adslfcat pay vei am eiaee m at fast ornxmrnimmtmi nrtaw tomfr te mnwiiihn herald tie home newspaper for georgetown and district printing pubiiiirinff the aiaea 1m7 efferma hm tamlln fin prlrrttna end aawe cvser- ibu hillllliiil ot tfcw amguet ima 14 400 p yn sagk copy prtca tea cams theehnver3 alive m peter jonesi tboit somersaulting car twisted beyond recognition ouci cms feoy haut impact iks twitted wreckafla of a 1957 buck that booncad oh three trt while on a wild 440 to rid over law on rha north alda of maple av at charles st early saturday morning tfb driver kertaelli 24 u in toronto gawvaral with a brain ucarahort detailed monthly report is askdis from high school principal oak adssol board i bii tlj tow doesnt thin the trustees know enough efe- 3rje schwa aparattoa kad iloekuy night jm took atena to ayeetug aajbj a aaellcej la iv attest that prladpol be required to fcaalt a monthly apart 1 eatteg v pahrta hated was moved b mr lawsend aae- ami cart uat what he j wat la a aaaeth- dr assort tfrlacipel j u wrsij injured uheoiiiinntly accepted by the ta mr laweon uu ha he baas lata il la th past whan topped oa th etreet and ask- ad about attain of the echoed of which ha bn nothing ha laid paat reports by tbe prin- ctpal badat told hint sedeh 1 dont area know how ma ny passed kad bo many allad their june exams ha mid la e p bis list from aow on th bokrd will wast to laud front monthly re port by the principal such max a report on how the etudent did but term attendance by percental knd lateness tran aportatlon service problems if airy and discipline cmmnu aa the quality of careuklngtd- al attendance per course kt the october meeting only an alienation of the present fac ilities detailed reports on fla- kl rjrolliallons in kll gradee inducting percentile of illuree by grade knd by subject a progreae report on each teacher aa the at a pert on what the head of de partment are doing to live aid to tbe staff ua of audio visual facilities eatrsmural ke- uvitlks tbe cafeteria epeelfle- elly why the girls end boya eat separately grade 18 results i with percental e passed by aub- jaeta ooldince department ae- thrltlea with varioui publle mr lawaod wal rmphitle libat the report not be made iato a fomt 1 want to ace a wriuea repeat he au a tea into a fa gad- waril iwbafe we aiartad- farm deaaa ttctraaisr ar flips end over end kersetb brirt weston u auylawn creac la in tororl is general hoepiul with hrad injorlaa btdudinf hrln ucr inflicted when the car be waa driini flipped end mer end keeeral time after leaeinx maple ave at the chnrla st corner early sal ttrday morabuf a pollee official uld hie condition u tteadlly improv in brokaa bonae and lhlar nal injurle were niapected but araya found none a paaaenter la tbe weaton car charlee william davlea a klaa of 0eoretown wai admitted to ceortfetown hoa piul fouowlns the accident with dcerktlniu to hla head uo and uai he wii thrown tram the tumbling vehicle on to a lawrt alio involved in the amkah i a ear driven by keith car ol lever of rk j hornhy police aald tbe weaton ear travelled aotne 440 feet over lawne narallal to tbe atreet etrlklny hydro pole tearing up three lawoa through bedje damailny three tree and finally comlnl to reet on lie roof on the north aide of maple the lever vehicle peeled off to the eoutb aide of tbe road wmh raaeona for their drvpplrk out one copy of each aacbara time tabm tot the october sss lase sshjj hodre up aveteepbwnk over atone atepa trlklna a hydro guy wire and finally halting ixped award highway tenders next monday wpdl bopca to award ow contract for hi reaurfao- jinl next hsihuy tlae road committee plana to imaat prior to the council rtneotlne io open tendara and tadltcoti them before their j formal preaentatlnn to council i at 8 pjn bpad chairman wm f5 hun- jtaf toul council monday that ub bopea in thla way to avoid air delay la getting tbe final of the highway reoova- a ifafivf at the weather the opiwjle u tt the rod a witneai df j p uihin mid the tr wr ylcu by tide whajn thy ptud hu houw at h luuruxilaia bt mln and uferl th nsrldiit hltflnd ayt u cortur 6f mpl nd chirtei approilnatly two blodu fram thftt vniht cotutibl riy jinderort handled the lnvurftloh and ttimated the damage to the livf ear im roisd at 600 th wioh 1067 uaifk wu a eomplofo wrk the attldant birpnid at s 10 am lt col cordon o brown haa un taktn oti the criuci lit at the york county llpitl swiriitu and hti toaditlot ll now ultad aj tetiotu col lliown an r r 2 0ort- town ridwit and formf bljh chml board ifctobw and ie- irrrcsriwira ago at mawat albert he emfered a crackad pelvla an injury to the back ot hla head knd a eruihed cheit with broken ribe aa well u aerloua internal injurim he wai oper ated on saturday aug 1 hjj improvement though light la ataady he ll being crash kills three east of morval trouble embbut police keep vigilant brass band to cne competition aug 27 iftlil woodciidej which cuy to uks u that ibm cnkt th gmuetowd dtitflo beuid whtld like wu 1 il tbutmlay auui vi uusle day when thy will lm oa th bndund trompcun agaliul b otlyr uodi lii 4xi46u 3 o thtf u rand cooutlonj ti corvtwn band bald thrl flrl ftcrioua prartia aloe rteulnk july s llanday ahd inot o the mmbrkhlt wu out to work on poliahlntf chimi couubli hoi juiry mid ywterday tht u u kor aba twt u fcdany toaro 00 duty w bonally would un hi h u aur th poaaluuty bf rapat tl th nimbi- hcrtf t wekj afo u bonxlatcut uai aaid uut ala th pol k cuahwd with rival yn afriday july il lad halurday ug 1 uw troubu maker hav wag quiet aj utub thh pt wek the towrii piiopu walked the atrlj with out rtni they teould b jrr ad at of thxtfateilrd by tb 1 th ust pi who atood uarini on u ii b work in ii vry atraavt tgrtitn i monday plus antra nights on thar wj a ixuiili outaide the e6mputlon pltfe but uw uccibbon iloute saturday wre atlll praftitlni aotne t arfumooi which led to two mtlona we ii playin at a balni arrestd but chief roupl of concert band ftt haley uld tbtlr waa no link llelal clyde btwart uld y beiwaan thfte birn and th i uhday who took part in the among th fright other minor rlota banda in corietown 1 rlaai are a waittlng wu iuucm ut arton iwlhl fort krle and wwk by cbuf hairy that the 1 clinton c4ortowtt wi m tiolice would tund no non oru ut year in a ciim of five nar from the youths and a randmaktrr art milliard will thru line would be uketi with direct the band in lla anyone who caused trouble performance cne m llewellyn j carter are ontario scholars uark uewllya and janice i u lb euu carter will receive 1400 on i urlo acholrju- for ueurlng f t io saw i iwi ri jknlce to unlveralty of taron to for an rumour arte cooree ead mark probably to toron to aleo or hatha and phyalce on way to buy trees couple daughter die th popu dlad in a c hlbway and th fourth line truck colllalod on no 1 uimh weal uarla died khortly afu way two tallej tut ot korvil ward in rl urliiorial iiocpi tudery i tal dead are wur piulrna and the truck driver andrew kjj wii kebajjle and uilr llanlcy 27 of mc-adowvah- dauethtrf aiaria aae 3 ail ot auffnwl minor bead injuries ecarboro the victltnj and an land racturrj of both wrli other daufhuj wre on their when he wu thrown from hla w to buy tire for thrlr w 1 vehicle he wu lu uliiicu home collce aald that anollur daughter anna 0 had bn left with nukbouni an4 mljcht now be without rela- uvea ho far police have found only one poialblllly that a member of the family la liv injf in canada a alater of aire faulena who i avparated from iter huaband may w working in northern ontario mr and uri paulena were klllad when their small fore ua ar waa truck broadalde by a bakery truck at no 7 ty ootulltlan laat nltht police eaid the bread truck waa paaalig another truck on no 7 hi kli way at the ume the other truck managed t o void a talllalod with the er driven by ura vauletia aa it entered the blifhway from the fourth line lite 1auler aa moved to scarboro two weeks jfu from vlriefnlatuwn near tim mini where mr lauletia had brt employed as a miner he waa looklinf for a lob in toronto neighbours uld ow 6t la their grade is xamj raaulta wre vwrd at u hlt khool ytrday amd in dlvfdul earululataui vtlf ciw thn by mafl gaamituta rmuha will appeal- u next wnaka herald uark son of mr and air d k llewellyn 17 enluy lt- acftrrvl ss4 in nine papers one of the hlghrat preenta8ea vei recorded by a loal lu dnt hm of tbew were over filven phytotherapy treatment jw l had 9 firsts and one ae- and is able to aat now tond thare have been no conapll janice dautthter of mr and eationt however there is auuur- ormle carter o norval danger of pneumonia l in nine paper would get tough oust school bus disturbers reject all six bids board will retender tbe kaquealng publle school opened tendere from contract- ore bidding on the propoaed ad dltlona to public whoola at glen wllllune and stewart- town laat week and rejected all of them board chairman mr rob- art armetrong aald all all blda were too high she aald the board vrlll probably re- tender right away the propoaed addltiona would add three elaurooma to stewarttown achool and three to glen wiuumi the board orlginilly hoped to havethe new claaarooma a jvallable for seplernborr say missing sidewalk home owners problem problem of a ralaalng atde- walk on woultrey cr cannot be aolved by the town- inatauing it council decided uonday cr hlldebrandt mentioned itlon plan underway iwenlngland naw anrtaelng fc pjiimafrom the mountain lvl bd lntereeetlon to the fauun town iknlta 1 h hi laoavat bj wad tbura i jtrl 8 sat bun 10 mon ii tueev hlgh 70 14 82 m m n lew 84 80 43 81 os high for the weak u w 48 praelpi1 alicia r c scott vjjilhijfv i a auggeauun by high achool board trustee donald lawaon that achool bua driver be glv en the boarda authority to put a paaaenger off anywhere they pleaae a a dlaclpunary mea aura found favour with moat of the three other board member pretent at a meeting in the high achool monday night the auggeauon came during dueuaalon on what inatruc tlona ahould be gjvermhe new lyjibed operetor vern kerhy and to what degree the board will back up the driven on dlaclpunary meaaurea we ahould let them know what to do if problem arlao ao they will have the authority to take action mr lvron aaul the only truetee axpreaalng mild oppoaltion to the idea wai board chairman ed hal what if it la the middle of winter in a anow alorm ntllea from the school and the atu- denta home and the driver edu tbe student then where do we atandl he kakad if the atudent la creating a problem then the bu driver ahoald atop the bua no matter where and put him off ur lawaon kuggeated moat bua driven bend over baekwerda not to take auch action unlaaa they had to offered truatee doug lu latimer truatee william carr aald ha i the captain or hla ahip and he haa to maintain dliel pline but i thing if he took auch action we would want k written report from the drlv i would like to ace it slated in writing juat what au thority the driver haa while tranaportlng the atudenta to end from school aald mr laweon leaving it up to the principal to admlrilater any punlahraeat required juat doeant work hed give them a couple ot detentions knd that doeant mean anything it tbe teat of the students see the hua stopped en route end the trouble maker chucked out lta much mora effective pan boils over sets oh hospital siren an unattended pan which boiled over in the kit chen of gorglown hospital touched off the alarm which sent firemen to the scene early tuesday morning the auto malic tire detection system sctivated the alren tbe kitchen auff had the situation under control by the time the truck arrived fire chief krwln lewis uld an accident actlvatea a huner in the deapatchera quartan and starts the siren st ths same time the alarm soundad st shout 7 is in explaining the system chief lewis said a number of georgetown industrial builn eta had inquired about having automatic fire detection ays tema installed thla year they would dvlsed to channel tlirlr inrmlriee ihroukh the indus trial commlailon quebec chemical firm eyes georgetown site new traffic signs would drain towns road budget ne department of traits- port rtuulioruj may outdate mamy bt georgetowns traffic alxnj thu could shoot our road budaw4 aaid road chairman jim emmeraon uonday when he 4old council the new uku- latlon takes effect the end of august signs coat from twelve to alxtfn dollars apiece he said he is checking with the de part m en t and will di acuta hla findings with the police com mlttee planning to transfer his chemical plant from tit hyae inthe quaboc to this ara air j jany haa written capetown council about poaalble loca uona in town in bu letter read to council mondays be i seeking to pur- chase or rent m0 bquare fct of floor spaee or tnlsht buy und to eorutruct his own building the firm known as siltan chetriicali raujd hu no often dve odours in its production he uld and the only effluent la clear water used for cooling purposes glen hornby ladies tied in semifinals glen williams ladlea meet ing hornby ladlea in the third game of the halton rural lad las soflhsll league semi final at hornby tonight the game starts at 830 the best of five series is tied at one game apiece glen williams beat hornby 75 in offer georgetown as site for j96 5 fire convention firefighter the ontario ujirewivatattirn one home paid for by the owned when be bought baa never been constructed the contracting firm went into bankruptcy before it was dona councillor said it would be dangerous precedent when other homa ownere have paid a share of their sidewalks tra der winter work and suggeat- ad the home owner might con- alder doing this alaat the next publlchouday will be labour ijay september 7th town nest summer monday council endorsed the volunteer fire departments plan to invite conventioners to town when chief rwlrl lewie asked for support its the only open data for some years aald the chief and bis department la anxious to extend the towns hospitality tbe convention b scheduled far july 30 to august x at issst on ether town la also seeking to be host high school briefs the opener s wsrk sgo when pitchers betty stsfford snd marie uurcir went the full aeven innlnga tor the glen and hornby respectively the asms two faced each other in the second match mamlsy night won by hornby 70 in that one hornby ex ploded for 9 runs in the top of the 7th inning to lock it up the glen ladlea ball club made their lucky draw durlng- the monday nlnht encounter winner of a mans watch tlrt prlie waa hugh mearllmr of llelfountaln shakespeare peter pan in little theatre plans r61 j j 1 a- bilious pwgrsm ol gent hd waa hired by the georgetown high school board our vrm u le p ai secretary to board secretary 111 b presented by george- ernie rorgrsve mondsy town little thestre this sea mrs llerry pplsees mn itoy mn hsnsen who resigned to enter teaching the high achool beard agreed to approach the hortl cultural adclety to uk their advice on planting the grounds around tbe existing building snd the proposed wing oil deslers will be invited to submit blda ou the schoola fuel requirements approxlm attly boom gallons of light llnduatrlal ell but tbe bokrd indicated monday they lean to local dealers msrklng shskeipesres cen tcnnlal year snd tying in with the english progrsm in the schools twelllh night is the tint fell production a childrens chrlalmae show proved a real aucceas and tno group has chosen peter pan io teat the ingenuity of set deslgnera and stage hands with thla beloved classic two modern broadway hits visit to a small planet and the cave dwellers by wllusm skroyan kre scheduled for february snd msy perrormsn- ces snd one will be entered in the western ontario drama featlval georgetown copped an swsrtl for the besfvlsusl pre sentstlon lsst yesr st slmeoe open sudlllons will be sn nounced for the plsys in next weeks hersld meanwhile an active subscription csmpetgn is tsklrtg plsce in order to s sure an income for the sub- slsntlsl cost of roysltle cos tuming snd rental of the high school auditorium membership fee of um double is 00 single end t3 oo ktudobt provides sdmlsslon to kll four productions reeeplt of tjje news letters and sdmlaalon to all club functions sixbtinone make strange corn two unusual formations of corn kre onjrewlrj the her- kld office wtndowthliuireek while picking sweet corn on the 7th una larm of hla parenla mr and mrs harvey nurae jamie nursa dlacoiered two octopuslike growths one cob bu six definite ears fused to gether within- one busk an other hsa eight ears not so well formed vrltb flattened ends which resoluble toeaw planned twolane bridge jarainaie i the one una bridge which creates k bottleneck for traf fic entering and leaving the eastern section of glen will jlsms irom the dth line will be replsced with a modem two- lane structure next year if plana dont hit a snag tbe gears atarted turning laatweek whan tbe credit valley conaervatlon authority approved the location ot the new bridge aa proposed by the halloa county engineering dej pertment the plan ts to locate the new bridge sllgbtly northeast of the present span the county is going kbeed with krehttecturel drswlrtyi this fall and tendon will be called early next spring the biggest hurdle now is county council approval alnce the expenditure will be a major one if everything goes right glen williams should have their long awaited new bridge in date 1908 counjy engineer roy smith told the henld mondsy the credit valley conserve- lion autorltys okay wu ne- cesssry because of upcoming changes in the- coufee of that branch of the credit planned in the authoritys flood con trol program a cvca oiflclal skid the scheduled channel corrections include changes the rlveyg course at that point t waytlisfaw r i jv4fesi w 1