holland was terrific but customs treatment irritating cobbto nluwbo s5 icgiimr craac georgetown just retimed trotm viait lo bar homeland sle paint id this word picture of eodi- itest there by cwls mwvww bow was mollandt tarrifle i enjoyed eery asdmtte of my riidt u hol- laatd coming trod tag land by hfeattraio tbe first thing yb botke in of ogm tkf wfodmllls which reminded to that 1 m to bring beck with nm- aocbe pairs of wooden alaoea or some canadian siru holland and the coiiv sbmi usrkej countries are la af warning hiu ropu rv buying dumoods te u hiveai thair mony uay femllwe oi tara bftore the tronpedt type and automatic w tm aany mooters and blcyrles with sad without knoturs driving is dufkull it u rush bour almost fcvry hoof of th day en tb hlgbwaja- tb airweis ar and with u lbe and river bridga stave ta b opened to ut th uaij tluwajjfc and that w rourae tmai another red uxht for um taolorul people ere stilt put on waiting 1uu id rant hott- of toure with th higher aauxus ther are mor osaiuuufti of buying loved to alt in a slde- walk ruurant on the boulevard ht hchvningan mm my homatown ilia hagtf vlollotauale th rolling waves of the nor then a playing kidi on the beaco kate this 1 aaat 6 akwrs dipped la a tasty uuw rolli with cooked tdked liver rout beef tu watching tv without eniwerclals and america films with the sound in german u quit a apriene imagine bat uastaraoil saying i love you but sounding tch lube xheh horrible tb people over there rfoat bolle thee thing th dalcb people must hv lwnj for tv wat ching tb brogrtm fctsrtl with ehlldrws kbow at 4 pm and flnlakoa with tbm bawa at 11 p-w- th quality- of tha proaraauj u vry gwxl th blaya btlt v7 first felash dcb aftd qflif islbihi aciora ro axcauant slaajr ouu uoaagari art wdty luivjsfkcd by tba jswmw 1 ftoucod thkl ftrat bi atnglaad tby vaar thair hair lng with tony warsns wot b it long tuu fmaay clothaa parattu ara flghtig thii bat id gnr- 1 witboat tnudl feumeas it looks awful and not very manly ltis hoa this wooh haau in our boys aw u feaatlas sebum bar brfomiabc4 tb dateb ehlldron seam lo u happy daddy gets gas for bis ear th ehlld avrvfl t urgs bag of biea eandlu ot sonu other along shopping a pioea of saaat thay tat from tho butcher s fw charrug from tba groangroccf tc tha chlldroa ar very lav portant to tham thay mra doing tha to bit for thanl you dooh sea tco many suparmarkats in hol land yl yaabioa tha shift is a has bjpaa la leuropd and girls fcra alrady ua ing about highnackad ba thing suite unlaas aoma- thing als crop aipf talk in 4 axa oa tha way otit thay want s changa faall points coma with diifr ant colorv vary handy many famlliaa owd jvfrtg ratora washars u bad npaci that not of us housewives br on duh waahars muk will u bold id plastk bottua aj hiblw halation chair taoan of th caotkalavn ihauici had croas tttsnh 1 vlalud iw kiblu ula- uonj luadquaxiars of tha uiuh ftad croaa in tba llagua tby war very kind and ga tea all tha informstiop i wanted thay took uimi tour through tha canlral tranajuaina sarvi laboratories in xteaurdasa it la like a factory girls in uniforms preparing blood hlood buanu bother tellk powd- fer ale thay bav patent ad plaatle blood bags in stead of glass bottles ta prevent braakg m i ant not tnutakea governwent forte universities and uad croas work together in this tab a had crou boat tales peopla who ar long tlua bed patients on thr days trips through tha waters front on town to tha oth ar with oburtalnuent off tred by tha various towns this boat is than book j by tha different orgsmia- tions tha dutch red croes ava hiv thalr own vo lunteer band uoat of tha uuaiclans eotna out of tha fore thay gsva an tueel unt perfortnanca in can ava wltaarland during last years sad croas ciu tannlal calebratloos it was alranga ta ba iraaud u a foreigner i kau that word by tha au- uoruis in th country whara i was aaaw and ru- wl as a pan ad tail wfco doaa not etay id holal oat bv to swfkoh u iba pollc beailqaattars wftbln s aj if you kiay longer than 9 days in holland irritating was tha treat tnwnt i rwcawad in loridon nkland on tha way botn 1 was kept in tran sit at tha london airport for over four hours with a canadian rujfport in which is staled on pags 1 a canadian citlicn is a british subject i wai not allowed ta uava tha in transit area as a british subject what aver that moans i was trcatad lik a fowlgnar we need new image jheslop tells commission ton ttmmll and ratnbr tl um iwwly tornutd lnduitrul tommlaiiou tiltt with tha du ra bvldpienu limited at apdfcl maattng held in tha bonlclnal building saturday morning to dlacuss tha virl ma ttroblems facing thlt town w tntut tlnd out what we tin do tat georgetown hot arhat garg6town can do for b waa tha way wm cumt- try ut it we muit taclcla pur problems uke ksponslbla fttlietu what aw our maar pnhunta facltm timreawnt aaardlng to tha commlulon ikcy are 1 uurllpallty rea ching a point of financial bank rnptcy x- municipal stagnation it high tax rata 4 a lack of consideration for tha individ ai cltlion and his problems causes 1 cohipleta lack of capital work of a nr- uuunt nature 1 original a greement with dalrea dvl apments limited in 1034 seam- ad at that lima to be practical but has alne proven to b lm- jcaalb carry out andr un economic for both tha uunle- isalltyand tha developer madiata maqulrrftre 1 m range planning 2 iro- graninie for new development uniform basis for alt deval- sers which would provide for toll municipal services for any hswmwes opened up 3 a two ywor plau of redevelopment for ripgrsdlng services in agisting builtup areas 4 provision for bdqute recreatbnal faclll sjm or all cltlsans 5 pro- ylaioiu or housing for senior ttlaans tv provisions for- jen- ai accomodations for now nirses teachers coming into tftrmn t new lnduatrteato pro ajdo s our young ample in order that they do fot hav to laava town to wort 8 a poaslbla llalaon committee hatwean tha developers snd tha town council llembers of council ssksd ur r haslop aevaral ques tlons tha msyor thanked mr heslop and wm sunnucki for attending tha meeting and for their fine cooperation we ned a naw luxfit for georgetown lets make it a good town to live in work in and play in is tha way ur r heslop summed i up the mayor promised to work on a new agreement with the other members of council snd perhsps to meat once agsin in tha nesr future all members of council at tended except mr hunter and ur powers they expressed tha feeling of good will and co operation that came fronrthls mutiny georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district ahiiira m linns cu mall p oku bl ottawa and w irmant taataaa in v oaoaiofl thursday july 16h 964 vt00 paw ywar twaju caaiy msaw taaa new will release proposal be aired monday officers and ncq only pros cons from deputations greet controversial subject a uetif rfmlnihcent of many to rounrll to find a way ofil tloii to the t rnarttd in e council chamber hoping private developer i trut th piblir b ttok plicp igajn ftunday moil wliat this man uld waa pt thlacs dririmaatabll ia wlirti di utau0iii voiced tdrir rithi r 1 get my own way ori a georbtowb 10khes drilling ai like camp majoc olnavai oakjto kitchlmo ganarsl offlcar conwnandino cantral cammand chah with mambari of rh loroo scols at lurrm iralnlnaj taision at camp niagir onrhalalo picjotwd from uft company sargaant mains doug wosllaln brampton and company sarrjaant maor pat chambarlacn corgatovun officers and ncos only arw takino a waaklong course in drill ard duties kremeri quell house fire believed started with blow torch lira caused by a blow torh blng used to remova old paint from the outside of the boms of ur and mrs c june badly damaged the front cor uer wall of the house friday firemen wr afraid that thsy wars not tolng to be able jo control the blaie when thay first arrlvad however they managed to keep it from break- lag through tha roof and kept tha damage to one comer but they were unanimous in say ing thlt it was a close call one of the two jung boys discovered the tire during the boon hour and had a neighbour phone hla mother at work mr jung waa alto at work in tor onto and rushed home when his wife called with the iiewi he arrived uat u the fire men were cleaning up dr forbei a neighbour had bean asiiitlng in removing the paint with the blow torch tbf flre started around the front window frame and quick ly spread up the waif the jung home was forme fly oun ed by the late miss mae mc clure the homea of mrs w j mcclure and mr and mrs j v under neighbours were in dsnger until tha flra was brought under control call offseason session to keep raiders alive oruun j ro an j c n on hie runtrovriil qutuon of rr ipjvt ol rriiental bulm nj lot llotii john uri it y anl liar rii n wont rrfirrrd to a sat urday nurning rniftii t coun cil ha 1 uiih the ire vliifn of uelrrx dim u j mrnti uing nothing new wai tuggrited juit plf in the iky again commented mr henley irt mn elusion he it a ted it waa not up gaiaud fewrmk wtt ctuapaiy 1 move out said llarnion eluded wood on uing hi nmindr council of the on 0 t coi tjnual climb in mill rate pwutor ovrr the ait arvm yean and your ttrabc b claimed uiat more houva jfcp and as i hlt would inert lie the duration ghs bus contract awarded to vern kirby collj lloth councillors c ililde bra mi t and j young polntd out emphatically that no one had evtin remotely tuggfaud accepting the promiaal the proposal waa nrver outlined at council mrrtlng monday nllht txiuncillor vranrli rvprfcirasl dluppolntment at the out come of the meeting and atat ed he thought it thould have been a rioted meeting i borx we broke the ice he wpnt on as i feel it partly our reapon nihility to find a compromise he then added led to believe that three acres have been taken over for a mo tel and the chequra for three ly briuve id th fraadoaa u the pru all th- martj fcrf out he luambami tw iaal ing of tha darvalopw aarytftt as long aa wa ttwialaatly w- suit and ulittl no 6thjr darvalopakr wirj either they oiily baw la ymm what is hciiig said tad all other develop ar away ills fioaj wwdj no town ran turvi some rtaidernual itrvmwt on the aafim subject john klllott and coaau itm young mad a toouow that vires iwvetoptiiku w ttdr vued by utur that cxtuxl i nave ueen i i ur of june 30th this uttr aatung tkw other parceli of industrial i proposal b rad m i u lsruls are in the hands of the stwbsrt bad developer right now i j1- w lirouncillor ftei cock a ulors alj that member of the gallery i u be put in eorvwpoodc ar j marked aa a member of when this political football wai heing kicked around 1 aay we have davl frpod a phobia anil heslop antl kobert antl lane or antl nxteen i any auluiivlder ttia meeting 1 should have been private hurat itudents attending georimown hith schoo wont be traniported to wrhool by scott buift next term for the first time in levenlren eara tlie oeorgtlown high ihool board monday opeid tenders for trsniporiation for the hw4 fts term and accepted the low eat submitted by vern kirby glen wtlllami the only other tender opened was that of council geortetown traniportjtion company ltd operated by mr and mra art soit who hsv bandlod the high school trana pdrtalion for the pas tb kirby tenderaj twtj wtrirta bk 4 ttw sama aid kaatr 70 pr dsy plus s5c pr mile w unalterably opposed to jar supplementary aervice and cloaad wieellngs reiterated tle gaorgelown traniporta- mayor joe gibbons no mwtarul aecondrr tba tooiioa tion company rate 73 per ing over which i praaida will i lost on a tia vou day and 40c a mile supplement read out tba mmj kaad would ba at the bait wji itiaa moat of th isiaaliis waila datlnltery al felt tba blunt and door for fdribaw x suggcal5o4 hut saf bcatdat this addad u tba not go aver with tw switches jc composition now 4 council members miolhr chang la the com- iturhedup regularly and he poaltlon of tha industrial com ifelt too that the chairman of mission was pusad at council industrial and town planning meeting monday night for the first slit months of the year- only council members war on the commission tbnat4ba end of june it was decided have the mayor reeve antutha- deputy reeve plus al laymen members however monday night it was decided to we the mayor reeve dep uty plug one other council member and five laymen mem bers then mrs now four council members mid five laymen member in suggesting the amendment reeve elliott vointed out that only th council masiberg should be on the commlulot after the pi ail rig of the a mendment to change the com position reeve elliott made a motion that the two final p- po in tee i to the commission brf councillor jim young and james linton lb georgetown raiders doea the georgetown sports public want to krep the club or sre thry willing to let the name remain only on an un told number of silver cups and trophies snd in the record booka of the ontario hockey asioc 1st ion it a in their hands a mem ber of the club executive told the utrild yesterday wlun he pieced a public meeting no tice in the herald a advertising columns if the raiders are to stay alive they need a resurgence of the fan interest of a few yeara hack he aald its im peralive for the life of this hockey club that the people turnout and elect a atrong ex ecutive next wrdneiday the raiders hookey club for yeara a key club in the central oha went into the no import woaa league last jear for the firat time because of a mix up near the jtart of the aeason that left them out of oha plana and almost with out a home arena only the determination of group of hard core raider follower who armed an executive and founer a niche or the team in the woaa setup aaved it from dissolution mimis their regular import ed crop and a big handfull of honfe brews the raiders alll made their presence felt in the woaa pushing the league champs to six gamea in a beat of seven playoff but the cal ibre of the new association didnt exactly creste a ticket shortage now that the club has imr vived its rockiest season the talk of brighter things a return to tha oha and inter mediate a hockey with 1m ports and possibly the woolng ary service the contact is for the period from september 8 1p64 to june 20 10o3 a third letter from tyler acton expressed that firm i willingness to am it with the school t transportation in any wy possible but no rates were otfrred for consideration the tenlcrs were opened by the chairman of the trampor 1 tation committee t ii van raider official aald and kickler but the committee strong public support make made no recommendation the for a strong executive people motion to accept the lowest aren t just wrlcomr to the came from h ii brcckenridce meeting they re wanted and i and uss seconded by donald needed jljiwson gvas driver shortage some take triple shifts a pies for more members with suunu- boliuya tw for the georgetown volunteer situation is ovn4oadl tha ambulance corpa was made at would glv up tba atahaalaacw council meeting monday night corp by reeve john rlliott there there is definit ttaaj tw is s shortage of drivers ha j volunteers ba e- stated and aa a result some i and if anyone is inlartalad men have to take three ahiftaithey should contact mr riua- month instead of itie one brandt cbaintub of they are luppoaed to i lance 3000 acres leased g council smith g a black well and honsld lyttle wrono tindir prici a story in this weeks issue mentions the tender price or an addition to holy cross school as 107000 it should read fliooa the four appointees named jj t 1 v last week wew w cumpsty c cannll smith n i nit th bsm stretch in iinfsmll iinfsmll isr jerseys the timing is right july 22 is early enouth to make it a reality and a bltf attendance at the public meeting would just about guarantee it a hockey club is only as strong in its executive the he proved theres black gold under the hay fields anthony seynuk presldeht of the anthony gas and oil exploration company looks on wmllar wl dannlstsf hallburton oil cementing co displays trmttube of ud oil taken from the nowly dlscowrod well on h gaoso- hall farm near hornby tha company fotmctwo c11 about 1700 feet down aftor exlondlng an oxislmcj shaft ius 1z feet the company holds oil leases on more than 3000 acrea in the hornby ara and drllllna will bo earned out on thorn over the next two years lr