committee agrees larger municipal units needed ceoetery erosion control gets 2125 ontario grant tau u the hmu cwyn tcbuey second of your article after agreeing in principle that larger municipal admlnla- desirable in some liutiuu existing i an effort to hsv them estab- counties would form the unit j lubed in areas nf alow aweel- in others where good planning opment and e depre- ukd efficient admi uon aion demand it a combination of such matter as um admin- bounties or even parti of colla utrmtioo of justice welfare an trative units are desirable tjes would emerge the actusl vice and aducataoa aewawaty aembeni of the legislature j bflfcndariej would have to lake no longer are matter anlely elect committee oo municipal to account lopcl planning of local municipal concern jaw have diaagjtoed often shsr- ar watersheds practical d tbr cost of iw three r- piy on bowbij the units should ucauooal units and other um ice ihould be eubetantiauy in be ho they might be organ- iu- uctor burded of all of the people f jsnd and huw the council within the regional unit j ontario bawd on lhr ability hoold- be elected municipal govcrii cut lhouid to py the adnlnulratioo o tv commute- has finished be ket up which would have the xrvic id provide equal tta threeyes stint knd u pre- parinjl its report for the legi- utive arlon beginning heat jin 20 jumdtcllno over kll ttikttrrs ly i u tccuvci oi the prxv proply falling within the luc should be a reckon and bcupe of huch luvemmewli provincial romilbuity the regton luutikpal j iwsum of tnuderu dr on the cuitiiiitltr kre nine government wuld be elected majd tt ummi beobvloui that progxtsaive coitfcervktivrji threeij m bli of repreeiiutlon by the ouuru government haa to liberal and one kew detno- jnopulation wllh new wvd of mj toethod of providing cral the ndl poiltica ha boruujth boundariea drawn to uklhiug fur b persons been made rlr h red ncxuipllaii thl purpose who will on the admlnuuu youiwt yurkvuw the i tbr j rt m fc tommuuon uvl handle our taounkip af tioet hai been outlined hpuld be vet up responsible flrt to and reporting to the lagi utur to drew u tuw bound lylftw rirefl ulf4 kiul to recommend thm i ciiuw jllctli to tbr ugiklstur li aliould 1y a y romuohi of prrlered inun lt oic council sympdlhixes a ea j brsem te credit vaury c inltj a tjkantjr fee e irtaii to cod ii ii j m ow nwr uat t cks tnti-im- fi has geneve kcrr htt 4nu tw social and personal vtaijg wuh kather oglr tibevcmt o holy jom churchy htf krotker fmlho- cynllu e prni of the capuchin fcw arocr kaihw cynllui a p- w w ifoiuod will twpoty aww wufrwj l l j oe jnury cih ue uf h kaye it h ao 4 u claeitk awci w u for chnt uute bad 1 y-j- e vrb at kunff bprtng t v rwej hi aimi wr cordon al iwd ratrriinrj rulive and frmd kt s uidy dinnrr p j i i ty al thrtr w t wuk kuckaood taduuweu wt ortklmg tocludrd m sedc tourney honours in ingersol dec 26 georgetown novice puy in a movtee touraauent oo boxinf day uvtoffenou in hones o cap ping a ucceatful first half of the aeaaoa with e tourney chanv pionahin- tbey pux their first game at 12io kgminxt t- the novinee steensrouered over vcrgu 131 no thursday uxab georgetown jit were gene lnh tj dennu kortoo a yn arnold cj and rrturnl h tvw wcokorrowh twrsdwy dee 14 hfftald 144 al poii to a vegurf iutunl by v oo singej ixiwtuvifw tti conervatlvrf kbow no unnt baity except on ttte piniit tliit the county with wodvf pow ere end polbly tviwd boun 1 idj ijpu nriee be tlrf building mcwk lit commlfcalun ihould yirul of teoiul gov rn hikti wu thow kffa wbrrr lkil u mot i population preuurr ul u lu by lro0 j divthcany vlewi v element problem are t llu m tu ba ww w hw of thr 1c iirwbm wuu it aliouul report on eaeli ju ta by buvu f for eaample kre optd to rcowirndkuoni mwt un idrimond uforw chalrnvin holhi iwckru pel re ready it kbould work with wwl m jj u b that county council kll polbl kped wuh power the hfctilage ocurtvd be kul rpo4al j circled by hirwl voir om l uw uir ill nrruiry to o tu mm vol ipunnu linmln arthur tvni iscinru rntrf t uinf but mr km 11 mor firmly l1bebal kliltioh in fvr of the rflonal oern i 1 1 1 r rro mr sinner utrinrnt win l dox id the iildlo cuarlyp jlvrgrnt wwniiatuin no lunger ailr allan u fc nttdi of ijiui people of ontario wi re lwin jcommrud that the ontario mctfu k eatabliih ucli re tujnal toca govrrntiu nti ai t r newaaary whoae toundar ill be delermlnd by con witrrvhii tfi oiraph teal featurea economic iwh j couple of ui antj p f0un muhd tlre a good tlirie rrglonal coorn mrnu will have the tolr tnun tclpa rbponnbility in their areaa or tlie following aiuuu ment planning imjrrowinu wat er seweri police highways trying to rrcorwll vlewpolula hai txrn keuur watrrloo houlh cowling high lark haa plugging an amended toronto organttation thryr ihraahlng out diifrrrnre now tlirir report will probably br not quite ai radical aa unne of thr vlrwa czpreaard by a rural membira chance too of i minority re port if the majorrfy faila to ad vocal alrong regional govern bocnt some of the conservative metnbera arc even suaplcioua of vital rglont a vwh town weummlna fluihfd while hla wife vs top- era ting her automatic waher karller in ibe ytit the machino had been damaged by a uaulu occurrrnrr be aald at that time he had rtutitrd that liouwwivf it nolifted when work le twlng done od he malni the finn wluch hdlr the town ilaullty insurance aye it will not rtrogtm aueb um agf clatma be laid there wea general agreement among rounclllora that mr ttieb nond a claim la ugitiinale if inkurance uvea not cover thia cr don towers uiggftud that it might be pjuuble for the town to wl inuire on uinor claimi up to sao to aolvelhe iron problem a rwsuwtl plant would te thr answer he aald but thu would be coily ore- fcrt hk cuxee fca inja uu ka u alfut wifc- what we pua u w ahew w r xmli wr u l cr itiktafaraadt ktajw gbrwae lavtlrd the eoeanuiaaai u taw kwxt tw til hwerila whew aw pua la have a tvtrtitl frwatf law kw wraare tlrm wf laeaa kavade awd far taw lati iw wrghl ur tad airt lftrld uocilvrry eorgr urwa wr kad ur luurt yow krt credit ahd wr j krv- twmim wju hd ur the term regional govern tnent aim ply because it hai barn advoeaud ao atrhgly by the new detnncretei rivb points mn young ktitement of the nop poailion luted fiv ugeld recommendation a that lmtnediate at rue be takeji la kt uo regional munic ipal government in ontario tbeafl regiona would conaiat of um county aj the baaie unit health rcnti are particularly subject it must be remembered that to iron depout collecting and of thf advantage that frequent flushing n the only will accrue and must be made answer at present to accrue from the forrioinc heevf huott said the uwn auggeationi is the necessity for government in coopera tion with tlila new format of municipal organlulioa to move effectively toward a pro gram of diversification or dec rntrallxtng induatry even to the point of auhaldlxlng specif l liklutriej l necesaary in has a responsibility to warn e- aidentl wlien fluabing is planned and if it la not done the town should he reaponslble for dam age cr hmmerson cited a both er instance of dirty water an lwing uxtet by flooding a akatlng nnk uti be honest with ur iw rarce krd iuncock jack mcyarlane and gua kobtoaon last tucaday him george- town novice knef hurtmgtoa who were preppii for tour bey u ttw soo clirisltnai week knd grlhed a sail ur lubrock troai croa logui i k m u ik kacwnd period and iwdqu nurton frtwa ersd hat iwwurtti at 10 44cunted tbc georgetowd gou burling tun a came fioul bint bwai kt 3 13 u the third frvtn lundi kud wuh jut 20 kecond of left simoioilb unaulktrd trgeuwu a display wa their beet kgitinkt the t akkt lug uurlitmclon rliib boxing day holiday urww th auikof ity of a tetokitto peiaod by oxtnal t km privitod to proclaim saturday dccumot loeti 1944 boktng dy m tke town of gtoralowi uga holjy dorirvg thu rliday usul we ue you la cjtefos f cafe ifui courtesy wftil cwiviig ihet will enaurw aaerry cwnimi arwj a meppy lcw year for evry- wnc mayor joseph gibbons joyous jli tkr yi oiclimiwii wth wu rwyy by art aa wok wtturv uxg kwj pekyvr we i all tle oflliiurtll arui w wth all wfuve iriendvb f arvd qocxj w ll ww clvftth very tiappy new ytadl harris floral 10 77s5s3 iat a have lloluly vuitor ibo bdl i hat of your drop in or rail services septic tank william vakcoi rent new trucks and cars herkes ba service m maim snuft mamfloh gl 14625 robciilon elfxtric imoustlllal commiiicial t ritldimtial lbsna rr71sj4 ckmkdktown u vo xrmr mivicl call carpet clinic yaur 1muui uakaulrv ckaat aod ctaaevar 4594140 a expert tv repairs by topflotrjh tethnicians service our work taianihp u topa and our rharg- tnodru vva live up lotlie minut knowlecio h utett aquipmant and lop quality aplacamanf parts 1o tafvicv your let wigo tv appliances qmamkmtmtmtmsmmcmmsumtmmmm sincere christmas wishes out lirlull puutt to al em jtinis j tuigbleri my you mo u vry mirry cbfhlmuu gord and ken johki sttut otononoww harley motors udcff our keovfcaw yooj wxm fw a happy fmatf ojrul yuieai fo te vou ojvj voun wtlfi qralelul thanki to our friends for vua pleiaiure aluj privilege of serving you ken nash hiwuno and heating tomicwicicvtammfcimvmtnwvnmicuwituwwwwicw i seasons i from the r ii iff otnti p u mrky tbrlsmas one of the greatest joys of the holiday season is to cast aside the routine of everyday business and in real sincerity extend our very best to our customers and friends wiwwwiwitcwiitwww members of the brampton real estate board representatives in the tieorgetown area harold fobert realtor j wm f sunnucks real estate broker harold s hare ltd heal estate halton peel trust savings co kxal estate department 1 ea mitchell ltd mm fjagawwwwwwwwawwwwjlfcgwwmgjaig with sincere appreciation for your good will and best wishes for your happiness this holiday season your superior food market georgetown