Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 25, 1965, p. 16

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lswtf mmmt at vint t chvdk sanaa lj- 1ajey main tan aa liar la at a aaj u knol chan hall of uu j- h- aa uaitad cavarca r bakiax mix aae en rxai corner satordar nan ivirliiw i ii m j clock m albaoa lada lolio i cfcriataaa ranar n jjtk is u- rarlak iuu pjk iu fe bm fcwitrt 8 aaalu si u ua1 3r 1 trw 114 javcck vml u a n c k gotaxday nomi t co aalimam lvrao kawvu tm norta luuo uw a coutr y tub hmm tj his otb auitfvrraary ilaltoo county juaur aator 4ay nutrmur m haal dloacr tud dabcv tl lloraby to oolf mut ick ii e ilart w axfchrl au la aianlilltr tim 1 alio poj brwd- yifkcu tailablt at ajprteultural tbv kuuua ot troaa haul kuy llow ladies shoes i aalr usji- m alr mens shoes 4v j vlbo tir richards opa vriday j p aa lalpu saturday i p u 1 pta 144 lathsbiii acres now owed by t lyouth forum in lit legion hall sunday dec 5th 7 30pm trvfcntd by a group or young people from tor apfcj tartveta dlfcfuuiob alcohol uttoklng dating etc tpontofvd by koyal cakaixan uoon christmas dance legion auditorium friday dec loth ipotisored by lb minor hotkey support group orchestra reg ryall banclng tpn to 1 m refreshments admission 300 per couple ii skt whothor or tool you tro a aaaorlato tklor e hoalnnor er aaulo u4l iul t im filuiof winter sport and moumtaim scenery ih swihoruoj ttwl iuoff you ahautd be at st pauls baptist church mouattlnvutr kaad thursday nov 25th at 715 p w pilots on uiaa tueallad bv iarbir travel agency earls bakery homo mta brooj cookies homo made ettdee end peanut hrlhio cokot ii outfcora itylo eookuoj fmh a chips ssv earls fish chips tw orniol va ocrco oorook to tkio ba too in took bock l ooroiov ooo w orfl to rt suol ow loo oa uoj to hniw oosrfol of s tbi teook obk h l i orfo of iw towok uoo a l rloioi oooj koi w uto4 by ibo w tool oriioo will u ukoat l tloof tooruoo u tu to fci ill iw w au alberi mvbnl was town ftttooent 44 yrt hosphats ahmad benefit from iode gowns project aly w auktte tiaa ducaroed tirtol ockcr ikiats lor tw t una biw iuw r mrs ltt rmtxur tke tteal hktwjuaas t t nfmbwl tar ttaslr ttyj imwiibi o u ha tf bi ur tw a mj vftltttift iuu tahich will w m fuwy 11 t north c4 hj cwntry club vtfcd irvot lib outr kd fcf rcist u ft ruj by kwil 11 vvdcruid u whj fktrtw fcijrlj txauiitant fct e cwumii kilt fc0i4t rrtyrctul tk tbp u t i tmorufej uj uai wtb w tfa kj cruava lo it u duriiot niilt la pmhu id kmd u uau fca municipal bldg otmtlaqad fna root pec tar um w waur tower before b could coauait jiimt oa wky boiid uui coutkcil be tg with tnif or next year is u dyiatf moment of otr tenurw ol ofocw said lbj high rise opppfttipn toroolo ho dtor 10 boju pox era ta oojnrldo 00 niuw en la seorboro aad only b pox an ta goorretowo they ocn not in the aroo kin baarllo oflmihwl aoy hsoo tv bo hixh mm apart aoaus but ult thoy obould bo ia areas already booed r4 tois oey taero oold bo no break imt ullb with aayooe atn fuuxlu atalod that there wao a alu for a twenty ouru apartracat oo water street reaov ccavoud aa bo lateeuftoled by tao ytnanww tit bitb riw apartraeau tooy b luiy fut uwoo who lite to u but what about tauw wbu uve ttrth laej abo rkalkl- tbo a will to blocaou but and roany bf ui bavi our uvuis roami at la bak juat lo uko adabtajto uf tbi uvauud willi ooly accva lrivvoay buiiacd it will bocuiud a roouway rtabt behind uur yalda alw ruotlnucd id ruorluaibii ur uutwlu auud wr ar nut aaing iwiii w4 a iifcl wf aioco im a1wj atayaanl ovd l cwiw koapttal wo kuaw 5 bota la ymt cuij iw vi tw aauaku wl lira alawi tad tw la aibnt huymard she hvd with fcrt aolar at 1 arlkta m bad tlwadnl cbasfl u rslbur arkaol tad wta a bl of si lrorfi aakli rao caurrb s1m waa avdrrvawd by uf talker tad by a uur kllra uvv ja laratalkla roadurl ad ibr fuowtl aervlrv tt taa ii c ktrclure rubral llux and talrrwal wta la crva wood cneeury pallbrarrra wre abb tad kerry jtfoa krwj llydr jark tyrll yorwa to laaard lau artaa tad walt fcwal wrttkill council of wonfl study wwnveii in ruukufe i uitai olive riuuetl 24 cturlee si vu itoiteu t tb november ieeitax of tbe lorl cekiaafil ei w wuorlua thrrfwitry urt ol lat hualarf arud to tb tup u ltt tauai jodk banuu iw prvliaty ib kdijtuajl tt tw kua uktmkl cuulaiavbkltt otmlkuiuavj kjatalartau tfilit utymdf wwe v rki- ijiituit cfwu 13 xeidttic jni ciauva li 13 tciukj1 yirnj sutt taj sukjui tuluer crdadf 12 roaattoerriil urt pwry irae end un williiim aikjrta will kin ua aftr 101k clrnlmil k for uiudl rhidenu of tbe iwi htt kimt ivtiriee plrj a rcdtb oa tbat war mtttuvrtil un wbdalf of iw chapter fit the kaw 7 rfateuuraikre wnlcf oollawlnf ttw uu4aat mift ib4c ul j uvkemir wii tw luwwo luwert pxwpo4il would rent tw lhlrcof uilldixll lor uj3 bwia1 until tn end of u0 lien for uoo vjoolnly hjiiro f- ntll nnl in utuuob wi wrrurvd u m ulb- 1 lrnjiat that prcitrnt buildukfj wvuid t wld w uw d tutu fu 140ixjo aiid ut tvwo would owd the iww build lo4 at tw fend bf 20 social and persona bit w v smitii fur wmrrly of urwrti lu byw u wltllllpfl uaa biv laan vuiubj in town lor tl pt tv wk au wtlj lr lrthoa hi and tpbev tvir nd win 1 junn k h kvaii and unuly 0u mttb mirrl it a puiiur fur br old ffiudi and mujtltuttnt to vint with lrr ajtavln which a auultiic by uw li tup- poud to alftrd ue rlulami clfeiritiar caj felt the 1un bin i lluard uuw bit to fare baoiuof of tbe itauad dlmfult diuuu kitut iu lueeptlurl we cn t kep iwwpitik uv quuun of high riw tpartmens under tlte rut lt will have to be fared he eiputned that tbey apprriatrd tbe frart of the ratrpayeri luwerr tw tuk rd fur undr4tndia for tbeir tl in other purei the un i bj ba bcotu so ruttratfd and tulrariisj thst j the members quit not only wai t ann uebrombe and kim the tuvowlediie and continuity heldln danre pupili of ur lot but tlw viy was open for vicky lay attrnded studrnt ippulntment filled by people dance rally it victoria hall i with anea to gtind and flnanclal torontu on november 7th j inlrl we are here lo pro- it ut ortanled by tlu a i tret everyone in the comrnunl nadtan dance trarhrr t a ty he runttuurd uhtiallon and approximately 250 wtwwrjor m mjoyibta md pwu a plan of overall hih rlie of ontario uiu csrul uroiuray who u atteudluif hurun lulleite un vertlly of viurn untarlo fcpeul uh weekrnd at her home at 1 guelpb street le had aa gueat uiaa kally dick a fellow atudetit daughter of judife and j l ura ku dick woodatork fruerly of uilton iie attendd the llifih vfuwl fcavencemenl lira r ii javra eorreapoad lag savehary eutiiaed m roen- aumualuti f roca canadian hutb- waa safrty couaril prveuinibl df it u aje drinaf welc enpkaiu tkia yrjr u pucad twi ue lauaaaibality ef the awrtx tndwulaal for the avoid ante of hauu wadiax to high way aeihdhktl we are naked ia tahkiitirr the ttmous plixbt of inany areident virtiitu not fatally injurrj but iiarapahuled pertttifthitly or for lens thy patrioda of tnwr the iiidlaeajliano austria tiab hrpavl satpport oa their eurrettt eainpaikb kbowu u the anliroverty fracraia oullminj their aiua and teltlni forth atepa ia a reluuliutioa pro- fnvm i the far arth un d w fuxtear cave the report of tbe canadiaa asioen tla of cnnauuera it tleilt chiefly witb idealifyinc charac- terutirt of tyutbetic fabnrs and their care lira f w johnott cave a report from the national eduction ennlnnab and ura r t paul retmarled a donation of tw valuahle booki by uiai jean llutt aa eontributuvn to thdt lady aberd library at waterloo cotleee urt curenre hayes prwent ed a pipr oa canadian women ia public life over tbe put fifty years un jon alias ruddell and urs j w kerr were tea hos tesses the aaeetibf concluded with a sale of baking and snull artleles oimg birds avaoaua hi y office mtone 771o3 hours monday whncsoay rsday mad satutrbay 1 pm to 5 prrw thurs a ftl eveunos 630 to b30 prwfalable hour wblwr final or dera were given for tirltnvaa tarda u urs ukiwray lloiteatet for the evening were uiaa rutb kvani ur l w dana urs k lurber ura oud kentner and urt a w ciltner at the january meet lag ura leith barber aill apeak oq antiques ind glau ware three from county get scholarships the gallon federation of agnculture regularly each year awards two scholarshlpa of 100 jveh to help forward the fdurstion of worthy hilton young people particular inter tat la displayed in their ignr ultural background the inter est and participation thry have taken in 411 work and the num her of projects they have com plefed interest is shown also in bow they have participated in other community aetivitiri and also the direction their fur iher education is taking them tula year three seholirihipa were awarded to the following young people uarjaret jouhert of palermo arthur law win of r r s uilton and mary uof fat of r r 2 acton ulsa joubert is the daughter of ur cecil joubert ur law ton is tbe son of ur david ijwson and uiaa uoffat is the daughter of ur duncan uoffat apart menta will be drawn up and publithed the hoard auur ur rodney hde apent the jed the ritepaera ind nothing urekrnd uith hn parent ur j can le done immediately they and ura ordon harlry ind were told family while rn route from license plates on ial ukxt wkdnetday dkckmrrr tall ret om early bird thli year get your plates now ami avoid the rush in the winter 11111 o on salt wadtveaday at 9 am 41 main st s 171671 f j to j ldmonton alti lo kxcter new haiupalure where he haa arc p ted tefcrhing poaition at the phlllipa lactcr academy while there he will be an in a true tor in physical kduration and serve aa coach of wriom i porta october he returned from a four month tour of kurope which he took after com pleting a two year coursr al the university of alberta where be received hla ulatrr of srirn ce degree seek public office 2 resign appointments two vacancira have been created on town appointed boards by the annual municipal elections last week ualcolm rrermn submitted his resignation from georgetown industrial commis sion he ia a candidate for reeve uondiy ian can reaignrd from georgetown punning board he la a candidatr for council in winl 1 notice to creditors in tiik vastate ok charlea wakefield i ord foreman deceased all persona having cliima sgalnat the kstatr of charlra wikcfiehl ford late of the town of georgetown foreman who died on or about the loth day of july a d lofls are hereby notified to send parti culars of same to the under signed on or before the 24th day of december ad 1005 after which date the kitate will he diatrlbuted with re card only to the claims of which the un derslgned shall then hive notice and the undersigned uil not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then hive notice dated at georgetown thli 22nd day of november a d idas mary mildred ford fxcculrlx of the estate of charles wakefield ford hy her solicitors dale bennett lalimcr it raines 23 mill street georgetown ontario on the queitlun of the kins men senior citijerta project desn talor of the kinsmen club pointed out that the buitd ing ia only twenty feet above the ground would demand no school fscilities and not tn ereasp trsfftc il ia pnfortun ate that both applications were made at the same time he went on i don i feel it i the thin edge of the wedge since h4 perm ha only a height of thirty five feet and anything higher requirea apecial leglila tion he pointed out that i former aite kitty corner to the uemorlll park would hive proved too coatly lo the town for service the swamp would have upped thr coat by 3300 according to ur taylor jim lyona who haa built homea in that area contended that the sewers would be in capable of handling any greater load in anawcr to mr cass ques lion planning consultant derek utile predicted a time lapse of seen month at leaat until 11 the itcpa in rcioning are covered this makra clear to every one thit regardless whit the planning roard does there is no wiy that an immediate ap- kfhiaeii nam u i iivers christmas in georgetown here is our annual christmas bonus 10 off every purchase in our entire store from nov 18th to nov 27th only teai0 provi cin be given ur cits summed up since s more detailed estim ate of coats for servicing the kinsmen project was felt eesiary before the hoard could form a definite opinion the ap plication will be sent through the different municipal depart ments for their estimates and opinions following the process ing of thii application it uill come up again at another meet ing entertainment service recorded or live -fer- nancruets weddino inceptions adult and tkn dances pa facllllloa sulbr0 brampton toronto 459l8m 3w6v5 cocktail party and christmas ball friday december 3rd riviera norval cacktalta at 00 pnt dancing to johnny hoods orchestra stso a couru ceorcetown and district memorial hospital auxiliary t1ckkts ttmiso nu4 wanted king size pumpkin see cinderella at the tjtooitown high school auditorium friday 10th tj saturday lilt decemem seventh anniversary services sto andrews united church sunday november 28th 1 1 am 7 pm- speaker rev w m carson hamilton prdibylery mission cbuncll soclat hour following evening aarvlea georgetown chapter ot the barbarthoppert will ting bingo this monday 160 pm at the riviera in norval full jackpot 750 4060 in prizes every week free bus this monday phone 1772151 re routing terra c0tta inn please now we are mfvlnk maala every day until the ftrat ot january after that saturday and sunday only until ktster unleu party of 10 or mora by nrevloua arrangement open all the year for jteildenli only a fow opon daloa llt for f christmas parties a conferences outsitjl catering arranged ouruhomemade christmas cakes puddings chocolates now on sale for further inlorrtttlon fwiia 877994 z-

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