hospital grants being reviewed county council ne liaeiaiate action was ta- kaa by hatteai county oooadl tenia the aoapital crasta bat daflaata dbctaiag to revw at aparfced ay last aaootai rrqmet bom tto joaapai brant hoapital aamed of goearoara laat tt pram xaoo par bad put ha aajead back lo tae p ami of tcuxx per ud ud that a x73 bad adrfujoa ba ap- twe jmajh brent board m omwinaa aba aaaed abet toe ratio o oecli par teoueeao popolarioa band k determine aaa aaad or naor aedi ba rn- xarpaiy beee k- howe of amtastoa claimed laei the po- pntauoa of rairnaiunn baa lo rn ta la tba two yeeraend awji wu by 17d unn ba pointed out tnel oearltle lka iel atlll bee empty bxu ao it- pewpoeal km im htuoid fur- oar before approval w a feeeae 11 aterry amnuled ton empty bads eaaked la ovill hnepwel but eniy la certain wards ha lett tost up till tu oatnrtua bad tbe boaa owi af bneperel craau and now bur tleeplnn eaould ba bnaatbt ep to aba aame level warden c celwaar pointed aa tbal all la tiuu bad wean eonatructed vblle ih 9bv000 par bed trvl trej in op i u ania j acted h fbat ul anlnkipeaty did nol woeftt at all in ux aoeptul avaoia tad would u bppuaed lo any lin iwae aonuatlni that the northern unacfpajallaa inlgbt not eel tbatr ahare deputy ueeve y k aen aplaload thai only a large aaunicrpality can carry a urge koapltal plial the fact lb ape caallaad leducle art available to 1l in eoocuaaoil comeahlaa ra 1 bars many afroed ttaat a atndy of ctanwa hi th repi fsranti by law would ba auadiad and axpreaeed tba bopa at would ba dealt with by the lata council rather than refer rihf it to a new rramchi appl grown here are munched in west indies ju least om axtae man aj ferr t llultoovilk is busy aayiaj y whii lb vulu mimx not lilauully orf tftltm bctckuias mr ftuti ictuljy u la tik ppl rrvwljii buimai ju prae tktr d li busy g it jytaljiafcaulas tj lli outtl 4pkua to b ls0t to thnidd a toul uf 7m uae sl tiiiajped ivbix uxi veks kafo tukd united iku btlm wiu ks to b ut n pr tlwu ordc tiluxl tr- of louo xmuat smlt tdj kcftflaumj appl- u wnl triroutb uorut1 uut llry tcu by txuck to slmtivl rid kr tren klpi to wrwu dltt ubtu am w do kr u pn fciitl fchipph uw tvfial it uk under blui w dun tvrll uiidafi ouf owii nn tkmld wr irrrh h wub w rum suttm rr hto vriu fro 6r klalpbararj utwirf uaaj ian wr kvrrls rlulij tkl kiitpmrht of uclutoajl plllrl ttmt bit fcltndkvi tnofuiiutuy up to um td f jauelury whtn khipmtrt of ttfkh fcpplrd from argnlira urt brrivlt to tiik bvr tin tioft trd ur yh mid h- lot tivat of bli 4ptl rritf lilt r but in ltwj ha thltd ut bout 8 060 bovi f iiri auhoujth tvrrytiilntf is ult this yrir ha wid w lutrw to 4irl tb 8 000 flifuiv of euuru w lvtve know h il prruls od wbfct tl xnt rn kl tor ul ltl tia way bf ordfrt omtmvtowwjmit riwrwnv dk vtm4 pagk 11 five to be elected candidates for separate school board tmtn tawltml tbi stbm to scout1mo thiwa c1m of tbij jxd gsor fatowm cub pk oiad tbo srd oaatteton itooct troop is sn foin ttj eer- imkqr november 17 itw boym wejwy pmimer jim st w ud doiicleu mmi luv bea mambrs of 17 tt4 jlli imlbjt t cobs and datg buf i star cob cxi box v ttbr a twr imjji aft tak- ini tb ts sup to scoodnf trltb scout bftvbctt ufc bor cr ivncdlately limatcl talo tba world brotbcrbood of scout todowint tb emnmoby thm cubs seotata ukd pwvas wcr um pmct for thro ntn w- trcud to bowiot of sliooa tar scofjbjr srtat mw tqwtlin ctmttsj hm scorrt oajoyw i the cub vtn trttb tbo ssutttioi of tbofcobs j toe tbry dlftor stvauir frflfti m of tb cabs tbo cahs1 now look forward with re mtkiptrfioa to tba tba wbtto they to will be up to 1 foh oooo atajtaotaw unuahd dccmoms a sound rttuw kanntno unity elect freeman malcolm h x mayor cva1 makk 4 ykifs tb ahji vuluntrrr atnbuutvfv ivrv4r btl ill rlli in lb wk of nurtiibfr 22 to 2a jsuiuisy kovmur i3 8 5 p hi a tloruuj ijbhstjmrutoii frajrt jobtowd to cri town hoilul tikn by a stgmp and i srarbrouh sunday novtuibcf i2 950 p u a bbrnul uknportliot com chhfrtvwh lo grjriw- ou hotl likro by a metlrip thd l sij bortnijb p m a rvumiil trtaarutiuii liutrt uh 1 korv1 tu uiltod gp4 tkra by k hull and a hlly iarlsy kovntir 24 t i p hi a nofiiul trfehtiportalon frotd iurtiuwti lo cvurf- uwrj 101ui ukcd by h ubdfunl tvad g crhia tudy noweuluf 34 a 00 p td a nbrnu trvtupurtugn rool afilrtuwn to gwgf tow a llupit ukn by l difwrnwrn and 11 gilitfr lutuntiy novcuoiber m 11 40 a w a hrua1 tratvipcmutluii fnnrt utltun 161iui toaidi itiov mdc haad takeo by d lvrk and t uwn t to the electors at mayoralty can- dadato for the town of goofgetown for 1965 i want to preient rny viewi to you with a poi- itivo bok to tke future ol our town it i inot my intention lo deitroy my oppotilton but rartar to promote myielf december 5 1964 will thapa the future for new and another year 1965 i pertonally feel tftat certain tlvtrtfj mutt be done i believe in our lown and i believe that wo have more natural euchi and more potential than eny other pteos in the province or the dominion i fool that we muit hold our patent taw rale it mult not increase it will take a great deal of hard work to hold this rate because already there are plan end expenditure that have earmarked the 1965 tax dollar for example the purchase of equipment made thit year and lo be paid for next year the com mitment to purchase cedarvale that must be paid for next year the completion of ihe reconstruction of gueph street plant to extend the hirjh school and public school facilities again i lay it will not be easy but the present tax rale must be he id we are all aware of one good reason why there thou id not be a tax increase because w have to pay it out of our own pockets but we should also realize that the industry we have and the industry we are trying to attract to georgetown will take a long hard look at any further lax demands georgetown in 1965 must take a positive approach to new industry new industry is the answer for georgetown and georgetown- answer to new indus try it available industrial lands competitive industrial lands and a stabilized tax rate for 10 years we have looked for substantial indus trial development and again i tay we must think and ct with a positive approach and we must have avail able industrial lands and competitive indus trial lands thlt will benefit georgetown and it will benefit thft development company and it can best be achieved wlm cooperation and negotiation with the develop ment company it the first approach i would promise at mayor in 1965 i would give leadership and uek to unite the efforts of all members of council to make these things possible industry it the antwer and with new industry other mlro will fall into place and we will not only haye a itubllized tax re but look to the near future for actual tax reductions without placing the town in financial jeopardy i atk for your support on december 5th for the office of mayor and 1 ask you to consider these things from ihe past 1959 deficit 2600000 1960 no deficit my first year as mayor 1961 no deficit my second year as mayor 1962 deficit 4600000 1963 surplus 2000000 my third year as mayor 19cu 7 7 7 yours very truly em hyde for mayor vote et em hyde g km information or a side to the poos phone b77j036 vote for joe the man you know tot mayo mciml mk 0 yansoili ayion yo this ouj cau 1773414 your support and influence is solicited to elect r j h jim emmers0n as georgetown deputy reeve for 1965 i have larvae 4 year ai a oeeiqlawn coontitiar for responsible and efficient spending of your tax dollar sound planning for the future 0 mm shask v george c hewson councillor in ward 2 vote to reelect w fa hunter for deputyreeve municipal ucyion satuftbay btc 5 for yransfohtatiom call tr 7444 tr 75304 larvae 3 year n eeutwll l 3 yaeta aa depuraeevei laerrueaenlel u tleaeurel pieju canaalah marietta aaj la la uerteb w kilw ceo ana tke o beerl uulleat ia teeaa u air e chamber er erree el luae clut eftel aupperier af keefcey eeeaalerle a mifle ava la lais reelect jim young in ward 2 promote and encourage iriduatrlal growth and harirtony puraua a proflant of balanced budflah maintain cloa welch over avary tax ooll inlallfaant ana forthright town planning stop futilespitefulsuicidal stagnation elect then support l g len burns u councillor ward 2 if you want realistically planned productive development lowarmlll rata punnad programme of road rasurfaclnfl mconarrucrlon of brldgaa and all hwy 7 in town 4 public monthly report and trlrlclama of town affair a a truatworthy repratanltlve an and to mlaguldad apandlng of your tax dollar a anwer or to crlrlcue phone 87741 61 new blood naw plana naw actions ambltloua only for one reipactad and proiparolr georgetown 10 yaara a oaorgatown raatclant employed at lltton syitem aa supervl aor plannln tnglnosrln i