many free services are made available by georgetown red cross there is also special prog ram in teen home nursing which includes a course in baby silting for information phono mrs elaine sales ifcn 8772128 6 services for seniors friendly visiting is done in the community a speaker and film on general plans for retire raetrt are available upon quest as are speakers on the various specific aspects of re tirement a telephone visiting chain will be established when the need is there chains of five or six persons call each other laily and report to bed cross if help is required phone 8774424 7 water safety wat er safety is a means to an end free services made pos sible through or given by the georgetown and district red cross branch are 1 blood transfusion service three blood donor clin ics are hfcld yearly in george town approximately 9001000 blood packs collected for infor mation phone mrs r h jon 8773435 2 loan cupboard loan of sickroom equipment this loan cupboard is situated at the codarvale centennial centre the equipment may be borrow ed with the approval of the fa mily doctors for the use of sick persons who arc being car ed for at home the supplies in elude such items as crutches canes wheel chairs hospital beds bedpan etc for service phone mrs e balkind 8776553 or mrs v m sinclair 677 2948 3 disaster service in the case of a minor disaster house fires etc this service is ready to render disaster relief during town and district memorial the immediate emergency per hospial was the setting for the lod mainly in the form of food annual meeting of the hospital shelter and clothing mrs m d i association last thursday ev simpson rn 8776518 for cning glen williams mrs d hancock 877 9078 the meeting was opened by magistrate john d ord qc 4 individual emergency board chairman giving his an aid the purpose of the wei l rep a an analysis of fare service of this program is the operation of the hospital to meet the emergency need during the past year this was rather than to give long term i followed by a number of re- assistance the chairman mrs ports from the varioua commit s g walsh is also represents tee heads the administrator lve on the georgetown and dis nursing director and account trict social services referral a committee civilian enquirv service assists persons lit locat the election of officers fol ing friends and relatives with lowed which saw tom beer through the means of water safety instruction to the public via press radio pool schools industry etc now available to georgetown and district resid enta it is hoped that the end goal will be no tragedies in 1967 inquiries directed to mrs mjjpwden 8774407 re films lturetlotfustrtei girl guides etc instructors courses appll cations qualification applica tlons inquiries re awards post era pamphlets etc as soon as haltons new home for the aged citizens martin house adjoining the pre 8 first ah special indent halton centennial manor in milton u filled the board plans to sit down and begin planning the next one slructors courses for graduate nurses in red cross first ad are conducted in georgetown if requested these nurses qualified to teach the standard course in red cross first aid for information phone mis m simpson rj4 elect four officers at hospital boarojannual the cafeteria of the george- whom they have lost contact phone 8779233 5 care in the home for mcrly home nursing education progam yearly courses are held in georgetown care in the home is an educational course designed to provide m struction in home care of the sick of the aged and helpless and of mothers and babies those enroled have an opportu nity to take part in discussions and to gain confidence by prac ticmg nursing procedures und er the guidance of a registered nurse who teaches on a volun teer basis the course assists in the preparation of home nur sing auxiliaries to serve in time of disaster and also serves to interest individuals in volunteer service through red cross to the community ed iall ip a aroid mcclure elected to office a film was shown a cen tury of medicine whiefr fol lowed the course of medicine down through the years s nee u confederation in colour this 41 a h p ot sfi film was most instructive and uon to f interesting tracing as it did cers current oareb pres sunnucks in delegation to ottawa convention president joton fobert of brampton vice president wai sunnucks of the bramptoit real estate board will lead a dele gation of brampton and area realtors to the ontario associa tion of real estate boards 45th annual convention held m ottawa this year from march 12th to 14th the con vention is expected to attract over 600 delegates and wives from across the province head quarters in ottawa will be the chateau launer hotel during the three day meeting delegates will hear a variety of speakers and panels on various aspects of tie real estate industry tracing as it n 1c ro n canada from the horse and cut tcr days until the present whre canati n mj c dent is e a mitchell fri of brampton forming the local delegation of real estate board members are ev coates joe willie vjiuui ii ihj i- i b facihtes are second to none m i harley and don haynes the world the film showed a number of canadian doctors jwtml gcorqctowfl who have become international state stand on ly known through their contn buttons to medicine among the greats shown were ur a no p nting best and wilder penfield refreshments brought the ev ening to a close urban board sparks move centralize county welfare the north halton urban board has agreed to back a move to form a county wide wel fare organization county coun cil has set up a special commit tee to study the feasibility of integrating present scattered services into one efficient unit at the board s meeting last week acton mayor les duby expressed the view that wel fare was getting out of hand he said the town clerk admini strator had enough to do with out dealing with welfare cases in the area which now take up about 60 pe cec o his work ing day his othefworkpjlcs up and results in a back log cd mayor duby milton mayor sydney childs said that a similar situation ex isted in milton milton reeve austen ledwith suggested the setting up of welfare organization for the north halton area alone i it uould be easier than tn ing to get oakville and bjrling ton in on this he said the board agreed to obtain more information on the p o- poscd county organization ad to discuss it at the april ing urban board north halton urban board decided wednesday to ask gcor gctown councillors if they had opted out of the weakening org anization no georgetown representat ives have attended the past few monthly meetings one meeting held recently in georgetown was hld in a restaurant when no local men bers bothered to turn out the board will bring he mat tcr up for di assign a u nest meeting april 12 0 public relations speakers and films are a ell able on request all films sro sound and can be ehown on anv 16 mm projector phone e77 258 or 8774424 in advance second manor already discussed for county this announcement came from manor board member herb merry giving a report on manor progress to fellow councillors the reeve noted there was al ready a waiting list of 40 peop le desperate to enter the new 150bed facility reeve merry noted construe tion delays were finally over come he called milton an un get at able place and said builders don seem to want to work there and furni ure should be moed in during the latter par of march first pa uents are expected to enter the building in april the next home ahould be on the borders of oakville and burlington so it would be clo ser to the county s centre of population he added miss dorothy piercey was teachers sister miss dorothy piercey sister of gacrgetovn high school teachei mien loss piercey died sudder 7 in guepi en friday march 3rd also surviving are sisters mrs j a reed of acton and mrs rb greig of london and krpther george f elora funeral service and interment were on monday march 6 in fergus the british empire began when sir humphrey gilbert vis ited newfoundland in 1583 and proclaimed sovereignty over it kerr makes choice seek halton west george kjt mla for halton announced saturday he will bo a candidate for the conserve tlye nom nation in the new pro vincial riding of halton weft m- kerr made the announce ment at ex annual meeting of tlie acton and north esques ing progressive conservative vcoiation at band hall ac ton the nomination meeting will be held at the cen ral hih school auditorium april 7 a 8 pm in anticipation of a poring ectlon several parties in halton have already selected their can didates hornby dutch german food featured by cooks traditional dutch and germ an food provided an interesting cooking period and a tasty sam pllng session for the ashgrove centennial cooks when they met on saturday march 11 at the home of the president and hostess mary mcgee jean wilson made a hearty pea soup flavoured with onion and celery and cleverly com blned with tomato jul- mary mcgee fried potato pan akes and sman may baked a sweet spice cake which she served iced as german tea squares beth laidlaw showed group an unusual modern cook book compiled and published through auspices of th ymca it contains traditional recipes from over thirty other coun tries of the world and is truly a priceless edition for members of this centennial food club to leaf through the members made notes on the food preferences of the dutch german and belgian nationalities and also made fur ther plans for the club party at which they will entertain their mothers and former club leaders friends and relatives of mr and mrs jim bins visited with them at their ne v homo in bur litis ton on saturday ivcning mr ani mrs leslie hutlcdgo and fan ily spent the weekend with mr and mrs irvine wai lace of blyth birthday greetings to mrs lena hamilton who w 11 ecleb rate- her both birthday on mon day march 13th at her home on the town line fricn is will be welcome to call from 2 to 4 p m and 7 30 on mr and mrs ralph feathers- ton visited on monday evening with mr and mrs fred lister of palermo birthday greetings to the fol lowing who are celebrating birthdays john kuenug on septic tank pumping weeping tile trenching gravel fill halton sanitation services ron and bill mcgowan 177 9255 h van hoekelen shaw wedding in holy cross rc church holy cross r c church georgetown was the scene of the recent marriage of mar lyn nancy shaw dzlghle o r and mrs ronald sha v sid ed ward pj van hoc clsn son of edward van hoekelen geo rgetown and the late mr- van hoekelen the church was decorated with mums and red carna ons for the ceremony 3 cmi m by rov z deroo mrs r bur c georgetown sang tie wedding prayer and ave i ana acorn pamed by arthur redmond given in marr se by hr father the bide v a attired in a gown of white organza with chantilly lace a trcm fell fom the waistline ad v as outlined with matching la c t fit cd lace boa ce hd lorg lily cnt sleeves and a headdress pearls and cry tal pals held in place the br de s shoulder length four tiered veil of french illusion tulle she car nod a bouquet o red roses slcphanotis and ivy miss linda moore brampton vas the maidof honour and the bridesmaids were kathiyu sliav the bride s sister and ann van hoekelen the bridegrooms sis ter they wore red velvet full skirted gowns v ih scooped necklines and they carricd white and red carnations vcl vet nngbands to match thir gowns completed the ensembles of the attendants robin vmdcn brampton was the best man and the ushers were douglas shaw the bride si brother and ben van hoekelen the bridegroom s brother the reception was held in the rosctoun restaurant and to re ccive the guests the bnde s mother chose a yellow and iv ory brecade dress with match ing hat yellow shoes ivory bagl and gloves and a green orchid corsage she was assisted by the bride groom s sister mrs leo leu vennk who chose a black sheer i dress with white lace collar and i cuffs and black accessories and i a corsage of pink roses the honeymoon was spent in florida and for travelling mrs i van hoekelen wore a turquoise suit with a white fox collar matching hat black patent shoes and bag and a gardenia wnst corsage mr and mrs van hoekelen ire making their home- in guelph guests were present from london ont toronto ac ton guelph streclsvule port credit and north bay known for quality materials and service wynfield nursery and garden centre i half mil wert of 7th lin en 17 sideroad telephone 877 9952 the magic spell of easter manifests itself in the flaming facets of our diamond collection each gem has been selected for the four qual t es de- 5 red n perfect d amonds color quality cuttng and or g n you can fulfil her fondest dreams th s easter wth th s g ft of g hs a diamond john boughton jewellers certified watchmakers 5 main strut north s774 halton east progressive conservative assoc nominating convention milton high school friday march 17th 800 pm shake hon rosert welch provincial secretary for fast action multiple listu6 service member of the brampton real estate board this vital young religion many paths one god many colours one race many countries one world thar or it mltt on peopu o round th world today who ba llov that ttta unified on of monk nrj b h wi i of ged for ou age thay call rhu aha it rf1p btha i it what you o toohnfl for information upon raquai j lota road toronto 7 bahai world faith for locat information call 8772670 march to mrt madforth pew treaa and henry peacock on march 6 leanno driiidrn on march 10 and gertrudo mccur- dy on march 11 thi okhtarrowh iiimij thumby march imt 1m7 pageo l m brown od optometrist al 35 mill street georgetown just off main street phone 8773671 ask gag for a cash advance at your gac office iis8un you need to buy a b t of better living a dryer or dishwasher for your home a new boat for family fol a color tv set or new furnishings for any room is tin house you get prompt personal service and convenient monthly payments to fit your budget stop in or call get a cash advance from gac to help your family enjoy mter 1 v ng or for any good reason 12 man street soulh loans up to ssmt 6ac intenulloiul finance corporation ltd georgetown train to montreal ask about convenient departure and return times g 8 frolic 60 fteo for nfo ma on phono tho local cn passenger soles off ce cj canadian national planning a new home this year buy a halliday i family tailored home by may 15 and get this big bonus free broa jloom in r your living room i professkhally installed by i stradwickst choice ot haromg orcclanese1 g l haludays jm family tailored homes yoyr ky to greater value wihiiwjiijb i youll have no trouble qualifying for y if you act now wnatamore youtl mm ap 150010 ors when you build the halhday way contact jroa ihaavx today full information thiayear a halhday homoaianettarlay thbm ever before because there are mok stties mok floot riahs than evht tbotb new cntm ntcmeh camhets and vantnes majox kitchen aftwnob ksta11h undst a shoe mortgage w vou wtsw pus the added luxukr of bbs mcmdcoom ttalltoay homes limited 1 551 mapte ave burl ngton ont j name i icity i own a lot yes no telephone rush nervhomes catalogue don t mut the halbday display al the sportsmen s show cne grounds from march 10th to itlh w b hamilton construction ltd 8 re1d court georgetown t77j0 the haujd ay home dfaus m you onmnm1y