Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1964, p. 1

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j ads that pay yew east lm en ad fc the iheeeesr cieeemeal n a tyii t jgy- fyr r yw wu nasal nw rassstas yw printing puuiskog tfie home newspaper for georgetown and district fin a w m otrtcrw o mi 1944 cmpf km te create rfun and food top one of ceorgelx attended fell fair rtr jooj pholo little jane had a busy day uttu 3ut cajrtwtlort ndi her day el the air wilh laity bacononsbun while h setting sun makes a lecy silhcrfjette of she fesrl wltee u the background jane and thouundi ilk her found the day exciting and a rail eppelite buildeyand linla exhausting let y check attracts 320 i cars 50 get stickers i several thousand dollars loss horse show outstanding result of tuesday night fire feature georgetown fair rni bt- canadian imperial filled ths cutntncrr wtcb hank a ervbouaeberi and ai- i lathed tractor iitd at dttmtft- ion seed llouse wxre drettoted oflbe junior borw iw w lt- tueadsy afterntxii park wills a eaperity eiwj saturday it was the haifa year or the position particularly outatandlnjt this year wa lb borae show ju bliatierouj wefe entries that th lest winner was declared by flipping a eoiu when it urcoutrd too dark for borrs and rider id m tka hurdles mr normm rouhsofj ar- an repeated ht win last yr and won the trophy far tnot points in th hall ehlblla ah other aflon wothbh mr geo- rry you ni wss flow hhjnd the hoyal hank row bowl for best olsteln herd went to tbofaw sicc norvsl in hhowmanihip the lloukhton jewellers walfh was won by marion hunter hurlnton and in the junior rlsu tuntu- also jrotnlnetit among prise- winnrr in wotdrna work wrr un cou and mr john yyl curlph mrv vrunk smlth hilliaafad waa thr pitnir exhibitor in flowiti town aiu country girla fnhlbiuwrr won by ktluwth hay snd car ol mrcilvray junlnrt and mary mofll and kutvan troif aniora in popular fair leturn chived tb cauadun tlr tro phy fruui last yrara winner wcody marka whow fmtbrr donated th trophy thrwtf mr it wu th maior high jump whlrh wu rud by darkbru tow ciluliin toronto and doujf hood oakvill had arb jumped e3 and th former on tk roln toi j a carroll a forttiir fall fair kupfribtrttdfnl offiutnl laa cardhoua millnn won thr hornby won vnoit points costume designs draw praise for lynne hyde randy hrandford and howrt th opnlna and vine moito mccfvbawd th iwkt applf indld iicr dullta a- plri for a uboolboy ffatur w n ymr coruetown luymond in and liy citlna hand puyd during mwr th ht pumpkin pie ihj il ami mrabr of mim for candy ver foppd 1 st john ambulanr by mth rirhanltnn hraihrr wr 6n hand all day wholt andrea khr and mar f thlr r- wnr 1arbolok vicm wrrf nrdfd only for calhy ifpanun riding for r w th crn willow stabli- th- fair exutlvr biadfd by in km kill and mr wilfrid bird wild miui jran huddtll a hall suprlntvndfnt did a fin job and dere th hlfih eit prai for providing an nthrr uprnor fall fair for th diitrkt tb alarm was aoundad by mrt y j korr mapl a v k wbrq a paamln uotoriat bot- ud kiookc and alrtd her kirvtrted bal th m minute la 11 thai atubborn blau wai ad by a rarload of dried prat bio bouaed it th bulldlnjf th ho- t uad uif pievii thrw tractor w haulrd to tafvly and auffrd only minor dam- on or th farllfr kd houu bultdlnir rrted about thirty yar ao th war- houae la a eucouu loa an auatrhed areenhouaa waj not damaged lllfb pralw waa gjvati hrrmen ad police today by phase vannaiter snrml manjrt of th buaineaa kireaieh wr bit th job until 3 bclock thb toomlpft he fceid- aiid th police did o xrllrnt job of divertlnftt traf fir and keeping roads free for tb fir departraebt mr vannattet aaid uw fir would in bo way lntemipt op eration of the bualneaa alrefisbteni were hampered eoowwhat by uek maalanuai water preaaur they bad to lay 1400 feet of hoee to hook intd k hydrant oil guejpfa bt threw hundred ad twnty dxirera took their car through thai ontario department bt trmnapoha safety chek una during the four daj it opar sted here the lane wu aet up at that ivlrex market ct- tr and manned by twpart- tasent offleiali local limnied necbanici members of arrvi duba and cpl ted scott of um geortfrtowa tsalic depart menl a tittle leu than 80 of the cart checked pad all the aaiety r4uuynanls to re cejre safely chek atiekfrs cpj scott told tb herald bad weather kept the num ber down h aald the check tu completely voluntary 1u said th major defect ver found fat heedluht at carrier boy lalej win him trip ta east urtaoa iq jamas cairuon ej iso prince charle drive haj von oa alljipeoa paid fou day trip to montreal ottawa and quebec city- he will leave next tburaday tbia wu hit priw for gettlns fifteen new tiulomcir for the hamilton spectator in a one month jeriod lunment and brakes a number of th newest models were amonj th tar failed cpl scott tald even 1064 model not ion off th ear lot were found wanting in aoue aspects of the cheek the foinaovr eated m points on each car cpl scott aald jut one car waj taken fcff th road u the reeult of th ual ther were to many thine wronf with it we jutt couldnt let the driver take it hack out in the traffic cpl scott aald the ian may operate here uain next year changing conditions require extra care with the- than fin teason qomei the ned to change our drivinj attitude end habit to contend with th different clr cumstancaa of earlier duak and sgtrateptrmtrt road was maintenance chiel at smith stone head mamunanc man at smith 1 stone ud for a year and before that a geor getown taitmt operator john bailey mcnabb st died on september 2d u goretown hoepiul ii had been irt fall ins health since h suffered atroke aeven yeare ago mr bailey wu bom in brampton aon of the late ah talom and louise bailey vol lowing hla marriage in heapet- er to catherine foley they lived in brampton for a year then moved to georgetown where he had a carafe bualn tu on mill st they later apeht two years in port hope where he had a similar buslneu then returned to town when he took a position with smith mt stone he leave hla wife three aani jack ronald and allan and three arrand children stev en janet vfary and susan el izabeth of town and brother and sisters absalom of port hope mra v osborne eval of toronto mr a smith el lu bll and reginald of wfkptftn remember that your light are not u effective when covered by mud tall light should al mbcvifepteleaji tomikefour brake light visible to th ear behind and dont forget that it take lonjpsf to stop muddy or froety road than it did during the uiramer house sol wu packed over the wkend with visitors in urested in seeing lynne hydes cesium designs for twelfth night th upcoming little theatr production the fourteen drawing oil baatelj sprayed with vknuab on vlack tvmor board tool reeled with th brll uant costume they prevent an exciting and colourful display apart from th excellence of th coal urn which ar fairly authentic 1mb and early loth moit of th faces are in deep shadow however the viewer almoit unaware finds himself filling in tbe aces to torret- pond with th stance and alti tude of th body atom of th members of the twelfth night rat bought us drawtfl of the character they enact and catt hardly wait ta see the ma i ve costumed aim- lurly this young man well known locally u showing here a high standard of costume driign century th drawing have bearing out the opinion of th been invested with the char drama festival critic last year acter of th player they repre when they awarded him heat ant 1 visual award bade and forth water making council seasick hospital asks aid with snow with their own snow remov al equipment broken down georgetown hoafiilal has alked th twe if k woqu handle th job this winter a letter from the adminis trator read monday to council pointed t limited funds in asking assistance while council was sympath etic it was indicated that the town would he plowing onlv to hospital ground limits town streets must have priority it was felt and there is a ques tion whether the new town grader can negotiate th hir row hospital entraneeways council will meet with the administrator to discus th question before making a fin al decision police dept eligible for teletype hookup a trletype machine may link i tioti of other force we would georgetown police department not have to send out fed many with some 70 other municipal circular or bake so many police force throughout the call w would be able to cat province if its coat u agreed j th up with offenders before to by council i they get too far away and it the conimunica lions network wouldnt be a costly to trasa- hv norman young of knox presbyterian church conduct ed the funeral service on sen tetnbrr id at tha harold c mc ctur runeral hnnsf and 1m terment was in greenwood cemetery pallbearer were charle glbb andy ritchie elmer hill and jim ken and donald bailey brampton georgetown j7stt deficit in the water account ha still to find a solution ordered earlier this yesr to issue a debenture to clear it up council learned monday that the municipal board now wants the deficit transferred to the general town funds the money had been improperly charged to th water account in 1m1 the board says councillor split on the op inion reeve elliott particular ly la interested in keeping the 37500 a a charge against wster in this way suburban m would he sharing tha debenture costs h aald in- stesd of saddling town ratepay ers wilh the deficit water chairman don power urged a solution a soort is j tttv mow possible v we are in no position to consider any rate changes un til th matt ha been settled minor crimes lead to real thingsays gunn cheating on exaatlnauoiu eanaaiuy laad in mud gang actlvibei can atari oa v ulnar acale but remit in violent and even death thata what rehabilitation officer vie gunn told a croup of local young people when he probed delin quency at the aecond in a aer ie of youth foruma in the high achool cafeteria sunday the youngaten are not the only one involved alnee the parent and family eumer ai wl he pointed out mr gunn apoke right to the point but dlaplayed a good humoured udueratandlng of hla audience aa well a being rehabilitation offlcer in the department of reform inatitu uona rehabilitation service he lrjeo the local boy satut aaaodation in defining the word- dean- quant mr gunn aald jured- tlea tboee under the age of are nor the only delinquents there arty adult delinquent and delinquent parent tub in fact much ex the trouble that young people get into ttn be directly related to the lack of wholesome family life he aald although atatutic are not alwaya a true indication ur gunn laid it would aeem that a good proportion of the boyi and girla who have paaaed through thle department have been tucceasfully rehabilitated and have no more trouble with jhejaw but how much better it webltt have been if their en- erglatr had been directed to ward more conatructlve pur aultav and inatead of the coni- ersg7lheybiavijierr f chuvcb group the scouta 01 the y1ica h aald v the royal ca mount ed police will haw the floor at the next forum october it when the subject will be nar cotk and tbe teenager be aid it appear the mervtf doeint want ta colled tha money either from general taxei or water rate becauae hut year ha oppoaed a rate in ereaie council will dlicuaa th mat ter further with the municipal board before taking action 11379 of us increase 184 a lm lucreaae in popula tiort and a 4q increaae in ia which will fallke the epprehaii- alon of crlininali much more effective will rot each mem ber of the network approxim ately tri a bmttn to data the ciuli1 de partment haj not made a for me reuuet to coundl to have the installation made lta no tacret theym like to be incled- d in tbe network and theyll undoubtedly aeek council ap proval before long it eapeeied the teletype hookup will be operating by the end of yar after rebru- ary th ontario provincial pol ice headquarter in toronto 17 oll dlttrlrt headquarter and more than 30 of the larg er detachment will join the network on officer tald the tele type tytem would be more economical than that now in uae it will speed up notlflca- port thaat hack it would w a prlvle wire tyitem with line of th telex the canadian national and canadian faeine eoaunualcat starting the new ice age october 31 is date halton plowing match at a meeting of the dlrec tora of ttahallon plowmena aaaodation held bn thuraday october lt a iedilon waa made to bold the halton mow ing match at the farm of jack 11 taylor appleby line bur lington on saturday october jul plowing match prize ut are being printed and will be dlitrlbuted in the near future a furrow queen competition la agalnbelng held with eon- teatanta from ifl to 23 year of age are invited to inter several llalton plowmen are competing thia week at tbe international plowing match at peterborough on thuraday october bth repreaenting llal ton in the intercquntv team are dwlght may hornby rb g and bryan marahall milton rr 4 day when aaieaameot commla- aioner c j lllbhert made hll annual report to council hatttaw- reaidcnti 1s4 more than a year ago and total aieewment hai in- creiaed from laat yeari glb 82s5 to 1sm1000 the towna indualrial real denllal ratio hai remained atatic and ahowa iqsri real- denllil hst indualrial and 14hh commercial karm land within town limit accoun ts for the email balance of j- th roman catholic aenar ale achool la allotted 714 of the agaeaiment a total of 1 111844 on saturday october 10th the interecondarw school teamoa verne thrmipaon mil ton rr 1 and anet taylor appleby line burlington win compete again the othejr schooli teama from acroaa the fknrince rv georgetown cattlemen take top honours at black and white show some of the georgetown hol- atelna among the 160 which paraded before judge orton eby at the halton county black and white abow laat week abared in the awarda the futurity claaa waa won by aleaholme cheryl for r c a ne and other first jxrixe wlnnera were ward brownrjdga oeorret brat lenlor buu calf iwilfrld leslie georgetown first jun ior boll calf howard tarrwell also of georgetown took the abow prendar breeder honours strike not affecting local parts factory employment at standard pro duct umlled on cuelph street probably wont be affected by the fourteen day old atrike by united auto worker agalaat the general motor corporation the redent manager told the herald yeaurday waller nagonea aald stan dard ilka other suppliers le cm had beol tut off by the strikebound company but were continuing production and banking part here stand ard products make car window frame mouldings weather strip and acuf pletee were not normally hurt by cm alrike ha aald and i doubt that thl ooe will affect our empleytntnl he aald that aalaa loat dur ing th strike period would be ide up after a contract agree- ent a long u the other two chryiler and ford are ttfll in full production i dont think 11 be harmed at all he aald standard products employs eloee to two hundred worker town to december polls 5 a look at the weather t i a eametlljw muuwiye ynrn n w een they put best ket torward aethb undo king and ann aaarchinent didnt watte mlnuje ln getting jhe blades on once the ice aurfece at georgetown memorhl arena vvas thick enbogh the first public skating of tr haw aealon wfs held saturday night october 3 the eedlest dql ever thurt 1 rrl 1 sat3 to so a eotettowowill h datee for th municipal horn lnation meeting gndthealecu ioii uil yesr starting this year nomlna tlon meeting will be held on the tuesday preceding the last monday in november and el ection wui be on the first sal urday in dmber this years dates are tuas day november 24 and satur day december 8 for several years elections have been on the first monday in december with nominations the eecond thuraday preceding the switch was made with the nope that a saturday election might poll a larger vote- it la poaslble hat- nubile schools may be used this year as polling places- and a alight change in polling hours has been made 00- am to 700 pw i dropped in the change is aa advance poll inaugurated laat year for the first time sun 4 m 48 47 mv tuesb mi max for sept 88 on 8th kin for sept predivftirasit a scott

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