thousand yearly turkeys live life before ready for of riley roaster somebodys chusymm mrtmhti uou ui im tw vm kit t 1 r ward to til at hig tihuatlwalerifig chnattalu lueke hiw tr the tuahoo of glen wll imui hiv bwd looking fo ard to christ bm uifkevs att u june h wm thed the sxijuurd thirteen hdndred on day old poult 4n thai eod christ i they would adorn the holiday pulur awtpriuly enough tk breed they acquired are si colas whiles however il i j 1 u dnuted they auo el ihr art breed for th tiifcjvm th thankigivin turt art bought m poult in air 1 aiter t r ly dvr unit in the inude pns uhfh list up lair and to nfctun 11 r art cm h way the dinner table at thli time of yejr len mrn abd wotrtrrt handle one i r 1 ind twenty birds da ftcr i quick and tuinlet death ttie mtt raided ind hel 1 in a p ck vt tltis does exactly what it sounds like hubhcr f i jrr ro tate and quickly plurk the ffi therm tbe large wing fcathrr arr pulled off in mother midline thu one rilled a uinjpjllrr yla fancy names in this hmin es ater the denuding they ar buna a- poneyor twit with hangers where jwmtan line bow pluck the fine feathers they are then put in i coolrr heady fvh shipment to the hutch tf v to individual customer kama ar packed and roien kept there for demand through out the yeaf the bishops llud and chris started twenty cra aga la the turkey busineu when it was uinply aldelia u their farm ihg th t they bred their wn turkry turnlntf th e by land wry day at jt time golden bars and j stare presented to brownies i colden uif wrre presented tlo a number of 8th georgetown llrownies at a iperisl meeting at holy cross uiurrh ivc 16 itlie pari llrown owl mrs a syme presented the liars to car ol lolea debbie smso r liu beth carney patricia layton louise rawlmson joane syme and anna wilcox these girla earned tlieir badges by pass ing tetti on such subjects as lewing setting tables know lrdic of flags and knot tieing i second year star wer pre texted to nora donahec laur ie colden jody ijw demi tllawlinsan and sandra walsh al the same meeting and first i year stars went to carol colea i llrbhlr caruso r iliabeth car ney kann ieonard louise rawlinson pat syme and anna wilroi i tlie meeting concluded with a christmas party for the en i tire pack featuring carol tint ins mrs a syme wu aulsled by lira carney ttxy hd between fifty and uv nty live ljtr thry uwght the di ol 1 poulv about tvto tun lrrd of them now they are hsnllmg bpproitiiujtely two thousand a year headlight not parking when dusk start to fall did you evri notire the num her of drivers who jut uw thr parkins light when it itart to get dark this is n t inly useleta but illegal sure thrrr is period htwrrn taljht and dark when your lights are not much good to you itut they are good for ihr other driver lltt can ire your heal lights so hr knows you are on the road coming his way tut he rannot tee your parkinc lights give him a break and drive irgally ojhawa strike grts 4 hours work at standard emuloyeeat at stand art pro duct lost approximately four hours work kridy m result of tha strike at general atstora osbawa plant employees srere ent boms at nooo becsuae work wmm caught up but this week thing axs back to bormsd tb strike elucmeiit cam aboruy site the brief uyolf berc and the utkiajt employ es of cvl canad limited wr bsck to wock stood roy s-ak- tuaniicr of pi- tils on ariustruaf ave which westkexd th strike without a topva said h u bow fcsxtul thsi th tmpcbd inl rl ulk havtf its effect bert iu said he klowdgwtt that will vvault id the tuolus inahu aciuriikjt compaalrs thuuld th buorkrrs walk out wouk ukely b felt b vt tuslly sound of chmtirfai u fine etcping of music the khrrlii iuiks of iuh del hiluljjlfch umjtui wi the rlmut tu a fit c tuursl ev enlng in the blfch school audi turujiit saturday the jloria 1 atrl cluur ffwii th christian hrfumted church saj rtortrlown ciltiens luftd cwiihined to irfewnt the sounds of cwifctmst a program j carols ant wsional lrlecuons tjace uu1 sykes ung o holy nltht and rest an o henry slo- rv and deu ie mnta sang whit vsuld is this and read th siifiit liefore christmas hr an international flavour choral director charlie crimes and gene kothirr joined kill sykes in a jamaican calypso ea rol mrs rlclurd vandenharai wis pianist and art milliard dl recti d his tandunen in their numtxts announce winners in local draw the following wrre winners in a locally sfwinuired draw made iecrmtcr ib im i air of maple leaf hnclry skates grore ste- phns 1g4 mrlrok avr lor onto 2n 1 dinnrr for two aero- i ay i rhtaurant j i grain ter 0 kersey si ilichmond 1111 3rd thnstma dinner ham j urn irrwtn 4201 tomkin ltd cookville 4th dinner for two areo inn j c llrarn 3 llraumonde dr itrx lair 5th lhnvtmas turkey trd lunnrtt 147 steele st ram would wekuromove toward county ambulance service talk cut a county- balance icrvlce would inurt prlste ajmbulance operator beuer col lectioo of fees from transient castes as well better service to people injured on provuv cial bljhways bss prompted murray alcbetau lxader asabulsocr bclc oak v die ad past presldeut of j douhsw aimply bscsuse the the ontario ajubuunoa over j townabip pays bothlni toward stors aawiciauov to tuinmotit th ambulaisoc maintenance and so 9t any hour wbea on csil be said h i think there is sua mf on the person to whom the aerv- ico is given to pay promptly tne geortatowsi vsluntner ainbulsnce service serves es- qoeatnat township tn the ssaoe way it srrves geor but w chsrite township residents strocjly in favour of tucb w kbouldnt th coumy wide arrvice b act up h aaked after kll you bav your tire devartunt bd t ef acrvtc 0b a county wldi baals and kd aiabulwit f vie could b fcrt up the lilus way speaking to the hrrald tid th ugjtiort gcurgctowit vol untax ambuui tvrrvlce ffir w c davldhou tjm wine poopl so abut tlie service by bat paying when billed la our hituation it ii rgret abu tiawt proj le don t kurrc ute that they should pay im hwdlatrly this is important so that the service can continue b aald the local volunteers give f thlr time and ulent freely and guipmeol aaid toe townahip ireaidenu fere sctusl ly penalised du to th lack of kb ovtr all cost beixug spread over th two lues govern- tnou tti iqut for a couniy wide smbulanc aervvc w originally toad last week at uiltiia lowil council taeting itccw cai uaitin buxxesird further that bruvidtns smbu le srvk ahould b a pro vincial rathr than i county undertaking it said th p- fcit fcjrvlr would b adequate if it were not or th high hum ber of aecldaiibi and injuries oa the provincial hljcbways tlsssrssisr dk u ifm atdvcc u there buii umi to take s new yrrs greeting ad tn the pages of ux herald merry christmas m1 w it pul w4v ujiy i- j j tu girards confectionery hulfl swi mocth jt mh hrei wisdmg yon a blight ond mrry cinilmoi ond a yulud iato ipaikkng with good tur b0ught0n jewellers wayches diamonds joy at christmas joy fa ii woa 6j smcw tjod vuosj id osaf iumndi cuw tisssr foawisx f s movers storage 75 main slrl north ca04ow1 wynfield nursery caideh cthxm 17 stdaid rilf mlla irani th 11m fix hjuay vtxu iw t rt if jkbv aw 8n boj ihaektloalfaxhimdiaadpatmiii jim bell glen taxi hon 8772432 bob and john of stevensons ms nt t roys wear wiih to extend to all a very marry chmtmai and a happy new year let s all make theio now year reiolutions 1 pray together 2 work together 3 unite together for the benefit of georgetown sincerely bob stevenson merry christmas wefccu greatplcuon in kceiig jc aa itmhatqliaisimikammigtioctiiae ken robertson etectrlcal contractor h norton crouant ooorgatown l4- x i wttck wtf vwii tu wtfwi merry christmas and seasons rf greetings from all of us bob phillips ownrjvunaor l4 hwaww wi w mm w ws watch for our change of name in the meantime come in and meet our sales staff chrysler dodge valiant dealership sales staffi ray addy oun wllllm harb jobb acton wunn jukaoti goorgalown shaw sales service hwy 7 georgetown ud 8776471