Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 6, 1964, p. 6

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n report from u n seminar high school girls hear race problems tha local thee cent e heel aha earhrleea ml aweredlin lk ujl laaliur a hm c far ymca teee ai lehe rtnralrtl ana ae are ware eehr hnraaed by aef am learne ebera eead ta trial ekee efcee aarlne w4h yen tv muwue u mm mhiij ma enelee i 4e- rulee hed the 1ihi aaaisa thai tea eueaveee tlm firl cubical wbifb vl this yr lb gap b- twwa um wbiu tod buck wajj cm will u cltd tb a uolioo of tk rsi t africa la o souu africa kb afn can cauolric un luutul tbat dm ballot b4 ttot brought wee tb od jwohkrio la boulb africa th poll 1 14 ivopdat wbkh ttarlad st lb wt was kpt p lb lc kos if dvvvloptbtnil tw imw ui tb bt be lid lb piclur w bid jtrh nvumulo k sludnt si the v lvrity tf tbttmtut tpejak id mnud u hi wl that t4 u mr nhuuatd wb attended gouui africa our first utfurri th utuwjly of vifctl fwi oo lis hubwt was delivered by fo- swaallaitd i utlufa pr by mr i- k s d villir lb utoeal within tb rs of infant tioa allrb for th bkitb africa soulb african cmuy in oil i ardit to ur xuwal la tojepport of bis fcui kntsl pribld policy be bmu tb following points jriral of 11 stuilb africa problnrt il not i race prvbltxt fu tuuidrf so of ill ul tk44 but a problem of itulti racial um it i in usu o l mulli iikd of nations living in 01 4trrllory all of wbaut win u tsatnuln thrr iitiortil ihlfgfl y h rofiipuinrd thil south afrlfj hit not impii given n opvh iudinr la tb v n tb raairi tftutj wrr jiv b9 rijbli wbil tin nation of louth africa wn rfcaud await analysis cfs3e oil discovery hornby tav scyirick wh diatftver- d tu ea a llorabj una a lew mmfcs afa u prcaaouy awalt- ag tba raaulta e a aaaljait of cradrait faid ami taa au tai aaalyala u bcia cooduc- ud by tta bx rallaary ta rlirr oil u diacoverad o ike urn af gtoi uu ta r- i july alter tka of drill taat lbr seynorfc uppd pumplnf peratlou alur ukloi z000 sallaaj trocd toe wall and tort d arid and water ito ttw hola for a few boura lea luakad it ool in aaatuaapt u opea tlvr u era ooly 11 tbdrrtor poraa la ti roc and lorraaa noruat w cr lravy ur naumala ixla olldal i ah tl afue amadaly lor acta da k i ald tkat ulll o hurata that ejartbld will not aurvive aucj a paiatlaj anil onrav store the arid appllratloo ui era available afce will be lod taaratake ii coolradiru taw tut eaeqt poaura atlikloj our liar serouk baibaea iruloe ik l adjual be tunlo paojrra rt ural laoa ttila la the gorttloa ry ar treapaaalo toeiudad uajrjgrouild reeervol bolld following rerant brmi health nurses short in halton hautm cmialf la fiacper j la mt imibue baalth urmji tuic4 a acarc rotm- a-mtfity- bjfdr lu stitrt of tb ctmwiyi hmtik loii to day h mid tlut lu lha balf tw kuraca idml by tb coudly ara axy employed by tb unit auvd lb retvpook to tb county a advenjilajf mi far baa bca duapp otlnt tnr abould b 25 kjbhr baltb buradee in llallud br aaid bot al tb tfeeit tlirv thf omftovtowm h1ald tkkeyto a carefree vacation ai ifc trwewai oj iut or death with the lae aa african batiooallaoi afrlceni naay flod only ooe kaawar war m to an up tl tvbldrn mr supbci lwli ujt fu sfeubortj b ba uavvlud h unalwely lit air if h look vrry twn vi agantat 1b in tbu r l txuvuu for u wld k wot i j j-l-t- alll it ll le y uld atari advertlajnk by the rouow t4 klaaty day detotloai wllhoot i pmpw he oil afaln i a eppliralloin rr rrrld aod trial ollro aoent in aollury i couple of wrll aod eavecu it arrplnl ulal liiy wal eonlmrraaht tw billul be produre ii tlnta the aw b authority to arrrpt lh loea paaa throucb booth ameealunl it did kt lira aerood appllratuo if ihr la aat jalla avry year torture aod tbe drtlur har ue uovrd ullod with the appllrait alivr floajua are juetafled al rum fonl the hall ur id the srull inlrrvuwinr wr anon tartlrr faro thrre milri aoulh od lha tnr appliratloo wi alati re t fulfill the habtu hand pa- mitbun and dnllmif ihrr reivrd irom car rrulirj nur abet aour oeorr tat i ija a a lrjee taaota- aavu i ulilni m all thr ory detaild aod nuived le a faahlon ri a oil ut1 i about thir il ii lib wai adviad llial tli i he poiotrd out ibe ll- aod lolveot of hllara toobillaalloe i hornby area lni applirant would be ililr to re lojuallrea preitol lo the apar al the jwa a irlahlrlnf lart uore be lirt alartrl trr llre the i ubllr lualll suri theld pohry la that ilolxajtirjo dollara a tblo 1 kai and oil in fia of woie loutloe uirk uhrn ur iwli li rrtaial that yar are apent on armajunu rouoty ur senurk ha am k hired vrwoerd a apartheid polity ii all ibe wblli are armed ej wlla il l which were ro dr siuait tail iliai le fetl deald to kp south afrirj sedlu to aay it la ataleit ductlve of that numlrfr 2 pro the llallun nure weie ade while by allowing tbe white ta the taw for begroei lo hive dured oil and tlie ml natural uualely pall hi the ma n dominate la aorlaty tbe reaer firearoii ai itn lint oil well wai dnl reainn for thlr irimly waa va are unlutt brauae oly i hoolh africa tarei aa ineil ld at speiulr the iprlallled ra ntnt they l per tent of tbe blaekl live table revolutloa wblrh will have m tnun lie speiile wrll mut uaiuu belore thrv ran lalf but that they aulfred ion ibe reaervn ibe uaorlly ot alfert the blarhl in w ld tn i iliea seriur perform pul lir hialh wink puliation at tbe band of the tbe nelroei were born oulnde gautb africa want oiultl rt ur seynurk ni ird llial lop they iniitl lj niinl i rie wbllaa cbrlallanlly brought tbe reaerwi he pointed out lai eorlrly tut they have nol g rrudr oil bring tl i n anil have one rain rollege eeaanga la the life of tbe ne thai the nuulil independent turned ta rowoiunlairt in an al jjm lo t pr w gallon bar year or be harhelora of arienie hmmcg rarraom kro ut j tb htt pepuu lalal tb triftiki ruino nitt to find the ulultin me ti hod ii nw rntfei in uuir pat 1llilion aa tb fvoltfe the tteilern world are uitiin u4s these pwipt e hive no 4orce there 11 n true that in ul the south afnran govern i aithlt all they coirt ratuu havt riten but went bv our rromintir oliry i ukdl ftllllcjjc tribal ahllulkhh know no other i with tlrf merit in iwj airtbid the pr cent of thf seiutb afrirsn you can slop tuning traditiuml polity wai idopted uidget li itwnl dirertiy on lb afnran products surh aider bav strongly rritirned u the official govrrtuiient pol uefgroes there lb apartheid polity pointing try it was bawd en the t f j tbe utijual legislation r wy nf hfr hlld iicrtjlily ts still very high i we must tab attion uhit iiiwjj fnhvtninn iirct cr gosrm among the negroes tnlv twocn we do you ak atleriocd lonvcmion in guelph last week kttipjp oranges and wcoiir tb largest religious friendt to do hie ventinft rer held by jho wai age nur or have a similar degre fro recogniitwf university a recent study an a tounlv level of job bpvifiratnn un l achelulei and salary scales when completed nt in effect will render tn nr pnlirmt uvor allrarlive and nior clin clearly define denartmerital job dr sluart t1 me felt altvo mentionrd by ur en wise to efectiely counteract h vvitnesses in uelph con wou n relieve the to il as an e ample of racism ory that racial groups are tvd devising dangrrous formu compatible that because of f he spl of the ias art wblch the south african government eluded lis four day u u a solutloi pollriea like bal jfihat oni nsties wuuld eawpeli all citiins lo carry in ecorwimic lurolt b the f sunday with ai ibat offered by th us of prefer to liv together and that passes it ill tin by t outtlde world poweri mnl be fc rutanc of oo idiciety in siiuth africa go this uaa th most humane pil urbin areas art black rltitens mitlsled tbe t n muil en kugcn i koaam vned h non racial group wy m raullia lal socr who er born in and have li force an ect numir and arms vising minister nol wanted b his countr wherw torn people were n says d llheji ii freli that aa culturally drveloprd as olh nultl fafiallith would lead t rt however the whites have ti inevitable struggle fur pow t to keep industry in of and domination their own hands using th ne reapealcdly lr df illien groes and coloupd fteoplt of session t 1 he ad tternoon recently placed tn mi 4 718 lo hear bouipapen arrou anada jr fluper of the giuup blockade thl j ruhlem t ser utus south africa has ivecome nop ha sued tbt this was a problem rf nationalism vol mily are the white negro in dlah and coloured peoples in cootpatlbl but the black pop illation descended from the bantu tnhea are divided ino mvtril tribe j with strong tn bal affiliations whlrb they tlo mot wish to surrender th bflutb african govern iet beliees that the apart h id paltry wai supported by tbeir greatest leader general sotuh who utote thf preamble to the u n cbarter perhipj b4 awurce nf tbe policy wai bad lain who pjued the leu gray art which allowed for the separate development r nat cheap labour tb ranlui who makt up 16 per cent of the total populi lion have been allotted 13 per cent of th land in south f rica which aart not include any cities or developed rsour res apartheid hai nude lifr hightidar for th uafk m by tbe job reservation art onlv whites are allowed to hold killed joba tbe lnduitrlal cobcthlation art hpikrs it a eribilnal offrnse to sink and curt lit bargaining between waster and servant according ved in urban arras for 10 years and who leave envporartlv rae not return to tbe city for in longer tbsn 7 hour i nder te fwui of south afrcan di tk sabotag acl tb death pen contrnt mr committee phil stone will counsel council on grant the firl bridge a srhnellenen nrgr ir land opened the st lion jawei auld ujiiisler of lourtim ontario tb field workers will pro a tid lii vide a liaieon btweenth prtv in canada riucusa the suhject peace among men of out will or armageddon which mr rosam poinlm ftut lha the mmt uptodale bible tran p i lf 1 slalions reveal that the ei preuinn peace on earlh an ong men of gtwd will reauv signifies men with whom mr is pleaded or peace for mei tnen on whom ilia favour rests in order lo tie those who grt till good will ur nrwim add i it a nrcrssary tn a roue the siter f nllhaird haito4 coorattvt medical care plan beeaoea fill wij i- ileal villi ay uar hudlaal it yat heallb liwiluhi all luealcal oaralioaa aa ahawathalita rvta iwrtoylg ohourt rerjarhltt ol tire you anay anrwll at any twe wf th yr ftatis jy tlo so month family s do slnsla payable quarterly or am ually hilyon coot ulblcal u1vicis lur 47 mllloh tal i713 rlaaa tend ana lnfmtatiah his obligalioh name addbes i lorwaluin tody announced the vtulal government and munic othen by pro vd ng t in appointwent of mil stone ollpallllei in ronnertioa wllh a hnldf toronto a centennial field i municipal centennial prolrrt teaching them bout iii king repreaenlallie lor halton peel financed under the malchlng dnm york and onlrlo lounne gral ylen adding to he intrnlnnl ur auld i chairman ol the thll ytem pronde for flavour al the cabinet tenlennll roranihre 1 per capita grant iron both deleglr irnm hnlttd ken a well known toronto broad the lateral nd pnvlne1 ya northern ithrleala nd tonal groupa the word ipir racial groupi ttie bantu vdu theld waa coined in im id ration art glvei a different miatlcay it allowa or the adurational program to the ra writ agapwn w w- air hr ii vicepreaident ol government tn malch the to treere a well aa canada a to the immorally act there c ur mob ol tal lund put up by a niirici the uniled mate culgow srollttd wlu came lo pallly or group ol municipal whit really li the purjmr n tiea lor approved cenlennial nf inch meellngi ur rnaarn he rrplied an niuit be no clot aitoriatlon or it marriage between different lrd lleld anrlal wnrkrr ran tell you dlopment nf each national santu to auit their need rjl ptwllhin ttaelf and dialed i glth t no longer uaed a the 1 c h lunthm huowj so power ol the other thn language on ol th j ntb sr a n aatlaiul group only eron gretet lnutire in ur vaurn mgnne c nulla i spon ee w ihl whitr unl feet me are rloaed to other he iolne1 thuu 15 year 1 group the only urn ago and ha ance h lly which will crept thee and heard on radio and tv a m f- p n ent the unlrrally ol narrator panell and inter whh t y oratir bonds would tie sroupa totther ljokinf st the apiriheid pol ley practically is it succeed log in south africa according in tbe south afrirsn prime mi tiialor verwoed be is prepared to grant supremacy to the ran tu in their own area already aucb a developiuent his taken place in tbe transkei ronom lcy south africa is ohr o b twenty six developed coun lrii the banlus hav more university graduates than the rest of africa complete liter aey will he achieved within this generation tree medical ser vice are available to all wi these alas ees was that while un ivervitiea ar rloaed to other racial groups the only uni ago and has snc veriil stud satal which lakes only exrrp- viewer tionally talented medical atud i known as mr f oumlttee enta it wmi this university j toronto mr slone is a mem which ur nxumalo allended u- 0 more than ibree doien uowevtr even tber the pres eommunlly groups and serves siule at the white society waa on m cnmntltlees among his great and as a result of it mr mll office mr stone is past niurkalo decided to come to i chief barker of the toronto canada to romp bis ttudiea variety club and ia current one of th htoit vicious aria international representative ur to be pasted wai the suppres variety international a thnw lion of gorarrtuftlsb act under buslnesa nrganliatlnn dedicated which all peopu with lllrril ta aiding indigent and hand ideal can b linpriioned rapped children canada at the air st on began his career projects u a free lane- writer and fol we hope that the lowing four yrars service with workers will be able t rhmin that many of the difficult let world at much nf the d tape enn people have come as a result re mini negotiations belwien of personal lark of balance tbe three levela of govern the items we have been dii hie n i ur auld said cussing under the rlhle espres li loin llllkl 15 vears thm will b ai1ahlr aion fruits nf the spirit i i t ji hsrn ir for counselling the mmicipl love peace self control kind o and has snre men seen r lu are program nf ad grant am are responsible lor utt rnuriitnn rveryon hai a public relations work in this personality flaw in mm of jlj these rrspecls this ptogrim la designed to help everyone in be a more rounded out c1mtinmial htojicyi b e i t e r balanced individual this therefore adds tn he hramptom brampton a rf nf thl individual centennial proii- will be a a ojrh t0 lhf convention 1100000 recreation win lo h ralnl on 17 arrea of park land 1b nl fnuw w nnirrv on the west side nf main st oppasll peel village it will be th starting point for a rwplt community centre will your tan keep you warm next winter fire brief but spectacular r ad diligently taking nnlea and llalenlng inlrnlly in the twen iy nne dlllerent mlnlilera whn ipoke during the lour hiy in lohl in kddlllnn to the aeailnn ilelegalx vlalled mnat hnmei in tuelph to ealend a neiann al invllallnn tn ihe main sun dav lecture all hole and mn tel arenmmlatlriia in tiurlph were occupied and delegate were jravalllng in kllrhener for th ottly reertfilrilng ttnlela i many private hnmita in ritrlphl ala opened eoomi to tha vli itore- hplrllul rotul wa aim nip plemanled hy ihe natural kind u ii j kalmler nf kitchen 1 tweltorlhily guided 139 vol unlear wotkera in th nperi i lion of a unique type nf lam porary cefetrla aapeclilly de vlopad lorare for tha naad of auch eventa- uore then alght ihtilliihd ilk hundred aaeale war aerved tha ihnp- plng hat included 11300 lh beef 440 iba of ham m bag rd0ullla7ll0h nf flih tar jtmti fboto i x tumbled black barn skeleton to climax bla7e stsjs jim vaanllne and jack and bui cunningham he tit down ha chafrod rem 6f llrailm asflar flmu atrlppad it of 111 tiding and roof training lhaihlgh praiiur hot on lhriiply bulldnaaubthrterdlalhvowurirllri llttlovr twnlv mlnult va 100 caaea of canned good ur urry leea clrcull min later who took charge of or- gnltlng th convention aald wa have really had th fin t cooperation frorrt the pol ice civic olliclali and the cltlxaiu of guelph their hoto pltatlty 1 tnoat oommndhla and w with to publicly ax prwu thanki in return wa hava ancouragtd manv to take firmer hold on th great hop held out in cnda word th bible wa look forward to holm hack in fiualph again a opportunity afford tani unfortunauly mr th sun 1om ttn uarmth and winter inevtubly amvm with til it heating problems so dont kt caufcht with your damper downthink cool for a moment and make the switch to natural kas home hoiiting noui wai qmf well to bfbinwith modern automatic aarjieatinb equipment low in coit yoit can rent a ftas conversion hunter for only 2 95 a month iittlld into your present furnace and payable on vour regular ban bill otyou can buy a nw ka deumtied furnace fori little aa sfl80 a month and you can take up to 5 year to pay if you with f natural ipu i aw ucl em whether your home hah normal or extrathick insulation ywlultinrlthat gas fuel ccu are co loacr than liquid fuel or tocalled flamew heating do it riffht now 1 it make ood senseto awttch while the sun shines and while your heating contractor is readily avallablo move up to modern gas heating now you twnf turn to pail a end until tri oeiew oven if septembers full of frosty fridays cailyoarheating contractor department store or gaa company aoon then relax and ciljoy your aummer tan united gas ijmited fath4yelraa z rk r- 6eh ts 1jrrrc w ijevlvvai il i i utt

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