mm otarrown hiralo thumday t iw ita paok ynrrn sunday sod turning starts hillcrest church m m 1h big man with ha small shovel jim snow fi member of ho sunday at the corner of no 5 sideroad and the 7th line across from jmneview school the first od was turned for the new hlllcreat united church this is really a new church since it was formed through the amalgamation of two old established churches ashgrove and hornby united the name retecu the local lo on the crest of the hill on the 7th une between the two communities the decision to unite was made last november when both congregations voted overwhejmnd to do so it was an unuiual service with rev keith hawfcvs accompany ing the hymns on be trumpet and children invited to bring shtxvehfjrrid heap turrt the sod the new church will be built by snow omsiructitaji whose owner jim snow is mpt for hal- ion east a member of the church j- the first aoux were turned by thr lwo oldest members of the concreiiations 83 year old arth ur ruddell and 9l year old fred wrltfjjlesworth six foot four jim snow wai handed anall hovil in turn this wl and had to crouch to rfrach it many church mcmlwrs each ashgrove representing a church group were oalledi to turn a sod then the children took over enthus iastically trying to dig the whole excavation the sfervics closed with hymn and benediction elders of hihcreet united church are jrobert cunning ham ljoyd may stan price charles austin ernie glllis claude picket kred nurse ver- non picket fltaroltf robson cliff wri ggl cj worth steward ere chairman jam ejj carney sec retary jmrs edythe king trea uirajorismcjajajksl brownridge harold- reed ford wickson ralph cunningham john wallace roy wilson johnsop nee lands jmes snow william wilson mrs marin wilson trustee mtc thorna brownritfte bruca med tire johnson neclinds and cliff wriggleswyrth whhethe hiucrejtucw-ex- ecutive includes president mrs cliff wrigglesworth viceproi- ident mrs ward firownridgr recording secretary mrs vernon picket corresponding secretary mrs uw sampson treasurer mrs harold kobaon assistant treasurer mrs ccorrfe wilson and unit leaders mrs jatne sow mrs ward brownridge and mrs harold reed hwv halton eat mp p now church vi hear queens student at hillcrest service blood donors one up over last years clinics the total number of blood packs collected at this years three clinics is ahend of list years by one monday ihe clinic in hnly cro auditorium produced 2ft donations- ten of the 27s who offered blood were rejected twentysix offered blood for the first time tfc sunday morning september btlt was itally day in ashgrovc united church or the hillcrest congregations whrn the awarils and certificates for the sunday school scholars were given out also mr darrcll pickett the past president at toe alpha a ttuderu at queena university wan the speaker and delivered a very fine message after the service everyone at tended the sod turning cerem ony and breaking of ground for the new llllcresl united church hew k llawkh conducted a worship service with kev max well reading the one hundredth culm then two long time me mbers mr fred wngglesworth who has been a member inboth irornbyalwr 4fgroycc1iurchs trittri caniet forward and turned the first sods others having a turn tjj ij miikpn the shovels uere tom browni ralne bw nutsery ridse representing the trustee ci uanilv dv james carney the stewards j lx nappy way the monday donations brought to b02 the number of blood packs collected at 1068 clinics her to date a march clinic produced 332 and anoth er in june anti after three clin ics last year the total was ml the georgetown lied crosj branch which operated the cli- nics will hold a fourlh decem ber u the evelyn shoppe this thugs frlsai only new fall suedes leather types camel berets 5 oo as ei eacfi raincoats 20 50 off reg 10bo special 8 colours and white 32a36c brassieres exquisite form big value no 4417 no 3649 2 for f1 the price of m lloyd may the session mr jim snow chairman of finance com- mitec mrs clifford wriggles worth reprlsentintf the ucwend in milton bill wilson superintendent of the sunday school bob robson for the young peoples mrs ed ythe kin for the choir claude pfjrfertthe head of building committee johnson neelands the treasurer of building coili- mittee hev james maxwell wht brought greetings from st stephens anglican church itnriip and rv pr the l a ladies had quite a successful sale of food in their booth at the steam era week week ago i dresses suits casual party tfl g sizes 520 reg values 25 to 45 special ach all sales final the evelyn shoppe 7 main st k 8774831 the wi met in umehouse memorial hall on thursday ev ening mr iiitl mrs wilfrid grern- lees mr and mrs hill elliott cathy and murk and mr and mrs jack wood jon and jefif all of canidhfllv yjsitrd i he ter itcv keith hawkej greet ings were also read from halt- on preshytery home mix- don board after singing lead on o king eternal th bened iction was pronounced miss helen mills has rrcentf ly returned from a trip lo wash ington dc i mus eleanor anderson a- nur se at oakville has recently re turned from an extended lour of european countries you rt fitter start excavation the man playing cornof rev ktiilh hawkes add three appointees complete safety group atha tlirce rnniinin vacan cies on the town safety onmi ttee were hind hy cnuncil moi day njyht luinini ti hoard ly its full coiiiplfluull 01 six iihmi- bcrs- appninteis rcpresfnlin ward iwo are hichard eostcr in sar- fcnt uomi and ieanian allen 37 windsor road jiniiny val antille diputy fire tllirf v ah stppointed as the other ward one memher the six members are c phsu tinl i hichard vmv len ward 2 and friml ibu a monh i ltalcpafi- coipiici to f i following h child i mrandmrseredmurseand son siart have returned from a trip to the pas manitoba vi siting their daughter and kon- j inlaw or and mrs john pea- cork on the way home they tyrol i u aril 3 topped in kapiakasing and r and iranian al- visit fd with mr and mrs maur- jimmv valanlinc ce dixon f s l mr nndmrs frank vyilson s h3 chrlni s visited for a few i d days lat ucck ao manolick with iojmi thiir diiirliler mi and mrs younj graham hevve mrs john be ii noddy a u heihins an j family week ago sunday we wish mrs neenl success h her happy day nursery sclt no i recently opened she u- so has her own hut for collect- ingpupits i mrs oiirhr cameron of nnva srnlii tatamas- lirin i visiting with her daughter mrsj vance ijmguille for a feu weeks mrs aw benton need help use the herald help wanted cohittin for results i ma ii diatl xlivat of the greek philosopher heraclitus mada this statemeni when jiar realized fhflf everything aunound him was changing pant a rhia t vr flowing capture this moment before il is gone forever a special to introduce well ostablitlied pfiolo- jffnhl hinlrnt in lla gsnerel public my or child 595 a 77900 for drtua here now at murt allison s nyii r 1 georgetown the worlds best looking best performing snowmobile skidoa nt new peppier engines new refined transmission new quality finishing new deep foam comfort now allround dependability notice of closing part of bufferin street in the town of georgetown take norick that ik council t1 lh carjwrtloil of tha t6wh ht geeroalowrt prefmimi le pan a by1aw to dole up atuj vtep utt all that portion el duffarln straot in tha town f caareolewn mora particularly dourlbad at lollow all and kingulait lliat certain parcel or tract of bnil atwl premises fcituate lyihtf and beinj in the town of geor getown in the county of lfajtnn and province of ontario and beintf composed of part of dulfrrin street in the said town of eorjietown ai shown on rteiistcrftd ilin number 72 on file in the heylatry office for the aid bounty containing by admeasurement 0061 acres to the hame tnnre or less and which said parcel of land is more partlcu- lary described as follows prkm1sing that main st north in the said town of georgetown has a bearing of north 43 defi snio west astronomic and relating all boarinus herein thereto commencing at the point of intersection of the northeast until of main street north with the north west ijmlt of dufferln st in the said town of georgetown as ahown on said iteglstered rial nuniuw 72 kast alont thu 7521 foot to a tiienck noiitji 8 dcg mss said northwest limit of lufferin street point therein tiienck south dtit 2t03 kasl alnim a line drawn at right angles to thn said nnrthwst llmll of duwerin street 35m feet more or less to a point in the southeast limit of durferin street tidjnce south 4 dag 38 fw west along the said southeast limit of dufferin street 7480 eel lo tha point or intersection of the said southeast limit of diiireriu street with the aforesaid northeast limit or main street north as ahown on said registered 1lan numlier t2 tiiknce north 43 deg fs830 west along thn jiid northeast ijmlt of main street north being also the southwest limit of dulferln street 3384 feet more or leu to the point of commencement tha sals bylaw will b dealt with at a tnaallno of council to ko kola fai- tho purpose of tonldrlnu the tald- fcais- iir c -r- r- itv munlcls building 14 main street north georgetown all siecuniontt in reletlente the matters efojesald may he oaemlned at the omice of the clerk of tb munici pality at the municipal bulldlne aforesaid datid at oeercetewn this 24th day of auoyat 1741 c o kinham clertv fee the town of geordolown rlral published the mlh day of aupust 194i po230 0 id t insure your winter wheat for as little as 62c per acre now level of comprehensive covarags dasigrtosi to guarantee recovery of your outofpocket expenses at a very low premium cost if your svorags farm yield is 30 bushals par acre you can guarantee 50 of your crop production for just 62 cants per acre i hlrjhar lovols of covoraga cm guarantor 60 70 or 80 of your average farm yield at slightly higher premium rate act now applications for this government subsidited insurance must be made within 1 0 days after seeding and not later than september 26th ineastern ontario and october 1st in other parts of the province late seeded crops am not insurable final seeding date in eastern ontario is september 1 5th in central and southwestern ontario it is september 30th and october 20th is the seeding deadline in southern ontario for confirmation of seeding and application deadlines in your area contact your noarost agont or write directly to the croip insurance commission of ontario parliament buildings toronto 6 ontario wktattmatssmttakasi mccuaig insurance itu milton esasaeaaeapsspspssti 1 208 main st e