a m v r 3 v man awoat war on mastitis m fettle ob of fb moat luayu tincw diacaaa pcrtbleoa facing thai dairy fanner 1 now -an- der a new control policy apoav aorcd by the ontario depart ma of agrvnltarre on de let at vofanv tary mmttf control p wee made available to ontario tn tkn treatment end fifirl have made tt poav to cootrol aiaatitla tn awrd where the una- la in terested la baking ea all oat aeamtttt 00 the problem at is that ovw 30 of the dairy com ie lha province are- ejected by this diaeaae in m foam administered by the veterin ary gorviee branch oi lh de partment of axruulture tale new ataatilia cootrol itogrem u directed by dr x a me- tu who beaib the cbmmmv icabu d i a dlvuloo of the branch lalatejl by dr h j neely citraiiocj vetsr- yot the procram lb rov- lttc la divided lulu the areas ervlced by the veterinary la boratories louud at kldi towrl coelph hrlgtb kem- b4uu and new uherd dalrynwrt wuhuti tu enroll knay bblabi application forma trotri the airlcultural office tbe enrolmeat fee u ti5 per row fot all tnonttt trrfud kaxnaert who enroll will be provided with herd tfata at ai week interval alauhc from the veterinary service hraittb kuld stiff who will anenfc for the tolleetlon of milk iam bic to the lahuratorud the number of herd that may be nrolted in helton county la limited to nine aj a remit of a pilot to- grani conducted in wr at etna ontario on 1m herds over the paat two yearn tt i evident that farroem who participate in the tonlrol program hiay e pect to reduce the aitiount of uaitjtl in their herds tn 1w level they should blao lu cre- the quality of their product the value of milk pro duction as well as reducing the coat of labour involved when uaatltu u prrnt as a herd probletd tw 1m4 pa4k s the old year in pictures march top ufti a bit of paris france dominate the georgetown high school gym at students dance around the eiffel towar at their annual prom top rtghtt fire guts tka munc box snack bar and baiefnent apartment eait of town and proprietress mri faulkner returns to the imolce tilled build ing to rescue twin sons stytom ttfli the sycamore tree is ttacjed by the georgetown little theatre at the western ontario drama festival finals ottom rjght gale force winds batter a cement block wall at smith stone limited until it comes tumbling down comatrrt oavtt kultblno sand ftoad oiavtt nu i tor son stone wouc tom haines esw wlillama tv tssw 4w jav vhlu as bright newyear gleame bofon us we would ilka to taka thia opportunity so thank eoh and all for your gener ous patronage exchange hotel dave williams hictltcal contkactok 1 uu st t ttxxt to our f rlemau eu mma acw w esaoatd new year pctnaa aorlii mlyfoj your mtraaafl harleys drug committee recommends many changes rt tfovenunentt apeelal i conudittee on food and drutft chaired by llalton county up barry hitley recommended hit bupectlon of imported druss hm fetepped up dt harley laid the rommlttre found a firm could produce and alt drugs already on the mar feet without permunon or ev eel the knowledge- 0 the load end druk directorate the eommlttea feela all drutf minuficturera ind dlsfri butors ihould be reclterel fe derally prior to marketing drug tald harley lie tild this procedure would insure that all druga were prop erly inspected these relnsnect long would be carried out at regular interval llt centeaiu dr harley tald the committee would ttrongly recommend that all patent and proprietary medi tinea have their full contents lilted openly on libels and packages tlta formula of a drug would j a not be a secret as tt i at the present time he noted the coiyimlttee alio will re- eotritnehd an increase tn staff for the food and drug direc torate the federal branch which administers drug regul allot the committee felt the present stiff is grossly inade quate said harley double staff lie uld the committee would recommend the staff be doub led by granting pay hikes in keeping with other profession teal in government settings we yecomtn ended that the food and drug directorate be allowed to recruit undergrad uates by paying their fees in return for later aerviees dr harley said the hilton county mt said a similar procedure was fol- lowed in the- armed serbx we era asking for the co operation of all medical ser vices- in reporting adverse drug reactions he tald dr harley uld the commit tee will ask all these service to fill out a report designed and dlatrlbuted by the food and drug directorate reporting these unfavorable reaction m a special study of tbeee re port would be carried but and eent to the interested proes- etom at regular intervals said k dr harley he bald the publication of tany regiriablon infract one would also be urged medical research u to be i encouraged in canada by the continuance of the prcient tn incentives said pr hsrley v e also hope government will increase theur contributions to medical research dr harley uid the commit l would ask the government to set up a separate fund for research centers contributor at the present time govern ment contributions to research activities cannot be used to construct facilities the committee dealing with the safety of drugs in general felt that the dangers from the use of drugs are amall when compared with their value in combatting disease and death many people interested in this topic were interviewed and the majority felt that the pot entlal harmful effect of any medication compared with its value in relieving pain and suffering was amall dr har ley reported 6 vary drug farjjand etfery drug haf potential bad effects and each medication involves some risk for the patient he noted a decision must be made as to whether this risk is worthwhile the evidence indicates that any risk la small dr harley aaid that the com niitteea report has been pres ented to the house of com mom and would probably be debated following the christ mas recess cheers hello friends i just a short note to thank you and wish you the best and ell the next rest year holmes 5c to 100 5topj it la now up to the govern went to consider the recom mtnditiona and implement them if they see fit he com men ted gearoefcewri rt introducing a happy hew year henrys mens boys weak henry and staff main st new year to you and yours at oils gay season mcgibbon house main street ring out the old ring in the new we hope its a happy onltfot you fi0m the staff and management andrew murray motors louelph st limited 776m4 thankyou v production of general motora cars and truck lui resumed daily output will rise speedily and our plants will soon reach maximum capacity we wiah to expreas our aincere thanks to everyone who haa waited so patiently for this good news our appreciation embrace many people across canada our customers our suppliers and our dealers to the custotder who have cars or trucks en ordea- and are awaiting delivery we are particularly grateful for ytfur faith in out products for your forbearance and for your understanding now that our production has started again rest tu- tiured we will fill your orders as quickly as possible to our suppliers we extend our sincere appreciation and offer the encouragement thai soon all our operations will be back to their normal level already you ant providing the many quality products and services that will enable us to reach peak production with minimum delay we thank our dealers and their employ ees the men whose important job it is to sell and service general motors cars and trucks we know they will welcome this renewed opportunity to fulfil the trans portation needs of every customer those of you who have not yet ordered your new vehicle can now buy your choice confident that delivery will be made with in a reasonable time every effort will be put forth by our dealers our supplier and ourselves to meet your requirements it is our belief that our 196s ears and trucks are the fineat ever produced this is confirmed by the enthusiastic report of the thousands of customers already driving them try them out soon at your general motors dealers again we thank you and along with all our employees we extend warmest seasonal greetings and good wishes for 1965 obnmral mottors products oif canatja amttbd oshawa ontario v chevrote opontiac otdsmobile buick- cadillac acadian envoy vatrxhau cetjevkolet gujic thucks y