tyew industrial cornmksion head twrway j jo 14 page 2 high school teachers take refresher courses a georgetown district high school teacher and a george town taui leaching hljb school in brampioa krcji ar uxunu soi techri vu litaqiniiry schools thruthout ontario who have bn uking lummtr rfrhr cour4 apottaored by i tk onuno vcott4jy school techrs krrttioa t- law- rtocc park cblufial inautuu n toronto j herbert uwli uf th ceorifrtowi hli school trktb ins fctalf and donald lkwkai j kk 1 coritwrf 0 ttw sto pole jooeai win to lyttle chief of industry seekers mit the new man at it helm of tr induiln com nn on con lyllle wto wai uc1d to tli thaiman pol la t week ht iucred deputy peav will am hunter ftiaiiudc ivjdry school taff ar th tt rum br enrolltd th jufreihrr lwaw u ikow in its tenth yrr thai tumita attracting u record tiirijjiiiitit teachers have bri taking courses n fcubjoiu from crd ix up to grad xiii including mttpniktlrj physics rhf mlt- try wench latin l ngliih hi lory alul biology twenty three in l rue turn ex prla in tltir fwld trul drawn mainly from th rank of os- stk sr giving hi courts iirvclor of the lourie it lur old l richards vie principal of la at york c ollegiate inui lute a certificate i kivrn each teacher on completion of the courir iti limit instance giv former resident played football with the argos a resident of wild wow georgetown from 1wq to 1w13 rurl uoort trow 67 died at hn home fi 1 hu stledowu hkd heidale on jul 11th horn in toronto hie ion of th lite vi r and mrs mhert ldward lyow he attended karl street school nil hd st andrew collar and a a mmbr of the otl during th first war llr played ruby ajvd football at school ind ll er with th ar it i hi wii with the anjjian hank of commerce fur our year and then was a salesman until he movrd lo deortrt wn in 1040 for hralth rraons hr latrr workrd for smith and stonf and ruttunirs in thr city hr wai a mrmhrr of st andrrw i hun h toronto he irrxed durms the scf ftnd war with the vicl ry lo fampaien and win prcwntrd with a documrnt in apt rrcia tton of hu vmu war i finance worker i hu erartdfithrr jamrs it ron trow wa a mrinbrr of parliament liberal whip and laurirr a right hand man hr spent the greater part of his lift in shakeipeare ont win re th atreet where he lied bean the trow name lie re i celvtsi large grant of crown land which he gave bac k to the people mr ttow lrar hi wife janetta one ion charles of mallon by a previous marrua thre grandchildren chirl orrald and andrew aih a brother in victoria ii c he waa predeceased by brother jim of montreal and or char lei of toronto service at the mcdougall a llrown hapel on july 17 wn rihiifurtrri b hev ariml 1 mc seill and interment wai in jo u nl ill aunt emitrry ialllu areri wrre jan ma meervild of roi iduiii w it ham truw thornhill mian trow and allan trnn iron lo icntiert s luther an i j vn toon iteidale industrial folder will promote county industry mint co jiicii got a plrijnt vliork at ihnr mretinj but urrk whm uct h llniton of arton uld t nuncil hr duln i i iint any mom for travelling or eipenics whrn hr ittcnili i the ismiitiin of is countiei convrntmn ai hall mi rrprri inlativr i he ripuinrd that hr uould i te holidaink n ihr washing ton dc area anvuay it the time of the onvintion and felt 1 it would hr unfair in accept expense monry 532000 contract is awarded to varian teorirloun firm his iwen auanlrd a contract bv the e partment of defence produc tion it wan announced here by inrtuntry minuter m drury vanan atkociatrn of canada 1 til will supply an analytical nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer lyntem vilued at 32 307 the contract is one of 180 unclassified defence contract for 10 wo or more awarded by the department during the latter half of june total value of the contracts is 3024850 ing the teacher recognition by 111 imrl a method of war hit or her trtionl luiard as a rvjng before vou tkrnd in mark of additional qualifica trad of afterward tion new subjects add interest for this falls night school rorjelown piople ronnder ini niiht kchool coursrs this fall will have a wider variety to choose frym this year than ever before i he advuorv vocational ummiimon to the eorge luwn hith school board outli i cd the tentative courses at a penal meeting at the high ihool vvrdnetday july 22nd anil they will be recommending ihnr plan to the beard shortly ii includes 25 course up tn m lat rar tmcaue ol ine ad lition of a few new classes and the return of some which trc popular a few years ago some of the more unuiual new co ires of nlud in the revised pri lnhi an fartnr lorrmin hip i in all i a line rnjjne re- pjir lawn mow en and out boards and hairdresaing and prrsinal grooming heing re added after an absence of a couple ai eara are photogra phy lrathircraft metalcraft and woolcarwnc as urll as oth rr t ir da i uill ktart in octo twr v ocalional courses will run for t unity ueeks at a fee of 10 per student and the recreation coursei twelve ueekn at a fee of av member jack cnchton has beaded the committee wor king on preparing ihr cumcu lum rellow avc memben matt todd high school pnnci pal j i ijmberl technical v duration director o w robb and r if itreckenndge o the board comprised the night school program committee a complete list of counet and an application form wilt appear in a future issue of the herald friends shower jacqueline shepherd jacqueline shepherd whote marriage lo uobert mgwood took place on june t7lh in st eorge anglican church wai entertained at several showers by friends m ceorgelown mistrs christine matthews and leme leai had a personal shoarr a miscellaneous show er wn iiven by misses joy liartter and dianne pen nock and anuthrr by her sister mrs jo- srph hirlry prior to leaving her position with american motors bramp ton the office staff presented her with an electric kettle and electric coffee pere after their marriage the newlyweda were honoured with a dance and reception given by friends and relatives in the hanover district where they uill make their home jepson not johnson friends of kevin jepson who were amated at the resemb lance between him and kevin johnson whose picture ap pea red in last week s paper hod every right to be the til tie hoy pictured silting on th benches at the hornby cardrtv party waa really kevin jepson on of mr and mrs kerry jep son m queen st and not kev in johnson as the picture cut- line stated sorry ketf report from un s1m1nar high school girls hear race problems lvs d vidian nancy hunlw vltfktnd a rxiicious dmsur- produce of us cart no 1 gr cantaloupes swat juicy siu wi oo sunkist oranges i 00 hoduct of us fakicy gbaw bartlett pears 6 39 so good so many ways f sunkist lemons o 4 fancy peas 9 beans pork 5 carnation milk 6 soft drinks 12 mick ttoccnvf tuir r io 11 nd auo 1- w tnwa u klghl v0 llmll qoiuttu ulfeyi htozim vegetabusjf a car kuack diamond wkrl cj old cheese st1x 5 b 88 2 oo tomato juice choice peaches aylmer soups v cfciuv 1 iua o ll 7 cttade a httoltlillo ieady fok tht oviki uish young 513 lb avaraga turkeys b 39 mahit uaf mady to swvl bonuiss smoked dinner hams c 88 schneidirs fule pork country style sausage special 8c offe save 51c 18 pkg taklelltesidebaconil r lata and blh for 1 11 pkg ta11erite wieners 49 88- hilv tul yamla r 19 labia aylmer catsup 5 i bicks relishes j 3 dial toilet soap l 88c 88c 88c 88c 88c 88c hospitaity siscuits aia walar u tvj hospitality raisin pll acl dempstcr ianakia soll atri 45 select sandwich loaf seaver white popcorn mc pig macleans toothpaste icwvwwy 25 72 extra this week a total of s32oo in iga sonus tapes iga lucky shopper mrs g marchand 57 byron sl sib 54 kfrtalva an extra s10jm lunua yapa wllh charcoal hrdwaod er srlqual racalva an ealra m banui tapa wilh 1auet napkins kleenex kifl or chubbia kilv w klalra km bam taiu with heinz janowich spmad kacalva an kitlra 3 00 bnua tara with seneca frozen okape juice tauerite uicid bologna celery hearts can ha 1 gracu j lb ban pits of 250 bok a 1 oi una 13 x pkbj etch join fie j3sf week of the iga weekly shopping spree win a weeks free groceries full details at the store winnings to date over 2200oo this weeks winner mrs g marcruno 57 iyr sl it 36 tucauu 6f th support al th local llns club wa haaj tha plvlt f ahbrttl ia th u n umltinr t th chva park ymcjl cahip h lak couehlchlhg bath f us wr d4blv 4m orisd by what wi uarn- d thr and w wish to thari this xprurtc with vu th ftallowloo i h llrst hi a sairua ol arrlcu batd en th alffrt t let that w dlscud lhr introduction at geneva park we were ex poutd to aome of thf many complex race pobtemn whl cb confront society today the topic waj introduced by mr karl berger a jolirviilbat work- ins for th globe and mall the history of mankind hist been the hjstory of discrimin ation for centuries certain jrroupa have been discriminated atstnat bcau of the colour of their akin their place of or lgln the ethnic grojjp to which they belong or even trivial dlavactethatics aucb as appear- ne with h developmjjpt arf nalional racca the theory of racial superiority whuse advo cates tind a sroundh in dor wins theory became a major factor in dlscriminaiinz prac tises however anv wmh tlunry is bfolutely false 1 hrre lx only one human race since all the members of int ruce ara able to breed wltnl i the racf shadings hive devdoptd over the centuries du in nvlro- ment and hereditary actors there a no justlflcjtlun for any belief that intermamauft results in dejfeneri ration mongrel iutlon it has alio beeh proven that physical char acle7ialtcwtnriorelatlomiihlp to intelliatenee aa rucuu so of ten aaert discrimination is only a sign of thu inherent stupidity in tanklud if there la no nhysleal juatl fieatlon for it why do human discriminate against euch oth er humarir are tilled with childlah fears fear of a hogey man fear of the unknown we seem to have built in feel tags for colour black la evil white is gthml this philosophy explained by men like krucd is alsoassociated with our latlona with peopla of a dif ferent picment wt tend to hate and fear a black man wlthou heally knowing why whereat we welcome another white man into our society tradlion has built classes and racctf a cer tain pride within the clju or race leads us to look at thpia of other classes bo racei aa different perhaps even infer ior kach class hat tslahlihed its own place in society the relationship between master and servant has brought de pendence on each other so often it geeras that as long as everyone remain quudly in thei places they are happy attdhtrh onlywhen someone aspires to the place of another that strife and dlsctrd result this uneaaineu jiirnipnted by an economic threit ri suits in segregation then there is everpresent aeemmy to loom over everything else seic many feel that some racial groups are more sexually ware than others thu la false of course but unexplalnable is the great sexual attraction be tween those of different col our groups lo tniinteruct these aarges great toctal har- rlers have been built up last ly then is the bltlrrmm and frustration brought on ly fait ufe and poverty nowlure is discrimination s n violently practiced as by th socalled white trash of the southern united states that discrimination is inor ally wrong is obvloiis hut do people need racism are wit jusft searching fo- ietims on whom to vent our frustrations we have two slternstiveh if we are to solve the problem of discrimination it must he ig nored or overcome a word of advise from an anthropologist prof e wor j n emmerson we should evaluate our own culture he for offering it to others a culture is val ued in lu relationship to has te human needa whkli are dl rectly related to human needs any society which do not satisfy these needs will change rapidly different value sot on things such an tlmn clean liness and sex are often the basis of discrimination our own culture is not the pjtect standard thereforo we must be certain that it is uctiiully superior before trying tn forco it jn aomeoilsi at the chunh wirvice nntiinon jih 2 to conduc the sunday july 5 the residents church service in the chapel had the pleasure of welcomingjlle three members of the hchway gospel church in milton minoi news bible school children present manor program tha mlnlatcr mr chrintcll ten laid lhat we hava proof that our prayora are niwrrid many centurlea aco in hie time of elijah when rain hacln i fallen for aevcral year the land became parthed and fn mine reaulled fcujah prayed saven time for rain to end the famine and hla prayers were anawered in our own ttmea prayer can brine ahou many different bleaalnai in keeplnil with the sermon the cloainl hymn waa sweet hour of prayer durlntf the week uf sunday june 8 the residents enjojed a gift of atrawberriea donated by the united church women of bt iaula united fliurch in mulan these borriea weru aerved aa dcuaerl fot two naals and lho reldcnt are very grateful for thia tasty and aeaaonal treat hroucht wllh him hla dauchler mra ralph mortoj to play the orcan and two vinitora mr anil mra john mutray mr anil mra murray whosr home ia in hnjland have been in fanadi about four month mr ilnstow and mra mor ton represented fmmanuel lluptinl lhurch in mlllon mr jack llrlstnw cane a flannelgraph the children pre aonlod two atones from the bible matthew meeta a friend and jesua and the bamanlan woman one of the sonji pre sented was god so loed the world just before the con cludinc number on the pro cram the leadera and the children served orange ircoue and rice crispy aquarei to the residents preaent upon leavlne thia very inter eatint and appaallnf event each resident was presented with a submarine bouquet and a treuure box containing vertea of scripture both of which had been made by these children at the vacation illblc school a erv pleaaant event took place oul otdoora on thuraday mornlnlj july 18 it took place in the urussy duadrantla between the infirmary and a wins in pcrfecrtimlner-wea- ther the occasion mas a visit nf thirteen boys and clrl who had been taking part in the activities of the vacation bible school being juki at that time at centra itaptltt church in oakvllle the chief truest waa mrs m hooks who la a mem ber of thia chunh but through the kindness of mrs hooks a number of the other women resident also attended tito children conducted art tiitorcsliug program of road- a very attractive birthday cake beautifully iced and flanked by two bouquets of carnations and chrysanthemums made the head table look love lyiorthe inly birthday party on thursday night july iff the mc n r taylor an nounced number of alnglrg and danelng acta that tiroved tha commendable talent of tha children who performed in them johnqy johnson opened the program by dancing a tap dance to the tune of sunny sides the street he worek costume of white tie and talla for the dance two little glrla laurie smith and janice blue and while salm costultiea also danced a tap dance this time tn the lune anchors a- weigh several accordlan sol os wetfa alao presented a brother and sister gall and gerry webb played several of these dueta and gall played a solo sandra bennett alao played an accordian aoln danube wives john llanna wearing blackface performed in pantonine fashion to thre of ai jolaons records one of which was the fsmoua mam my johnny johnson mtumed td the stsge to play banjo aolo the wale when the ten guests of honour were called to tha head table the children who had given the program aaaembled on the atage to lead in th alnging of the happv birthday song stay on the sunny sid of the street and you are my sunahlne the ladlea amon the guests of honour received raiitolejtncr-tlreone- gentle man a leather las containing tweeaers arid other uaeful art icles sandwiches cookies and birthday cake all donated by the auxiliary ladles were aervr ed with grape l the ten gueals of tfoitour mrs v hlcklen mwjtme cullough mra c euer mra a collier m f hill mra t mercoft mra t wrlghl mlaa b richardson mlssjf the manor on sundajt after lines songa and games uslnkwebb wearing yry preltybalrd mr j kossjt r asaskjsraj j t