni ng at count i t all harley to halton wukiy omselvayions bv d hafeky haiuy mp ki halton bum bill recurrent place the t b kmx bot ders of july bcfclo and it unt m ulkiii to tayeli t amubi add tat bible talla u iht coptet it ttof witboui boctour a a v is b ii own country tbcae days a puloaopber u not with out bomhir te la bis own back yaid wbo uimmef mue4 abd ud uuk fctty killy uiune tiit tw odjui in 4 id january i know ll lrli juvdi iriiiiitiinx bd tbe lawn rlt tuowtnrf and tb uwrull bd rdlhl knd the brk frarch gndj paintifli and the jkliu nd a flip on lb rr dout hv to ut oj ovrr and bipr aiiiu hk a rljjdd rhlld kist me we t tol k u m u i wij wy wkl wu iwl tklwt u fck tkm k tow w wltk i tbere bird watcluuar to b dau who la going to enjoy the tbre robins and the flick tr ttrutting und- be tpnnk ur juit like three dowagers and gigolo it 1 m not there who ltng lo thoul back tnuilti to the ttirlinga warn the iparrowi thai the rat ta ktalktng and ware olf the nulla ai they iwoop rioter and rlour lo i be barbecue if j tn not od band thrre a ruminating lo be done somewhere on thii eruy continent there tui to be one tit ting quietly thinking there cold beer to be drunk any aimittatoa can aav up the ride wit it and leave it there ttklny up vl- uabie ipoc u ukee a toucb ut the artiat to keep u aaviai at iut the ruht apeed ao that your never cluck if yon feel like a cokj uoc but are jut freab out when gaog of thirsty vialtora errivea- t1e ilouw of commona tt irgulative organliatlonal and aearch thould be enlarged and preiently in the tmdht of de financial decinona to make all an inrreate of 2 million lol v naycholoeiral bating the pearton rllm the fruili of the health arierwea ian annually over a period of m gosernment ito railed elect on time talk and generally act i ke a the group of land tot baiebatlcr arg who i wei bet nunna lht umr whch tlw bit count it are not onn wh ch limited the opposition carry on w thoul tome tp r i and no one dltrus ans lopir they u ihink the the opportunity to do thit it available to all our residents five yean kivrn to the oppmition tnrjuse without hindrance of any kind re le arch help and akitik fr all our rrromniendatlona lntrrun sup directed toward thia objective n about m j ply to pay its bilu lor july lllr commission has rec health moral effects of leu swim suit ykart filannlnaj t wj ttr hv can a chap sl dwia 4f a pllouammr of drug lor longerm treatment a charge of jl 00 per olh so next tlm you drive peat our pur and ac a rocuaa bent titure bfl h uwd tbaif inert atul ywur wif- heym that hill snatwy u a buy bum but t be doii t bgroe tike tbe rowan ycu are j tut rtwi m iul t huon hr without honour lit hb bwd bck yrd bible thought for the week ll frl irwi4 hewk a ike mmwt fcl twni lj bw tmh hw mr ha ye m uy 4pftoku ktowa 16 15 lite prson who hfcn t ahy lime for cut on sundjy ahoubj not expect hiueh of coda time during the week too busy or od a buunea too bcuyl georgetown herald ublum by um mw llmhwj corgelown oitlarlo wlttor c buhtt 1ublukir cahuu laicilway rrodurtion supertittendeht terry uarley alleea hrduy sewa mitor accountant and cl i ket a b t ol ip ce betler tl an reporl feel and latte of the food let t bury vone of the hatched n the ground rather than each other j backt at it all loo olirn the cate theie monday n ghii likely to be railed to ritcut r mtmart uiilhin th nf r there s a lot of figuring to ti le done who else around here y gilinn indecent row of excellent museum facilities mora and more civic and tooat groupi are discovering the dehghtt of delving m early halton hittory with a vmt to the coun ty mowum last wek the butineu and profai tional women look advantage of the ex cetlent facilities provided and had a lunch on meeting combining their but met t with dmner and a glimpte of the patt mot every muieum offer the combm ahon and iuch groups are welcomed by curator hat newman and the staff nor does evry muteum have as interesting a personality at mr duff alexander whose un ognned that health aervic p has been rec www c j can are the rrnontibihly of the om by the commlwon um 7 rt f ish i pruunrial coernmenu- ttiev a fed pr0unl conference m ju public have reromrhended that pa tlkr to be railed to d acuta wlh feel that thi debalr on the lirnt in mental and tuberrul thrw maltert wilhin the nett but the beit count it are a ho ot ones pearson film has bee o i m hospitals be treated ilk lt mon whi h ute too much pepper and tpol the erdnne and it u ttme t irt anv other patient at the pr posilhle lo back to the other matters be sent they are excluded from h no j la going to fgure out how lo lore the lloue or hmwn the imam hospital scheme mly study this report to date g hf morlblc extended thf noyai commios tiw it something that has it vry comprehensive re mft the note at the bank and on health senicra has final needed doing lor a ery long port and will require much ttay out of debtors prison reported it la a ery romprr tune study it is likely thai such a when our outgo exceeds our hentive report the firt vol l hildren are emphasised in plan would be implemented income by ume is atmot 1000 page and the report at well as routine m stages diglta deals extensively with health health care they have recom care the second volume i n mended that all dental and eye published as et wilt deal ith care including glasses l pro associated health services tided up lo the age of eigh the objective of the torn teen veart mission i worthwhile and ii is rerocnued that these worth quoting recommendation will he a family farm lormt the nudeu he t al af wf hundred heaw burden to the present ways w ii ng to add ti i pertonal recollec of briefs with their thouwn is facilities health personnel will tons for v i ton and tai nformat ve and recommendatlcns r wrre hae to he increased with impressed hv the fact t- tne this in mind the cornmlatinn field of health service mhis ha recommended that the trates perhaps better than present three year course in any other the paradox of our nursing be reduced to two scientific knowledge and tkills years in addition bursaries on the one hand and oi r or for nurses should be available gannational and financial ar and more nursing schools set ranfimnts to applv them ta up medical and dental achoola the needs of men on the other will have jo expand and nw what the commission recom schools will be established a mends is that in canada this bursarv program will encour gap tie closed that as a nation age the post graduate educa we now take ihe neceaury lion of speciatlslt uedical re use douglas advertising uaniger ura william eggie clerk typist anne curjle reporter peler jonei photograph dava ilaiuniti j uccltrocau jerry uahusky uember of tba canadiah weekly newipapara axsoeiatiob tad the oataru asaoclatioa cwnjl awrd winner business directory interesting gu de the old alexander barn hat been clever ly renovated and maket an appropriate set ting tor history h bitt are well chosen and well displayed and when th t ti com btned with dining facilities it makes a well nigh perfect outing for a club aside rom historical interest the beautiful view of the kelto escarpment from the muieum site m worth ihe alone trip peter joneg hioto d0ubley golden ann oouwn dmlrei titiam oolin rowis at ihe george town horticulture society lower show irrthe wrlosleiworih eudllwrn seturdiy l chiropraaor domald a cay dc appointmrnti madr duly call tk 7jw1 1 mju ft ctrlwrf news desk extras by terry haruy benny the dtp has nrrvri of steel or none at all all around turn other track rata clamped harder on their cigars or clenched their pro btbb tighter in their persplr log palms tiut nolwdy shifted their gaze from the silks of the windfield table bobbing atop a dimln utlve hoie ainack in ihe mid die of a larger pack of equines being bumped and bumping ai they breeted in the first turn the dancer wax in trouble bo xed in and farther back in the field than he ahould have been benny ihe dip had glanced once briefly at the object of everyone attention ai he cha set his competition past the trandatand now he devoted vnore attention to grinding a discerdod butt into the new woodbine pavement he lifted his eyej again to pick out the taylor colours still kweeplrig along the rail second last ut ill going nowhere and with lew than half a mile lo run benny the dip lipped his atal netl panama back on his fore head watched the wad of horse fleeb move along uhe back stretch then itlll expression- lew turned hii back ort the ac tionend started pushing thro bodies towards the pay win dowg lfialdebermjujhe dip braced news echoes from the peoa el the hereld iw iml 139 10 years ago t the fallowing wrote their final departmental grade 13 exami lait week don andenon mary beckett ola berg allan darby sylvia lambert ruth mcbnde ron mcgill eileen oates donald tilchie eleanor schenli richard sienlio gail wheelef ai council meeting monday the public school board k ed council to take advantage if possible of regulations which qllow the town 5 per cent of subdivided land for parks and schools they referred to a new subdivision purported lo be underway by the grenadier co but council as yet basreceived no official word on this if we have another school let s put it in college view said cr harry hale 35 years ago returns from the three registration booths set up bf georgetown last wednesday for the volunteer regis tretion of canadian women were gratifying to those m charge over 2q0 women volunteered lo tio what ever they can should the need arise during the present war situation one woman was- disappointed to dis cover ihe ege limit is 65 the meeting called last week lo organize a boys band in georgetown was well attended by both boys end citizens of the town mr j carter has undertaken leadership of ihe band and will endeavour to make it an oulstandmg organization the following officers were elected president n h brown vice president t warnesf conductor j carter secretary w emmer son treasurer t warnes librarian t fitzpatrlck chiropractor carau w crull dc otfan dally ky peetatniant llousa calif arranged 77tul 11 a main st nertk o y walklkt ko- do st optom1yhisy 13 mam st brampton um414 res 43141u hours 0am to 8 pm tuesday to saturday vtiday 0am lo 9 pm kvenlnla by appointment carr 1wkitwooo otilarl lj survey 118 uountalnvlew rd s yruittju ml w m car la- f wstweaj y 7ss60 r yr 4ilm mx developuents limiyi0 ttuliaeri el fine hamaa prop walter pacholok tyyull er 17 mis barragers cuanriswrt tundtr yr inn ib main s 168 guelph all wk utte h twvmlsw robl r hamilton otslemetnsi 118 uqfintalnview ltd s urrrtal bldj vor appoinlment n 8773971 dale bennett latimer baines lurruurt a ulumw douclas v latiueh tkrenca t baifliaj tttiiula taui u uill st uertetan massage maurice h mellor r m 9 cleaveholme dr 1774090 er v075 flousa ealli by arrangm t george c hcwion barrister anj sellclter 118 uountalnvlew rd carretal building gaorffatown yr 71111 and 111 a cifiarelte above him in the athnds and in the corridor the bilolntr grew to frenzied homing a deafening din then the wave of ahoutlng auhaided and grinning faces swarmed to ward bah from all directions queuing up behind him tjttle wile eyes shiued rp himself at the 50 wicket and idly in ihe brown leather mask l u trat waahhe face of benny the dip aa the cashier exchanged cash for wi ticket he recoun ted once like bejtlng ihe moon will rise mumbled ben to himself as he fended off elbows on his way to the exit northern dancer fans are like thai wallach yhompson 3rd divltlm court curk t conthilsalehar- tr7us monuments mllock cammsill dksigns on request laspect our work tn greenwood cemetery ohohi 4ll75ao 2 water street north c a lt aprar animal clinic 108 cmelph street v zavltx dvm dr r b gaafcln v clinic open 8 pm mom wbd hi saturday t 11 aum crank y c h ucenskd auctioneer prompt service po box 13 tr 7mfm georgetown frederick a helson bsrrlater and ululur 118 uountalnvlew rd 8 carretal building georgetown yr 710 m e manrjerson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72 classified ad bring results tvansickterba bsrrlitr sadlclier metenr dr wlllumj bldjj 3d ualn s tr 74331 kaplan ord barristers arsd klultera sidney kahan us uoutvleuwlew rd- i carretal building 77tsi k ua k lbviitta

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